
Apple building up iPad 3 to rival Xbox 360 and PS3, claims XMG's Adam Telfer

PocketGamer: The quandary many developers face when setting out their desires for a new piece of hardware is, most – if not all - happen to be gamers too.

It's a mental tussle perfectly illustrated by XMG Studio's VP of game development Adam Telfer.

While he wants Apple to take on Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo in the living room, he's also wary of the development costs involved for outfits such as XMG if iPad 3 represents a major step up from its predecessor.

We caught up with Adam for his take on how Apple should find the right balance for developers and consumers alike with its all-conquering iPad.

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Malice-Flare4471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

how long does the battery last playing PS3/360 intensive games?

besides, a phone game developer making a judgement call on console games? sorry, not credible enough...

4471d ago Replies(2)
Pixel_Enemy4471d ago

The question will be does the thing have the ability to use physical buttons? We already know that the iPad can connect to a TV, it already has the ability to do OnLive console quality gaming.

Saladfax4471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

It doesn't seem like they're pointing to the iPad by itself to be a standalone gaming marvel. Having only a touchscreen is a terrible input method for most games, which is why most of said games are incredibly simplistic or just plain shit.

More likely, they're looking to continue the trend of device consolidation. Get a peripheral controller, hook it up to your TV, and if the hardware in the thing is half-decent, you have a portable console.

Right now, the app store has pretty crap games with a few decent ports of indie titles or remastered adventure games, etc, but you never know when that might change. If the hardware works and there's enough audience there, developers (yes, even good ones) will port or create original products for the devices.

Razongunz4471d ago

the iPad 3 will have a anstonishing 30 MINUTES of battery life running crysis 2 ... i could serroiusly see that coming xD

its probbably easy to get a tablet with console/pc graphics if u just have the tech and want the cash out all those $$$$ for a tablet with a GPU/CPU like that.

if its true, that the ipad 3 will have the graphics or proccesing power of a ps3/360 you can expect to pay about a 1000-1500$ for it i'm sure. oh and then its the controls..ups nope sorry..forgot.. no..controls..whatsoever.. *sigh*

Soldierone4471d ago

Look at Razers tablet. The first "true" gaming tablet that plays PC games. Its pricey as hell, but even then it still can't play things like Battlefield 3 on high settings.

Let's not forget that PS3 and 360 are somewhat dated hardware now, even the console owners agree since a new generation is coming. So congrats Apple you caught up to a generation thats already over....Plus aren't Apple computers slacking in the gaming department? Dues Ex just recently got announced for it, and it's been out how long?

NeloAnjelo4471d ago

And next year we get the Ipad 4, followed by the Ipad 5. Sony and MS however will still be giving gamers value with an actual product life cycle. Something that we can have in the long term with continued support.

THESONYPS34471d ago

Don't worry we will handle this ;)

THESONYPS34471d ago

Hahaha we definately aren't worried ;)We have this under controll

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4471d ago
majiebeast4471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

Gaming on a ipad is like putting ketchup on a steak you just dont do it.

reynod4471d ago

Same could be said when people played FPS and RTS games on a controller(instead of a Mouse and keyboard which are far more accurate). Yet people didnt mind the limitations.

No reason why a BT controller cant be synced to a tablet or phone for gameplay.

saladthieves4471d ago

You're forgetting about something - homo sapiens (human beings) only have 2 hands; there's only so much we can carry in both hands before we look very awkward.

Syncing a controller to a tablet would be a nice way, except that you'd need to be seated somewhere to play with a controller in your hands on your tablet. Wait, don't consoles have that part completely covered??

reynod4471d ago

The tablet gets hooked up to your TV just like a console via HDMI and is powered up so the batteries dont drain.

Grab the controllers play from the couch just like a console.

Saladfax4471d ago

It furthers the notion Apple pushed the tablet for in the first place. Scenario:

Your tablet docked at your bedside blares its alarm to wake you up on a Saturday morning. You pick it up, walk over the bathroom, grooming yourself while listening to a bit of music.

Down to the kitchen, you keep your favorite jams going while you pull up a nice waffle recipe, mounting it on another stand so you can prepare breakfast.

While eating, you switch over to Netflix to catch an episode of Futurama at your kitchen counter(best show ever), finishing the show while you put dishes away.

After this, you pull google maps to do a bit of Saturday errand running, maybe the local Home Depot for parts for a leaky faucet. The iPad's a bit big for a car dock (though I'm sure they exist), and you've only got the wifi version, so no turn by turn, but it's nice to have a map readily available.

At home, you listen to a podcast or NPR while fixing the leaky faucet. Then there's a bit of weekend emails which need to be handled, so you dock it at your keyboard set up. Heck, maybe you even grabbed a big external monitor.

Once finished, you bring the tablet down to the basement and dock it to the TV, grabbing a controller to play your favorite, latest triple-A game title. You have guests coming, so once finished, you set it to a picture slideshow and set it into the wall mount as a nice bit of decor.


This is the kind of thing they're looking to do with pretty much all devices. Is it smart? Is it the best idea? Will it work out that way?

Not necessarily, but they're definitely going to try.

