
The Most Overhyped Video Games This Generation

Gary A Swaby of TheKoalition.com writes:This gaming generation seems to be one of the most mainstream ever seen. Consumer interest in video games has become ever growing, mainly thanks to Nintendo for rapidly expanding the market by bringing new gamers into the mix. As the industry becomes more commercial, the amount of hype that circulates big game releases has been magnified a tremendous amount. There are certain games that have received a huge amount of hype, but not necessarily lived up to it. That's not to say the games are bad, but maybe the hype surrounding the game was blown a little bit out of proportion.

The following are games that I (and a few other people whom I consulted) feel has received a preposterous amount of hype for no real reason. I created this list after asking the opinions of many different gamers, so you can be sure that there are many out there who will feel the same way. Once again the point is not that these games were poor. Just think of it as, there may have been other games that deserved some shine but we're sidelined by the hype of these.

Being over-hyped is very different from being overrated. The term overrated refers to games which have been deemed better than they actually are. The term over-hyped refers to games that got more attention than they possibly should have. As long as you understand the difference, you can confidently agree with the list below.

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Icyhot5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

Without looking at the list...

Halo (add whatever number you want at the back)

EDIT: Just peeped into the list.. CRAP list IMO.

moegooner885167d ago

Agreed wz ur list, but KZ2 is my fav fps this gen so far.

playstation_clan5167d ago

if killzone 2 was as hype as gta and mw2 then why didnt it sell half of what they did.
what about halo 3?

meetajhu5167d ago

Killzone 2 was not overhyped bud. If it did it would have sold like hot cakes like MW2,Halo 3 or GTA4

cry from the sky5167d ago

looks terrible. most likely going to be the most hyped, failed game this gen.

Darkstorn5167d ago

Killzone 2 may have been overhyped, but it's still the best shooter on the PS3. And possibly this gen.

LBP, on the other hand, was NOT overhyped.

Montrealien5167d ago

not only is the list crap, but it made me realize that anyone can publish articles now a days, and it breaks my heart.

SeanRL5167d ago

KZ2 was NOT the greatest shooter on ps3, the graphics were pretty, but the gameplay never felt right.

N4BmpS5167d ago

Little big PLANET? WHAAT? Okay where was MW2, Halo 3(no offense but it was) GTAIV(with all do respect)ehem FFXIII? I don't even know why MAG was up there it was hyped up alot but nowhere near as much Halo or MW, hell Killzone 2 was hyped more than that by the media. To be honest if pay attention he's going off of other peoples opinions example: "After speaking to numerous people on the issue, I have to agree that this game was indeed hyped to an unexplainable degree." Of course I might be mistaken but that's just my observation.

ThanatosDMC5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

I would say:

the WoW expansion
Burst Limit
Overpriced DLCs for Megaman 10
Dragon Age: Awakening <-- full of sound glitches and glitches in general
Sector 8

Mista T5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

I agree ODST was a bit overhyped, but really the only level I liked in the game was Uplift Reserve, and that level had a great soundtrack


0:00 to 1:00 and 3:50 to 5:44 are the best in it

kneon5167d ago

I thought MAG and LBP lived up to and exceeded expectations, Dark void though I agree, I really wanted to like that game but it was just lame. I never played too human and I've never liked any of the Halo games so my opinion there is irrelevant.

Where are MW2 and BF:BC2, those were seriously over hyped to the point that they could never live up to the expectations.

And just to be clear, I'm not talking about sales at all.

FragGen5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

This guys a retard. MAG had virtually ZERO hype outside of hardcore gamer word of mouth. LBP was not hyped to death it was just absolutely brilliant and got the awards/praise it deserved. And anyone who had any sense at all wasn't expecting anything from the other 3. Here's some truly over hyped games:

Halo Anything
GTA Anything
Assassin's Creed 1

Mo0eY5167d ago

Where's Gears 2? Splinter Cell: Conviction? Metro 2033? Ninja Blade? Anyone?

RedPawn5167d ago

Tony Hawk Ride
Red Steel
Too Human
Section 8
Wii Music
Dark Void
Dj Hero.
Enemy Territories, Quake Wars
Dark Sector
Prince of Persia

So Many, this list should be like some woman's muffin top, bursting at the seems.

Persistantthug5167d ago

But I must admit, I don't remember the "hype" because I didn't have my PS3 yet.

