
Ninja Gaiden 2 Frame rate issues in Final Build

CVG Staff have confirmed that the framerate issues in NG2 were found in the final build of the PAL version;

Posted: 26 May 08 2:56 pm
On the CVG Forums:

A user named "Petebrolly" said: According to Teamxbox the slowdown and framerate issues are only in review builds, and the retail builds have sorted this problem.

CVG Staff answered:
"We reviewed off PAL, boxed retail copy. Slowdown very much still there."

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pwnsause5853d ago

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is made from the same director who stated that his "subordinate" does not know how to make games, a game that was pushed to be at NATIVE 1080p locked at 60fps on the other Console!!!! Karma's a B*** huh Tomonobu Itakagi,

n4gzz5853d ago (Edited 5853d ago )

Dude, why are you so happy ?? If NG2 don't interest you, don't play. Don't laugh at others when Haze got 4.0 from IGN. and Vice versa.

Well, I guess i will be saving 60 bucks for god of war 3 to play hack and slash

bootsielon5853d ago

"Don't laugh at others when Haze got 4.0 from IGN. and Vice versa. "

You're acting like anyone cares about Haze.

5853d ago
pwnsause5853d ago

NG2 does interest me, i am going to play it, i just hate arrogant Devs who think everyone else is S**t

n4gzz5853d ago

I did care about Haze. In fact, i had $130 seperated for 2 copy of haze.

LenHart5853d ago (Edited 5853d ago )



NG ran at 1080P native at 60 fps on PS3 and on x360 it doesnt even run well at 720P

AngryTypingGuy5853d ago (Edited 5853d ago )

Wow, Haze only got a 56.7% so far on gamerankings.com. I think it may be a timed exclusive, so I was hoping it would do better. The TV commercial for it is very deceiving. Some reviewer gave it a 9 out of 10, so of course they quote that review and act like it's the norm.

As far as NG2 goes, I may get it. The reviews don't say it's the best game in the world, but not every game can be. It is getting solid reviews though, so it should be a good, challenging game.

Some of you Sony girls crack me up at how you laugh at some imperfections in the game. No game will be perfect. What are you going to do if there are glitches or some imperfections in MGS4 or some other big PS3 title? Did you cry when Lair and Haze proved to be duds? If there are a few framerate issues in a game that's not even for your console (though you secretly wish it could be), get over it.

juuken5853d ago

Damage control is...quite hazardous to your health.

pwnsause5853d ago

3 games that were overhyped and Mediocre on the 360 Ninja Gaiden 2, RROD Dragon and Flop Odyssey, now both sides are equal

LenHart5853d ago (Edited 5853d ago )

Two worlds --x360's OBLIVION killer got 2/10 from GAMESPY

Hour of Victory -x360's COD killer got 2/10 from GAMESPOT

FLOP DRAGON /FLOP ODYSSEY and every XFX ME game flopped/flopped flopped

wartech/vampire rain are actually games that define xFIX ME

NG2 is a mediocre game. Lets FACE IT TARD


GT5P runs at 1080p at 60 fps

WIPEOUT HD runs at 1080p at 60 fps

RR7 runs at 1080p at 60 fps

WARDEVIL runs at 1080p at 60 fps

However there are 0 x360 games which run at 1080p NATIVE so not to even mention 60 fps

xboxftw5853d ago (Edited 5853d ago )


Wow i'm impressed. PS3 running xbox original's 4 year old game port at 1080p at 60fps. I guess that's what ken meant about 1080p @ 120fps oops 60fps on ps3 running ps2 and xbox games.

@lenturd ^^^^^^

Wow those ps2 looking games sure look nice in hd...NOT.
I happy with 720p with better textures and lightning then washed out colors and blurry textures of ps3urds games.

Xi5853d ago

kojima is just as arrogant.

Sir_Ken_Kutaragi5853d ago

Wasn't this pp's game of the MILLENIUM only on xBox 360??? ;-D
Never mind!!! ;-D

Diugu5853d ago

Are you insane? Kojima is not arrogant at all.. he is just a perfectionist who is not affraid to say bad things about his OWN games.

