

CRank: 5Score: 21790

User Review : Alan Wake

  • Gameplay
  • Sound
  • Sound
  • Graphics
  • graphics again
  • and graphics, i mean common, 5 years!!!

An Xbox game reviewed by a PS3 FANBOY!!!

UPDATE: Please people, understand that what I am talking about, the game is not bad, the graphics is.
I am reviewing a game, and that is all, at the end of the day, it is you people that should decide for yourselves what you think about the game.

I put down two school days of my life for this game, in other words, 5th and 6th of April.
I didn't go to school to play through the game, each day 4 hr or so.
Today I finished the game.
Here what you will find is my third game review, this time I as a PS3 FANBOY (yes, I say FANBOY, I'm not ashamed of the fact and don't know it a bad thing, since I'm one of those that says the meaning of the word has been manipulated) will review Alan Wake a game made for Xbox 360.

I'm going to begin with this:

The hype that Alan Wake received could easily tear this game into pieces and make a horrible game out of it.
Now, fortunately this didn't happen, but it was close, and believe me, the hype can destroy a game, just ask Final Fantasy 13 and The Force Unleashed 2 and a couple of other games to see what I am talking about.
Alan Wake was so hyped that I still remember articles that came in from like 5 months before Its release comparing it with games like Heavy Rain and Uncharted 2 as the graphical beast that takes the graphic crown, to the articles that talked about how Alan Wake has this great story that allows you to feel the characters feelings and so on.

Now, let me say this, the hype didn't destroy the game because the game is in fact a good game, which is more than enough nowadays.
But nowhere close to what the hype articles stated.
First thing I noticed when I began the game was this horrible graphic, it was a shock to me, I was waiting for the graphical king of 360, but all I saw was a game with billions of graphical bugs and a graphic from last generation of pc games.
In fact this shock was so big that I don't even remember the first 30 minutes of my play through the game.
I just remember looking at the cut scenes thinking: "even the games from ps1 had better cut scenes." (ok, maybe a little bit exaggerated)
I mean, common, we are talking about a game with 5 years of development time.
How could the graphic turn so horrible?

But, playing through the game made me care less about the entirely 2d plants and leaves and the horrible bugs like a bottle of milk hanging in the sky e.t.c.

The game it self has a real horror survival game touch, and it makes your heart pound like crazy while playing through the levels where hordes of "Takens" just come without mercy, throwing all kinds of objects at you.

Well, after Graphics we come to Sound.
This game doesn't have a lot of music during the gameplay but the rest is pretty good.
Sound Is in fact well done in most of the parts, just the voice acting isn't very good, but after the annoying voice acting of Heavy Rain this feels pretty good.
Hearing environment around you tearing to pieces, trees falling, junk yard cars flying around hunting you, everything just felt great.
The sound was pretty strong.

Gameplay literally saved the game, Alan Wake has this great Gameplay, it is always about surviving and making it through the next check point in one piece, it is full of terrifying moments and surprises.
It makes you sit down and don't move anything else but your fingers.
controls is a little hard to get along with but you'll get used pretty fast, since you need to have full control on the controller to survive through the episodes.
Even horrible bugs that I saw couldn't destroy the gameplay for me.
The gameplay was really solid.

Now, putting aside the fact of having a great gameplay I must say this, Alan Wake is at best a mash-up, but in fact a copy, a well made copy that is.
Alan Wake is a mash-up/copy of movies like The Shining and Hitchcock's Birds and a good copy of Silent Hill.
I couldn't help it but to all the time expecting Cullens from Twilight appear in front of me, after all it was like Bright Falls was an exact copy of Forks, but well, unfortunately no Vampires for me.
going through the Nightmares that never ends and waking up from one nightmare into the next one was the typicality of Silent Hill.
Well, at least Alan Wake was a game that I could play through it without asking myself why am I doing this to myself, unlike the Silent Hill games.

Alan Wake IS by all means, a good game, but nothing more than that, not a superb Story, or great graphic.
But a fun experience that should be on your list of to be played games.


Graphics gets a 6.5 which is ok nothing more EDIT: ok people, I believe I was a little harsh on the graphics, but 7 is the best it can receive from me. sorry :(
The sound is very well done, it deserves nothing less than a 9
Gameplay is very good, I take 1 point from it because of difficult controls at the beginning and a few times that I died only because of the Bugs otherwise, 9 is great for it
Fun Factor
If having your heart pound crazy is what you call fun, then this is something for you. It just, sometimes gets a little repetitive, but very fast new things come and the repetitiveness is gone.
meetajhu4787d ago

FAIL REVIEW! Graphics 6.5? FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL! You should never be given the opportunity to review games ever!

kane_13714786d ago

I have my right to my opinions you know, and graphic is bad in the game, it is not what we were promised.
so, yeah, I don't expect anything but perfection when Remedy keeps on with a game for five years, or SE or Sony or any other studio.
please realize my look at it, this game was supposed to be the graphic king of the season if not the year.
the hype was too much.
and 6.5 means ok, not horrible or anything.

meetajhu4786d ago

The graphics are no where close to bad. either ur eyes or retina is bad or your tv/monitor sucks hard to the core

Tachyon_Nova4785d ago

I still think its a bit infair to take away points because the graphics aren't the best of the year regardless of what the developer said. Developers will say things that are flat out lies if they think it will help promote the game.

