
GameSpot: Final Fantasy XIV Review

Final Fantasy XIV is a notable entry to the genre but only for what it lacks. It lacks character; bare-bones quests and audiovisual repetition fail to instill a sense of fantasy wonder. It lacks cohesion; communication failures, economic oddities, and stringent limitations leave you constantly directionless. And it lacks joy; the abysmal interface and boring monsters make it a struggle to stay invested. The open-ended classes, the stunning graphics engine, the focus on story--these elements deserve rightful praise. It's a shame they weren't put to use in a game worthy of the Final Fantasy brand. Certainly, Final Fantasy XIV will improve as features are added, yet the failures go beyond the superficial. Updates may address a multitude of flaws, but "fun" is not a feature that can be added with a simple patch.

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pwnd_of_lol4983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

I want the old Square Enix back, the old company that settled for nothing less than quality in this gen..

Dread4983d ago

that was when it was Square Soft
since they merged with Enix it went down hill fast.

ELite_Ghost4983d ago

yea I don't think they're coming back, they're swimming in that pool of cash :S

pwnd_of_lol4983d ago

I mean an MMO on a console? Somehow this doesn't sit well with me. As we all know with the exception of WoW for some reason MMo's=auto fail. Should we boycott FF14 just to ensure SE loses money and listens to what people want..

meganick4983d ago

I used to love Square back in the SNES and PS1 era. Since then, they've just lost their way, and they're now one of my least favorite developers/publishers. I hope they can get their shit together and go back to greatness.

Megaton4983d ago

I don't think they've made a single game I enjoyed this gen. They're completely off my radar at this point. If someone submits something about Versus XIII I might click it, but I'm certainly not tracking it. I honestly don't think they've got the talent to make good games anymore. Nomura might be the only exception, but what can one man possibly do to build something of quality in a garbage heap?

Sarcasm4983d ago

Not surprised after seeing some videos online. *sigh* Enix sucks balls more and more.

lastdual4983d ago

Eh, people are complaining about Enix, but the Dragon Quest games have actually been one of the few bright spots in SE's recent history.

It's not the merger that's to blame for their downfall, it's an overall design philosophy that has abandoned what they were best at (creating traditional, turn-based RPGs with towns and dungeons that were actually worth exploring).

ChineseDemocracy4983d ago

Portable games have been great, everything else is rotten.

bviperz4983d ago

I think we all want the Square Enix back. I hope FF XIII brings back that loving feeling. Whoa, that loving feeling. Because it's gone, gone, gone, whoa...

DelbertGrady4983d ago

Sounds like Square Enix needs an interaction designer.

Myze4983d ago


Well, Squenix seems to be terrible at making anything other than handhelds right now. The reason is simple: they are trying to cater to the western market. Wada has said so many times.

As for the Dragon Quest series, there have only been two from Squenix. 8, by far the superior of the two (although 9 is very good, but again, a handheld game), wasn't even made by Squenix. It was outsorced to Level5, and we know they can make good games.

ABizzel14983d ago

give it time, the game will get better. Most MMO launch's are underwhelming, and with time they become a lot better.

bakasora4983d ago

Good job gamespot and $quareenix. Just continue pissing people off $E

Danteh4982d ago

How the mighty have falllen...

First Rare and now Squeenix

Damn :(

Duxer4982d ago

I agree and dream of a better Square that was before.

Johnson411014982d ago

You mean you want SquareSoft back.

gman_moose4982d ago

After 2 weeks = fail.

However, they did say something that stuck with me.

"fun can't simply be added in a patch"

nickjkl4982d ago

who reviews an mmo when its realeased all mmos fail on day one

a proper review cant be made util after you have played all classes of all clans up to a respectable level

and after the bug and content patches since if you were to release a game with all content originally planned you could cause bugs and not know where to start sorting them out

Reibooi4982d ago

There goes whatever credibility Gamespot had left. Seriously Notice that NO OTHER site has had a review yet. Why? Um... it's a MMO. It takes a really long time to accurately review a MMO.

The only way this reviewer got enough play time in to have a review is if they are counting both the closed and open beta as well as the final release which is a no no in reviewing.

