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User Review : PixelJunk Monsters: Encore

  • Addicting gameplay.{Original ideas{Very challenging.

    Build your tower and destroy!

    In a world of video games that is overflowing with First person shooters it's good to play something different. Puzzle games are starting to become a favorite of mine. Unlike First person shooters where you hold down one button to kill people puzzle games make you think a little bit.

    Enough ramblining though lets get to the game. Pixeljunk Monsters is a 2D tower defense game. You play as some sort of turtle like creature and you must prevent your Pixeljunk monsters from being killed by waves of on coming enemies. You do this by building towers (using surrounding trees) that shoot various things such as arrows, cannonballs or even fire. Certain towers will be stronget against certain types of creatures. For example the arrow tower will work best against spiders and the cannon will work best against golems, this is where the strategy comes in, you have to find a way to get enough coins to build enough towers to fight off the waves of enemies while upgrading your towers to kill these enemies as they grow stronger. Somehow this makes the game strangly addicting because playing this game trying to find out how to beat that one level will take a lit of experimenting and a good battle strategy.

    Overall this game feels like a return to those addicting games of the past that you can play over and over again. Its a simple formula that you can learn in about 5 minutes but that levels on harder difficulties will add a lot of replay value. Even after you beat them you can play them over gain to get a higher score or even try to win withough losing a pizeljunk monster if you think you got the smarts to do so. This game is definitely worth the 8 dollars it costs if your into strategy games or your just looking for something diferent.

    Very addicting and will keep you coming back for more if you like a brainteaser.
    Simple 2d graphics. Not always a bad thing.
    Very calm music that matches the mood of the game.
    Fun Factor
    No FanS Land5828d ago

    you're right, this game is my favorite on the psn. the first time I swa it Icouldn't believe the simple looking, yet appealing game that is. plus the fact tht there are some more dlc available for it and it is remote play compatible makes this game a must own.

    2563d ago
    2562d ago

    Q-Games is Having a PixelJunk Anniversary Blowout Sale

    Starting tomorrow, to celebrate Q-Games 10th and PixelJun's 5th Anniversary all of PixelJunk games will be on sale.

    Read Full Story >>
    paybackprahl4384d ago

    Sale looks sick. Can't wait to pick up a bunch of these for $1 apiece.

    JoGam4384d ago

    Damn I already have these games. The prices are so cheap I might buy them again, lol. WOW...Just $1? You'll be a FOOL not to buy them. smh!

    ftwrthtx4384d ago

    Great deals. Too bad I own most f them already.

    TheDivine4384d ago

    Holy shit thats a great deal. I want all of those on vita but il grab the ps3 ones for a buck. Too good to pass up.

    kasasensei4384d ago

    I hope we will get the same sales in Europe....

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    Tawkn Podcast - PixelJunk Shooter

    Dana on Tawkn writes:

    "Here it is - the second official Tawkn Podcast! This time, we make you sit through an hour of discussion about PixelJunk Shooter, with some talk about the previous PixelJunk games. Brian's cats get hungry and make a cameo as well, so don't miss this one!"

    Also, a download code for Shooter is hidden in the podcast.

    5246d ago
    5246d ago