But regardless of hype it may or may not have recieved, it certainly met its hype as it has sold nearly 4 million units to date and it was GAME OF THE YEAR....AIAS GAME OF THE YEAR in fact.

Hype met.

HolyOrangeCows5167d ago

Halo: ODST and Splinter Cell: Conviction could have gotten 9s and 10s even if it caused a bombing of a hospital every time you played.

These titles got raving reviews despite being short, under-polished, under-optimized, etc.

Anon73495167d ago

Had a better list than this sh!tty piece of crap list.

MW2 has to be the most over hyped game ever, and it's not even on the damn list.

Icyhot5167d ago

Wow why are people disagreeing with me? Did I say OVERHYPED=BAD GAME?? Hell no, KZ2 infact is my favorite FPS, but it still was hyped a lot...

Again OVERHYPED does not mean a BAD GAME.

BannedForNineYears5166d ago

LITTLE BIG PLANET!??!?!?!??! WTF?!????????????????!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!1
FVCK THIS ARTICLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

Tachyon_Nova5166d ago

Apart from Too Human, what a crap list. MAG and LBP are great games. Halo is undeniably over hyped, although not necessarily a bad game. Where is Haze on that list, not to mention Forza 3, although I guess that was only hyped by the devs... Anyway, to those saying Alan Wake, does anyone actually care about that game? And of course GTA should be on that list.

edgeofblade5166d ago

I would say that KZ2 was overhyped to a degree, but I still played multiplayer quite a bit when I got my mits on it, so I might put it in the top 20 or so. But not in the top 10, that's for sure.

I honestly think that this list is pretty accurate. ODST was way overhyped. I haven't touched it since I finished the campaign.

But, what about Haze? It's hard to forget how bad of a train wreck that was.

PopEmUp5166d ago

I thought it was Too Human what happen to that game :P

Dee_915166d ago

thought that was like 1 of the most successful games ever lol
online is still fun

Megaton5166d ago

I dunno what the author thinks "overhyped" means, but he's doing it wrong.

Sheikh Yerbouti5166d ago (Edited 5166d ago )

but I was sick of the hype. I avoided any article on Killzone weeks before it released - saving my excitement for the game.

LBP and MAG doesn't belong on that list. Not a game, but Natal definitely is overhyped.

ico925166d ago (Edited 5166d ago )

How was LBP overhyped, its one of the few games this gen to actually surpass the hype, wheres GTA4, MW2 ? this list was terrible

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 5166d ago
Al805167d ago

MAG doesn't belong on that list. Anyone who doesn't dig MAG probably hasn't played it enough

Killakap5167d ago

he never said he didnt dig any of the games he listed.

Baka-akaB5167d ago

still is silly , weither he like them or not . How can MAG be overhyped ? Most people found it ugly from the very first videos and expected it to tank .

Instead it was a decent performer so far .

mikepmcc5167d ago

"Anyone who doesn't dig MAG has probably played Battlefield".


In all seriousness though man, don't invalidate people's opinions like that.

Montrealien5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

well, I will invalidate peoples opinions if I want to, and the guy that wrote this crap has an invalid opinion, in my opinion.

Anyone who thinks of the head line first, and the story second....fails.

ThanatosDMC5167d ago

He must suck at aiming in MAG. You know, when there's little aim assist. Yup, there's a little aim assist in MAG when you scope with your iron sights. After 100+ hrs on it, i just noticed it.

mikepmcc5167d ago

So you're literally saying it's impossible to not like MAG if you've played it. Unbelievable. This isn't Mario 64 or Uncharted 2 we're talking about here, it's a mediocre game that people are allowed to dislike. I'm not saying it's wrong for you to like it, but it's not that great of a game to defend that unreasonably.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5167d ago
ViciousBoston5167d ago

How is LBP on that list? It lived up to what they said. It wasn't overhyped at all. Millions still play LBP daily.

Darkstorn5167d ago

This is about HYPE, not whether or not the game delivers.

N4BmpS5167d ago

Whether game delivers or not helps in weighing it to see if it's over hyped or a let down. So he's pretty much justified in his comment.

tiamat55167d ago

Add Splinter Cell Conviction to that list

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15 Great Games Where Every Minute of the Experience Feels Earned

GB: "We take a look at 15 amazing games that had the perfect length."

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11d ago
coolbeans10d ago

Pretty good list. Botany Manor would be the newest addition that encapsulates that title.


