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User Review : Doom

  • Great Graphics
  • Intense Gameplay
  • Lots of Upgrades and Secrets
  • Repetitive Gameplay
  • Annoying Backtracking
  • Generic Multiplayer

A brutally, immersive gorefest worth every cent!

The original Doom from 1993 is what spawned the First Person Shooter genre. The game is very simple by today's standards. You played as a Marine (DoomGuy) who is forced to battle his way through the Demons from Hell on Mars in order to find a way to close the portal between Mars and Hell. The game mechanics consisted of moving around and firing your gun without aiming up or down. It was a lot of fun and won GOTY in 1994. Then Doom 2 and Doom 3 were released. All of which were devloped by ID Software, and we now have the official next-gen reboot.

The game starts right in the action and instantly throws you into the heat of it as you awaken, grab a pistol, and start shooting demons. Then, you make your way to another room, grab the famous combat shotgun from the original Doom, and set off to close the portal to hell. Most of the emphasis in this game is on the action. It's fast-paced and very intense when fighting demons as you run around the area, blasting away at demons only to pull off a brutal finisher with the game's new "glory kill" system. You'll be fighting a lot in this game and you will encounter new varieties of demons that will seem like boss battles when you first encounter them, but will eventually start to feel like regular enemies. The combat can also be brutal. Even on medium difficulty (Hurt me Plenty) I had a tough time dealing with some of the more harder demons. Fighting them all at once can be hard when you have guys shooting at you, charging at you, or running all over the place. Their AI is quite good for the most part. Some fighting sessions can be quite hard when they put you up against 20-30 demons at once. Though the combat is fun, it can get slightly repetitive when you're constantly fighting the same demons with the same weapons. Discovering new weapons and encountering new demons often comes in slow, so you'll find yourself doing the same thing over and over again until you discover something new.

The other emphasis is exploration. Finding secrets in this game is well rewarding and finding upgrades or weapon mods is very satisfying. Every level is free for you to explore and discover secrets, upgrades, or unlocks. Unfortunately, this leads for levels to grow quite large and confusing. Though the 3D map is there to help you, you'll find yourself trying to get to a weapon mod in a particular area and you'll have no idea how to get there. So you'll waste a lot of time backtracking and what will most likely happen is that you'll either miss the upgrade at the end of the level, or you'll be able to access it later on in the level making the time you spent trying to get to it wasted. As much as I love the exploration in this game, there's nothing more frustrating than trying to get to a seemingly impossible area only to miss what it was you were trying to get to when you finish the level.

As far as story is concerned, there's not much to say. The game's plot isn't very strong as it wasn't in the original Doom. You play as DoomGuy out to figure out how the demons from hell made it to Mars and to stop them from entering in. If you're looking for a really strong story, you won't find that here at all. The story is mostly the background for the absolute mayhem that is going on onscreen.

If you were a fan of the old Doom games, then you'll be happy to hear that Bethesda and ID Software have brought back everything that made the original Doom as enjoyable as it was, and they added so much more. From the classic weapons to the demons to the throwback Doom levels hidden in the game. On top of keeping the classic Doom weapons like the Pistol, the Combat Shotgun, the Super Shotgun, the Chainsaw, and of course the BFG, they also added in the Gauss Cannon and several other weapons into Multiplayer. They kept all of the same demons and made them look awesome with the game's amazing graphics. Considering the original Doom was very simplistic, there was a lot that Bethesda and ID Software needed to add in to make the game a full next-gen reboot. So they added weapon mods, which are basically add-ons to your guns, such as the explosive shot mod for the combat shotgun, or the lock-on burst mod for the rocket launcher. On top of that, they added character upgrades which give you different abilities to use in combat. And finally, they added in rune trials, which are challenges that will give you upgrades if you complete them. This game puts another huge emphasis on character development.

Along with the amazing singleplayer campaign, there is multiplayer. It's fun for the most part, but isn't very innovative. The best way multiplayer can be described as is Call of Duty with the Doom weapons. It even uses Call of Duty's loadout system. There isn't any modes where you get to play as the demons, but there is a way that you can get to momentarily play as a demon in a multiplayer match. Multiplayer can be summed up with a solid, meh.

Snapmap is the last big part of the game. Snapmap allows users to create and share their own singleplayer or multiplayer maps with the Doom community using very user-friendly map-making mechanics. Snapmap is the next thing you need to try after beating the Singleplayer campaign. From basic maps filled with demons to entirely new game modes, Snapmap has brought us some very creative maps from the community that are worth checking out. You can play co-op maps with your friends or you can play team deathmatch on user-created maps.

To sum up Doom in one word is easy: badass. The new Doom reboot adds loads more into the game without sacrificing any of the good stuff that made the original Doom a must-play.

Between 1993 and 2016, graphics majorly evolved. The lights and textures look absolutely phenomenal, and the extreme levels of gore look amazing. But the biggest difference of all, is that the game is not pixelated.
The sound just adds to the overall combat experience. The guns that you are shooting sound great and the background music during a combat session and at the end of each level is simply incredible. Mick Gordon did an amazing job remastering all of Doom's original music.
Flashy, intense, fast-paced, gory, brutally unforgiving. The new glory kill system allows you to perform a finisher on a demon once you wound it enough. This can range from punching its head off to ripping it in half to ripping out its heart and shoving it in their mouth. Very satisfying and gory.
Fun Factor
What is there to say? The game is never boring whatsoever. You are always immersed in what is going on onscreen. I had a big smile on my face for most of the combat.
DefenderOfDoom22839d ago (Edited 2839d ago )

Good review ! Yeah , playing Snap Map with the patch update ,which lets players use the weapon wheel just like in the campaign, was a awesome addition !!!

Just wanted to add the the DOOM 2016 multiplayer is similar to Call of Duty as far as loadouts and stats tracking but game play mechanics is very different from Call of Duty because there is no re gen. health which forces players to look for health , armor , ammunition and power up pick ups throughout the maps, which makes DOOM 2016 multiplayer feel more like Quake multiplayer

Shredder33712837d ago

Very true, but as far as innovation there's not much. The one stand-out moment in multiplayer is getting to momentarily play as a demon terrorizing the opposing team. As fun as the multiplayer is, I just don't think it's enough.


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