
Bobby Kotick 'in real trouble': Battlefield 3 war of words hots up

The fierce rivalry between Activision's Modern Warfare 3 and EA's Battlefield 3 has hit boiling point - as John Riccitiello proudly boasts of "getting the goat" of Bobby Kotick.

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just_looken4734d ago

there both fps both have campers both require limited skill and just are pick it up and go wow im fn good look at me spray the pkm wow im skilled me throw hatchet 90ft and get a kill oh and don't forget the toe shooting and sniping. Why is there a fight between them when both are trends.

fluffydelusions4734d ago (Edited 4734d ago )

The snipers are the one issue I find annoying about bf games. There are always way to many. Cod however has way more problems IMO.

@below that is true but I still play bfbc2 and nothing is worse then half of a team made of snipers just camping out across the map picking people off.

DoomeDx4734d ago

Sniping in CoD is alot worse.
Kids love to noscope and quickscope and tell their friends are school about how awesome their 360-one-finger-in-the-nose-whi le dancing-around-in-underwear-no scope kill

Fishy Fingers4734d ago

Never really had a problem with campers, snipers or really most of the stuff I hear people moaning about. Thats in either BF or COD games. I just get on with it and try and have fun.

T-K47x4734d ago

Yeh snipers in BF games are annoying as its a team game so having nearly a full team of snipers just means an instant loss. I think they should have a limit on the amount of classes in BF3 as it would encourage team work more.

lil Titan4734d ago (Edited 4734d ago )

one thing i remember about COD that i hate is that there would be people 40ing left and right, they would purposely die just to get another 2 shells to use. worst experience ever aside from the campers who would get killstreaks and that god dam helicopter that is an instant 6 to 7 kills easy

side note: why are these articles between COD and BF appearing? personally BF shouldnt be even matched against COD since BF is more to the "REAL" side of combat

kancerkid4734d ago

There will be a team death match mode in Battlefield 3 which noob campers will flock to, thus, leaving Rush and COnquest ALONE.

ABizzel14734d ago (Edited 4734d ago )

This is not a classy look from EA, but I have to say based off of what I've seen so far I'm much more interested in Battlefield 3, although I must say the MW3 single player campaign footage shown at 3E looked better than most of the previous games, Battlefield on the other hand is just amazing with all the destructibility etc. EA you have nothing to prove, so keep it classy and save the fanboy war for the fanboys. You've pretty much PS3 fans (even though you've been with them since PS1), and Activision are 360 fans even though most of their games outsell the 360 version except Call of Duty.

MW3 will outsell Battlefield, but I think this Battlefield will sell 10 million copies overall which is the first step in catching the Modern Warfare crowd. But the fans need to tell their friends about it, and the PS3 fans need to buy the game so they can enjoy Battlefield 1943 for free.

Inside_out4734d ago (Edited 4734d ago )

...that is why they have moved their game to October. They know they can't compete and Kotick is poking fun at them.

EA says that they already showed the console version...O_o...Really??? Where is it. Even the media that have played Battlefield behind closed doors are asking the same questions...Where is the console version???

Dice has been calling other devs lazy and that their Frostbite 2 engine is a next gen engine in the current gen...lol...how dumb is that. This is starting to look a lot like the Black ops Vs MOH last year...how did that turn out again and who was the pub behind MOH....oh, yeah...lol

Wait till Activision adds considerable insult to injury when they smash EA in court for trying to steal COD MW. Sorry EA, those E-mails are all the proof they need and 200 MILLION is a big number.

guitarded774734d ago

I don't have a problem with people playing as snipers as long as it's to the benefit of the team. I also think anyone who plays Battlefield should be made to watch this video before they ever pick up a controller.

captain-obvious4734d ago

sniping in BF is challenging as hell
first you got to line up your shot thanks to the gravity effect
an then you have to make sure its a head shot if its a long shot
because its very unlikely to kill him if you shot him in the body

Washington-Capitals4734d ago

The true battlefield experience will still be on the PC, but im hoping the console version provides the best FPS online experience for console games.

tigertron4734d ago

Yeah I know what you mean, I always see lots of snipers camping on hill tops. I used to love sneaking up on alot of them as they were sniping and just knife them all without anyone noticing.