It's a really fun game but there are enough issues currently that it bogs down certain aspects but these will be fixed as SE has already mentioned they have plans. If I was to review it I would probably give it a 6 or 7 until the main issues are fixed.

Perkel4982d ago

@ Above

Gamespot review is quite good IMO. Users give even less (like 35% in recent news)

Wada must be absolutly fired. He don't know what gamers like.

He is second Kot(d)ick

MisterNiwa4982d ago (Edited 4982d ago )

There is no need to even question it, these day's everything with Square Enix written on it is bad, to everyone.

They don't need a truth, let them think what they want.
The game is great and fun, I am somehow happy that this game isn't for everyone since the people in it are more fun to deal with instead of WoW where most people are stupid and can't quit to play it.

Even though I have to wait for the PS3 release to yet again play it, I enjoyed a fair time with it in the beta's.

Final Fantasy XIII aswell, is a great game, but people are filled with too much hatred to admit it. No open world? The story goes on too fast? It's too straight? Only one corridor to run to archieve the end?
Seriously, if these facts were valid back then, then Final Fantasy X would've been the greatest flop on the PS2.

People this gen need to get their head out of their arses.

Every disagree will only make me feel good as it proofs that I am right, and every agree will make me feel better because I know that someone understands what I feel.

Solotov4982d ago (Edited 4982d ago )

"The reason is simple: they are trying to cater to the western market."

If that is true, then why is Bethesda Game Studios, BioWare, & Blizzard's RPGs so good?

Reibooi4982d ago

The one thing that blows me away about the video review is that it seems as if it was done by someone who did nothing but look at forums and message boards and see what people were complaining about and then talked about what he read for a video review.

And the whole thing seems like a person with a vendetta who doesn't want people to play a game at all costs as opposed to a opinion.

There was no "If you like this or that then maybe you can look past some issues to enjoy the game" It was nothing but "DON"T PLAY THIS GAME" which is the most retarded thing a review can do.

A review is a opinion but isn't supposed to force it's opinion upon you. The ideal review lists the good and the bad and then lets the reader/player decide if the game is right for them.

I hate to do this but comparing this pile of crap review to the giant one in progress at IGN(yeah I know not much better) is night and day. The guy doing the IGN one has a ton of issues with the game but lists tons about the game he likes as well and no where does he flat out say don't play it. He is going far deeper into the game then this person ever did.(or at least I assume so based on this review.)

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 4982d ago
Joule4983d ago

Square sucks at making games now, maybe they can redeem themselves with FFVXIII.

ELite_Ghost4983d ago

versus 13 looks good on the other hand, we'll see in 2011 ;)

AndrewRyan4983d ago

But it is not. Final fantasy 13 looked great, but it wasn't that great... Final fantasy versus 13 looks great... Who knows it may be another flop. The only reason people are hyping it is because it is exclusive (so far) to PS3.

evrfighter4983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

At this point don't put much faith in versus. I bought f the ps3 for ff and twisted metal. I won't be suckered into buying versus.

I spent 80 dollars on this trash. I'm at 18 mrd and will be playin till my free month is up. Those of you looking for an HD ffxi get ready for some major dissapointment

Sarcasm4983d ago

Given the fact noone has really seen how FFvsXIII is really like, there isn't much hope for a good game from them.

rexus123454982d ago

FF13 is a good game, but I agree with gamespot - ff14 sucks. I regret buying it

Jazz41084982d ago

Thank god Microsoft passed up this pile of steaming do doo.

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ShakeShakeShake4983d ago

another day, another bull pile of crap Square Enix made

SonyPS3604982d ago

...that there were people violently defending this game.

Fanboys eh?

frankymv4983d ago

trying to figure out which Japanese developer fucked up more this gen.......

Capcom or Square

TooTall194983d ago

While they haven't been as bad as the ones you listed I'd say Level 5. I'm so disappointed they are making WKC instead of Dark Cloud.

westy5524983d ago

Actually very tough choice, I still think square comes out just on top, I mean look at capcoms games, they are aweful and yes so are squares but I think square still nudges ahead.

And honestly I dont wanna play ff as an mmo anyway, on my ps3 that is, and if I wanna play an mmo on my pc im not going to play a square enix game. lol

4983d ago
Monkey5214982d ago

I wouldn't say disappointed. White Knight Chronicles was actually quite fun to play. I was hesitant at first because of the lower reviews, but the story was solid (a little cheesy though) and the combat system was quite fun.