Anyone else not blown away with graphics these days? Me neither

Talal writes: "I'm talking about having that rush of excitement - that feeling you get when you know you've just made a memory for a lifetime."

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OptimusDK14d ago

There are different games. Some have gamplay at it highest priority, some have the story, some have the replay value and choices... There are a lot of different game experiences.

It is laughable that just now graphics does not have anything to do with that experiene. We have had many games of that type over time. This is just the one that have come closest to feel like playing an actual movie. Just look the the Digital foundry walkthrough it is a masterpiece in that perspective and hence wrth trying. But yes do not do it for the gameplay - but that was never the goal of this experience.

GamerRN13d ago

It's because it's on Xbox. When Xbox has amazing graphics, they don't matter. When PlayStation does, it's a game changer!

Lightning7713d ago

Pretty much my thoughts. They were technical marvel's on PS and still are. The moment Xbox puts out a graphically intense game is doesn't matter suddenly.

4 years ago this month would the UE5 tech demo debut with the girl flying (tech demo said it was only possible on PS5 because of the SSD. Glad to finally see it in its glory.

fr0sty13d ago

FFS, gaming journalism has really gone downhill. At least hire people with a basic grasp of grammar... "Me neither" means the exact opposite of what the "author" is trying to say. That's like saying "I could care less"... lol.

S2Killinit13d ago

Maybe because the gameplay being dull allowed it to have the amazing graphics and people are not as impressed by graphics alone anymore? I mean there is a lot of sites saying the story and the gameplay are lackluster. So what are we supposed to enjoy then? Cgi graphics are beautiful but since they arent interactive, they dont impress me as much as they used to. Thats an extreme example, but you get my drift.

Terry_B13d ago

When Playstation (Sony) does it..its usually a great game and not a cinematic experience..or at least something new at the time..like Until Dawn back in 2015.

1Victor13d ago

@gamer:” It's because it's on Xbox. When Xbox has amazing graphics, they don't matter. When PlayStation does, it's a game changer!”

The game looks as good as any other PlayStation game in my eyes why can’t you and the other hardcore Xbox be happy about it and drag PlayStation into every conversation and force PlayStation hardcore to look into the game and find flaw that most games have in one way or another.
@light: “ 4 years ago this month would the UE5 tech demo debut with the girl flying (tech demo said it was only possible on PS5 because of the SSD. ”
Yes at that time it was only possible on PlayStation SSD how ignorant of you to think that after 4 years the technology wouldn’t evolved and move to a industry standard 🤦🏿I wish your mentality wasn’t so naive and narrow to post stuff like that 😩 in a year or 2 a new game will come out that might look better, it’s the nature of the industry.

Now that the distraction is gone I feel that is a good thing that the graphics in games are starting to hit the rooftop and hopefully the developers will put more thoughts into story and gameplay mechanics than just the next shiny oily skin of old.

Reaper22_13d ago

So true. Not surprised by all the negativity. It's a really good game and looks better than any game I've ever seen. GOTY nominee for sure. Like I said before, sony screwed up big time by not purchasing Ninja Theory.

Asplundh13d ago

Pretty much. It's like how the Switch and Steam controller using haptic feedback in their controllers wasn't a big deal but then Sony did it and it was then a "game changer".

fr0sty13d ago

The game runs at as low as 21fps... That isn't much to brag about no matter how good it looks.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 13d ago
MajorLazer13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

We've had graphical gamechangers before, such as Crysis but those games still had gameplay to compliment it. Hellblade pretty much has none, and only achieved such graphics through being incredibly linear and having very small, closed off environments where very little is happening.

Vx_13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

GFX does not mean anything if the game is boring. It is simple like that and these major companies need to understand this simple concept.

Games are like your lady, she may be beautiful to look at for a while but then it gets boring if her character isn't interesting and fun to be with.

14d ago Replies(7)
Kneetos14d ago

Mario kart 8 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Sonic188114d ago

Horizon forbidden West has great graphics and great gameplay

GamerRN13d ago

Yeah but graphics don't matter, remember?

anast13d ago


I've been pretty consistent in saying that we need both.

GamerRN11d ago

So until dawn, too human, or whatever those series of games were... Graphic masterpieces it garbage with no gameplay?

VincentVanBro13d ago

I agree and I actually think Forbidden West looks better than Hellblade 2. I easily prefer looking at it at least.

