
Modern Warfare 3 dev responds to Battlefield 3 beta

“I surely didn’t see bugs like I saw elsewhere” when Modern Warfare 3 was shown at Call of Duty XP, says Glen Schofield when asked why they only needed 1000 people to play their game compared to the 8 million participants in the Battlefield 3 beta. Plus further news on whether Modern Warfare 3 PC dedicated servers will be ranked.

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HK64618d ago (Edited 4618d ago )

You didn't see bugs like that because you didn't have a Beta. I am sure you will see bugs like that in the final release build of MW3 though.

Trunkz4618d ago (Edited 4618d ago )

lol they talk the talk but like every CoD release you see all these people using glitches to get all these kills while in battlefield it's usually a balance fix and the odd bug or features that need to be added/fixed.

So many people play CoD but they feel they don't need to do a large stress test? Enjoy the lag fest on launch day MW3 buyers ^^

deadpoole4618d ago (Edited 4618d ago )

Why Modern Warfare 3 doesn't need ppl more than 1000.

1. Same Engine, nothing new just more desaturated and thats it.
2. Same Development tools
3. No dedicated servers for Consoles (just like before)
4. Expected huge launch day failure, just like modern warfare 2 launch day (not able to connect any MW2 game over PSN).
5. Hacks Gamesave hacks, which will ruin the games for players by automatic ranking and unlocking all weapons.

whereas Battlefield 3.

1. New Engine.
2. New tools.
3. Dedicated servers for consoles and PC.
4. Takes feedback from gamers and considers it.
5. Free DLC = 4 Maps offered by DICE (which MW3 otherwise will charge 15.00 quids).
6. Free Battlefield 1943 game on PS3.

Most important of all DICE isn't as greedy as like some perticular developer.

gamingdroid4618d ago (Edited 4618d ago )

1. New Engine. -> Didn't see anything special with the graphics at all. In fact, the pop-in was jarring. Wow, there are stairs in front of me?
2. New tools. -> Ok?
3. Dedicated servers for consoles and PC. -> This is always nice! Gears 3 rocked on dedis, but source for this or is it common knowledge I missed?
4. Takes feedback from gamers and considers it. -> What possible feedback could Dice get from the beta? It was a glitch fest so the value is very limited especially 4 weeks to launch.
5. Free DLC = 4 Maps offered by DICE (which MW3 otherwise will charge 15.00 quids). -> Which Dice cut out of the game? BF3 has 9 maps + 4 BF2 maps. MW3 has 16 maps, not sure about the number of older maps included. I would say it is a draw, because BF3 maps are bigger.
6. Free Battlefield 1943 game on PS3. -> That is nice for PS3 owners, but what about the Xbox 360 owners?

Dedicated server would be nice, and a little extra changes would be nice too for MW3, but let's face it BF3 is actually more similar to MW3 than people think. I'm certain BF4 will just be more of the same, just like MW4.

EVILDEAD3604618d ago (Edited 4618d ago )

Oh snap..Sledge took a 'shot' back after an entire year of shots that EA and Dice took on MW3.

But watch the comment section when they get a lil taste of their own medicine.

Pulls out popcorn..this won't be good.

edit @ gamingdoid

'Free Battlefield 1943 game on PS3. -> That is nice for PS3 owners, but what about the Xbox 360 owners'

By the time Battlefield 3 is released we will have been playing Battlefied 1943 on Xbox live for almost TWO and a half years. There is a reason it's free.

Now Dead Space extraction? That was a cool PS3 bundle.


aksmashh4618d ago

They probably already know its going f up on release day.

I'm not really interested in betas anymore but
COD MW beta was amazing tho, before that rainbow six used to be the king

Shackdaddy8364618d ago (Edited 4618d ago )


1.) Here's PS3 gameplay after beta: http://www.youtube.com/watc...
If you look at the oil fields map for PS3(there's like 1 video), you will see absolutely no pop-in and a very long draw distance. The beta was not a demonstration of their game by any means. They used a very very old build and were just testing their servers out. I mean, they didn't even have full terrain destruction on...

2.) New dev tools means better features in a game. It's not that important to people who play games though so I agree...

3.) We are getting dedis. It's actually why we even had the beta - to test the new infrastructure they're using.