While I do want another Dark Cloud, they should finish the story ark that they created now (which it's going to end with the sequel), then they should consider making another Dark Cloud or maybe a reboot.

majdees4982d ago

you mean Sega not Capcom

vhero4982d ago

At least capcom listen to their fans I mean we getting MvC3 and other great games SE constantly ignore their fans and screw them over.

gamingdroid4982d ago (Edited 4982d ago )

... and we saw how that went for Capcom's financials.

I love Capcom in general, they made some of the best games in the past. I have fond memories of Mega Man and of course Street Fighter, but let's face it as a business Capcom is not doing so well with a string of terrible games.

Definitely looking forward to MvC3 though!

Solotov4982d ago

I would have to go with Square: Even though Capcom's RE5 was not as good as the previous game, it didn't totally go down the toilet like Square has

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darkziosj4983d ago

now blame the 360, *sigh* ps3 fanboys

SyphonFilter4983d ago

maybe it was going to be on 360 and it burned down half the studio so they couldn't finish it on time and rushed it.

wicko4983d ago

Nobody said anything about the 360, so please go away with your fanboy comments.

Lyr1c4983d ago

Only fanboys use the word "fanboy" ;)


King-Leonidas4982d ago

It´s 360´s fault. You asked it.

YoshiMeetsU4982d ago (Edited 4982d ago )

That's trolling but it is so true. 4/10 is like Deadly Premonition bad.

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x5exotic4983d ago ShowReplies(1)
Lord_Doggington4983d ago

the game really starts when you're 300 hours into the game, then it's pretty rewarding

versusALL4982d ago

Yeah, Final Fantasy XIII is rewarding 10 hours in the game, I can wait 10 hours, but not 300, not in this life time

lucifon4982d ago (Edited 4982d ago )

So i have to play through 300 hours of shit to get to 'the game really starting'? Thats not how you make a good game. Infact i've heard a ton of talk of people who've maxed out and have nothing to do.

buckethead_X4982d ago

I personally would have to say that this fellow is joking.

Is it even possible for anyone to have played 300 hours?

Abriael4983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

Review written less than a week since a MMORPG's launch does not any credibility hold.

The reviewer obviously didn't play ffxiv nearly enough to review it. he review is an overdramatized, excessively early, overly generic piece of crap that skimmed or marginalized the many good aspects of the game and seriously overblown the negatives.

One would have hoped that the trainwreck of the rushed hasty reviews of Age of Conan that praised the game to the end of the world based on the first few levels (that were followed by an horror of boredom) would have thought those wannabe journalists a lesson. Obviously not all of them learned it.

Blasphemy4983d ago

Don't really need any more time with the game with it lacking in content. I think he hit the nail dead on the head with the review.

Abriael4982d ago

I played the game enough to be physical level 28, gladiator 19, armorsmith 17 and a bunch of other classes hovering around 10-11.
Which is obviously more than that reviewer did (and probably more than you did).

he overblown and overstressed the negative aspects of the game, or what he peceives/overheard as negative, and skimmed on and marginalized the MANY positive aspects.
This does not a decent or informative review makes. Just a misrepresenting rant.

Dorfdad4982d ago

Shit is shit even 8 weeks in no? I swear these people out think themselves. Gamers are not goging to play this crap with all these restrictions etc.. Were NOT JAPANESE we require more than horse racing games in the west! Substance over style and no we don't want to be dropped in a world with no idea what or how to do anything.

Sure its pretty but I wont play a game where it takes 4 different steps to make an item.. WAY TO TIME CONSUMING. This is a game not real life!

mikepmcc4982d ago

Dude, the game is garbage. Playing it for another ten or even twenty hours would likely not have changed his opinion, and it sure as hell wouldn't have bumped it up four points to an acceptable score.

Abriael4982d ago (Edited 4982d ago )

Lol what are you talking about? Horse racing? You must be talking about some other game.

Here's some more information to put this trainwreck of a review in perspective:

-The reviewer gave 8.5 (great) to Age of Conan at launch, one of the worst and most unpolished MMORPG launched in the last 10 years.
Funny that after that they still let this guy review any MMORPG at launch lol.