Sonic188113d ago

It does look better in my opinion as well. I don't know why it looks better but there's something about the Decima engine or that guerrilla games is using tricks that we don't know of

Abear2113d ago

Can you fly a mount under water in Hellblade 2? I think not! One of the best moments this Gen

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Two Decades Later, the Original Splinter Cell is Still a Masterpiece

They don't make games like this anymore.

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vgvill22d ago

Too dated in my book. The AI is way too unpredictable to be acceptable today. It's definitely a game of its time.

Jingsing22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

Agreed with those sentiments. The quality of the CPU controlled characters make or break a stealth game and they are pretty poor in all the Splinter Cell games by today's standard. This is what led me to playing Spies vs Mercs all the time in later games just to get a better stealth experience from a real person. Arguably Sony are making better stealth games albeit not Tom Clancy stuff.

TheProfessional22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

You should stick with fortnite or one of the countless bloodborne style games then. What a joke.

rlow122d ago

I had a good time with the game. It is a product of its time. But when it came out it was a must have game for a lot of people. I wish Ubisoft would make another game in the series or at least a reboot.

vgvill22d ago

They are making a remake, I think. I loved the original game when it was released, but I tried to play it again in recent years and just couldn't get on with it. The same with the older Hitman games.

PrecursorOrb22d ago

Yeah chaos theory still holds up though I gotta say. If you’re a fan of the series I highly suggest you go back to that one. Ubi has said they are remaking sc for “modern audiences”. I don’t have a lot of faith for the future of that company

Chocoburger21d ago (Edited 21d ago )

Due to the lack of modern stealth games, and me constantly playing the MGS series, I've been looking for alternative stealth games to play, and went back and re-played the SC series recently. I wouldn't call SC1 or SC:PT masterpieces, there are AI issues, they're very much trial-and-error games, and that can lead to a lot of frustration. I also found the stories in this series to be boring, uninteresting, and just sloppily told. Cinematics are also of poor quality for both in-game scenes and CG cut-scenes, the soundtrack didn't leave any impression on me either.

Chaos Theory is better, but there was still a lot of room for improvement, and Double Agent (old gen ver.) was a sloppy mess that ended up a regression from CT. But still, at least they tried back then, these days Ubi-junk doesn't even try to make good games!

HvNzSoul13d ago

Everyone needs to quit with all of the unnessacery Ubi-hate. SC Conviction and Blacklist are both still good games.

HvNzSoul13d ago

Everyone needs to quit with all of the unnecessary Ubi-hate. SC Conviction and Blacklist are both still good games, they just weren't 100% focused on stealth with Conviction and they remedied that in Blacklist. The only thing they have released recently that I was disappointed with was Watch Dogs Legion, and Skull & Bones. Everyone seems to be salty about the misleading trailer for the original Watch Dogs and The Division. Which are also, both good games, and actually Watch Dogs seems like it was ahead of its time even with all the trailer drama (having gone back and played recently, can say the game didnt deserve all the flak). Yeah the misleading E3 trailer that had better graphics than release is understandable to a very small degree, when most Teaser Trailers, or Game Demo's only have that portion of the game developed so they use the highest quality assets of w/e they have being showed, or what they are showing was made purely for the showing, allowing for extra polish . As to the gripes about minor game design changes, or cut features upon a games release just goes to show how unknowledgeable most gamers are in terms of how game development works or to even understand what what the hell a WIP, let alone titles still in early development.

Good games from Ubi since 2014 (Year that SC Blacklist Released) include:

Watch Dogs 1 & 2
The Division 1 & 2 (Although I had a hard time getting into The Division 2 at first)
R6 Siege
Ghost Recon Wildlands & Breakpoint
Immortals Fenyx Rising
AC Origins, Odyssey, MIrage (Haven't finished Valhalla games too damn long)
Far Cry Primal, and 5 (6 also has a length issue)
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora
Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown

Haven't played a couple of titles those being For Honor (played at launch but didn't honestly give it an actual go), The Crew, R6 Extraction and at the time of writing this xDefiant.

Even if you absolutely hated any of the above titles, they aren't inherently bad games, they're just good, but not always top quality either.

I say give Ubi credit where credit is due, they at least fix games post launch if they start out rough, Breakpoint is an excellent example this and is such an enjoyable experience now compared to it's launch.