
Uncharted 3 A Prequel? Play As Francis Drake HipHopGamerShow 2/21/10

1. Heavy Rain Exceeds MGS 4 In Story And Emotion - 10 out of 10
2. Tournament Of Legends Wii Game - Interview
3. Alan Wake Receiving Natal Support Via Game Update

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Venomish5225d ago

.ning.com ?
hhgs, flashy title as always

FangBlade5225d ago (Edited 5225d ago )

Im not really that into his show but why so much hate? this guy is just doing shows and reviews about something we all love - video games.
Give him some break.

young juice5225d ago (Edited 5225d ago )

actually, naughty dog could do a prequel.

i wanna know what happend after the incident with nate and eddy's sister.

Saaking5225d ago (Edited 5225d ago )

uncharted 3 a prequel?? No. A spin off with Francis Drake would be pretty cool though... but I doubt it'll happen.

Darkstorn5225d ago

I highly doubt Heavy Rain can outgun MGS4 in the story department, but we'll have to see...

DelbertGrady5225d ago

"this guy is just doing shows and reviews about something we all love - video games.
Give him some break."

Nope. What he's doing is he's trying to score cheap hits to his website by capitalizing on something we all love much more than him. He uses his imagination to manufacture lies & rumors in order to get ad money.

You could compare it to running a hiphop site posting nothing but headlines about 2pac being alive, Biggie being a better rapper than 2pac, Eazy-E spotted in Alaska, or whatever stupid attention grabbing stuff you can come up with. No hiphopers would respect a site like that so why should gamers accept something like HHG?

sikbeta5225d ago

Francis Drake PWNING everyone with an AK-47 will be EPIC... wait a minute...


Persistantthug5225d ago

1. People claim to hate his headlines because they call them "divisive" and "flamebait". On that point, that has been true alot of the time. HHG has put out some flamebait titles in order to get hits to his site. Personally, it doesn't bother me one bit....I like tabloid enquirer stuff from time to time because it's entertaining.

2. The other reason so many people dislike HIPHOPGAMER, is because he's African American. This cannot be refuted because I've seen people come here and call him all sorts of "N" words. I have literally witnessed people like Zlatko wish death upon HHG and even make ridiculous comments comparing him to Bin Laden...literally.

To add insult to their misery, HHG is still doing well and doing better each passing weak.

That is why I root for him. He's the "underdog" guy that keeps doing well...better than most in fact.

cereal_killa5225d ago

Persistantthug Don't play the race card that's just weak you act like he being charged with murder yes there have been a few poeple on here who has use racial slurs but those people dont represent anyone here but there own pathetic selves. HHG does nothing but create Flame bait trash 95% of the time and created to get hits, he's wrong on anything he says most of the time Patcher has a better record of getting things right than him and that not saying anything better.

Persistantthug5225d ago

If You are trying to convince me that HHG being African American has no bearing on much of the negative outpouring against him, you are NOT living in reality.

Yes, he has put out flamebait, and he has taken alot of "punches", justifiably so.

But when I see people calling him MANY racial slurs and even call him a "Ni***r" straight out....yeah...you are either naive or lying to yourself....seriously.

ico925225d ago

Wow that was stupid even for HHGS.

Death24945225d ago

a prequel is believable. I'm also sure you would be able to play a Francis Drake to spice things up. You could play the events leading up to the ship crashing and it would make for and epic story in itself.

If you don't like him then don't click on his article. But yet and still you guys just keep coming back for more. Post a video you actually interviewing David Jaffe, Stephen Tortillo, Jack Tretton, or be mention in gaming magazines. Until then, stop trolling.

cereal_killa5225d ago


Dont get me wrong anyone who uses racial slurs is a pathetic slug but those idiots dont represent the other 95% of the people in here that think HHG is a joke and using the race card is an easy scape goat to hide from the real reason that people can stand this guy. I don't care if this guy is black, yellow or even green the only reason any of his crap gets posted on here is because of his own site workers approving his trash if it wasn't for them this flame bait garbage would barely reach the front page.

DelbertGrady5225d ago

So, explain to me why N'Gai Croal gets so much respect from the gaming community then?

Persistantthug5225d ago

I'm only commenting on what I've seen here.

HHG has been unfairly mistreated here....there's no question about that. I've seen it with my own eyes, and I know you've seen it too.

Mr Tretton5225d ago

Soda Popinsky wins this thread.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5225d ago
Pandamobile5225d ago

God damn it is it sunday already?

El_Colombiano5225d ago

That's what I thought. I saw the title and thought damn it's Sunday already.

Action GO FIGURE5225d ago

Ugh... that time of the week again. :/

fooltheman5225d ago

remember that flashlight thing of ARc?
Maybe it WAs Alan wake 0-0

(just joking)

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Lightning771d 17h ago

Then gets shut down the next day. They should know better than to talk crazy like that.

XiNatsuDragnel1d 13h ago

They'll get shut down that's how Microsoft work

gold_drake1d 12h ago

watch it get shut down tomorrow haha

Skuletor16h ago

It was probably already decided yesterday


"And then Phil Spencer took it as challenge..."

Elda17h ago

They better worry because Avowed doesn't look all that.