
CRank: 7Score: 92810

User Review : Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

  • Graphics - Photorealistic settings and environments make this the ultimate game.{Variety - A story that gives you stealth, unbeatable action and so much more.{Online - Heaps of features, upgrades to match your ability. PERFECT!
  • Short Campaign - A short story mode of 5-6 hours, very unfortunate.

Call Of Duty 4, modern war is a dangerous task to master, can Infinity Ward do it?

The classic war game reinvented into Call Of Duty 4.

In this the 4th installment of the very popular War game, Call Of Duty 4 moves away from the overly used WWII environment, we have seen to many games rip off the Call Of Duty franchise by using this setting, some although using it very well, many also managed to sully the setting almost into unforgivable boundaries.

Instead of rehashing the WWII format Infinity Ward gives us fresh, modern and a usable setting, in my opinion this is the thing that makes Call Of Duty so good.

Now the story is set around two main Characters one who works for the stealthy side and another who is more in the thick of all the action, this offers a real variety to so many of the missions, instead of just doing the same thing with once character over and over again, we find ourselves looking at two sides of the game, one in which you can take a conservative approach, taking out enemies with minimal noise and "attention, while in on the other side of the story, you have a guy who goes in to everything balls and all, and it is non stop furious action.

The story is really what makes this game though, right from the first mission aboard an enemy ship in which you need to track down some documents you can tell that this is going to be a barenuckle fight for victory, all throughout the game you will marvel at the wondrous environments in which you are playing and amaze at how cinematic everything is, many points during the game you will be watching and thinking it is a cut scene when in fact you are having to control the player, the main mission in which you could do this is one in which your a gunner on a chopper having to pretty much total a small town in order to keep your team safe from the many number of enemies, the sheer brilliance and fun of this mission alone will keep you wanting more and thankfully getting it.

Another great mission sends us back 15 years to one of the commanding officers old memories, boy is this mission brilliant, I don't think I have ever played a game nor a mission that is as good as this, not to mention realistic, you are required to do some "simple" tasks in taking out enemies, creeping around trying not to alert anyone otherwise it is "bye, bye birdy", unfortunately these tasks are not "simple", you need to time and place them just right otherwise the cavalry comes looking!

To cap this all off you are required to take out a target from a damn far way off, you need to account for wind, distance and then pop this guy, it may take you 3-4 goes but it is worth it, the following pursuit from this shot is just another fantastic thing to behold in this game.

I will guarantee that after this game you might very well need to have your jaw smashed back into place because your mouth will be wide open just marveling at the awesomeness of this game for all of it.

Finishing up now, as I have written a fair bit, this game is a must have for any owner of a console, if you haven't got it yet or are considering it, then go out right now and get it, go on, go right now!

Nothing could beat this at the moment, as with the graphics, definetly the benchmark for gampeplay, fresh, exciting, cinematic, a balls to the wall ride full of fun and non stop action.
The most photo realistic settings and environments yet to grace our systems, this has definetly set the benchmark for console gaming graphics.
Nothing to dispute here, everything is brilliantly sounded. Weapons sound real, great voice work and cinematic ambiance.
Fun Factor
Just like the gameplay the benchmark was set for this too. Maybe after the 5-6 hours of the campaign mode there isn't a huge amount of replayability left, but then you have online, fun, run and gun action that also requires brains.
Online is made to your ability. You start off with the bare minimum weaponry, and gametypes, but as you get better the upgrades come, better weapons come and so do the gametypes, also there are plenty of challenges to unlock. With great maps and brilliant weapons very hard to dislike.
Killjoy30005943d ago

agreed. this game sets the benchmark for what console games should look, sound, and play like.

Niclas5894d ago

It dosnt feature two of the most important fun making things though, Online 4p splitscreen on xbox & ps, and vehicels.. therefore it can newer be a 10 ;P


Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2 servers are back online

The original Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2 games have been drawing players back in

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neutralgamer1992304d ago

I really hope we get other activision games on GP soon. My dream would be Scarface but I know the license probably expired

P_Bomb304d ago

Love me some Scarface! I even bought the comics. Yeah, licensing would probably be an impasse.

4Sh0w304d ago

hmmm, coincidence? Either way this is a good sign for gamers after the ABK deal.

porkChop304d ago

I played through Scarface again last year and it still holds up. Such a fun game. I would love for Xbox to get the rights back to remaster Scarface and make a sequel. It sold well and they had plans for Scarface 2, 3, and 4. With how long it takes Rockstar to make games the market is wide open.

TheColbertinator304d ago

That game was so much fun. Expected a cheap GTA clone but it was a good drug empire building game.

shinoff2183304d ago

They didn't just have plans but there's actual gameplay out there for scarface 2

neutralgamer1992304d ago

Seriously man we need games like

True crime
Sleeping dogs
Watch dogs( more like original not legion)
And proper saints row

GTA can’t be the only option we need other games

P_Bomb304d ago

Gun was Activision as well. Nice open world Wild West there imo.

neutralgamer1992302d ago

Gun is such a underrated game

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 302d ago
SlothLordPootus304d ago

None of those games had dedicated servers on console in the first place? Were always player hosted. Did something change?

Rutaprkl304d ago

Older cods like Mw, Mw2 and WaW were way better than Call of Dutys nowadays

GoodGuy09303d ago

Make activision remaster mw2 (2009) multiplayer please xbox.


New Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Update Will Allow Players to Create Hybrid Blueprints

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is getting a new update today, which will introduce Gunsmith Customs.

hanko141477d ago

this update will make sure the next season will be a 200gb update too.

1477d ago Replies(1)
P_Bomb1477d ago (Edited 1477d ago )

Heh you’re not kidding!

I’ll give the devil his due though in that they actually started doing something I was asking for.
Was recently talking about how Days Gone and Warframe had compression patches that shaved up to 20GB off the top. Turns out the latest COD patch dropped me from 175GB down to 166.8. Hey it’s a start lol! Only 66.8 to go ;)

1477d ago Replies(2)
quenomamen1475d ago

Now all the Crossplay fans want it removed. lols


Best Shooter Game of 2019

NoobFeed writes - Shooting, a basic mechanic used in a variety of games for decades. And it's still fun but only some developers can create an experience where shooting a weapon for hours can remain entertaining. Here is NoobFeed's best shooter of 2019.

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gums0071608d ago

The Division 2? This is gotta be satire. I'm a huge fan of the series but the division 2 deserved no awards, especially best shooter. NEVER GO FULL RETARD

DigitallyAfflicted1607d ago

Anthem, destiny and more others games should be on this list...

1607d ago