-He didn't even TRY the main selling point of the game, the armory system that allows you to mix and match combat class abilities, and adds a lot to the game. He grinded a single combat class to 15 and that's it.
Reviewing a game after not even trying out it's main selling point is folly.

Protip for the reviewer: hide your name on pictures in a game with a site that will show how little you played to the whole world, exposing the fact that you hold no credibility at all.

Reibooi4982d ago

The point Abriael is trying to make is the game opens up a bit more as you level up because of the job system allowing you to mix and match which is something the guy who did the review did not and never will find out because they didn't get very far at all in that perspective.

As far as the holding off. Every MMO has issues at launch and every single one of them continues to evolve and change. FFXIV is no exception to this. Many of the MAIN issues people have with this game are already being addressed by SE and will be fixed in upcoming patches(one of which is happening tomorrow) You cannot review something in the first month when this is when most of the worst problems are most evident. The update tomorrow will more then likely fix alot of the issues people are having however this review didn't wait for that because they wanted to throw a inaccurate and hastily put together review to get some hits.

Which they did. Look at this story on N4G here. It's the highest heat rating a FFXIV related story has EVER gotten and is also the most commented. Gamespot did what they wanted and that was to get a crap load of hits and further fuel a flame war that has been raging since this game was announced.

Christopher4982d ago (Edited 4982d ago )

@Abriael: As a person who used to manage and review multiple MMO Vault sites over at IGN, reviewers and many of the people who help out with the sites are given beta access very early. This person has likely played the game for months now, not just for a week. While there are some differences in the changes at release, they are extremely minor in comparison to the game he played for at least a month before the game was released.

While I cannot say that this review is accurate or not since I have not played the game, I can say that it is extremely unlikely that the person doing the review hasn't spent more time playing the MMO than you would think.

I played DDO and LotRO for three months in beta, right up to release, before I gave my review. Four months in EQ2. Two months for CoH. And an amazing six months for Saga of Ryzom.

***Protip for the reviewer: hide your name on pictures in a game with a site that will show how little you played to the whole world, exposing the fact that you hold no credibility at all. ***

Protip to irate comment makers. They create a dummy character that is used to capture gameplay videos and screenshots for the reviews because when they're actually playing the game prior to release, they can't record everything because it's against the NDA. So, after the game is released, if they make a video, they have to start all over from scratch with a new character. This doesn't mean they didn't have a lot more experience in the beta period.

mikel1234982d ago

Sure, that would make sense if they had reviewed it less than a week since launch.

Too bad the Collectors edition came out on the 21st. Its been more than 2 weeks since this baby's launch.

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ThanatosDMC4983d ago

Holy crap! That's a powerful rat!

Aaroncls74983d ago

I knew it was going to suck, but those idiots don't have a clue, LOL!

TROLL EATER4982d ago

ouuchhh why square enix waste their time

Myth4982d ago

I enjoy Game Spot's reviews but there is no way they should be reviewing this MMO this early. I'm not saying the game doesn't suck but you need a lot more time to determine how good an MMO is.

frostypants4982d ago

Sorry, it doesn't take that long to judge the mechanics. Saying "it just takes time" is the same as when people say a song gets better the more you hear it. Where in reality, it just sucks, and people are forcing themselves to tolerate it.

A great game makes itself known quickly.

Persistantthug4982d ago

and assuming you spend a significant amount of time playing said game, that's enough time to get a good feel for the game....You know if you're having fun or not.

I realize MMO's can change over time, but if you release a rushed and/or unfinished game, well...it is what it is and you get graded upon it.

2 weeks of 2-5 hours a day is good enough time.

Myth4982d ago

I'm curious Frost and persistan please list the MMO's you played.

frostypants4982d ago (Edited 4982d ago )

I've played WoW a lot, Guild Wars a little, and bits and pieces of a bunch of crappy others. The first one I played was Neverwinter Nights. Not the more recent one...I'm talking the real old MMO one back in the 1990s.

The fact of the matter is that claiming that a person must play a game that they hate for a month before they can appreciate it is a laughable proposal. WoW, for example, was fun from the start (I quit when I realized it was the same tasks over and over, but it took a real long time for me to get bored).

