
The only 5 games that ever scared me

In games PLAY's Gavin Mackenzie doesn’t scare that easily at all. But in his entire gaming lifetime, five games have put the willies right up him. Here they are…

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Yi-Long5047d ago (Edited 5047d ago )

... I usually get 'scared' of quick jumping little things in games, like the spiders in the opening level of Tomb Raider 2 that jump on you, or when you fell in the water in Quake and there was suddenly a fish right in front of your face.

I HATE small fast jumpy things!!! (ow, and the funny thing is, that in real life I'm not scared of bugs or spiders or whatever)

Snakefist305047d ago (Edited 5047d ago )

Its One Of The Most Scariest Game Ever.It Scares The Shitout Of Me Everytime Play The Atmosphere Is Creepy Give Me The Chills And The Ghosts Are Scarier And The Only Way To Kill Them Is With A Camera.The Game Must Be Inspired From The Japanese Horror Movie Called The Ring and The Grudge.I Wish There Was More Games Like Fatal Frame.

xX TriiCKy Xx5046d ago

Fatal Frame games are the only games that have EVER scared me. Especially 3 though.

UnwanteDreamz5046d ago

I think Ringu and Juon came after the first Fatal Frame.

zootang5046d ago

No Bioshock!

That scared the Sh!t out of me.

zagibu5046d ago

What scares me is how you type, Snakefist30. Creeps the bejeesus out of me.

nix5046d ago Show
SpaceGhost5046d ago

If I can play Bioshock without getting scared its not a scary game, I can't play scary games, I gave up within the first 10 minutes of dead space, and crapped myself during fatal Frame 3, its not a scary game.

Commander_TK5046d ago

a game called Shadow of Destiny/Shadow of Memories. Freaky to because I was like 7-8. All RE games except RE5. Silent Hill 1 too.

Denethor_II5046d ago

I'll have to give em a try then. PS2 or box?

Brewski0075046d ago

Man I love a good horror game. Shooters and RPG's and such will always claim to be immersive. But nothing beats an immersive horror game!.

TheXgamerLive5046d ago

and it's hell a tough snd scary. I play in the dark every night and I jump like a little girl, ha ha ha.

Alone in the Dark, the sega dreamcast version was hella scary too.
I also agree with the author, both the condemed games are scary as helll.

Proxy5046d ago

Like Dead Space. The game loses the element of surprise once you've killed your 20th monster.

I dunno, maybe I just don't have much concern for self preservation in games. While some might creep their way along trying to avoid video game death, I just charge in knowing that the worse that can happen is I go back to the spawn point I hit about 30 seconds ago.

RedDead5046d ago

Cod isn't a great choice, your don't have any fear, you just don't want to lose and restart.

FF is good choice and@ above, I agree completely

ReservoirDog3165046d ago (Edited 5046d ago )

Spiders scare me. In games especially (though I wanna play Limbo still!).

But one of the least obvious things to pick that really made me panic was those little demon-devil things that come out at night (I think*) in Wind Waker. When you go back to your island at night they come out and they make this weird sound.

Gonna check youtube but does anyone know what I'm talking about?

edit: These!


God just hearing that gets me.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5046d ago
JsonHenry5046d ago (Edited 5046d ago )

I guess this guy never played a Silent Hill game. (or STALKER or Penumbra for that matter)

Also - DEAD SPACE WAS NOT SCARY!!!! Your character was a walking tank. He could easily kill everything he came up against! How is this scary?!?!

SuperMassiveGav5046d ago

Guess you didn't play Dead Space on Hard.

Darkfiber5046d ago

Dead Space on Hard or Impossible or whatever it's called isn't scary either, since you need to have beaten the game already to unlock the hardest difficulty so you already know what to expect. How is that scary? Also, you can kill every enemy in the game with one gun. It's an action game with a horror influence, not scary. The first two Silent Hills were pretty scary, at least when I was a kid, but I played the second recently and it's just silly now. Glad he said Condemned though, both of those games were awesome and pretty creepy as well.

Also, one part in Penumbra scared me more than any other game I've ever played. Awesome game.

SuperMassiveGav5046d ago

I played it on Hard first time through and it's partly scary because most of the time you don't have a lot of ammo to work with, so you can't be too trigger-happy and that adds to the tension. I felt under threat for almost the entire 12 hours.

vickers5005046d ago

Exactly. I'd like to see you not get scared trying to fight off a horde of enemies while all the ammo you have takes up about one clip and your slo mo stuff runs out fast as hell.

