
CRank: 10Score: 23560

User Review : Hannah Montana: The Movie

  • Easy Trophies{Those damn songs get catchy!{variety of tasks
  • Pedestrian Pace{Bland graphics{Not many of tasks are great!

Cyrus Junior gives a reason for easy trophies!

When I first started playing games I was very much the child, four to be exact and the Atari 2600 graced our living room, over the years I had that console, I enjoyed the highlights of Pac man, Space Invaders, Tanks, Breakout, Pitfall, Qbert to name but a few. The thing was that these games were great, they weren’t dumbed down for my age way (oh way) back then. Where they a challenge? Yes; did I mind? Not at all.

Roll forward to present day and the kids game takes a whole new meaning, namely that they are crap. The fact that there is even such a genre makes me sob uncontrollably. Have we pandered to the youth so much that they are Incapable of playing more challenging titles? High school musical, Buzz Junior; the list goes on and on.

Step forward the newest offering for the ‘tweenies’ Hannah Montana The Movie. Cyrus junior the new pop princess for the under 13s has carved out a massive following, and with every film must come the bandwagon of merchandise which includes the tie in game, from developers n-Space. Now being that Hannah Montana is a singer you might have expected a microphone Singstar style game, oh how wrong you’d be.

The game is split between rhythm action segments, and an extremely dull storyline which sees you jump from location to location, whether that be grandma’s farm or the university. This is made duller still by the lack of a run button which makes traveling through the environment pedestrian at best. It is in these sections there are noticeable glitches with the game, namely bad collision detection. The gamer will often find themselves stuck behind a hedgerow or park bench unable to move for a few sections.

The Devolpers have also incorporated a series of mini games to add an element of replayability to the game, these become available in the story mode, but you can also access them straight from the menu screen after reaching them in the main story.

These range from tin can shooting, though to horse riding, and this is where the Playstation makes full use of the motion controls. You can steer your horse, lifting the Sixaxis upwards to make the horse vault over oncoming hay bails. It is important to note that there is no option to use more conventional controls for these sections, and they can often, like most Sixaxis motion controls are imprecise. This makes certain games infuriating such as the tin can shooting , which is more hit and hope than a précis and accurate shot.

The main focus for the game though relies on a rhythm action style gameplay, which for the most part works well. Fans of the show are sure to be pleased that many of her famous tracks are included in the game, and even the sceptic cant help put tap their foot at certain stages of the game.

The rhythm action though doesn’t just see the gamer focus on the singing and instead they will play through dance moves, keyboard, guitar, drums and mic. These all use different combinations of analogue stick movements and button presses to achieve a score, which at the end of each song will see you given a rating.

Oh, but how could we forget to mention the tour bus, the height of style and comfort for any pop princess on the road. This bus acts almost like hub for the character allowing them to redecorate, try on clothes, customise outfits. It bears little on the progress you’ll make in the game, but for some I am sure it will make them feel all the more Hannah Montanah.

The game though offers very little challenge, controls are imprecise, and at times the gamer can pass a stage without being successful in the individual areas. This may seem a sensible move given the target audience, but surely any game should offer some challenge? This is more patronising than fulfilling I would argue to younger gamers.

Graphically the game is a bit of a letdown, and wouldn’t look out of place on last generations hardware. Textures are bland and character models look like mannequins. Maybe this is due to the games mass market appeal and that it has been created for every possible format conceivable, but on this generations hardware the flaws are instantly obvious to the seasoned gamer.

Overall the game will no doubt sell, and for fans of the show they wont be disappointed, even if they don’t get an opportunity to actually sing. For everyone else this game is dull and soulless, void of enjoyment. Hannah Montana emulates so many other games, all of which are done better by the titles the game tries to emulate such as Rock Band and Guitar Hero, and for those who want enjoyment from a music title this can’t be recommended.

-Chris ‘Guesty81’

Fun Factor
Gun_Senshi5466d ago

You bought it for trophies!

PS3Freak5466d ago

You sure did. One of his plus's was easy trophies. That should be a minus. Who wants to earn easy trophies, keyword "earn".

pixelsword5461d ago

...I bought it day one, and am almost at 55%

You don't "earn" trophies in Warhawk, you have to make it a mini-career. I'll probably get all of the trophies around 2011-2012.

I don't mind a challenge, but some of those things will take years to get.

5465d ago
Muff1nB4k3r5464d ago

It took balls to review the game, kudos m8.

I know I'd never put myself through it!

Major_Tom5464d ago

Wow this is biased to the core 5.0? Me and my niece played this and it's at the very minimum an 7/10.

TheColbertinator5464d ago

Great score.Game of the year confirmed

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[Continue Play] Hannah Montana: The Movie: The Game Review

"Forget Bioshock; Hannah Montana: The Game is the most intellectual experience in gaming."

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Heisenburger3687d ago (Edited 3687d ago )

What I can't wrap my head around is why we never see Miley and Hannah in the same room at the *same time.

I just.... I just don't get it.

I hate my life.


joab7773687d ago

Its the most played game by trophy hunters...thats for sure!

It made me think. If u want to make a few bucks. Throw together a game with the easiest plat known and it may sell a few copies.

Sarcasm3687d ago

I think it's safe to say to stay off the internet on April 1st every year.

gano3687d ago

I heard it has everything a male disney fan wants,
Dancing, musicals and and all the tween hijinks a zach and cody fan can
Bioshock is so last gen.

Now bring me the hanna montana twerking ediion!

TricksterArrow3687d ago

Great review for a great game!

aliengmr3687d ago

10?! Really? Its an 8 at the very best.

Paid review if I ever saw one.

Saints943687d ago

What? It's obviously the best game in the history of man. 20/10!

ContinuePlay3686d ago

Check the date it was published...

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Seven Easy Ways To Earn Platinum Trophies | Attention trophy whores! Cassidee shares seven games that promise some easy platinum trophies to help boost your level.

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ToZanarkand864138d ago

Personally, i'd rather have one less platinum that have Hannah Montana show up onmy games list. Would much rather have fewer plats for better games than lots of them for shitty games. Quality > Quantity.

SolidDuck4138d ago

The walking dead is the best one, all u have to do is beat it, and it's a great game.

Minato-Namikaze4138d ago

I have 47 plats, but i'd never touch hannah. My highlight plats are ninja gaiden sigma 2, and demons souls.

TheGrimOfDeath4137d ago

I dare you to get Little Big Planet 1 Platinum. :D

stevoman754138d ago

Hannah Montana is suprisingly fun lol. Yall need to quit being snoody trophy whores lol.


VGI: Review: Hannah Montana: The Movie: The Game

Ali of VGI writes... "People are you ready? Disney's new creation is out and boy does it deliver on the promises!"

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