4.) The addition of commo rose for the final game is something from the players. Also very specific weapon adjustments were taken from complaints from the beta.

5.) True but DICE does expansion packs too for ~$15 which includes new everything(weapons, classes, vehicles, maps). Just look at the spec ops expansion pack for BF2. It was a completely different game.

6.) Nothing, unfortunately, so I agree with you. But that's just how EA rolls... Plus we already have 1943 so it's not that big of a deal.

deadpoole4618d ago


1. I believe you don't fully understand what game engine is ... game engine is not just about graphics, its about sound, AI, character animation, gameplay mechanics and physics etc. so yea, you have to think about game engine in broader perspective, that'll help you understand, why it is new.

2. New tools > Example, motion capture technology used for movement, prone etc.

3. Use google (by writing simple search terms you'll get answer) ... I can't offer ya everything on silver platter.

4. Well, you have to visit official battlefield 3 forum to understand and realize whats goin on with feedback consideration from gamers now and in past.

5. Sheer size of one Battlefield 3 Map is enough to fit 16 MW3 constrictive maps and there are 9 Maps + 4 DLC in total BF3 ... do the math. If every MCom station location which is different compared to previous MCOM station location environment (Example Operation MEtro: Outdoor, Subway and City) location counts then 3 (Average MCOM Numbers) * 9 maps = 27 Maps ... which is almost twice of what MW3 is offering and wins hands down.

6. Free Game with it ... atleast DICE is utilizing the free available disc space on Bluray for PS3, can't do anything because of limited disc space... what MW3 is offering or utilizing free available disc space ... Nothing.

So being misinformed and having little knowledge about the product doesn't make product bad but it is individuals loss who failed to gather information and missed out on the great product.

jbiz3304618d ago

It annoys me to all hell when i hear people like deadpoole talk about whether or not a company is "greedy".. ALL company's are greedy you doofus, you really wont be in business long if your not to some degree..

davekaos4618d ago

@ Deadpool, i was going to say the exact same thing. caspian border is bigger than the entire map collection of MW2 and id bet good money that it will be bigger than the entire collection of MW3.

Also @gamingdroid, you bang on about the graphics yet i dont see the devs of cod making any improvements at all. if anything i though MW2 and blackops were poorer compaired to COD4. Not only that but COD itself is a DX9 game and i bet the best devs out there would have been able to take the game and easily make it playable on the ps2 and xbox.

Undeadwolfy4617d ago Show
Mikeyy4617d ago


Umm, Ive had Battlefield 1943 for 2 1/2 years on PS3 also...

Didnt know if you realised that?

Biggest4617d ago

Didn't it come free with Bad Company 2 as well?

da_2pacalypse4617d ago

What a cheap shot.... lol i think the reason for the numbers is due to the fact that call of duty is a shallow shallow experience that is for the douchebags

GezForce4617d ago

yep... could never get seriously into COD due to their peer to peer crap connection. with the amount of money this franchise makes you'd think there would be server support by now. i'm sorry cod fans but i dont find it particularly fun playing on a red bar. im from australia and alot of my friends are from usa. when i join their game the amount of lag is inexcusable at best.

Autodidactdystopia4617d ago

*in droopy the dogs voice*

"We dont need everyone to come to our party.

us 10 guys can have fun on our own."

*Passes lube*

"we'll let you know how the "tests" turn out"


Heartnet4617d ago

Dunno why some people keep going on about how its using the same engine when plenty of games and i mean plenty use the same engine (Unreal) which hasnt evolved in quite a while...

People just hating on CoD :)

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4617d ago
xYLeinen4618d ago

Think there is a limit of how many bugs you can have in MW3 since it's the third game in the series utilizing the same engine.

As far as I know there are no entirely new mechanics etc. compared to what BF3 brings with their new engine. DICE potentially got more room for mistakes.

I don't know tho, but it's just what I think makes sense.

Xalaris4617d ago

Why do MW3 devs even bother criticizing BF3?

I smell fear.

hiredhelp4617d ago

I cant keep count here. Whos winning this war in here BF3 or COD..?

Games4M - Rob4617d ago

Its actually the 5th cod game from the same engine - dont forget World at War & Blops.