If a game sucks, it sucks. ANYTHING gets "better" when you get used to it. If someone actually keeps pushing through a game for 2+ weeks of utter hatred, that's sheer stupidity. And if that's what SquareEnix and their fans are expecting reasonable gamers to do, they're in for massive disappointment.

Persistantthug4982d ago

I started with ASHERONS CALL back in 1999. I played it off and on for years.

I played WoW at launch for 1 year...Guild Wars off and on for a couple years.

I've tried Star Wars Galaxies, Ultima Online, City Of Villians/Heroes, Eve Online...but I didn't play long.

I haven't really played an MMORPG for a couple years, but I do have a pretty long stint and history with them.

SonyPS3604982d ago

I'm curious Myth as to why you are still defending this giant piece of shit?

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frostypants4982d ago

Well, this franchise is officially dead.

I remember how awesome FFII (FFIV in Japan) was when it came out on the SNES.

Those days are so far gone...

Stick a fork in it, folks. It's done.

vhero4982d ago

Sick of the excuse you can't really judge an MMO from day 1 or a week after it's released. YEAH YOU CAN. If your game isn't good enough for public consumption then you don't release it SIMPLE! I mean this is what BETAs are for. If they reviewed the BETA fair enough you guys would have a point but they are reviewing the retail version people actually PAID money for here. So yeah you do review a game MMO or not from day 1 launch. The fact is if it's not good enough from day 1 don't release it until it is.

GameGambits4982d ago

I was in the open beta, I bought the collectors edition, and I 100% agree with everything this guy said. I probably have well over 200 hours of play, and this last week I stopped entirely. I can't be asked to bend over and grab my ankles any longer. I play games to have fun and this game provides none after its first few hours. It's a game that gets worse and worse and worse the more time you play it.

The first patch they added even made crafting WORSE. There is NO hope for this game at all. Worst MMO since Matrix Online or Vanguard. Guild Wars 2 is officially the new MMO to give a crap about or hell WoW catclysm is coming and worth your time.

I've never not agreed with Kevin on a review. He expresses everything perfectly like I would. Stay away from this piece of shit everyone.

CaptainPunch4982d ago (Edited 4982d ago )

Squaresoft where are you?

versusALL4982d ago

I feel bad for square, hope this is a lesson for them, if not, then what does it take?

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silkrevolver4983d ago

I’m not one of those people who have been bashing Square Enix ever since they’ve been Square Enix, but... They need to get it together...

Noami4983d ago

Im playing it and its fun. are U.s sad they are going through what we jp had to go through when ffxi released first in japan? bugs,nothing to do much,etc till 1 year after then u.s got ffxi tested and less buggy..
don't complain samething happened in ffxi u.s just got it later and dint have the problem

So now jp dont suffer alone in ffxiv, it will get better though

demonddel4983d ago

cant blame it on the xbox wonder whats the excuse now

Theonik4982d ago

Surprisingly i think the PS3 version will be much better. having played the Alpha/Closed Beta for the PC i can tell you the game was designed with consoles in mind.
PS3 also has the advantage of launching later when the content will be there and a lot of the bugs will be gone.

free2game3654982d ago

The PS3 version is likely to be more of a mess. I highly doubt those chinese programmers that Square outsourced it to have even seen a PS3 before in their lives.

Dread4983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

trust me they will blame it on the xbox
give this thread some time and u will c.


I know that , but i dont think it will stop the haters from hating.

Whoooop4983d ago


Kinda funny when you want to troll and you miss.


Imperator4983d ago

It's all the 360's fault and you know it!! /s

LOL, anyways, from the review this game sounds horrible. I've never been interested in MMOs and I'll definitely will not go anywhere near this one.

vhero4982d ago

Why do you fanboys have to bring up Xbox?? To bring it up just shows you for who you really are... Just because it's on PS3 too you bring Xbox up?? It's not released on PS3 yet anyways nor is this the PS3 version being reviewed. There is ZERO reason to bring up the 360 AT ALL.

SonyPS3604982d ago (Edited 4982d ago )

Lol, good point.

If this had been on the 360, we'd see floods of comments about how it's the "360s fault".

All we see now is stupid people without ammunition.

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