NatureOfLogic4734d ago

BF3 = over-hyped. I will not be buying BF3 this year, maybe next year( BFBC2 got boring really quick). BF need more than graphics to win me over.

lil Titan4734d ago

@KingElixir the game play is enough the graphics are just the eye candy. and my worst game of BF is still better than any game played on COD you lose

darksied4734d ago

The thing is, if the team is mostly snipers, that just means they have already lost. The thing I find the hardest, is when there's like 2 or 3 snipers on the other team; that means they are smart, and most likely good at sniping.

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BeastlyRig4734d ago (Edited 4734d ago )

pc devs don't make trends consoles devs make trends..

But I have not seen the console version but It will play similar!

The way you describe I don't play like that!

When I use my K/M it's all about head shots! Toes shots are for panic moments..

Then again it was ex pc devs who made this whole call of duty thing sooo idk...

Jezuz4734d ago

I really don't understand what you are talking about.

YogiBear4734d ago

Apparently they don't speak English in "What."

Dac2u4734d ago

@YogiBear: Pulp Fiction, great scene.

hiredhelp4734d ago

Grow up ppl stop complaining about ppl when they write.

death2smoochie4734d ago (Edited 4734d ago )

Please tell us what trends do console developers accomplish that pc developers do not?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4734d ago
SonyPS3604734d ago

Good god. I couldn't read past the first line through fear of getting more stupid for it.

otherZinc4734d ago

BF people shouldn't say anything, that single player campaign is terrible. People can say its for multi player but the fact is, more people play the SP than online.

I'm not a COD fan but have all the games & the SP is far greater than BF.

Also, I'm waiting to see BF3 on the console as well. When EA shows a trailer of CONSOLE GAMEPLAY ONLY, someone let us know please.

Also: where's the co-op?

RedDragan4734d ago

A COD fan complaining about another games single player mode?

We have a new definition for "Pot, Kettle, Black".

Kahvipannu4734d ago

hmmm.. yes, I finished last CoD campaign in 5 hours when I visited my friend, it was fun, but tiersome in the end with instant all-out action. But what's after that? Oh yeah, the multiplayer.. 99% of the gameplaytime people spend in CoD is multiplayer, don't expect it to change with MW3.

In BFBC2, I did play one mission SP, it was ok, but jumped straight to the MP, since I knew from Beta that it's "the game".

Clarence4734d ago

Your not a cod fan but have all the games? What? Cod SP is garbage.

Your not a cod fan but have all the games. Your funny.

Ser4734d ago (Edited 4734d ago )

"-the fact is, more people play the SP than online."


In all seriousness, though, do CoD's action movie campaigns really excite you? The campaigns feel like action flicks from the 90's.

Heck, even MoH's campaign was more enjoyable than CoD's for me. It felt so real, especially the missions where you play as "Dante." They made you feel like a real soldier in the heat of combat.


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beastgamer4734d ago

Bobby: Fans are leaving
Robert: we'll still sell high
Bobby: I want more, put back quick-scoping, now!

HardCover4734d ago

Why don't you try playing a BF game instead of assuming it's a 1:1 copy of COD


SCW19824734d ago

Have you even played Battlefield?

awi59514734d ago

BF is not a trend there are still hundreds of full 64 player servers still playing BF 2 today and it launched in like 05

NarooN4734d ago

The true Battlfield games require limited skill? Go play BF2 and try to lone-wolf it and kill the entire enemy team by yourself, you'll get fucking raped.

itzcoo4734d ago

for everybody complaining about no scopers in call of duty, is it really that hard to kill them? -_-

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Cloudberry4734d ago

But I admit, Battlefield 3 is amazing from what I've seen in trailers & such.

I'm sure both of them would be great nonetheless.

Still, it's interesting to see how the war between EA & Activision would turn out.

coolasj4734d ago

Hey, that means you can save money for Uncharted , Skyrim , Batman , Resistance , Halo , GoW ect.

Cloudberry4734d ago

The only FPS I will ever buy in 2011 is Resistance 3.

