If you are wondering where I am getting my reviews they are from My Gamespot/Scribid Accounts
CRank: 5Score: 4710

User Review : Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

“Face your true self”

Persona 4 Review

Platform - Playstation 2

No. of Players - 1

Genre - RPG (Japanese RPG)

(Vexx’s) Classification - Its Scoobie Doo in Japan except the high school kids have strange powers and there is a Serial Killer on the loose….and people go inside T.V’s.

Time played - 80 hours 2 minutes (in game) but more like 82 hours of reloads and other stuff

Date started/completed - 8/14/09 - 10/10/09(12:30 am)

Well.. I must say this is one of my favorite Japanese Rpg’s ever made. P4 ended up being a hell of a lot better than I thought.

The story well in a nut shell, you are this kid that moves from the city to the rural country side town of Inaba in Japan and go to school for a year with your Uncle and little cousin but, as soon as you get there a string a serial of murder cases start to happen and thus this wild story begins…


There are a lot of pros. The story is excellent and plays out so well that in all honesty you can see some stuff coming but most of the plot is surprising and refreshing.

The characters, Ok I rarely RARLY play a game where I like how all of the characters are developed and respect all of them the way they act this game is one of those games. Saying that you don’t like one character in this is impossible in my opinion.

The combat system, Wow since it being my first Persona game and apparently the one with the best combat system its pretty freaking good. You hit the enemy with their weakness? Well hit there ass again! You dazed all of the enemies on screen? WELL DOG PILE ON THEM AND EAT THERE FACE! No really its kinda like that.

The Soundtrack well its done by Shoji Meguro aka the Shin Megami Tensei Music guru. This guy is amazing with all the music he does and this sound track is no different, perfect in my opinion and it comes with the game no less!

The graphics are very good for a recent PS2 game nice effects and it runs smooth. There were anime style cut scenes and there were a good amount of them, put in excellent places as well.


Well this part of my review is a word of warning that do not reflect my score of this game but just some stuff that I think people should know before playing this

1.) It earns that M rating - Seriously this game has such a potty mouth to its not even funny I have never heard this much cussing in Japanese Rpg before.

2.) If you don’t like the Japanese language don’t play this - No seriously this didn’t bother me at all because I hear Japanese all the time now a days but this game uses most of the Japanese suffixes like -kun and -chan and it uses the formal address to people like Sensei and Senpai.

3.) If you never played a Persona game before… - Persona is part JRPG part life simulator I mean you’re a guy in High school in this game I mean there are questions you got to answer you got to study I mean you hang out with friends interact with people and later even date some of the girls in the game.


Well the cons this time around the Cons fall under 1 category and pretty much my only problem with this game. Its TOUGH…T-O-U-G-H and it falls into 3 reasons and 3 only.

1.) No powering through - You can grind in this game but that’s more less wasting time even if you do one major mistake can screw you up. The first dungeon in the game in all honesty for me is the HARDEST in the game because of the strength of the first dungeon boss.

2.) Main character dies, Game over to the title screen - This is probably my biggest pet peeve in the game if your character dies it's over better hope you saved. Even if you had revive items or a revive skill and your allies were alive but if you die it immediately ends. I understand the reasoning behind it though. You are the leader and in the game they listen to direct commands to you so if you die the whole plan falls apart I get that realism aspect but in this kind of game its just a pain.

3.) Sp(Skill points the equivalent of MP in this game) recovery items are non-existent - Yup even the item shop only sells HP recovery, status recovery and revival items. The only SP recovery items are these cans of drinks in vending machines but the healing amount is so miniscule(5 sp) that it is pointless and you can only buy 5 of them a week (in game) I mean there are some in dungeons and treasure chests but the most they ever recover is 50 SP. Now in the beginning recovering 50 sp is amazing and even later in the game its good but they only come up every once in awhile.

P4 is an amazing game and Atlus hasn’t lost their touch with their highly successful Persona series.

Fun Factor

Atlus’ Domain Registrations: Persona Games/Spin-offs The Future Holds

"Atlus, the publisher of the ever-growing Persona franchise had registered a bunch of domains related to the Persona series. Keep in mind, companies register domains and trademarks all the time that they never actually act on. (Example: Sony’s glove controller for PS4) However, the series is continuing to grow with its fifth main installment shipping 1.5 units on PS4 — that’s a huge number for this once-niche RPG series. The series quickly gained traction after the release of Persona 3 on the PS2 — ever since then we’ve gotten a handful of remakes and spin-offs. Because I’m such a fanboy of Persona, I want to go through the list of domains and give my thoughts on what each domain Atlus has registered could be." -- PlayStation Enthusiast

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GameBoyColor2566d ago

smt making a return to playstation? hmmmm

Fist4achin2566d ago

Im all for it. This series as a whole is well thought out, entertaining to play, and made well. Keep em coming!

brettnll2566d ago

That's exactly how I feel about it :)


Under $5 sale on digital PS3 games include Mass Effect Trilogy, Odin Sphere and Shin Megami Tensei

The digital PS3 version of Mass Effect Trilogy has dropped to $4.49. Odin Sphere, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha versus King Abaddon, Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 and Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 are also on sale for $4.99 each.

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2628d ago
PhoenixUp2628d ago

Better hope you have a backwards compatible PS3

2628d ago
_-EDMIX-_2628d ago


These are sales for the digital versions of those games in fact I have a backwards compatible PlayStation 3 and I still opted to purchase the digital version of some of these games simply because they ran faster and the actual PlayStation 2 versions cost a fortune.

Ironically I'm actually currently playing Persona 4 right now on my PlayStation 3

RhymeNorReason2628d ago

Persona 4 on eBay is only $15... that's not a fortune. Though I did purchase this digitally to save a few $$$.

_-EDMIX-_2628d ago

@Rhyme- thats a good deal for that version. Its normally always $10 on PSN though.....

Mind you, I couldn't find it on Amazon for that price years ago when I was looking for it lol.

I found it on PSN simply by googling and finding out Atlus put a lot of their games on PSN and I ended up getting it on sale for like 5 bucks.

Tross2628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

$4.50 for the Mass Effect Trilogy?! I would jump on that if I didn't already have the game. I also own all of these Atlus titles physically, and I think I did get the digital version of Persona 4 just to support the digital release/have it on my PS3, even though I think my PS2 is still the most authentic way to play it. Granted, Golden is the definitive version IMHO with maybe one minor point in favour of the original. Perhaps I should open up a Tracy Rooney vs. Erin Fitzgerald discussion right here for my own amusement, but derailing the Internet can't be that easy, can it?

2628d ago
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Phoenix Down 48.4 – Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

Phoenix Down is hosted by Drew Leachman and Matt Quinn. Each segment focuses on an older game the duo decides upon with another member of the ZTGD crew or special guest. They play through and discuss the mechanics and how well it holds up today. It is the ultimate in backlog elimination.

The crew finally reach the conclusion to this MegaTen game.

Drew Leachman
Matt Quinn
Sophie Halliday