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User Review : Sega Genesis Collection

  • 28 games. I mean, really! That's a lot!{Isn't all updated or any of that garbage{Responsive and easy to learn controls
  • They have Altered Beast but not Road Rash!!!?{Not enough Sonic!:)

28 games. Enough said

Sega Genesis Collection is exactly how it sounds: A collection of Sega Genesis games. There's 28 in all, and if you got rid of your old Genesis or always played SNES (like me), then this is definitely good for you.

What is there to say? The Sega Genesis games are just how you remember them. Most of these games are great (Sonic 1&2, Golden axe 1-3, and Phantasy Star 2-4), while some are pitiful excuses for filler. Altered Beast is just plain bad, and Virtua Fighter 2 should've been the 3-D arcade version, even though it's titled "Sega Genesis" collection. And what about Road Rash? It was no Mario Kart but it's one of my favorites on that system! But It's missing for some reason, and it would've been better if they took out, oh say, Kid Chameleon, Altered Beast, and Bonanza Bros., and replaced them with Road Rash and the other 2 Sonics (Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles). There's also a lot of unlockable content in it like interviews and art from the games. The only complaint I have about it is that, to unlock it, you have to play the disaster known as Altered Beast! (I'm sorry to keep trashing it, but I hate that game!)

The controls are a little different now since A, B, and C have been replaced by X, O Triangle and Square. However, the controls transitioned well to the PSP. You can also change it at will.

Graphics and Sound
The graphics and sound have been restored a little bit, but it's just how you remember them. The awesome music on Sonic, the terrible voiceover of "rise from your grave" from Altered Beast (Why? Why put it on here? Seriously!), have all been preserved as well as the classic 16-bit graphics, which is nice because they don't need to update everything on all remade classics. Sometimes, it's good to leave things the way they are.

Put simply, anybody who likes old games will want this in their collection. And there's plenty of unlockables to get. But if you want all that content, enjoy getting 18000 points on Altered Beast. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :)

Unlockables, and 28 games. Need I say more?
Everything you remember has been kept exactly like it was in 1990. But there's been a little better.
Just like above, nothing's changed. Almost everything is as awesome as it always was (unless it never was awesome)
Fun Factor
The old Sonics are the only ones I like anyway (after Sonic Adventure for Dreamcast, all console Sonics suck. Send your hate mail, I don't care!)
wolfehound225886d ago

Good review a little to harsh on Altered Beast. Maybe I'm a little partial since I loved that game when I was little. Other than that great review.

TheDeadMetalhead5886d ago

I'm sure the game was awesome 20 years ago in 1989, but it just didn't go well with me at all...


Sword of Vermillion Brings Action Role Playing to Sega Genesis – January 28th, 1991

Carl Williams writes, "When you have someone on staff like Yu Suzuki you have to let them spread their wings and fly. With Sword of Vermillion that is exactly what Sega did- this was Yu Suzuki’s first console exclusive title, sadly it was not exactly a sales record setting release. Sword of Vermillion was a few game engines smashed together and for many fans that was its downfall. While magazines of the time had mostly positive things to say about various parts, the detractors hurt quite a bit. Still, if you were wanting an action role playing game on the Sega Genesis Sword of Vermillion was your only choice in 1991."

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PixelGateUk3058d ago

The battle music is forever haunting

dead_pixels3058d ago

I still get the church music stuck in my head pretty often. Loved playing this game a ton back in the early '90s.

TheColbertinator3057d ago

One of my favorite RPGs of the 16 bit era. Suzuki changed my life as Vermilion propelled my gaming future to JRPGs


Gaming History 101: Sega Genesis

This week Fred, Jam, and Derrick from Dead Pixel Live are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Sega Genesis. The first heavy hitter of the 16-bit generation started as a console for sports games and high quality arcade ports and later became known as the console for edge and violence. GH101 covers the creation, launch, and span of a console that in six short years gave us a coveted library of memories

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Get A Sega Genesis With Games For $2,300

"I don’t understand why people feel the need to take their old console and then sell it for a bunch of money. Just because your game console is old, does not make it collectible. Today I bring you the “Sega Genesis and 45 games!” For the low low price of $2,300 you can get the following:

* sega genesis console
* A/C adapter and connector cable
* 2 working controllers
* 45 games

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RockmanII75071d ago

I really want to put my old Gameboy Color up there along with like 3 games for $1000. What is there to lose?

ZombieAutopsy5071d ago

Hell i still have my original Gameboy with Tetris i think 20,000 sounds about right.

Besides their is a Uniques Gift Shop about 35 minutes from where i use to live and you could buy just about every console thats ever been made and each one was under 75$

dizzleK5071d ago (Edited 5071d ago )

realistically you'd get maybe $100 for that considering it's pretty much all common as dirt titles. cram your sob story, chump. shit is tough all over.

codyodiodi5070d ago

Did that for the $35,000 NES, put down $50,000 for it and made big news on Destructoid. I wouldn't recommend it.