Heartnet4617d ago


There insulting mw3 lol plenty worse than there retaliating :L and he didnt mention BF3 were just assuming he did which obv means there was a ton of bugs in that game otherwise people wouldnt be thinking of it

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4617d ago
gamingdroid4618d ago (Edited 4618d ago )

Well to be fair, the BF3 demo masqueraded as a beta was a glitch fest. Took me a whole minute or so to walk through the floor!

In cases like that, I'm not certain having a beta 4-weeks to release is a good idea. It reflects very badly on your product, even if it is a month old build.

bigboss9114618d ago

"Bf3 demo masqueraded as a beta was a glitch fest."
That right there is about as stupid as stupid gets. The beta was to test server load and nothing more. All those bugs have been ironed out way before hand. Proof is in the several tourneys Dice has had in the last couple of weeks. All reports said the bugs where not there. There was even several articles on this very website about that issue.

emartini4618d ago (Edited 4618d ago )

If you read the arcticles you will see that the final version has been played and the graphics are much better along with the bugs gone. At least Bf3 is a new expierence where MW3 is just nothing but a glorified MAP PACK of MW2. Same ol engine thats very dated. It RENDERS at A WHOOPING 600P RESOLUTION. Same recycled FAKE artificial sound effects same recycled everything with a new campaign and new maps . Nothing else different. People that play MW3 are playing a game from 2007. BF3 ALL DAY. BF3 uses recordings from the real guns making it more of a realistic sound. Same old sound effects from 2007's MW1

MrSent4618d ago

IT WAS A BETA, NOT A DEMO, YOU ARE A TROLL. Go play your beloved CoD already, no one is listening to your drivel. If you, and others cant comprehend what a Beta is, that is entirely your fault.

gamingdroid4617d ago

EA/Dice can put whatever label they want on it, doesn't make it a fact. With the release time frame, there is nothing else but call it a demo!

That said, bigboss911 has a good point, which is that it might have all been fixed by now and just wait for the reviews of the full game.

Then again, it seems EA is trying hard to manipulate the reviews:

"EA Caught Attempting to Manipulate Battlefield 3 Scores in Norwegian Press"

The demo was definitely not a very good marketing tool, that is for sure.

Biggest4617d ago

Okay, wait. You call it a demo because of the "short" timeframe between beta and release, but then concede that the final game may actually have none of the issues from the beta? Would that then mean that the beta called demo is back to being a beta again? Why can't you just admit that you jumped the gun on the BF3 hate? You can still enjoy CoD. No one is taking your $60 DLC disk from you.

Wh15ky4617d ago


How does someone so clueless have so many bubbles.

Arnon4617d ago (Edited 4617d ago )

1. Why would your word of a beta being a demo have more validity than the company who produced it?

2. Wouldn't by saying that you know the bugs will not be apparent in the final release mean it is in fact, a beta? (Considering it was confirmed already)

3. How do you have so many bubbles?

Kahvipannu4617d ago

Yawn gamingdroid.. All I see you bitching about the beta being demo and that it is equal to retail product. It doesn't get old, does it? /s

I know it must be painfull to realize what betas are, I pressume your strictly console gamer since you don't understand how those tests work out. Even with the three links to articles I posted before for you, but I pressume you just didn't want to read them..-_-

I don't know why your so afraid of BF being the game we BF players have always wanted? You will have friends still playing CoD with you still..

"Then again, it seems EA is trying hard to manipulate the reviews:

"EA Caught Attempting to Manipulate Battlefield 3 Scores in Norwegian Press" "

Actually, they are more like choosing who to give the game before launch, not "manipulating review scores" directly... Check the link you posted^^

Heartnet4617d ago


EA new this was going to change peoples mind so surly releasing the later build wouldve helped changed peoples minds alot :L

But no they chose to realease such a shitty build and so the game should be judged based around that :)

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4617d ago
r1sh124618d ago (Edited 4618d ago )

This guy is a clown..
You didnt see bugs and you didnt need a large beta sample..
Um lets see the history here:
MW2 hacked to crazy limits, Hack lobbies, prestige lobbys, walls hacks etc..Across all major platforms (xbox, PS3, PC).
BF2 not hacked in the same way.
How those hacks occurred, the game was full of bugs.
Other famous bugs:
Rock glitch on DLC map, wasteland of the map (check my youtube),shotgun jump, the list is endless.
SOrry MW3 dev you are stupid.