And they ALL are better than any game made by Itagaki (and itagaki's games are also pretty good.)

AngryTypingGuy5853d ago (Edited 5853d ago )

I can't believe the amount of desperation in the posts of some of you retards above. Yeah, some games are flops like Hour of Victory. NG2 isn't even out yet, and it's getting scores in the 7's and 8's so far. Not the best, but not terrible. I wouldn't call it a flop.

One moron said I was doing damage control. Damage control? I acknowledged full well that the article said there were frame rate issues. But a few frame rate issues doesn't mean it's a bad game.

Then some douche said that NG2, Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon were flops. I can't speak for Lost Odyssey. I know some people loved Blue Dragon, and others thought it was too childish. I don't like turn-based JRPG's, especially when they're that childish. BD isn't for me. Whatever. Everyone was so hyped over Haze, saying it was going to be a GOTY candidate, and now everyone is bitter and downplaying the fact that it's a true flop. Maybe you should seek counseling, or get a stuffed animal to hug instead of trying to downplay other games that you know will be good. Bitter, pathetic people.

Like I said, not every game is going to get a 9 or above. Let some more reviews come in before you give the final verdict to NG2. It will do pretty well, even if there are a few frame rate issues (which may be patched eventually). It will be a good, challenging game.

juuken5853d ago

ATG, the only desperate person here is you.

AngryTypingGuy5852d ago (Edited 5852d ago )

Clever comeback, how long did it take you to think of it? Your comments have no substance to them.

A difference between you and me is that I could care less if someone prefers the PS3 over the 360. If someone likes the 360 better, you and all of the other Sony girls lose sleep over it. I know I like to tease Sony fans sometimes, but the reality is that Sony does a great job with their games division. The PS3 is a good, powerful system with an increasing library of great games. But so is the 360, and you can't stand the fact that some people prefer the 360. If MS ever leaves the videogame world, I'll give Sony a try. Who knows, maybe I'll buy a PSP before then.

To acknowledge only the faults of one company but not be willing to admit its successes is a true sign of desperation, my friend.

juuken5852d ago (Edited 5852d ago )

ATG, why should I be angry that someone chooses a 360? That's their business because it's a waste of MONEY. I would have gotten a 360 if it was an all in one system like the PS3 and MS didn't have a couple of pricks in their company. If you want the game, get it. If you want to defend the 360, then do so. But don't be disappointed if MS loses this console war and they abandon the 360 as well. While it has an excellent library of games, the hardware is NOT exactly reliable and you have to play a guessing game into buying it.

But calm down...you sound like you're about to burst a major blood vessel there.

AngryTypingGuy5852d ago (Edited 5852d ago )

Juuken, don't worry about me, I'm just fine. No blood vessels bursting here, friend. The 360 is an all in one machine. Sure, no BluRay, but you can download plenty of HD movies. If you want the BluRay though, then you got the right machine.

As far as 360 winning or losing, I've said before that I expect Sony to sell more in the end. With the PS2 selling over 100 mil., they have a large, large fanbase. I just laugh at all of those who think that a system selling more makes it better. Brand recognition has a lot to do with it. I predict that Sony will sell more hardware, while MS sells more software.

You said, "While it has an excellent library of games, the hardware is NOT exactly reliable and you have to play a guessing game into buying it." -- OK, I have to give you credit for admitting that the 360 has an excellent library of games. I didn't think you had it in you. And yes, everyone who is not super-naive knows that there are reliability issues with the 360, the earlier ones in particular. However, they have changed the design and made modifications, and they are coming out with the new chip. With a 3 year warranty on top of that, you can game in confidence.

Since we both agree the 360 has an excellent library of games, maybe now you can realize why so many people prefer it. A system is only as good as its games. I prefer the 360 library and style over its PS3 counterpart. The controller is a big deal for me too. I never liked the PS controller. It's a good controller, but I just never liked the feel of it too much. For the PS3, they did make the L2 and R2 buttons more like actual triggers now instead of a second set of shoulder buttons, so that's an improvement. Bottom line, we all have our preferences, get over it.

juuken5851d ago

But um...why should I have to rely on a warranty for a system? It should be reliable from the beginning. I have a Playstation 1 and it still works until this day.