CameronL995046d ago

I beat Dead Space on Impossible difficulty without upgrading any weapons at ALL. The line gun and the plasma cutter were all I used, then I tried different variations where all I had was 2 or 3 other crappy weapon combos, like the flame thrower with the assault rifle and some other crappy weapon, still without using any upgrades except for the suit, slow motion and kinesis, using only level 5 suit instead of 6, and could still own the game on impossible with tons of ammo, never even close to running out. You just need to use your brain and plan out your attacks, use kinesis and remember to refill it, always attack the legs first, you'll be fine. I platinum trophied that game after a couple playthroughs, it was too easy IMO, you definitely were a walking tank. The problem was there weren't very many surprises, every time an enemy came, beforehand the whole area would start lighting up with noise, sirens, the whole room changed so you knew the monsters were coming. I loved the game but it should not have had that stupid room changing thing, took away the surprise aspect that made resident evil famous.

Darkfocus5046d ago

I upgraded the first gun fully right off the bat and there's tons of ammo for it so it really wasn't scary at all late game. only the first couple hours of deadspace are scary regardless of difficulty. now STALKER that's a scary game the tunnels and underground area's are downright terrifying.

kraze075046d ago

I have to agree. Dead Space isn't really scary it just had some good jumpy moments. Still a great game though.

The Dark Knight5046d ago

what really scares me is when your playing a horror game on the hardest difficulty and you know if you die...you gotta go back to the last checkpoint. Freaks me out man

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5046d ago
OneSneakyMofo5046d ago

Bioshock moment:
Squatted down to open up a suitcase, and sure enough as soon as I turn around, some zombie guy is just staring at me. I think I woke my neighbors up from shrieking like a little girl.

SOAD5046d ago

A lot of people remember that moment. It occurs in the autopsy room with the tiled walls and floors. It's a scripted event.

n to the b5046d ago

didn't they use that twice in orig bioshock? where SOAD said and again in Arcadia, when you're 1st encountering a houdini and u go to look at the mask sitting on a lockbox. I think I kind of expected 1 or both, and yet still got a nasty little fright when I turned around. or maybe BECAUSE I half-expected it. or maybe I'm just a wuss.

@sneakymofo lol good times

ReservoirDog3165046d ago

Oh that one got me too. It's only good once though. Tried it again afterwards.

gtamike5046d ago (Edited 5046d ago )

Resident Evil 3 when I was little.


JoySticksFTW5046d ago

yup! Running into another room and thinking you were safe. But he kept coming!


SephireX5046d ago

Yeah. Nemesis scared the hell out of me. I had nightmares after playing Res 3. The part where he suddenly comes in the window nearly gave me a heart attack. He was a scary s.o.b.

Ascalon945046d ago

I know man! I got RE3 on my PSP a while back and when he jumped out of that window after I already went passed scared the shit out of me

sandip7875046d ago

Dino Crisis? I used to shit a brick when a velociraptor came round the corner!!


The first Dino Crisis were pretty good. I used to have a savegame just before the T-Rex put his head in the building through the big window... It was a sure one to scare everyone in the room! LOL

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5046d ago
comp_ali5047d ago

I liked Fear (the original) and Condemend: Criminal Origin, the atmosphere in those games was really scary.most of other horror games are crap.
I am looking forward Condemned 3 and Fear 3 , if they are as good as the originals.

ArchangelMike5046d ago

5) Doom 3
4) Forbidden Siren
3) Silent Hill 2
2) Dead Space
1) Realms of the Haunting*

Realms of the haunting is the only game that I was unable to continue playing 'cos I was just too sh1t scared at the time!!!

Ozzyb5046d ago

you made it through those 4 scary ass games. Judging by your picture, you're about 4-5, that's impressive! XD

Ascalon945046d ago

Doom 3 wasnt like drive you mad scary, it just had some jump momemnts

ONYX7375046d ago

I was so surprised not to see silent hill 2 on that list. what can be scarier than fighting demons and getting a fvcking board with a nail in it as your first weapon!

LeonSKennedy4Life5046d ago

Fighting without being able to attack the monsters at all.

Fatal Frame.

Chnswdchldrn5046d ago

try not to think of the librarians from metro 2033...

try not to think of the librarians from metro 2033...


honestly i was shitting my pants during that level

what a horrifying game mechanic, you had to stare at them or else theyd go breserk and attack you

PS3Freak5046d ago (Edited 5046d ago )

That's a pretty damn good way to scare someone.

