
CRank: 11Score: 33260

User Review : Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam

  • Graphics
  • Atmosphere
  • Sound
  • Gun Sound Effects
  • AI problems
  • Weird Bugs and Glitches occassionally

AKA BFBC2, because dice is running short on names for their battlefield games. Next one is probably

As you all know, digital illusions, the company responsible for the entire battlefield series and for spawning a few copies in the star wars department, which I thank them for, have made one or 2 games with actual story lines, other than some guys got in some tanks and stood around hoisting flags. In the case of bad company this is a double whammy, its story line is as follows, some guys got sent somewhere to find something in japan to get killed so that some other guys from a previous game could get sent somewhere to find something similar to drive around up up a snowy mountain to go to brazil and then some mortars came and then shoot some guys in an aeroplane. This all happened so that some guys could come to MUUUURKA! FUCK YEAH! So that some other guys whose faces were all covered except the medics, who must all be clones (and you wonder why lucasarts copies you guys?), could stand around hoisting up some flags. Yup, dice your story writing department really out did yourself on this one.

Well anyway, the single player of the game is actually a lot more fun than I made it sound and while its story is about as deep the average Sahara desert lake, you did not buy it for the story, you bought for the guns! Wow, the go boom boom! and make the bad guys dead!!! The game, is luckily and unfortunately made by dice. Luckily: the game is a lot of fun. Shooting the clones does not get old quickly. I mean, 4 types of clones! What more could you ask for! (8 in multiplayer) It's got a whole crap tonne of different guns for you to collect. The M95 feels like it is actually in your hands when you use it in game. The sound is possibly the best of any game to date using the Wartapes system the game has included as an option. It behaves similar to a pair of ears that have become heavily used to having grenades thrown at them. It basically tries to mimic a human ear in a battlefield, which it does with quite a lot of success. The only thing wrong is that you learn that if everything has inexplicably gone silent, something nearby is about to explode and kill your ass,, so its might just have been incorrectly tuned by about half a second. Silent? Grenade on your foot.

However, no matter how well DICE has done, you know, from experience that all is not well between the game and your CPU. This is evidenced by that fact that if you have DARED to even overclock your computer to within an inch of some form of instability, the game will cry foul play and drop you right back onto your desktop to think about what you have done to offend it. Its also a bit inconsistent with bullets sometimes not hitting the target you just shot point blank in the face with this biggest gun your n00b hands could lay their fingerprints on, only to later award you a lrge quantity of points that you had nothing to do with earning. I have on occasion been awarded with the 500 points I was supposed to have been given for sniping a wookie (sniper) off a chilean wind turbine 6 matches later in the form of motion mine assists when I did not throw any motion sensors. It occurs quite frequently, you are randomly awarded points for things you did not do. I call it dice karma. their code WILL screw you over at some stage so it's their way of apologizing for this fact.

Smoke, one of the less used tools in the game and has no point system attached, this results in you shooting smoke all over a stage for an entire round, being the reason your mostly wookie team won, and getting a grand total of 100 points for supplying your team with ammo 10 times.

I'm beginning to become increasingly convinced in writing this review that george lucas runs DICE. Its got clones, medics who might as well be carrying bacta, defibrilators that remove bullets, its absolutely infested with wookies on any map larger than the range of an F2000. The more trees there are on a map also seems to be related to wookie concentration. I've been in game on several occasions in which there are nothing but snipers and a single medic whose soul purpose is to harvest points from removing bullets from the 31 other players, all dressed in ghillie suits. Dice made sniping so fun with its marksman headshot system it sometimes defeats the purpose of the game, with an entire team hiding in bushes and ignoring the fact that they have already lost the round just trying to get another long range 500 point headshot.

This is your typical dice game, its buggy, its not going to be finished until after they release their next game, it eats internet in the form of the occassional 2,5gb patch (yes, when they shipped it there were a minimum of 2,5 gigabytes of issues) and its going to piss you off more than you've ever experienced. Guess what? You are still going to play it! Why? Because its fun. Because its not Call of Duty. Because its pretty close to real, the physics are spot on, the weapons are fun, you can be as underhanded as you like and no one can complain, its well balanced, its got a lot of different modes. the rush mode is a very good addition to the game, and forces a lot of action into a very large map. Squad rush is a miniature version or rush and my personal favorite for showing the peasants what for. Squad death match puts 4 squads up against one another in a kill it all and here is a tank just for lulz kind of way. Then you have regular and hardcore modes. Regular allows spotting of enemies, hardcore does not and makes bullets a lot more deadly, so of course hardcore is completely coated in snipers. It's battlefield, its hectic, its gritty, its dirty, its rough, its loud, its explosive, its worth playing. Its the best online multiplayer right now and I urge you to play it.

