
CRank: 7Score: 46210

User Review : Resistance 3

A Good Game That Feels a Bit too Familiar

After the negative fan reception of Resistance 2 Insomniac Games went back to the drawing board for Resistance 3. Resistance 3 is set a few years after the ending of Resistance 2 and follows Joseph Capelli as he leaves his new life to stop the Chimera virus once and for all. The first thing you notice when you get your hands on the game is how different it is from Resistance 2. Going away from the set-pieces that defined Resistance 2’s campaign, Resistance 3 focuses on the tight fire fights between Joseph and the Chimera while still having a few set-pieces in the mix.

The weapon wheel returns in all its glory allowing players to be able to play how they want to. This is great compared to other games where guns are conveniently placed for certain situations. This allows for experimentation and overall more fun as you never feel like you’re out of ammo. Also, the way each gun feels and plays is unique and adds variety. A standout for the new guns would be the Atomizer with its secondary fire. It shoots a mini black hole that draws enemies to it and zaps them until they die in a great animation. Furthermore, having the guns level up and become more powerful with use adds to the customized experience that Resistance 3 entails.

Resistance 3’s story is more personal and human than both previous entries. Joseph feels guilty after killing Hale in Resistance 2 despite it being the right thing to do and as a result he wants to redeem himself. The story follows this redemption as he journeys across America to New York. This is an attempt to finally stop the Chimera and allow survivors to start living their lives out of fear. This is onset with Joseph’s family as he wants to provide for them and care for his sick son. The one thing that the story did not do as good as it could of was set up the levels. The levels in the game are all basically Joseph getting stuck in an area, he meets someone, they tell him what to do, he does it and he then goes to a new area and the cycle repeats. This does get better near the end of the game as the story starts getting more grave during the cut scenes. More story during gameplay would have been nice. Overall, Resistance 3 wraps up Josephs personal story nicely while allowing more games to be made if wanted to.

The levels in Resistance 3 are all unique and different than one another but not compared to other shooters. There are noticeable similarities to games like Half-Life 2 with a whole level feeling like “We don’t go to Ravenholm anymore.” Another part of the game felt like Half-Life 2 Episode 2 when you are in the mines running from a giant antlion. There’s also the train level, a sniping level and a hold your position as long as possible level. The level design is great in Resistance 3 as you never get lost and feel like you are constantly moving to new distinct areas. The levels themselves feel too familiar and similar to other shooters. The graphics however, have a unique style and are some of the best in first person shooters on consoles. Every environment looks great and distinct as well as each type of enemy. The sound in the game is also great with a great score during the more intense parts of the game.

Resistance 3’s multiplayer could have a large following if patched and updated regularly. Resistance 3 came out at a time where no new big online shooters have been released and as a result has some breathing room to become some people’s new favorite online game. It’s a standard class and perks multiplayer with kill streaks but the uniqueness comes from the backdrop of humans versus the Chimera. Both have their own unique kill streaks and designs that adds to the tension between two distinct forces fighting. This is not like Call of Duty where you cannot tell which team you are on unless looking at the scoreboard. With promised DLC and patches Resistance 3 could have a strong online community.

Resistance 3 is a game with a lot to offer. With good multiplayer, graphics, sound, story and gameplay no one will feel cheated if they pick the game up. However, games need to start bringing more uniqueness to their levels and design instead of going to others for inspiration because as a result shooters, like Resistance 3, are becoming familiar and dated before they are even played.

Some of the best in console shooters.
Great soundtrack during intense firefights and good weapon and bullet sounds.
Great variety in enemies and weapons. More tight gameplay than Resistance 2 with a boss fight or set piece thrown in here or there.
Fun Factor
Great game play but some of the levels feel too familiar.
A good online with great opposing forces but countless other games have the same basic multi-player.
coolbeans4611d ago

Although there's a few noticeable errors in the first paragraphs, I still approved because you brought across a good message. You'll notice the mistakes if you read the review out loud. PM if you'd like some help :).

4610d ago
CynicalVision4610d ago

'Feels a Bit too Familiar'

Not to judge but isn't that the entire point of a sequel?

coolbeans4610d ago

"Too" being the key word. Sequels are meant to feel familiar, but also branch out enough to feel like they have their own identity.

CynicalVision4610d ago

I disagree, People buy sequels because they like the experience of the first.

JaredH4610d ago (Edited 4610d ago )

If you read the review I'm not saying Resistance 3 feels like Resistance 2 or 1. I'm saying that it feels just like every other shooter in it's levels and some design choices. This makes the game less exciting.

SLLCKGT4609d ago (Edited 4609d ago )

All too familiar? Have you played the BF3 beta? You don't even need to play MW3 to know exactly how it is. Although you are entitled to your opinion I can't understand your comment about being too familiar. I seriously don't think I can enjoy other FPSs like this one ever again. 12 weapon wheel. No health regeneration. Continuously outnumbered and outgunned. Like I said in my other comment on R3 review, I can NEVER go back to hiding like a little girl and wait for my health to recover. That doesn't take skill regardless of how people wanna brag they beat COD on veteran. I've liked the Resistance series but never loved it til this game.

JaredH4608d ago

Read the review maybe. There's a sniping level, a half-life 2 level, a train level, a prison level, etc. I'm saying it's familiar in its levels. When every game has the same levels it kind of gets boring after a while and that's what I'm saying. It's also familiar in its online being that it is just a normal perk and killstreak online that's in most games these days. I also guess normal is fairly easy since the non-regenerating health didn't affect me as much as it did in Fall of Man.

SLLCKGT4608d ago

I read the review and I didn't mean my comment to come off negative. I see your point about the levels being the same and I agree, but nowadays what else can you do. People will say the same thing for future FPSs. Only thing that separates these type of games are weapons and story, which this game is unique in both. I really recommend you playing it on Hard, cause even I didn't get stuck in too many places but it makes you work for your checkpoints. Superhuman is another story.


