CRank: 5Score: 7020

User Review : Dark Sector

  • The glaive it is innovative{the great graphs{swap out weapons is too kool
  • horrible hand to hand/melee combat{a very slow begininn{terrible AI


This game promised a lot with so much expectation and but with 4 years of work the same one that had gear of war, but the truth is a little disappointed, in the trailers promised too much.

The history begins with a mercenary that is infected by a class of metallic virus that gives him some powers and a weapon that partly revolutionizes a little the generate.

When I put it for the first time he/she notices a slowness in the movement and in the AI of the enemies, for me difficult was to digest that so much wait had been in vain,

The second time, like to give him a second opportunity I continued playing until when you obtain the weapon that generates the proposal in the generate The glaive and there a new turn began in the game

after that i found with a some class of zombies that bored me because the combat body to body is very slow and complex of managing but with a good use of the weapons and the The glaive harmony can be achieved to the clear combat, it is a little difficult at the beginning.

When entering to the black market to make an upgrade of the weapons it began the mechanism that even relaxed the game to flow more but if to deny is a copy to the upgrade of Resident Evil 4.

Already after hours of game encounter the game addict with some graphs very to the expectation of the new consoles without omitting some downs of quality and framerate with a good synchronization of weapons and of The glaive the game takes life, a slow beginning that forces after the first 3 chapters. it can stay in your collection of games.

On the contrary of many of you criticize that I see in the net, I don't refuse that he lacks the game a lot but nevertheless has a good time, worthy for the lovers of the I generate and for that doesn't stop to buy it.


Este juego prometía mucho con tanta expectativa y mas con 4 años de trabajo los mismo que tuvo gear of war, pero la verdad es un poco des ilusionante ya que en los trailers prometía demasiado.

Comienza la historia con un mercenario que es infectado por una clase de virus metálico que le da unos poderes y una arma que en parte revoluciona un poco el genero.

Cuando lo puse por primera vez note una lentitud en los movimiento y en el AI de los enemigos me quedo difícil digerir que tanta espera había resultado en vano,

La segunda vez, como para darle una segunda oportunidad seguí jugando hasta cuando obtienes el arma que genera la propuesta en el genero The glaive y ahí empezó un nuevo giro en el juego

Mas tarde me encontré con una clase de zombies que la verdad me estresaron algo ya que el combate cuerpo a cuerpo es muy lento y complejo de manejar pero con un buen uso de las armas y el The glaive se le puede lograr armonía al combate claro es un poco difícil al principio.

Al entrar al mercado negro para hacer un upgrade de las armas comenzó a fluir el mecanismo que relajó el juego aun más pero si negar q es una copia al upgrade de Resident Evil 4.

Ya después de horas de juego encuentro el juego enviciador con unas graficas muy a la expectativa de las nuevas consolas sin omitir unos bajonazos de calidad y de framerate y con una buena sincronización de armas y de The glaive el juego toma vida un lento comienzo que después de los 3 primeros capítulos toma fuerza y puede quedarse en tu colección de juegos.

Al contrario de muchas de las criticas que veo en la red no niego que el juego le falta mucho pero no obstante divierte, digno para los amantes del genero y por que no para comprarlo.

very slow the beginning, terrible AI
sometimes beautiful, sometimes weak
Fun Factor
thisguywithhair5874d ago

Ever hear of Spell Check? Or even grammar?

solidosito5874d ago

man sorry about my english the next time i will do my best.

thisguywithhair5874d ago

Sorry. I didn't know you were not english speaking.


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maktastyre3351d ago

Great article. Great game. Man I wish they'd make a sequel or just re release it or something.


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Sevir3843d ago

That's interesting, They approached Sony with ideas several times, since they are independent, I wished Sony would have published one of their ideas as an exclusive! I loved Dark Sector, even the original concept of the game! Going to see about Warframe at launch.