Magna Farta

CRank: 6Score: 20760

User Review : Watchmen: The End is Nigh

  • Graphics captured feel of the comic{Good, fluid combat{Good voice acting from Hollywood actors for once
  • More screen tearing than I'd like to see{Repetitive levels and enemy models{Only one boss battle

Watchmen it really that bad?

Now...the first red flag for most people on this subject is that it's a movie tie-in game. The second red flag is that it's based on one of the most influential graphic novels of all time, therefore it has a fanboy-expectation rating in the 10 digit-range. All I've been hearing is how bad it sucks balls and that everyone should avoid it. While I don't believe that EVERYONE should avoid it, just people with expectations in the 10 digit-range.

What we do indeed have here is a $20 download, and it's about 1.3GB (for the PS3 anyway). Upon seeing the trailer, it got my hopes up, because this gen has been seriously lacking in the brawler-game department. And I know why, because 3D brawlers usually don't sell well, and they're hard to pull off as a game to be taken seriously. Well, after playing this through, I find myself feeling satisfied, and not feeling ripped-off.

For a $20 game, the production value is me, I've played $60 games that look like crap compared to this. Character models look great. Textures look the way they're supposed to, and it has some of the best rain effects I've seen so far this gen. The sound is ok. You can tell a lot of the striking sound effects are stock, but it helps the game have a nostalgic feel to it. And it's beyond me why everyone's whining about the supposed "horrible voice-overs", because this is the first game I've heard the original actors reprise the voices and actually do a good job. Anyone remember Edward Norton in Hulk or Downey Jr. in Iron man? They sounded bored, monotone, and only in the studio to collect another bonus. Jackie Earle Haley and Patrick Wilson do a good job when voicing their characters, especially compared to the Hollywood talent as of late.

I am very thankful they went with the backstory of Nite Owl and Rorschach. It fits into the brawler setting and sets the appropriate tone for a city starting to go bad without desecrating and altering the actual "Watchmen" story. The comic-panel cutscenes are drawn quite well, and I like that they went with that format, despite people's whining about it. It feels right and it belongs, as it tells some of the story in its original format.

The control is a little different. Combos require a slight amount of timing and it helps keep it away from being a complete button-masher. The splitting up and pulling levers is a little redundant, but it helps relax you a bit inbetween battles.

All in all, this game gave me the beat-em-up fix I've so desperately needed for a long time. I feel it accomplished what it was designed to do, tell the story of these two crimefighters' past partnership and implement it well into a brawler. I had fun playing it, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter, even if no one else is.

Good combo system, timing helps shy away from "button-masher" label. Combat is fluid and visceral. The level designs are pretty plain. Puzzles are redundant.
For a downloadable game, the graphics are nothing to complain about. It hits 60fps here and there, but the screen tearing shows rushed production
Impact sounds are all classic stock effects, but that's not entirely bad. Good voice acting from the cast.
Fun Factor
This game gave me my brawler fix that I oh so desperately needed. Anyone looking for what Streets of Rage might've been this gen, this is probably as close as you're gonna get for now.
Jinxstar5546d ago

So... In your opinion is it worth the 20$ or should I wait? I have plenty of stuff to play right now but if you say its worth 20$ then I might just get it. I played the demo and it wasn't bad it just felt dated. Kinda like a 3d Streets of rage or something.

how long is it?


All Star Heroes: Top 10 DC Comics Video Games

Warner Brother's DC Entertainment has been known for putting out (mostly) consistent content for years, and that includes forays into video games. Given that DC focuses a lot more on their solo characters, particularly Batman, Superman and Green Lantern, than Marvel does, its no wonder that DC has had an easier time adapting their IP's to other trans-media proprieties. While Marvel's team movie effort The Avengers has proven wildly successful, DC's Dark Knight trilogy, recent Man of Steel film and the entire animated universe helmed by DC animation veteran Bruce Timm has defined an era of superhero cartoons and direct-to-dvd animated features.

Jackhass3950d ago

Man, DC Comics hasn't had great luck with games, has it? They had to resort to a few pretty average games to fill out the list.


Watchmen co-creator Dave Gibbons did little work on Watchmen: The End Is Nigh, but was paid “a lot”

Watchmen co-creator Dave Gibbons revealed that he was paid a hefty sum to be a consultant on the critically-panned Watchmen: The End Is Nigh game even though he wasn’t heavily involved. Gibbons also says the game is not canon, and because of that, he was actually fine with liking and disliking parts of the game.

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Lost Potential: Watchmen

"A brawler? Are you serious? As a game developer you look at the Watchmen movie / graphic novel and think “Hmmm that would totally go good with a fighting game, but since Dr. Manhattan would own everybody lets make it a brawler with Rorschach and Nite Owl!” Screw you Deadline Games!" - FirstDropShow

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sorceror1714447d ago

Well, *as* a brawler, it was decent. And had better graphics than most downloadable games. And don't forget, most games take longer to make than most movies, so movie games are always rushed.

That said... yeah, it wasn't worthy of the source material.