
Sony Expects 77M Total Shipped PS5 Units, Helldivers 2 Beats GOW Ragnarok’s Sales Record

Sales of Arrowhead Studios' third-person shooter, Helldivers 2, have surpassed 12 million copies, beating God of War Ragnarok's record.

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Babadook725d ago

77m in under a year is mighty impressive.

badz14924d ago

what?? dude, this is for total PS5 shipment, not total sales for Helldivers 2 LOL

Babadook724d ago (Edited 24d ago )



I hope you aren’t suggesting this is an all time sales forecast. I was referring to the actual time stated. FY2025 is in pretty much one year. Just under as I stated.

PrinceOfAnger25d ago

Good, now release the games day-one on PC.

Kakashi Hatake25d ago

That would dip into hardware sales. This game did well on PC because it's a multi-player game.

purple10125d ago

am I correct in thinking games like helldivers can't be easily pirated, as they come with constant updates to the content, so new pirated/cracked version would have to be installed every bloody day

but single player one-and-done games, can EASILY be pirated. Choice.

maybe this is also why Helldivers sold well on pc, aside form fans liking it of course.

darthv7225d ago

Sony makes more $$ off software anyways so it wouldnt hurt things as much as you think. There will still be the console only people to buy the specialized hardware... why make PC players wait any longer than they already do?

S2Killinit25d ago

Because PlayStation is a console and we love consoles.

Babadook725d ago (Edited 25d ago )


The big money in consoles, or Steam for that matter, is in the 30% cut that you make on all games. This is why Xbox is pretty much screwed as they didn't target that. If Sony puts everything on PC they will lose their share of 3rd party games as those 3rd party games would be bought on PC. Its best to keep your platform the thriving ecosystem hence you give timed exclusives to your home console, unless the game is not relevant such as GAAS which might as well be on PC day one.

darthv7225d ago

Dook, your assessment implies that console players are just jumping ship to PC and that is not the case. PC players play on PC, console players play on console and then you have this small segment that sits in the middle that go between the two. Sony would not lose 3rd party $$ as they still have their console fanbase who only play on their console. Sony putting their games more frequently on PC will yield them even greater sales as the PC players would not have to wait as long to buy. Now Sony may lose a percentage to Valve... but they make it back in overall revenue from both console and pc markets. We have seen what happens when sony releases a PS game on PC. Its nearly a hit every time, and sony sees this as well, so you know they are looking even more closely at the idea of more frequent PC releases.

And like S2 says, console people love consoles so, again, they really have nothing to lose and everything to gain by putting their games on PC as well as console. Like i siad, there will always be a console market to sell to... why not take advantage of the PC market in addition to that. Nobody can come up with a proper way to refute this. And this is why Sony is eyeballing PC more and more.

badz14924d ago


the one that makes real money from the sales of Helldivers 2 on PC is Valve! that sweet nectar of 30% cut while doing nothing is so addictive for Gaben. sorry to burst your bubble but Sony makes more money selling the game on PSN than on Steam

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 24d ago
Redemption-6425d ago

Will not happen. Some games do better on consoles and some extra money 2+ years later and I expect companies such as Sony and Rockstar will keep doing that

CrimsonWing6925d ago

Didn’t this sell way better on PC by a large margin? Why would you, in the position of a business making money, want to limit yourself to possible poor sales on a single platform instead of releasing on more while the hype iron’s hot?

This whole console vs PC fanboyism isn’t making Sony money. Look at Square straight up pulling away from exclusivity and now going for an aggressive multiplatform release campaign. I’m pretty sure Day 1 on console and PC is happening.

Redemption-6425d ago


You would be right if we all pretend Helldivers is the only game Sony has. As a business man, you look at history, not just one example. There is a reason Rockstar can release their games on consoles only, sell 10s of millions, then release them on PC later. Xbox has been doing day 1 and tell me, how high has their sales been? It's understandable for a live service game, but for single player games, Sony is better off doing what they planned. Release exclusively on PS, then wait 2-3 years, then re-release at full price again.

And no, it didn't sell better on PC by a large margin. It was initially 50/50, as stater by the director, but was later giving more information from NPD (Circana) as PC 60, PS 40, but that was in North America.
Absolutely no one thought Helldivers 2 was going to sell this much, not even the studio and I don't expect all live service games from Sony to sell that much.

Chevalier25d ago

"Didn’t this sell way better on PC by a large margin? "

60/40 is hardly a larger margin

Tedakin25d ago

All the games Sony is releasing on PC 2 years later aren't performing well. If they had put Spider-Man 2 day one on PC it would have sold millions on there.

Redemption-6424d ago


That might work for some games, but not most. I mean people were claiming Xbox games were going to sell more with day on PC. Tell me, how is that going? Also, keeping single player games exclusive is far more valuable than day 1 on PC. A new user's who buys a new Playstation for Spider-Man 2, GOWR or the Last of us 2 has far more value to Sony than a PC gamer.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 24d ago
Cacabunga25d ago

I would stop supporting Sony hardware.. especially now that trophies are also on PC.

For their own sake they better keep making console exclusives and keep an eye on what big of a joke xbox has become

Profchaos25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

That worked out well for Xbox right I think a two year gap is actually extremely generous as a PC player and a console player if the game is first party comes to PC day and date it does devalue the purpose of console hardware and exclusives.