GraveLord4617d ago

Oh BF2 is FULL of hacks. So are the newer ones.


Fil1014617d ago

seems like the people calling the BF3 beta a demo is because they don't know how to spell the word BETA. Seriously "8 MILLION" on a online only competitive map to stress test the servers and there are still, lets face it "the BF3 haters" out there still calling it a demo lol. i'd put money on the fact that MW3 will be near non playable online on release, just a hunch but every other cod has been, hell i got rid of my blops about a month after it released and traded it for bfbc2 and haven't looked back since.

Captain Qwark 94617d ago


Im with everyone else that you should def have a beta esp considering the popularity of these titles.

also i dont like cod im a battlefield guy, however....

as much as i favor dice and love how positive everyone in here is being, lets not forget that despite a beta for BC and BC2 both games were virtually impossible to play on day 1, if you got into a game and stayed in you could but otherwise it took like an hour to even connect to a game....

being realistic, i expect the same if not worse for this since it seems like it will have far more players. but im still hopeful just dont be surprised if it falls flat on launch

MrSent4618d ago (Edited 4618d ago )


Read the article and listen to what Activision/Infinity did to the PC and PS3 community.

Skip to 15 minutes and 22 minutes (Podcast youtube vid)to hear Robert Bowling ruin CoD MW2 for the entire PC community. Infinity Ward is NOTORIOUS for turning their backs on true gamers.

If you are a true gamer, you need to listen to the entire podcast to fully see just how arrogant/ignorant Infinity ward has become, and how they don't really care about the hardcore community. It's sad, and it's true.

GraveLord4617d ago

yeah because PC gamers = the most hardcore out there!
Stop being so arrogant.

RockNRoller4617d ago

@ Gravelord, They are hardcore try playing someone with years of Xp in mouse and keyboard to a controller, i yell ya it's damn difficult to beat a person like that.

RockNRoller4617d ago

cool devs;thanks for that awesome story. now when am i going to see some changes being made ? last time i checked my calender said oct 18,2011 not November 5, 2007

GraveLord4617d ago

You have some weird way of thinking.
If an early build of a game doesn't have bugs/glitches what makes you think the final version will have them?

Battlefield fanboys. Are you all misinformed trolls? I would love to know. I have yet to see a sane BF3 fan on this site.

ThatIrishGamer4617d ago

You don't need a Beta to realise that you haven't made the grass solid and people can fall through it into the middle of the earth!

Dice are just incredibly lazy.

FragMnTagM4617d ago

You don't need a beta to realize that you haven't made any significant changes to your game and knives are more powerful than guns.

Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer are incredibly lazy.

There fixed it for you.

SonyPS3604617d ago

I agree.

Bugs in a beta. How absurd this world is.

frostypants4617d ago (Edited 4617d ago )

I guess we'll know whether or not his confidence is warranted if MW3 finally fixes the horrible lag issues that have plagued the gameplay of the last 3 or 4 CoD games. I mean, he talks as if the CoD netcode hasn't been fundamentally broken for years (fun, but broken).

ThatIrishGamer4617d ago

I don't mind bugs in a beta. . . . .but ground that isn't solid?! Surely you start with the ground LOL. . . .have Dice not walked around their own maps? It's so rudimentary it beggers belief.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4617d ago
nano884618d ago

The beta was wack case closed

A_Troll_From_Ign4618d ago

dont worry the mw3 beta will release when the game hits the shelfs day one! remember world at war and mw2 day one, yes there is you beta possibly alpha aswell.


LOL...I laugh, but it's sad at the same time because it's true

A_Troll_From_Ign4618d ago

I have learnt my lesson. I'll get mw3 for Xmas.

SonyPS3604617d ago

You're a fool if you build your opinion on a game from a beta.

Avernus4618d ago

I don't think CoD will ever have a beta. No dedicated servers to test, and the real testing will be done by us when the game is released.

In essence, we're all beta testers when we buy a CoD game.

ginsunuva4618d ago

Each one is a test for the next one

SJPFTW4618d ago

LOL as we speak MW2 is still not fixed.

Shackdaddy8364618d ago (Edited 4618d ago )

They actually finished a month early with the xbox version which tells me they just don't care...

