
Almost A Year Later, Armored Core 6 Comes Across As Sekiro's Rebellious Brother

Armored Core 6 is the modern, action-packed mecha game that deviates from the Soulsbornes formula orchestrated by Hidetaka Miyazaki.


From Software Parent Company's Profits Drop, but Armored Core Surprises

From Software parent company Kadokawa has released its financials for the year, and while profits are down, Armored Core has performed surprisingly well.

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zaanan28d ago

In other words, FromSoft is kicking ass; other Kadokawa game companies, not so much.

savedsynner28d ago

Name another company that has ever released only games worthy of a 90+ score for over a decade? starting with Demon's Souls, nothing but 90+s...even DS2 was a great game.

Ataraxias28d ago

Princess Peach Showtime is currently in the mid 70s

esherwood28d ago

Fromsoft is one of the few good guys left

FinalFantasyFanatic27d ago

I hope we get another AC game in the future or some DLC, I don't think we'll see DLC though. At the shizuoka hobby show they apparently announced a heap of AC model kits, even from older games like AC3.


Armored Core 6 Sales Performed "Beyond Expectations" Last Quarter According to Kadokawa

According to parent company Kadokawa, Armored Core 6 sales performed "beyond expectations" at the end of last year, as did Elden Ring sales.

XiNatsuDragnel120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

Good game excited for 7

FinalFantasyFanatic119d ago

I loved it, no surprise it did well because there's nothing like it and the fans have been starved of a new game for 10 years. It also helps that the game is fun and complete, no DLC/micro transactions or season passes either, which is typical of From Software games, I can't wait for Armored Core 7!

UltimateOwnage119d ago

Its a fantastic game. It plays great on my Deck as well, so its an equally amazing portable game. No IAP's, no online requirement, just raw, exciting gameplay. The way games used to be. More of this, and they will get my day-1 money instead of waiting for sales to buy in.


Best Action Game of 2023

VGChartz's Paul Broussard: "A relatively quiet year on the surface for action titles gave room for some smaller titles to shine on the big stage, demonstrating that lesser-known AAA series and even indie titles can dazzle when given the chance. Amongst the crowd, however, four stood out.

Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons brought old school 2D brawling back into the limelight, with it holding up just as well as it did in 1987. Also coming out of retirement was Armored Core, with its sixth installment demonstrating to the public that From Software hasn’t lost its edge with mech combat during all those years working on Souls games. Ghostrunner 2 recaptured the platforming/sword swinging magic of the first title, while polishing some of the rougher edges and introducing a few welcome mechanics. Finally, Hi-Fi RUSH infused a musical rhythm into traditional action gameplay, with a colorful cast of characters and memorable soundtrack backing up solid combat mechanics."

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