
Baldur's Gate teaser site sparks new game rumours

BaldursGate.com has suddenly become very active, displaying a teaser image, some cryptic text and some hidden clues in quick succession. Many are speculating a new addition to the classic roleplaying franchise...

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NYC_Gamer4484d ago

Every rpg fan should experience Baldur's Gate

da_2pacalypse4484d ago

But Bioware is in no shape to be making another Baldur's gate right now. Not after what they have done with Dragon Age and Mass effect. They have to get their stuff together first.

NYC_Gamer4484d ago (Edited 4484d ago )

I wouldn't trust the new Bioware to bring back any of their true gems. a new BG would just be all dumbed down.

DeadlyFire4484d ago

Bioware is no longer Bioware. Its EA-Bioware. Its just EA bleeding through its core now. There is no going back.

superrey194484d ago (Edited 4484d ago )

Dat music... brings nostalgia to my ears.

Playing it as a 9 year old a year after it came out, I sadly never finished the game, but that didn't stop me from creating new characters and trying over and over again.

Maybe I should try it out one more time...

Julie4484d ago

Play it now it still is awesome and graphics looks very nice, there is a mod for to play at 1920x1080 i am replaying it and is awesome as always!! Shadows of Amn just in case :)

RankFTW4483d ago

You can mod the game now and put all the Baldur's Gate games in 1 big game using the BG2 engine, google BGT-Weidu 1.14.

superrey194483d ago

I decided to give baldur's gate 2 a go, got it from gog.com. So far so good!

ATi_Elite4484d ago

Like we don't already know a new Baldur's gate is coming. Dark Alliance III (or some Baldur's Gate project) has quietly been in the works for a while!

Unfortunately Atari has something to do with the license.

As far as Bioware being stretched thin.....EA has made sure they have plenty of studios under the Bioware umbrella to take care of this.

EA's game plan is simple: All console games will have 1 of 3 things attached to them.

EA Sports
Frostbite 2

NovusTerminus4483d ago

Didn't Atari say they have an announcement soon?

EA might work with them to get the BG game made...

hellzsupernova4484d ago

if they are making it itll probably be out before diablo 3

Cosmo8114483d ago

You are not an RPG fan if you have not played Baldur's Gate. I could add a few more 'required' RPGs to the list too... Planescape: Torment, Fallout 1 & 2, Icewind Dale, Divine Divinity, Morrowind...

Jaces4483d ago

All i ask is the ability to play with friends online.

Jaces4483d ago

herp derp, your a funny one.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4483d ago
ASTAROTH4484d ago

I want the first two in HD on a collection... and please PLEASE SONY ... I want a collection of Champions of Norrat and Returns to Arms...classic games !!!!!

brodychet4483d ago

Dark Alliance was a great game. Didn't enjoy the second one so much. But i would buy a third. Because the first was that great.

Jovahkiin4484d ago (Edited 4484d ago )

Make it co-op oh mighty lords....

Edit : Or just make it all *prays*

JsonHenry4484d ago

Part 2 was co-op wasn't it? Or am I thinking of NVN?

Julie4484d ago

That is NWN2 :) Baldur's Gate Shadows of Amn is single player :)

hay4483d ago

It's multiplayer up to 6 players.

Elwenil4484d ago

I wonder if it's a new game or just something to stir up some hype about the games coming to Steam?

LewisDenby4484d ago

Apparently not. The guy behind this project (ex-BioWare) says it's unrelated.

Elwenil4484d ago

True, but I wonder if that can be believed. I think I'd be a little shocked if a new BG game was in development. The site has what appears to be a new take on the BG emblem but the background is the characters from the original game. I guess we will have to wait but the whole thing seems a little odd. I suppose that's the point if they are trying to hype something up.

SandwichHammock4484d ago (Edited 4484d ago )

Oh wow, that takes me back. I remember getting this game on 5 CDs I think when it came out. If I remember correctly I was running a PII 200mhz w/128mb ram...good times. Actually, there is a part where you can meet Dritz I think it is, the elf with the two fancy short swords. I was being chased by a horde of goblins (the long leg mofos) and the dialogue opened up with Dritz, but when it finished they ended up killing him. Needless to say, his swords I could not use :D.


Bioware did good with DA: Origins. I believe they did actually call it the successsor to Baldur's, and I actually agree. DA2 on the other hand, ya.

Bioware of Baldur's Gate days is dead now.

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Becuzisaid55d ago

Kinda cool I guess. Seems they just allowed the camera to zoom in right on top of the characters head and then able to control movement like a fps. Makes me wonder what the game would be like if I didn't ever zoom way out and scroll over the environment to check out for enemies nearby almost constantly.