
CRank: 16Score: 155625

User Review : BioShock

“A man chooses, a slave obeys.”

Set in alternate history 1960’s, 2K Boston and 2K Australia bring you the underwater utopia gone wrong: Bioshock. . With an exhilarating story from beginning to end, Bioshock will make you jump at every turn and surprise you at every corner.

After crashing in the middle of the Atlantic, you find a lighthouse within swimming distance; this leads you down to the bottom of the ocean, to Rapture. Designed by main antagonist Andrew Ryan, Rapture was built in the 1940’s and meant to be a haven for society’s elite, an outlet for the best of humanity. The city was originally meant to free those from oppression from the outside world.

I am Andrew Ryan and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his own brow?

No, says the man in Washington. It belongs to the poor.
No, says the man in the Vatican. It belongs to God.
No, says the man in Moscow. It belongs to everyone.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose...

—Andrew Ryan

Rapture, a city long fallen apart, is quite the depressing sight. With broken objects littering the floor, and messages written on walls in blood, the atmosphere in Bioshock is really quite amazing. It’s quite obvious Rapture used to be a very colourful place, but right from the get-go the darkness of the broken city engulfs you.

While the music that is routinely heard throughout the game is even more eerie. As if running through the empty hallways in the dark alone, and constantly bumping into decomposing bodies wasn’t enough, the cheery 50’s music that follows you everywhere you go will without doubt freak you out.

Bioshock brings new meaning to the term role playing as players are forced to choose throughout the game whether to kill small children for immediate gain, or save for later reward. A point which hampered this game earlier on, but one of the few ‘negatives’ for this critically acclaimed beauty. Little sisters are what these small children are called, and their protectors, the main enemy in Bioshock, are called Big Daddy’s.

With awesome water effects and amazing blood spatters Bioshock defines the survival/Horror genre. The same could be said for all element effects, be it water, ice or fire. Sound is also done magnificently. Right from the first 30 seconds of the game where you’re plane crashes and screams fill the empty darkness, to walking through Raptures many corridors where you may hear the rumbling footsteps of a nearby Big Daddy before you even see it.

As a genetically mutated being, you have two types of weapons. Crude, projectile, 1960s firearms such the shotgun, machine gun, and crossbow. And as part of your genetic enhancements, Plasmids. These are self injected and provide you with certain powers, such as, Telekinesis which allows you to move objects, and Incinerate which allows you to hurl fire at enemies. Also, weapons can be combined, such as having Incinerating bolts for your crossbow.

The negatives in Bioshock are few and far between, but they are there and when there found they can become quite the nuisance. A camera you are given at the beginning of the game is quickly forgotten about as it provides you with no upgrades. Also, the Hacking system is another point of negativity. Opening safes and reprogramming security cameras to work for you requires you to hack it. These hacks are small puzzles which can become quite annoying and repetitive, but important to the game. And easily the largest negative, Bioshock is a strictly singleplayer-only game which means extremely little replay value. In the 2 weeks I rented it, I went through the game once for the story, and again for the achievements. That’s it. Be it multiplayer or cooperative play, developers need to break this lazy habit and finish games once there started.

The list of Achievements is definitely fun to earn for any Achievement-lover, but some of them will really bring the fun factor down for some. Achievements such as fully researching enemies with your camera become a hassle and have little benefit, while finding audiotapes, which add more depth to the story, are completely useless as there are far to many for you to actually care. However I did have an overall positive experience with the Achievements because some are very difficult to get (but not impossible). 800/1000 points later and I’m a satisfied gamer.

Bioshock would have easily cleared the 95% range had some kind of multiplayer been implemented. Discussing the game in private chat while playing just isn’t the same as Online Cooperative play. Some annoying problems also knock a couple points off this, but the major factor is simple. Lack of replayability.