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Eonjay687d ago

Resistance 3 is such a great game. One of my all time bests.

cooperdnizzle687d ago

Couldn’t agree more. Still love It as a shooter to this day.

Just something about that game. I really wish they would just do a remaster, don’t even need a remake just bring it up to todays out put, touch up a few things if any, and I am there to buy it day one.

Of course I would love a remake built from the ground up. As long as they treated it like Shadow of the Colossus, or close to those type of remake. Wouldn’t want it to get the RE treatment…. Just because the game is already paced so perfect and hits all the right beats that I wouldn’t touch that aspect.


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Knushwood Butt745d ago

My take:

Single player
3, 2, 1

3, 1, 2

3, 2, 1

I beat the lengthy single player in 1 multiple times and spent hours in the online too. Plus 1 featured my home town! Special mention to the audio design in 1: playing that with surround headphones blew me away.

Note: I have the platinum for Resistance 2.

Eidolon743d ago

Resistance 1 MP will always be my favorite. Call it nostalgia or whatever, but that was my jam, felt more balance, natural.

Miraak82 743d ago

i have the platinium too , 10k kills in online ranked matches was no joke . Took me 3-4 months straight grinding but it was fun . To put it in perspective you only got like 25 kills per match if you were 1st place every match that's at Least 400 matches in 1st

Sciurus_vulgaris745d ago

I only played the 3 main Resistance titles. My ranking would be;
1. Resistance 3
2. Resistance: Fall of Man
3. Resistance 2

GoodGuy09745d ago

Man I loved 3's campaign. Another gem stuck on the ps3 and who knows if insomniac will go back to the franchise.

fr0sty743d ago

Resistance, Warhawk, MAG, Motorstorm, there's so many first party gems on PS3 that Sony has just left to die...

P_Bomb744d ago

Never played Burning Skies but I still have Retribution.

monkey602744d ago

Burning Skies was about 3 hours long and rather inconsequential. You haven't missed anything

porkChop744d ago

Honestly, Burning Skies was shit. There's no two ways about it. At first I thought it looked terrible, then I second guessed myself. Big mistake.

darthv72743d ago

Retribution has this really cool feature where you could use a PS3 to link a controller to it and play. So if you had a 2000 or 3000 hooked to a tv, you can use a real controller. All of this predates the PSP Go's ability to sync a sixaxis to it via bluetooth.

Yui_Suzumiya744d ago

Resistance 3 was shocking and brilliant. Loved it.

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While the studio is best known for Spyro the Dragon, Ratchet, and Clank, and Spider-Man back on the PS3 the studio broke from creating platformers and made one of the highest regarded science-fiction first-person shooters of all time. This was Resistance and it remains one of Sony's most acclaimed and dormant franchises.

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Jin_Sakai1100d ago

Really wish Insomniac would bring back Resistance!

darthv721099d ago

Agreed. Until they do a new entry, I'd love to get the two portable games remade into console versions. Maybe in a nice compilation with the mainline titles.

monkey6021099d ago

Burning Skies wasn't a great game.
It was only a couple of hours long and there was nothing memorable about it.

I'd love a new entry

darthv721099d ago

^monkey, hence why it should be remade into a better version.

SullysCigar1100d ago

Resistance 3's campaign was gorgeous for the time - and an awesome game to boot.

monkey6021099d ago

I remember being put off by it because McHale wasn't the MC but it turned out to be my favourite campaign

CBaoth1099d ago

by and large though the Resistance IP featured many protagonists (4 altogether I think if you include the portables). One of the reasons I enjoyed it was not being shackled to individual story arcs. Very rare for a major franchise.

Army_of_Darkness1099d ago

My favorite resistance game as well! It seriously had creepy, scary a$$ moments bro! It made me want an action horror game from insomniac!

Mr_cheese1099d ago

Remember playing this through online co op with the move controller and gun attachment! What a game!

BlackIceJoe1100d ago

I've said in the past I'd like to see this series return and have it take place years later, like in the present.

I'll give you an example if I'm not mistaken the last game ended in the 50s, so if it was to take place some time in the 2020s you'd have an opportunity to see how the world changed after the fall of Chimera and all the new technology that came out of that war.

Just like in our universe we all know WW2 happened, but we never experienced it, so if the next Resistance game takes place years later so too would people in that universe know a war look place against the Chimera, they just wouldn't know what it really was like.

So getting to see how that universe would respond to the Chimera reemerging would be interesting.

Imagine a little kid talking with his grandfather about the war and the kid just thinks it was just a made up bed time horror story and what was said was worse than what really took place, but now that the Chimera come back the kid will find out why years later the old timer adults were still waiting for the Chimera to return.

I think there is great potential for this series still and I really believe the best way forward for Resistance is make it have a time jump too.

So hopefully this series will return.

Dragonopolis1099d ago

Great Idea. I'd play that version.

Resistance was a great game and of all the remasters.... I would play a great remastered version of resistance series as well

waverider1099d ago

I was blown away when i played for the first time Resistance on the PS3. Great Game. Also liked very much an played for hundred of hours the Co-op of R2. The SP campaign of R3 is also excelent. I really hope that Sony and Insomniac annouced the Remaster of the Series and a new chapter. They got story to do that.

Jambola121099d ago

Resistance 2 was one of the first few games i played on ps3 and I loved it, would definitely finish that again :D

Chevalier1099d ago

I loved all the Resistance games. But part 2 online was amazing. The Marksmen for the Spec Ops type class when it was fully upgraded was such an amazing weapon. Oh man I wish they release all the games again and let us play part 2 online again.

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