If you are basing the score of 6.5/7.0 on the graphics from a purely technical stand point then that is probably too low because they are undoubtely in the top 10% on 360, which would suggest at least an 8/10. However, if you don't like how they are presented or the art style then fair enough, that is more subjective.

saladthieves4785d ago

This is one of those games that I really want to play but never got around to actually do it.

What do you guys think? Should I skip this, or is it a "What are you still doing here? Get it now!" kind of game?

Convas4785d ago

Terminator Voice:

What are you still doing here?! GET IT NAO!!!!

Obelisk924785d ago

The graphics are just fine, the only bad thing is the screen tearing.

InTheLab4787d ago

I also disagree with the graphics score. 6.5 is Deadly premonition standards. You're not being honest about foliage, as most of the plants in the game are all fully rendered and move when Alan moves through them...especially in the daytime.

Also, you didn't even mention the best part of Alan Wakes graphics and that's the lighting and the setting. You can't tell me you didn't gasp every time the camera panned out to give a full view of Bright Falls in the day, or the way creepy shadows bounced around in the night.

Every game can't have Uncharted graphics. The "must be top of the line, or fail" attitude towards graphics will have you disappointed in a lot of games.

Not a bad review, but you did really hammer away at the negatives and didn't spend nearly enough time balancing those negatives with positives. The review reads like a 7/10 game.

kane_13714786d ago

Honestly, I didn't gasp.
I will count you the numbers of times I gasped at game graphics.

1: Farcry

2: SOTC, it was amazing

3: GOW 2, When standing on top of those horse statues

4: MGS4, I was so happy that I saw a totally round tire in a console game.

5: Uncharted

6: Uncharted 2

those are the numbers of times I gasped at a game's graphic.

Alan Wake had too much bug, each time I wanted to take a good look at the mountains, there was some problem with top of them, lines would seem blurry and... I don't know how to describe, since my English isn't good, and I also don't use the words that don't know what they mean.
I just felt, the graphics could be done much much better.

And not having uncharted graphic doesn't mean fail.
but hyping a game that much to say it has better graphic than that "X" game but not even having better graphic than that "Y" game is Fail.
even If i wanted to change the score, which i believe i was a little bit harsh about, It would only receive a 7.
Sorry, just what i felt playing through the game :(

DrHouse4785d ago

Notice 5/6 of the titles are ps3 exclusives, and Crysis is nowhere to be found.

kane_13714784d ago

Umm no, 2 of them are ps2 games and 1 is pc exclusive.
And no crysis isn't there.

Kingdom Come4786d ago

Whilst I find the overall score rewarded to be fair, your opinion of the graphics is pathetic. 6.5? Have you played the game?!

kane_13714786d ago

yes, I did play the game, It was a good game, and i liked it, but the graphics just was not good.

hennessey864786d ago

a 6.5 for graphics well I respect you opinion but I would give it alot more infact I did check my review for the score.

Pillville4786d ago

I kind of agree with the graphics score only because of how hyped the graphics were. We heard for years that this was supposed to be the best looking thing ever. But it turned out to be a 540p blur-fest. The atmosphere is GREAT, but the actual models & attention to detail where pretty average.

Here's an example:

Look at the heating radiator in the lodge, it seriously looks like a PS1 model with about 25 polygons and no textures. Also, look at the poor job on the Bear's paws.

Seems that they spent a LOT of time on some things, and very little time on others. It's just a matter of whether or not little things like that bug you or not.

Active Reload4786d ago

Nope, one thing people can complain about is low-res, but textures? No...

mastiffchild4786d ago

Patchy as all hell-is what the graphics of AW are. Some bits are pretty good-esp some of the panned out wide angle shots over the lake and mountains-but some of it was piss poor.

6.5 is a bit harsh, mind, as an overall score when a lot of games look worse all the way through but I do share the feeling that Remedy could have had the game looking better MORE of the time than they managed with all that dev time and all those lost features. I found there to be a lot more clipping and little glitches than you'd expect of a top line HD console exclusive too(far more than in a Gears or Uncharted game for example)but, whatever, the game is still pretty cool.

I'd give it a good 8/10 (would be more generous had the DLC been part of the retail game myself as it added a bit of variety which was missing from some really samey gameplay in the retail disc alone)as it's definitely a game worth playing but expect a lot more tongue in cheek with your survival horror than SH ever gave you-even the King homages are done with a bit of fourth wall breaking nods and winks imho and AW never takes itself too seriously. As a result the best moments are when it erupts and lets it's inner madness free-like the stage show fight at the farm for example.

I DO think, though, that the excellent DLC would, and should, have made the retail game. It would have lengthened a pretty short campaign(didn't time my playthrough to be fair but it didn't FEEL very long)and removed the one moan most reviewers had-the repetition in the gameplay-even if it's only a slight change up in reality it would have made all the difference for me.

Good game, though, and glad I bought the DLC even IF it could have been easily included on the disc-had t been I feel it certain more people would have reviewed it better and them saying it offered more value might have made it sell more too.

As for the graphics, though, some was good and some was pants.

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Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.


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babadivad323d ago

The story borrowed HEAVILY from the King novel "The Dark Half" anyway. Figured there'd be some sort of lawsuit but seems King was in on and ok with it.

got_dam323d ago

King is well know to be really chill with this kind of thing. And with official adaptations. It's cool and shitty. We have had so many low quality movies.