When all is said and done, Bioshock is easily one of my top five favourite games of this generation. With its horror/action/shooter/role-playing style of play, any gamer would find it hard to put this masterpiece down. At the same time, no one in the right mind would buy this and not regret their purchase at one time or another, as with all singleplayer-only games.

So please, Would You Kindly, not buy this, and just rent it.

Fun Factor
toughNAME5946d ago (Edited 5946d ago )

BY FAR the hardest review I've written.

I'd love to hear your opinions about the actual score, but I won't mind a review of my writing :)

It's pretty long, so I hope you enjoyed it

PS360WII5946d ago

I agree with your fun factor score but I thought the hacking was the best part of the game. Actually it was the only thing I liked in the game :( Sorry but that's just my opinion on the matter. So I guess 8.8 is too high of a score but I'm sure you'll get more flack for it not being 9.9 or 10 really.

Nice write up and I did enjoy it. You certanly are going for most reviews aren't you ^^

toughNAME5946d ago

thanks for the feedback above and below

and yes but I'm not writing to have the most, I really enjoy writing UR's

chester5946d ago

it was, for me, the best game of 07 just because of how into the story i got and how powerful i found it. i honestly find no faults with the game. not because they aren't necessarily there, but because the overall experience was just so rewarding that i can't help but love every single portion of the game. multiplayer would've been fun, maybe, but its exclusion from the final product did not leaving me wishing it was there. it's one of my favourite games ever and one i'll be going back to for years to come.

a well written review though. you laid it out very well and while i would obviously score it higher, i can see your reasoning.

marionz5946d ago

i got alot of replay out of this, played it five times to get achievements, and its worthy of game of the year, i think its a bit unfair to say rent only, i dont regret buying this game at all, actually im proud to have the steelbook edition in my collection!
also the camera as much as taking photos can be a pain, if you want all the power ups its something you need to do, especially if you are going for the brass balls achievement.

if i was going to say rent only to any game it would be mass effect, thats one hell of a flawed game.

toughNAME5946d ago

Oh I agree, I hope to have my Mass Effect review up by monday

PS360WII5946d ago

oh I can't wait for that ME review. I WILL have all my achievements! I swear to this! heh seriously though I'm like at 800 for it ;)

paul_war5946d ago

Good review.

Just compleated 2nd playthrough of mass effect, probably do a review soon. In short its a good game that was clearly rushed, it could easily have done with another year or so in development. But it still works & is enjoyable, just not a classic.


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ShwaaMan472d ago

Bioshock still looks fantastic, one of my all time favorites.

Yui_Suzumiya472d ago

Beyond: Two Souls on PS3 can compete with modern day graphics.

SonyStyled472d ago (Edited 472d ago )

Same as Killzone 2 and 3, uncharted 2 and 3, Infamous 2, Heavy Rain, Resistance 3

jasonismoney472d ago

I wish this was entirely true, but you might want to load up Killzone 2 and Resistance 3 again.

SonyStyled472d ago

@jason I watched some gameplay videos of KZ2 and R3 on my full screen. They are on par or succeed graphically to the first person shooters mentioned in the article that also launched on the seventh generation of consoles. Try the same and see what you think

cthulhucultist471d ago

Killzone 3 was super impressive! I could not believe the graphics back then as I was regularly pausing the game to stand in awe looking at the surroundings! Resistance however did not impress me that much. Heavy rain is also another amazing graphically speaking game. It almost felt next gen

Fist4achin472d ago

I always thought the first 3 Gears of War games looked great and still hold up for today.

SonyStyled472d ago

They did for their day. I recently played gears judgement with on the 360 and the draw distance was so blurry. The characters up close look great though

JEECE472d ago

Far Cry 2 was awesome. In addition to having demonstrably better physics and AI than later games in the series, it had a lot of design decisions that, criticized at the time, have since been praised in games like BOTW and Dark Souls.

iNcRiMiNaTi472d ago

It might not be super amazing by today's standard but I thought Mgs3 looked really good

JEECE472d ago

In terms of art style it still holds up.

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