Dart894618d ago

*And the real testing will be done by us when the game is released.*

Correction it will be done by the retarded monkeys xD that go out and buy this every year not by the smart people who know better.

Avernus4618d ago

Well yeah...I meant "us" as in the gaming community. I used to like the CoD series. BF3 for me this time around.

Kahvipannu4617d ago (Edited 4617d ago )

CoD:MW had beta, and it was fresh and fun back then.

When MW2 hit the market, my friend got it day one, oh boy it was a mess.. I really do hope MW3 will work as intented as the devs believe, but to be honest I believe your right. MW2 isn't fixed this day, and I wouldn't too get my hopes high for MW3 when it comes out..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4617d ago
Netic4618d ago

Yea that's why in MW2 without beta the game was full of balance issues with Killstreak and full of hackers...

But hey they don't have any bugs ... It'S a ****** 4 years old engine. I do hope they don't have any bugs...

KwietStorm_BLM4618d ago

I think it's a bit older than 4 years

JonahNL4618d ago (Edited 4618d ago )

Technically, Modern Warfare 3 is still based on the id Tech 3 engine, which dates back to around 1999.

However, the code has been rewritten so many times by now that IW, or SG for that matter, no longer needs to license the id Tech 3 engine and it can be considered to be a standalone engine.

So yeah, MW3 uses a 12 year old engine. It's not like this is anything new in the industry to be using a heavily modified and updated version of an older engine.

SneeringImperialist4618d ago

This dev sounds like a real jerk "I surely didn’t see bugs like I saw elsewhere"
Thats because you douchebags have used the same game engine for like what 4 - 5 years now?
Glitches and problems happen to appear when you actually build something new rather than relying on the same old thing for so long! also 8 million people didnt need to play the beta thats the amount of people who wanted to ,its just coincidence.

damnyouretall4618d ago (Edited 4618d ago )

thats what i came in here to say. everyone knows it cause its common sense i suppose. one more week till bf3 makes cod look like the bitch of videogames. yeah i said it :)

Show all comments (115)

COD Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 Pride Month Freebies Released; Gundam Mobile Suit Collab Launched

Activision has not launched the Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 Gundam collab cosmetics, and also freebie skins in celebration of Pride month.

Ninjamonkey826d ago

Wish the hadn't put them among the event camos.

VenomUK5d ago

Reset Era regulars are delighted at this news.

6d ago
Elda5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Nice to have inclusivity. Happy Pride Month to the Puerto Rican community & the LGBTQ community here in NYC.

5d ago
anast5d ago

Who downvotes a comment like this?

Storm235d ago

Yeah...the internet sucks.

Huey_My_D_Long5d ago

Welcome to the N4g. Where the gamers complain about gamer stereotypes while acting like gamer stereotypes.

Elda5d ago

Bigots & there are plenty on this site.

just_looken5d ago

The down votes because this is call of duty a first person shooter not pride month parade #45

I used to play first person shooter's for the military on military action not to watch someone with a pride flag stapled onto a cat shooting a gun from the boys on a map from my little pony.

Now you first up a game its all over your splash screen almost like a porn game can i just play a quick game like it was on the ps3 era ffs.

Elda5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

It's an article that's talking about COD & Pride freebies that coincides Pride month. June is the month of Pride & in the city & state of NY Puerto Rican heritage is celebrated including the LGBTQ community. You know where you can take your BS bigotry.

just_looken4d ago


Go bang a dude or be a trans i do not care just do not spread that crap in my face 24/7

I do not care if its dung beetal month i am just sick on tired of it being everywhere like the fury shit or in the old days were church's went door 2 door preaching like gtfo with your cult crap.

Elda4d ago

It goes to show how immature you are because the article didn't look for you you decided to enter the article yourself knowing you knew what the article was about from the get go. Your ignorance shows through knowing Pride month isn't just for the LGBTQ but for all cultures & communities. No one put a gun to your head to enter this article you decided to enter the article just to spew your negative bigoted BS or just maybe you entered the article out of curiosity because you're a closet case.

just_looken4d ago

I entered the article because its about call of duty a videogame because we are on a videogame website

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4d ago
Daeloki5d ago

Happy Pride to you too, and have my upvote to at least try offsetting the downvotes!

4d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4d ago
5d ago
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