@darth Sony make no money on console hardware always has been the case give away the shaver and sell the razor model

They make 30 percent on everything sold first second or third party on the system.

If they did r sell hardware at a loss we would be seeing console proces spike as much as 50 percent

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 24d ago
Tzuno25d ago

sony eats their nails in stress because they didn't make this a ps5 only game

DarXyde25d ago

Doubt it.

Anyone with a PS5 that wanted Helldivers 2 probably has Helldivers 2 on PS5.

Otherwise, I don't see very many people buying a PS5 just to play this game.

WelkinCole25d ago

Yeah also its really for the PC/Online gamers. I doubt it would have made as much just being on the PS5. Also as you said its not a game that would get people to go out and buy a 400 plus dollar console just to play it.

DarXyde24d ago



That would just be cavalier, if we're keeping it real. Typically, people buy into an ecosystem for the breadth of the games portfolio. Buying a PS5 for one game is just unrealistic.

Stripping away any of the convoluted reasons for buying a console, it's pretty simple:

1. You buy it knowing it'll eventually have the games you want (early adopters).

2. You buy it because it has the games you want now (enough of a portfolio).

3. Because it has the best version or one that your social circle bought into.

4. Because you can't play the games anywhere else (the caveat being that there are ENOUGH games to warrant the investment as an exclusives machine).

With the rise of PC ports of PlayStation titles however, there's another dimension here...

5. Immediacy.

Buying one just for what was once a niche franchise is absolutely an outlier.

neutralgamer199225d ago (Edited 25d ago )

The gaming business has evolved, and PC is now seen as just another platform to release games on rather than direct competition for the same market share. Most PC gamers don't own consoles. Personally, I was a console gamer until last year. I grew frustrated with the constant greed in the console market and the lack of unity among console gamers to demand change.

Take Helldivers 2 as an example—Sony tried to push their PSN policies, but PC gamers pushed back effectively. On consoles, though, there's a persistent defense of corporate practices. Look at the differing narratives around Microsoft's and Sony's actions among gamers and journalists. I don't miss consoles at all, and the PC community has been incredibly supportive for a newcomer like me.

On PC, I can enjoy games without spending on microtransactions thanks to mods. Cheat codes, which were fantastic back in the day, are still accessible on PC, whereas on consoles, they are monetized through things like XP boosters.

shinoff218325d ago

I still believe some console gamers just don't wanna deal with pc. Tye only thing pc has that I'd be interested in is mods other then that I'd rather not deal with it. Someday I'm sure I'll jump in but just not in a rush

StoneTitan25d ago

Yeah and pc is also the plaform with most cheaters. Its a great platform but after a day of work on pc I just like to relax with my console and not think about anythink else.

Deeeeznuuuts25d ago

I'm in a Helldivers group on Facebook and the amount of people who got the Spiderman bundle with Helldivers 2 was crazy 😂

Crows9025d ago

Sony has a successful multiplayer title...who coulda guessed.

Arrowhead seems to be doing a great job with updates as well. Kudos!

WelkinCole25d ago

Yeah never saw it coming as well.

DivineHand12525d ago (Edited 25d ago )

I really hope the situation with Helldivers 2 on PC can clear up soon. Since the whole PSN account mandate, the player population has dropped significantly compared to what it was a few weeks ago.

It now takes much longer than normal to clear a major order. I remember when they released the order to kill the terminids and that got cleared the same day. Now we are struggling to do the same with the automatons.

P_Bomb25d ago

Could be some ppl are naturally moving on. I haven’t played since platinum.

DivineHand12525d ago

Nope. Players from over 170 countries are unable to play the game because it was delisted from Steam.

This whole PSN issue has done significant damage to the community.


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Why Are Maxed-Out Players Still Playing Helldivers 2?

Veteran players of Helldivers 2 share what motivates them to play the game even though they are maxed out. What can be improved?

got_dam6h ago

Because its the moment to moment gameplay that makes it fun. The chaos. The shared laughter at some monty python team kill because all theplanets aligned to create a hilariously stupid moment.

franwex5h ago

Maybe because they’re having fun?

Inverno2h ago

Usually once you're done leveling then the real fun begins cause you can use whatever weapons you want, and perks, and gadgets and the sorts. Which is why I like new game plays with all the unlocks.


Helldivers 2 Players are Losing the Mission on Aesir Pass

Helldivers 2 Players are calling for help as they are fighting a losing battle against Automatons on Aesir Pass. For the love of Liberty!


Helldivers 2 players blast Flexible Reinforcement Budget booster, call it "an absolute troll pick"

One Helldivers 2 booster is standing out for all the wrong reasons, with some players even calling it "an absolute troll pick."

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MIDGETonSTILTS171d 8h ago

It’s quite handy…. What’s wrong with a faster extract?

ravens521d 7h ago

I still haven't gotten the trophy for extracting from a search and destroy (not what it's called) mission in half the time or under. It's hard to do it with randoms. I also need someone to shoot me in each of my limbs.

TheLeapist1d 8h ago

Is there anyway for me to block articles from videogamer.com showing up on my feed?