MoDyDo4734d ago

Quite a taste you have, yup Resistance 3 rocks

NobleRed4734d ago

Don't now If I buy Battlefield because I don't like driving arround in vehicles but Im definitely not buying COD.

DanSolo4734d ago

You don't have to drive around in vehicles mate, 9 times out of 10 when I play I am on foot.
Me and a friend who play alot have recently started using the helicopters just as something different... that is the great thing about the game... you never have to once get in a vehicle if you don't want to, it is just an option to do things a little differently if you so choose!

newn4gguy4734d ago

What Battlefield do you play? I play BF2 all the time (still) and it's probably in your best interests to get in a vehicle. BFBC 1 & 2 were more forgiving, but I think BF3 will be more like the original series.

DanSolo4734d ago

I play BF:BC2 mate, and yeah I do use vehicles quite a bit, but what I mean is although I use them.... you are not forced to use them. So probably 70% of my gaming time will be on foot. I will use tanks when the mood hits me, I use the quads and jeeps to get to places quickly, like if I am flanking people, and recently have started using the helicopters a bit more seriously as I used to just jump in and have a go before doing something else!

My guess is BF3 will occupy the middle ground, yes it will put more emphasis on the vehicles.... but not at all at the expense of playing on foot!

Ravenor4734d ago

In BF2 you're better off in a vehicle only because of the Random cone of fire and just latency problems in general with shots from a distance. Remember DICE's objective with BF2 was to improve the gun play over 1942 and Vietnam they did that, and in each iteration of the game they have improved the usefulness of the infantry guns and just the feel for the gun play in general.

I have no doubt in my mind that you'll be perfectly fine running around on foot, relying on your rifle and not a tank.

Shackdaddy8364734d ago


Really? Because I still play BF2 also and I only get in a tank on vehicle maps. For the most part I like to stay on foot as support or anti-tank.

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coolasj4734d ago (Edited 4734d ago )

The way to take down MW3 is to throw all of your efforts into hype and advertising. It's DICE's job to make the best FPS in recent history and EA's job to talk trash, hype the game, and advertise, advertise, advertise.

Didn't Modern Warfare break out because of that ludicrous amount of advertising money they threw at it? 100$ Million or something right?

Redempteur4734d ago

except that DICE has made a very impressive effort is both the game and the engine supporting IT.

While in MW3 , we had only scripted event , BF3 has a mix of both random and scripted and dammit the scale of the rendering sure is impressive ...

FlashXIII4734d ago

End of the day I doubt Kotick is really that bothered. He deals in numbers and profit and despite being a HUGE fan of the battlefield series and wishing that it blows MW3 out of the water.. chances are MW3 will sell a LOT more copies than BF3 and that is all Kotick cares about.

This isn't a bad thing however as I'd be distraught if the COD community started turning to battlefield and end up changing my beloved series into a glorified action film.

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Kaii48d ago

Morons that allow themselves to be milked continuously by this company is the definition of irony.
Spend more $$ and you'll end up In easier lobbies so you win both ways when ya spend that cash

melons47d ago

Controversy in the COD community feels like it happens within an alternate timeline. Activision will take the piss with something, there will be a momentary fuss about it, and then they will forget about it and carry on anyway. Repeat this cycle literally every year for the rest of time.

Gridknac47d ago

They call that a crack head! Thats what this is really about, its an addiction. People who dont smoke cigarettes look and laugh at the addicts that spend $8-$10 a pack, but they cant help themselves, they are addicted. That same analogy applies perfectly to the whole MT industry. Only an addict that was not thinking clearly would spend this kind of money on something so frivolous. A round of multiplayer provides the same high a person gets from scratching a lotto ticket, or putting money on a sports bet. MT in general need to really be regulated because you have a generation of kids becoming adults who grew up only knowing the MT era of gaming. Its normal to them and they will in turn teach their kids the same by just being a gaming parent and getting their kids involved with them in gaming. Thats why no matter how ridiculous the headlines keep getting out of the MT industry, it never seems to fade or go away.

X-2346d ago

I'm so tired of hearing about what they're doing with this game, its never going to change and it's never going to value the consumer over money, furthermore the people who engage so heavily in the microtransactions I guess allegedly are having a blast and can't wait to do it some more this year when the new version of the game drops.