Voxelman4471d ago

mmm ketchup on steak 'n' chips....

chad22hkd4471d ago

For rts,and mmo games, and some others yes, the keyboard and mouse are better. But for fps its a toss up. The mouse have wayyy better aim, but the wasd keys sucks for movement. You are far more agile and fast moving with a controller. Other than that any 2d platformer, fighting game, or many popular sport games are far better with a controller, ahhh you silly little sheepish fanboys.

Voxelman4471d ago

not sure what that had to do with ny post about liking ketchup on steak 'n' chips....

pandaboy4471d ago

lol, you silly little sheepish ketchup fanboy

OmegaSaiyanX4471d ago

Are rubbish full stop. They have been flogging around the same rubbish for years and adding a small upgrade then charging hundreds for it and all the sheep flock to the Apple store walking over each other and then crying and screaming that they were first in line and how comes some guy behind them gets it first - cos he pre-ordered online lmfao.

thewhoopimen4471d ago

the same could be said about all pc makers even before apple made it big...

UltimateIdiot9114471d ago

No...you can't because these kind of things don't happen with PC. When was the last time you've seen hoards of buyers fighting over the latest Dell laptop or HP outside of black Friday?

saladthieves4471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

If you've been paying the smallest bit of your attention towards tech news, you'd know that Apple is on a suing rampage.

That includes patent trolling all around the globe, from San Francisco to Germany all the way to Australia. Their claims? Patent infringement; which is a load of bull. They have the dumbest of patents - "slide to unlock" being one of them. How they were granted this patent when it was already implemented in other phones BEFORE they even made an iPhone, is beyond my belief.

If there's one true thing about Apple's current situation is that they are worried and feel threatened by the competition. They don't want a company like Samsung (and its awesome galaxy devices) to continue beating them at their own game, taking the coward's way out - using the court system - is their solution.

For the record, the PC world has a lot more choices than the Apple world. People have freedom and they truly do "Think Different".

Soldierone4471d ago

When did Apple make it big? Microsoft is what made computers big, and is still the leading company by a landslide....Not once has a computer company pulled a "we have lines waiting to get our new product!" advertising....yet they sell just as well, if not better.

@egidem, it's because Apple was sneaky and got the patents in area's that the patents were not already secured (like in Germany). It' stupid. we see stories about ordinary people doing that all the time and laugh at them, yet Apple does it and they get support?

hadouken0074471d ago

Yeah my cousin bought the iPhone 4s or what ever its called, and I bought the galaxy S2,she was trying to tease me, thinking she had the better phone, I was like ha ha ha ha.....ha ha ha ha ..yeah OK.

AusRogo4471d ago

I dont care if the graphics are good, if I want a portable with awesome games , ill get a vita or 3ds. REAL gaming handhelds.

dcbronco4471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

And if you want to browse the web or word on a document you do? I would prefer an all in one device. Not saying it has to be an iPad. But having three or four devices is so last century. Time for something more. No more carrying a gaming hanheld, a phone and a tablet.

There can only be one.

Soldierone4471d ago

I'll pull out a laptop. Typing on a tablet sucks, its good for quick little tweets or browsing the web, but typing a full document on one?

If you were true about "gaming and all in one" then you too would own a gaming laptop, otherwise your point is flawed. Same with "oh I'll just buy an added keyboard" really? How is that any different than having another gadget?

I find it funny that people brag about tablets, when I sit there and think "didn't we already have this 10 years ago in laptops?" You can get 3G/4G USB things, you can get touchscreens on them, you can hook them up to the TV (you can even do it wireless without an issue these days), you can play games, you can watch movies, you can do it all, we have had this technology for years and its WAY more advanced than tablets.

tiffac0084471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

True but to my understanding he only wants to play games and not make word documents. So there's no really point in carrying an all in one device, when a dedicated handheld gaming device is all he needs.

You can browse on the Vita btw.

mttrackmaster384471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

And when you're battery runs out after all that gaming, no more phone calls for you!

dcbronco4471d ago

Soldierone, Computer gamers spend way too much for way too little upside. Unless you're willing to buy new every other year. Most console gamers(like me) aren't. Doesn't mean I'm not "true" about gaming.I don't own a tablet, but i would buy a tablet before a Vita because it will do more and have more power. I prefer small screen laptops. But I refuse to go top of the line when I know the price of whatever I buy will drop 40% before the end of the year.

Tiffac008, then get a phone. More power and you can get a cell company to pay most of the cost. Sony should have the sense to add a phone to the Vita. That would make it more worthwhile. But they still haven't learned their lesson with the premium pricing game.

mttrackmaster38, I seem to remember the PS Vita having a short battery life. Or do you believe it will continue to work after the battery dies. 41/2 isn't that great. At least the iPad is supposed to give you a lot more than that. ipad 3 is supposedly 3 to 4 times that.

tiffac0084471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

Sorry but I don't play app games, I do see why people like them because you don't invest too much time on them but I prefer my gaming to have deeper experience, if I can bring my console gaming on the go then I prefer that.

Sony has to kill Xperia first before they do a PS Vita phone, its the logical step forward but the Vita was not made for the phone market.