Yes, we have our preferences. I think you should get over it as well.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 5851d ago
eagle215853d ago (Edited 5853d ago )

CVG > Teamxbox

Also check out the excellent IGN REVIEW: Ninja Gaiden Sigma, 9.3 (Outstanding)

1080p smooooth 60fps. :)

LenHart5853d ago (Edited 5853d ago )

thats like XBOXKINGS where MART is an administrator

BTW where is MART aka POG aka JASON3FIX ME

leeger5853d ago

what happened to the most powerful console Itagaki?

Maverick_5853d ago

PR FTL. I haven't heard even one developer ever state the XBox 360 is the more powerful console. It's not, not even close. I've heard around 20 say the PS3 is...and you can see it in the games too.

GameDev5852d ago

stupid xbutts accuse PS3 fans of "falling for the SOny hype" "suckered in by sony's lies yet again" " there goes sony OVERPROMISING and UNDERDELIVERING again"' yada yada yada yada

Now I can tell you that knowing what I know about both consoles since the very beginning and then seeing 360 fanboys spout some of the most RIDICULOUS nonsense in an effort to make their underpowered console seem competitive with the PS3, I KNEW this day was coming where they would all look like the ignorant children they truly are.

School is in session xbots and the first class of the semester is "How not to be a dummy for Microsoft and their lies"

"next gen console" bwahahahahhahahahahhahahah
"ferrari of home entertainment" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA H

note to the 360: competing with the PS3 is hazardous to your health.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5852d ago
CRIMS0N_W0LF5853d ago

i'm more disappointed they didn't fix camera :/

ISA_Scum5853d ago (Edited 5853d ago )

Yeah, must be the PS3's fault. Development for the camera must have been too difficult, right Shane Kim?

Condoleezza Rice5853d ago

Though I must admit,Slowdown and Frame Rate hiccups,if severe,are going to be another annoying issue.

Dark_Vendetta5853d ago

Somehow I have the feeling MS wanted this to come at the same time as MGS4

Megaton5853d ago

There's no excuse for horrible camera angles this many years after 3D gaming became the norm, especially when it had been the main criticism of the first one (and its 2 remakes).

LenHart5853d ago

I agree with you man. they rushed NG2.

sometimes companies suffer from marketing myopia

eg Heavenly Sword cam out at the same time as HALO3. It did around 400k for its launch week worldwide but it would have done around 800k if released later

same here.

MGS4 has killed the hype for all summer games on any console . It is follish to challenge MGS4 .

MS has themselves to blame

dan-boy5853d ago

it gives 360 gamers a taste of the problems beset a plethora of ps3 titles..

just looking through the first 20 comments. only one honest ps3 owner replys(idontcare is his name), and the rest is just the usual fanboy line-up loving the chance to dish some dirt.....on a game less than 20% of the inital posters will even play. the rest dont even own the system!!

NG is not a game i will be buying anyway.

SL1M DADDY5852d ago (Edited 5852d ago )

It's funny you say this because as an actual PS3 owner (we know you are not one) I have only really played one game on the PS3 that had a horrible camera and that was Ninja Gaiden Sigma... Sure dose make you wonder where in lies the problem... As for frame rate isues... I have seen a "plethora" of titles on both my PS3 and Xbox 360 that have those issues. Both have plenty of screen tearing too but only one of the console has what we gamers call RROD... Can you guess what console that is?


You can thank MS for the NO hdd option guys, and girl.

arent you guys happy they gave you the no hdd option?

dan-boy5852d ago

can you simplfy your post because i cant seem to get the point? i dont own a ps3 correct. but i will do soon once we complete our move. and anyway, when do you see me attacking the ps3's games or console? feel free to look at my previous comments. i attack the senseless rabid fanboys that dwell on n4g.com. the home of plenty.

as to the camera issue? obviously team ninja cant seem to get that rite....i've never owned a ninja gaiden game so i cant comment because i dont play games like this ie: devil may cry, god of war ninja gaiden. this whole thread is about slow down on a 360 title, and the non 360 owners all jumping on the bandwagon. as i said, they know all about slow-down in plenty of games on that machine!

