Look... A Spaceship ^


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User Review : Paragon

  • Unique Character Models
  • Beautiful Art Style
  • No Pay-Walls
  • Only One Map available Currently
  • Slow Starts once you have an idea for the game

Early Look at Paragon. One MOBA to Rule Them All?

I'd like to begin by stating i am not a regular MOBA player. i haven't tried League of Legends, i never played Dota, but i was curious about trying these sort of games. i found what prevented me in the past, wasn't only the misconception about MOBA players, that they spend every waking second playing the game, or spend all of their hard earned cash on the game, but the tales of people being verbally attacked online for not knowing how to play the game, or choosing an incorrect upgrade for the chosen character. Too many times i have heard blame on losing a match to the noob.

I have yet to experience that in Paragon.

It may be due to multiple reasons instead of just one. Paragon is a new game, and may not draw the attention from seasoned veterans of LoL or Dota. It's also the first MOBA from EPIC Games and its also one of the few on the PS4 and PC. All of these add to calm, paced understanding of the game and all it's mechanics across the entire community.

Not to mention it's free to play... sort of.

I was lucky enough to get in to Paragon during the Closed alpha testing where we had to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) about the game. so for a while, i wasn't able to show anything to any of my friends, Epic went as far as coding the actual PS4 app as an image viewer. being apart of the Alpha let me have access now that it is in it's Early Access form, a norm on PC, a first on PS4. To gain Early Access there is a small 19.99 charge, with two other tiers of 59.99 and 99.99.

I highly recommend anyone who find these sorr game appealing in any way to purchase the 19.99 founders pack. With 13 heroes available in game it gives alot of choice in who you want to run during the match. Up until level 7, some characters are locked as they are advanced heroes, but the starting characters are different enough that you can get a feel for the gameplay. If for any reason, you are hesitant or have your reservations about the game. Download the client, becuase from now until June, they will be holding Open beta weekends to let people try it and give more feedback for final release.

Speaking of gameplay, I found alot of people turned off by the starting time of any match with this game, i can't say if its the same for LoL or Dota, but Paragon is a little slow at the beginning, action isn't right in your face until later in the match. The main purpose at the beginning is to eliminate the enemy minions to gather Card Points, which can then be used on cards to upgrade any number of attributes for the hero based on deck set up. Some players prefer high health, others want faster attack speed. some prefer all out damage, and some prefer armor. the possibilities are endless.

And there isn't a single pay-wall in the game. everything is unlocked in game, the coins one can buy simply increase the rate at which you unlock cards.

This game excels for beginners mainly due to the fact that the community involved with it is very friendly, after my first match i asked what the 4/7/16 meant beside my name, and a pc player explained the now obvious Kills/Deaths/Assist.

The heroes themselves are very unique, each has a distinction that sets themselves apart from the others, while still being able to recognize the role at first glance. Each character model is so cool and realistic, as realistic as a full grown mole operating a mech suit can be of course, compared to other games in the same genre. Smite seems too Blizzard for me in the same art style of WoW, and Battleborn from Gear Box is too cartoony for me as well. But the art styles do not diminish those games. Never would I say this is better because it looks this way over that. It's all based on gameplay, and so far, Paragon is the only one to catch and hold my attention.

With the game in early access, there is only one map and one mode right now, but once PvP is unlocked it becomes a whole new game as you are having to out think other players. It'll keep my attention for sure until new maps or modes are released upon its June Retail release. At that point I will make a new review based on retail copy that isn't currently in development.

All this said and all that I have done in the game, I highly recommend this game to anyone who loves this style of art, or this genre of gaming.

While graphics are no where as amazing as Uncharted 4 or other Major Releases, the Art style is very realistic compared to other MOBAs
I love the Commentary. the man behind that voice is a god to me.
Very fun game once you understand the rules and mechanics. can be a little off putting for new MOBA players
Fun Factor
With every match being different because of the players you are going against, it is fresh and rewarding with every match.
While the online matches work wonders, specially if you set up a party before hand. Searching for players tend to take a little time still, and some people become impatient.
wakeNbake2982d ago

Im never even played a MOBA, but Im curious to give it a try on PS4.

nX2982d ago

I always hated MOBAs on PC because of the terrible communities and the endless mouse-clicking, Paragon changed this completely for me. I've played over 15 hours on PS4 already and I'm still enjoying it, it's really worth the 20$ they're asking for.

Goldby2981d ago

I was the same way, i did get suckered into awesomenauts and air mech. I havent really enjoyed much in terms of MOBAs, but something about Paragon just keeps me wanting more. BTW a new character is being added next week


"Predecessor" Dev Omeda Studios CEO States It was a "Pretty Big Shock" Epic Killed Paragon

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Where Do Games Go When They Die?

As we trend ever deeper into a world of games that require servers maintained by the developer or publisher, we see more and more games disappearing from the world. What happens when these games are shut down? What does it take for a game to survive beyond this point?

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NecrumOddBoy1697d ago

Alamogordo, New Mexico "RIP E.T."

ApocalypseShadow1697d ago

I was going to say that. Lol!

Actually, "Just ask Atari where ET is."

But basically the same joke.

vikingland11695d ago

It depends on how good they are :-)

Profchaos1695d ago (Edited 1695d ago )

Most modern games that have online components like destiny rely so heavily on co op between players that even if you had a full disc version popping it in and playing won't be a fun experience as you can't play the actual game after hitting a wall with difficulty levels of they even boot

But classic titles like vice city will still be the same in 2049 as they were in 2001 provided you play on a disc not stripped down digital versions that have the soundtrack cut out ten years later

Traecy1695d ago

They don't die,they just become irrelevant. Multiplayer games are another story.

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Rangerman12082066d ago

Nice. If epic doesn't want to be bothered with it, might as well let the fans do the job.