I still don't have my m1 garand. Its broken, but you'll like it that way you sick twisted freak. Now give me some ammo and spot more often for goodness sake.

Fun Factor
consolez_FTW4703d ago

A 10 for sound, but one of your negatives is gun sound effect?

ThatHappyGamer4703d ago

A good review.


Gun sound effects are the BEST in this game.

BFBC2 won the BAFTA award for best "Use of Audio" in 2010.

And BTW that huge patches included VIETNAM Map Pack & Maps from BFBC1.

Patches contribute to around 50MB on those updates.

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4700d ago

Wow really? The sounds in this game are very realistic. Try this shoot a certain gun in this game and look up the sound on youtube. Cod on the otherhand is very unrealistic in that department

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4700d ago

Why don't you talk about vietnam ? title is very misleading

WitWolfy4699d ago

I never liked Vietnam, was so looking forward to play it, just disappointing me in the end. But all and all BFBC 2 is one of the best games Ive ever bought.. Own it on both PS3 and Xbox 360.


Looking back to 2010 and the Groovy Battlefields of Bad Company 2's Vietnam Expansion

Paul writes: "Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam can be called a success. I enjoyed playing it, and appreciated the change to a simpler time when guns were inaccurate and you seemed to have more of a chance if you were surprised."

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Battlefield ? - The Curious Case for Sustained Seasonal Battlefield and an All-New Bad Company

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PhoenixUp1787d ago

I’ve given up hope waiting on a new Bad Company game.

Kornholic1787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

Yeah and even if they did make a new Bad Company, I'm not so sure they could make a good Bad Company. The last good BF game came out in 2013. After that it has got progressively worse. BF1 and BFV are just bad, I can't stand the gameplay.

CBaoth1787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

The rumors of Bad Company 3 launching alongside PS5 n Nxtbox in 2020 need to be true. EA could use some good PR. A highly requested game minus loot boxes minus interviews from dumbass Dice employees might do the trick. Well at least 2 outta 3 aint bad. Probably a better chance seeing pigs fly than an EA game w/o loot boxes

TargusX1787d ago

I wish they'd added a full-featured offline bots mode to BC2 & DLC - I'd still be playing it!

DaniMacYo1787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

I’ve always wanted Battlefield to have bots like cod black ops giving the player a lot of creative options.

CorndogBurglar1787d ago

The funny thing is Battlefield games did used to have an offline bots mode. In Battlefield 2 you could play single player and it was just like playing a normal MP match except the enemies were AI.

Inzo1787d ago

They are too busy slapping out fires and there Battle Royal is DOA.

Father__Merrin1787d ago

Great game series just bought bf1/titanfall 2 double pack on origin the player count is awful I know there a couple of years old but it's not worth it. This is one reason your better sticking to consoles

CorndogBurglar1787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

Titanfa 2's player count has been pretty bad for a long time, even on consoles. That game deserved so much more because it's great. But EA screwed them over by having it release between Battlefield and COD's releases that year. They also had next to no advertising for it. Not to mention it was the first time TF was going to be on anything other than Xbox, so it could have really used a better release with some actual advertising.

As for BF1? It's just not a very good game. If it was then player could would not he a problem at all on PC. When Battlefield was still good the player count was never a problem whatsoever on PC. Even years later. Hell, people still play Battlefield 2 on PC...

The real problem with Battlefield isn't the platform it's being played on. It's that the franchise has been dumbed down so much. BF1 was the beginning of that. It was the first truly disappointing BF game. If it had been good there would still be countless people paying for servers and running their BF games for years to come just like all the previous BF releases.

Father__Merrin1787d ago

Well titanfall 2 Multiplayer all I can ever find is attrition but only after waiting a long time its massively underrated. But I'm slowly playing single player instead it's a top tier AAA game imo

CorndogBurglar1787d ago

For sure! Titanfall 2 is fantastic game with a really great single player campaign, even if it is a bit short. It hit me in the feels, for sure.

But again, TF2 was the first time TF was multiplatform, so a lot of people had no experience with it outside of Xbox One users. And on top of that they released it in between the releases of Battlefield 1 and CoD with no advertising, which is just suicide for a FPS franchise that is trying to make name for itself.

It's a shame because TF2 was better than both BF1 and COD that year.

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Production Values of DLC – Making More From Less

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Paulhammer3028d ago

Ain't it the truth. All too often DLC is totally phoned in

Digital_Anomaly3028d ago

Preach!! Although in the specific case of Baba Yaga... it was pretty great!