There is Skype on the Vita btw, in a sense it can make calls.

Oh yeah the iPad should have more battery life, its bigger and Apple always sell at a premium price without people hating them for it. So they can afford to put a more bigger/expensive battery on the iPad.

dcbronco4470d ago

I don't play app games either. My point is that handhelds are going to have to change or they are going to disappear. The idea of buying and overpriced Vita is crazy to me though. I agree that the controls are important, gyros are a joke for controls. But to me people who buy handhelds having the crazy idea that the majority of the public wants one more thing to lug around is amazing. If Skype was as reliable as cell phones everyone would have one.

Look around, the vast majority of the public doesn't want a handheld.

Several billion do carry cell phones.

Phone are as powerful as handhelds and will surpass them later this year.

Game developers are going out of business.

Games on cell phones are getting better.

Big developers are starting to develop for cell phones.

Cell phones have too much in their favor. Microsoft just might be planning to open their entire Arcade catalog to Windows 8. Xbox OS is Windows based btw. That would suddenly open up a huge number of games that would immediately compete with Apple, Nintendo, Google and Sony. And it would be good across Xbox, tablets, phones and PC. Plus you would only buy the game once to have it for all.

Nintendo and Sony need to drop the handhelds and start licensing their games for phones.

tiffac0084470d ago (Edited 4470d ago )

But what you just said is already the end of dedicated handheld gaming... adding a phone function to it makes it a smartphone. lol!

The prices of the console goes down, even when a new and improve sku comes out, same cannot be said for smartphones or tablets. So the excuse that the Vita is overpriced (an opinion) is temporary and not permanent. Not really a solid reason against it.

Sony has said they are open to put their games on smartphones. The Xperia is already a sign of this.

Ninty will never do it because they are a toy company at heart. So the harmony of their hardware and software is important to them. They'll have to get out of the console business before they put their games on iOS or Android.

The developers will make games for the iOS and Android because its cheap but they're not going to make a high end cost game and sell it for $1-$5 and that's where the difference lies.

So at this point in time, I don't really see the end of the handheld market, the market may have been divided (significantly reduced) as the casuals have moved to the smartphone markets but the core gamers are still there and as long as the market makes money, it won't die anytime soon.

I don't expect it to be successful as the previous generation but in the end gamers buy consoles for their games not their extra functionality and that has never changed.

dcbronco4470d ago (Edited 4470d ago )

Uh, duh. That could be one way. Probably wouldn't work though.Considering it would still be a 30 million unit market against a 500-600 million market. You do understand that getting just 5% of the phone market on a game makes the handheld market look like a joke. Everyone that buys a handheld in a given year would have to buy a game to equal 5% of the phone market. Some gamers might not get that but developers do.

Let me try a pros and cons thing.

Pros. Vita


Pros. Cell phone


Cell company will pay for most of it

You were probably going to buy an expensive phone anyway(btw, did u. bet u did)

phones constantly updating tech

more good developers using phones as platform

developers will make more expensive games for phones because there aren't huge royalty fees attached

Too many gamers are short sighted. Or have tunnel vision. Change doesn't have to come in the form of a phone. If they plan to stick around it might have to become a software driven medium. No $300 Vita when it cost $160 to make. Or ridiculous media prices.

Make a reasonably priced machine($199 on $160 BOM). Update it every 16-18 months. Make a media platform and stick with it for several generations(like 6 or 7 gens). Make a realistic storage system. Don't sell 4gb cards when your star game need 2gbs. Don't make overpriced storage mandatory, it's okay to have a little flash. Once you own a digital game you can transfer it to next system.

Those are changes that will allow them to stay around. The stupid sh-- they do now is why Sony has failed as a company for so many years in a row. Kaz has the right idea. But some inside Sony are stuck on stupid. They may have been Apple in th3e past with the premium pricing, but their time for that is long gone.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4470d ago
guitar_nerd_234471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

Based on my experience of selling iPads at work the core consumer of them are not gamers.

They are typically either males usually 35+ who treat it almost like a mid life crisis purchase or busy businessmen types and women 40+ who if they didn't exist would buy a netbook instead as they just want a web browser really.

CBaoth4471d ago

If iPad brings gaming to a whole new audience, then that's good. It could mean the next time I pair up with some strangers for some Borderlands2 mayhem, I could be mass murdering with an investment banker on a PC? Sweet!! As a core gamer, it just means I have MORE options to play, not LESS. Did all the "core" games shrivel up and wilt away on Nintendo's handhelds? Did I lose out on core games because the PS2 and now Wii were flooded with shovelware? I can understand fanboy bias, but I never understood fanboy hatred.

Titanz4471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

It's just the way you said it (mass murdering? I'd refrain from that type of talk).

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Rynxie1d ago

Remaster sonic shuffle. I had tons of fun with that game back during the DC days.

Number1TailzFan17h ago

May as well just do a Mario Party crossover, I mean they did have the Olympics games

Profchaos10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

I don't get Sega there's years when they clearly get it like sonic mania but there's years where they just slap the branding on a random game and call it a day.