
Resumeplay: Torchlight - Review (PC)

Resumeplay writes: "If Fate and Diablo II had a baby, what would it come out to be? The developers behind Fate, and the co-creators of Diablo II have created a world that has meshed the two together and called it Torchlight. As the game started up and I first heard the background music, I was reminded of how closely related this game was to Diablo II. It made me more than a bit nostalgic, and was actually a bit refreshing, if not overpowering."

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NathanGra5287d ago

Uh, this game reminded you of Diablo II in a nostalgic sense? Sign me up! Nice review!

mau645287d ago

I want this game, but will have to wait

CheatsMcGee5287d ago

Good review! Torchlight is one of my new found games that I love. I can't wait till more mods come out.

Rumor has it that someone is working on a multiplayer one as well.

Valay5287d ago

I'll be keeping an eye on this.

MajestieBeast5287d ago

Multiplayer mod seriously? That would make the game even better for the 15 euro's i paid.

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What Can Diablo IV Learn From Diablo II

Diablo IV may be the latest entry from the Diablo series, but it can sure learn a thing or two from the iconic Diablo II. Both of these games are different and similar to each other, but Diablo II's phenomenal presence should still be more appearing in Diablo IV to make the game even better in its current state.

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anast250d ago

Don't turn it into a live service, don't reskin immortal, and add to the complexity.


Diablo 2 Receives 60 FPS Update Thanks To A New Mod

A fan-run initiative called Project Diablo 2 has brought a 60 FPS update for the classic Diablo title, among other changes.

1nsomniac367d ago

Boo! Thought this was eventually a patch for diablo2 on PS5. The fact that they can’t get that game to run in quality mode at 60fps is an absolute joke!


Diablo 2: Resurrected dev union condemns Activision Blizzard

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anast637d ago

The game is still $25 +. I'm waiting for it to drop to the actual value of the product.

Quickstrike636d ago

I would still feel ripped off getting it for free.

MadLad636d ago

It's an awesome RPG they did a good job to modernize.
You may not want to play it, but it doesn't mean you need to act all edgy and crap on it.

anast636d ago

D2 is a masterpiece. I want to play it but it is still too much of an ask right now.

sourOG637d ago

I can’t fault activision on this one. “Hostile” for the delay in recognizing their power lmao. Yikes. Good luck with that MS.

coolbeans637d ago

This attitude is why I'm not a big fan of the MS/Acti deal: you're essentially rewarding repulsive higher-ups with golden parachutes versus absorbing talent like the inXile/Obsidian deals.

MadLad636d ago

But the Acquisition is actually ousting these people; allowing the company to move forward.

The current shareholders, despite all the toxicity and both public and internal outcry, just voted in Kotick yet again.

coolbeans636d ago

That's a fair positive, but part of me still hoped their misdeeds would've bit them on the ass in a more damaging way.

MadLad635d ago

Oh, I agree.
I would love nothing more to see someone like Kotick fired on the spot with every employee giving him a kick in the balls on the way out the door.

Unfortunately the world revolves around money, and he made the company a lot of it. Thus the jackass is still around.