and can i ask, why you felt the need to bring up rrod??? did i upset you or touch a nerve when i mentioned the amount of games that are noted to suffer from from slow-down and frame rate issues compared to their 360 counterparts??? i think that's why you felt the need to go on the defensive.

just look at the thread and the people who've commented, mostly ps3 owners, and high percentage known fanboys....infact, just look at every 360 thread to see the same people slinging mud at a console and games they will never own. sad really! but n4g is full of saddos

BeaArthur5852d ago

CRIMS0N_W0LF...well then why don't you tell us all how they should fix it. Maybe they can make it 30 feet back from the action? I mean you won't really be able to see any details but at least you will be able to see everything; right? I am so sick of this argument, everyone talks about the camera angle but no one ever offers a suggestion on how to fix it. The camera isn't ideal but get over it, it's really not that bad.

unbiased5852d ago

I even like it kinda. It reminds me of the old SNES days. did anyone here play Super R type?


Anyway I have more of a problem with oage tearing and camera problems.

Scrooge5852d ago

The first NG had really fast action. If that kind of action is slowed down by a framerate issue in NG2 then they have a real problem that can't be overlooked. The fast pase action was the coolest part of the game. Im a multi-plat gamer but Slim Daddy, the rrod problem is a really old insult, you have to put that one to rest.

SL1M DADDY5852d ago

One comment you made that sticks out...

"it gives 360 gamers a taste of the problems beset a plethora of ps3 titles..."

This is fanboy flame bait if I ever heard it. If you don't like fanboys posting then try and keep the flame bait to a minimum. Also, just in saying this and not owning a PS3 makes you a pathetic fanboy yourself so please, try not to come off as some innocent bystander here. Your post reeks of sarcasm against the PS3 and looking through your most recent posts here, you sir are one of the 360 fanboys through and through.

My post was simple, all consoles have frame rate issues and such. If you think that one game is giving 360 owners a taste of what the PS3 has been through then you sir have not played enough games on the 360. Perhaps you should try a few more. I say the first 10 games you pick up to play ont he 360 and of that 10 you will have issues in about 8 of them if not all.

Hit a nerve? Nope, flame bait fanboys like you make me chuckle.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5852d ago
BLaZiN PRopHeT5853d ago

how did they get the final version already when it just went gold 3 days ago?

LenHart5853d ago

a german mag gave NG2 4/10.

i will be posting the review soon

x360 is finished. get over it

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Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 - Team Ninja at its Finest

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 debuted in 2009; ahead of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's launch, it's time to look back at one of Tecmo Koei's best titles.

MIDGETonSTILTS17460d ago


Black > Sigma1 > Sigma 2


The 10 Hardest PlayStation 3 Platinum Trophies

With the release of games now slowing on the PlayStation 3, Twinfinite take a look at the 10 hardest platinum trophies on Sony's older system.

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DarkOcelet3028d ago

I almost got the Lost Planet 2 one, but that get no One in the Leaderboards was effed up.

Many of those trophies are just time consuming, if we are going to talk some seriously hard platinum trophies, put MGS4 in there.

I will never forget the day i got that Big Boss Emblem.

Complete the game in less than 5 hours
Use no continues
Use no health items
Kill no enemies
No alert phases
No special items
Complete the game on The Boss Extreme

One of my proudest trophies :)

skcej3027d ago

yeah the Lost Planet 2 one was pretty ridiculous with the amount of time you had to put in but when I researched the list I found a lot of people saying that the Nom de Guerres were really annoying/ quite tricky to get. I did think about putting MGS 4, maybe it should have got an honorable mention. Impressive trophy to have though dude! :)

kotaku773027d ago (Edited 3027d ago )

Yeah! specially when you got to play over and over MGS4, when you could be playing, idk, MGS3 or any other game

FallenAngel19843027d ago

I'm only one Trophy away from getting the Platinum in MGS4, but unfortunately it has to be that damn Songs of the Battlefield one that requires me to get all the emblems. It's such an eyesore to be so close only to be set up against such a daunting task

kotaku773027d ago

Mortal Kombat 9
Star Ocean: The Last Hope International
Lost Planet 2
Far Cry 2
Wipe Out HD
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Super Street Fighter 4
Persona 4: arena
Raiden IV
NBA 2K16

Knushwood Butt3027d ago

+1 for Raiden IV

What is your best score in Overkill mode (online ranking rules) ?

kotaku773027d ago

I don't know what you're talking about

Knushwood Butt3026d ago

Raiden IV

Shhoting game

High score?


