
CRank: 17Score: 225960

User Review : The Conduit

  • Addictive multi-player
  • Intuitive, fully customizable controls
  • Impressive graphical effects
  • Single-player lacks depth
  • Levels become repetitive quickly
  • No boss fights or cut-scenes to be seen

One of the Wii's most hyped games of 2009, did it live up to the hype?


The Conduit is a mixed bag. The single-player revolves around an agent named Michael Ford who is working for a government organization named the Trust, who specialize in dealing with alien-related topics and events. The story consists of nine missions which will take 40-60 minutes each, bringing the whole single-player length to about 5-8 hours, which is the average for a FPS game. The story of The Conduit is quite generic and the fact that there are no cut-scenes does not make it any more interesting. There is also a lack of boss battles which is a bummer as you would expect to be battling epic gigantic aliens all the time, but you don't. Overall, the story can be very difficult at times and no matter what difficulty setting you play on, you will die many times. The fact that it is challenging makes it fun and more enjoyable and despite it's flaws the single-player is descent and has an extra which has you searching and collecting hidden discs and messages.


The multi-player is of a far better standard than the single-player and can be very addicting. There are a descent amount of maps, many cool weapons to demolish your enemies with and a nice ranking system that has you earn XP and level up from rank 1 - 24. It can take a while to find a match sometimes, but its worth the wait. There are are few glitches, hackers and long loading times but the overall on-line experience is a blast compared to most other games on Wii. Finally, I will just add that a spli-screen mode would have been great but it is not necessary, you will still enjoy this game.


From a technical point of view, The Conduit is amazing. It has great lighting effects, unique water effects, brilliant shadow and texture effects and an overall great look. There isn't really an art style to speak of, but the game looks great the way it is with a nice futuristic environments and modern real places and real such as the White House.

Controls & Extras:

The controls in this game are its best part in my opinion. They are absolutely brilliant, and if you don't like the default controls then you can tweak and change almost anything to your liking, from turning speed to cursor sensitivity to dead zones and running speed, and even re-assigning any button to any other button. There is an extra mode which allows you to replay any completed level from the story mode to find all the hidden items. There is also a section to enable and disable cheats which include unlimited ammo, and another section where you can view stats such as on-line rank and single-player kills and deaths, and you can also view unlockable concept art.


Final comment: "Intuitive controls and addictive multi-player are more than enough to make up for the single-player's flaws. One of the best FPS games on Wii."

Whilst there are some bland textures and several jaggies, The Conduit manages to keep a good range of impressive graphical effects. Some of the best graphics on the Wii.
This isn't 5.1 surround sound that you find in blockbuster movies, but the Conduit has some great sound effects which help bring the game to life.
The fact that The Conduit has fully customizable controls is a big plus, but it doesn't take much a way from the repetitive level designs and objectives.
Fun Factor
The Conduit is great fun when it comes to multi-player, but the lack of split-screen and repetitive single-player greatly reduce it's lasting fun.
Online is probably the strongest point of the game. Whilst it does experience some lag and a range of annoying glitches, the variety of levels and weapons combined with the addictive game modes and rank system make this online experience one well-worth playing.
Double Toasted5000d ago

Yeah, I liked the Conduit, I was impressed by what I saw. The only problem I had, like other people did, was the environments where to bland and "boxy". If HV would've hired more artists the game would have been fully realized.


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