Are AAA Games Too Easy?

"Perhaps extreme difficulties are still here, just presented in different ways. Multiplayer focused shooting games (for the most part), have average (to-below) difficulty within their campaigns. However, jumping online and playing competitively can produce a welcomed contest." KJ of Play Legit Writes

Read Full Story >>
itsjustexuma3331d ago

From Software thinks differently

bacrec13331d ago (Edited 3331d ago )

Real Talk. Wish more companies would get the memo.

joab7773331d ago (Edited 3331d ago )

So do I. Unfortunately, it doesn't sell so it doesn't get made. At least it doesn't sell 5-10 million like Assassin's Creed, And all the others. Bloodborne is one of the best games I've ever played, and it ruins other games b/c it expects better of you. It wants you to play it for awhile, instead of moving on to the next big thing a week later.

It's goal is to consume you, and not just your time, but your patience and your will, and it promises, unlike other games, to reward you for that time w/ actual satisfaction.

breakpad3331d ago

eeh ?? have you heard bloodborne or Souls games ? ..no if the develeopers dont seek wide casual acceptance (aka all kids must play the game) no ... are not easy

bouzebbal3331d ago (Edited 3331d ago )

i think western games are getting much easier than ever.
japanese are the only ones who dose difficulty. Games like Ninja Gaiden, Souls, Bloodborne raise the level.

johndoe112113331d ago

Why? That makes no bloody sense. Most games have varying levels of difficulty, if you are someone who likes to be constantly punished and frustrated while playing a game simply start off playing the game on it's hardest difficulty. Why the hell should they make all games with only one level of frustrating difficulty, to pander to a select few who have nothing better to do than spend 10 hours trying to pass one level?

This argument makes no sense and since bloodborne released people act like they've forgotten about difficulty settings. People saying all games should be difficult and punishing are selfish and inconsiderate and don't give a damn about anyone else's time or preferences. if gamers want to spend over a month trying to finish every game then they should not complain when only 5 or 6 games get released every year. It's a senseless foolish expectation.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3331d ago
rawrock3331d ago

From Soft makes Souls games hard the wrong way. Slow clunky controls and questionable mechanics and design. Anybody can make a game where you die a lot. It takes more talent to make a game with a good difficulty balance and smooth gameplay. I have not played Bloodborne but at least it looks to be step up in gameplay over the Souls games.

3331d ago
freshslicepizza3331d ago

from software became a aaa developer based on expanding its fanbase who often felt neglected to play games where if you die you suffer for it. the first demons souls game was not marketed as a aaa game, it grew from word of mouth and they managed to fill an area that was being ignored.

lots of aaa games are made easy and that makes sense since they want the barriers of people to play them to be as wide as possible. the more accessible the more will play is what they are thinking because aaa games cost a hell of a lot more money to make now than they did 30 years ago.

AngelicIceDiamond3331d ago

The industry doesn't use the word easy but "accessible" so yes games are easy.

joab7773331d ago

It's because they know that you won't be playing long. Only certain games get played over a period of time longer than 2 weeks. They just want your money, and want you to finish it. And they know that if you get the Souls reputation, you are screwed.

700p3331d ago

it depends on the game really.

BitbyDeath3331d ago

Depends on the difficulty setting.

Perjoss3331d ago

I find the souls games a bit too hard personally but I think Bloodborne has perfectly balanced difficulty.

KryptoniteTail3331d ago

Too hard, actually. Well, not "hard" but complicated, with long boring tutorials, and unbalanced sections and they try your patience with collectathons, bulls*** missions and try to make up for it with half hearted multiplayey and/or bitchy trophies.

I prefer more indies these days. AAA can still be the best around but most are boring rehashes and DLC fests.

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