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EA Japan Exec Criticises Japanese Ratings Board

An executive of Electronic Arts Japan has criticised the Japanese video game ratings board for allowing upcoming action game Stellar Blade to be released uncensored while EA's own Dead Space was banned in the country.

CrimsonWing6947d ago

He’s got a point. If a game is M-Rated, which is the equivalent of an R rating, I don’t get why you need to censor anything. The rating is the indicator of the content and the age appropriate. If it’s appropriate for adults… why treat them like children? 🤷‍♂️

Eonjay47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

This is about gore... not about anything sexual. And specifically I think it is about the realistic depiction of gore. Unfortunately I don't know the nuance of the CERO board or how it is relevant their specific culture (as a prohibition on gore may transcend age) so I hesitate to make a statement. Can anyone else provide insight to what kind of gore is considered unacceptable?

CrimsonWing6947d ago (Edited 47d ago )

Yea, I know this is about gore, but thanks for pointing that out.

My point still stands, if a game is essentially rated for a mature audience then why censor for them as if they’re too young to view it? Makes no sense.

To answer your question: Decapitation, dismemberment, like… anything gore. They have been censoring that since CERO was established. Look up RE4 chainsaw decapitation or any MK games that made it there.

Cacabunga47d ago

EA Japan? Wtf never heard of that

ZwVw47d ago

Yet, the Oneechanbara series (y'know, the game with half-naked samurai females slicing up zombies to bloody pieces) get released in Japan uncensored.

The CERO ratings board is an equilibrium.

Smellsforfree46d ago

This confuses me since I've seen so many gory Japanese movies and anime. For example, Battle Royale.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 46d ago
gold_drake47d ago

definitely has a point.

but .. its japan. are we really surprised?

VersusDMC47d ago

I don't know if the EA executive is going off the one close up of an arm being cut off in the demo. Maybe it's uncensored because it's the arm of a cyborg or it doesn't happen that often (didn’t see EVE dismemberment when killed in the demo) .

In the states there's a certain amount of swear words allowed to a PG13 movie before it is deemed R. So maybe it's the same in Japan for gore?

Eonjay47d ago

Yes I think you may be on to something. The violence is gory but I wouldn't call it gruesome.

Retroman47d ago

Ea Japan please make Knack 3
in the future

Eonjay47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

Does EA Japan actually make games at all? Or are they just a regional publisher?

Retroman46d ago

I'm sorry Japan Studio made Knack


One Year Later, What Was The Point Of The Dead Space Remake

The remake teased an expanded universe, but now a sequel has no chance of delivering on it.

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isarai54d ago

Honestly i believe it was mainly as retaliation for the original devs breaking off and making colisto protocol. They've done this a few times, ignoring fan demands for the return of a belived ip until someone does it for them, then they retaliate by only then announcing an entry. Colisto protocol was announced and EA announced the remake shortly after, Session finally hit consoles and skate 4 was announced, shortly after Undisputed was shown off, talks started happening about a new fight night.

ZeekQuattro53d ago

I agree. Reminds me of when Inafune announced Mighty No.9 and the initial reaction of the game industry was that of celebration and suddenly Capcom said ohh shit we need to announce Mega Man 11. 😆 Still waiting for MM12 & the next X title.

isarai53d ago

Exactly, it's BS that pettiness has more power than demand for some reason.

Cacabunga53d ago

i liked the remake as much as the original.. it has so many improvements, the most noticeable to me was the seemless transition between levels which should be a must and a standard nowadays.
I cannot wait for the sequel's remake too.

Tacoboto53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

That's a very farfetched conspiracy.

Callisto Protocol was announced in February 2021 and Dead Space in July. They didn't just decide in March 2021 to "retaliate" by remaking from scratch Dead Space in under a two year timespan.

If anything, Callisto is the result of a has-been Creative Director whose only inspiration is his previous work, and EA took inspiration long before Callisto was known about from the insane success of the RE Remakes and endless calls at the time for the RE4 Remake.

0hMyGandhi53d ago

So, how do you like working at EA?

shadowhaxor53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

And yet,fans of Dead Space, myself included, have been asking EA to bring back Dead Space for a better part of a decade. To which EA refused, stating that it was done with the series. Specifically after Dead Space 3 failed to meet EA's sale goals (sound familiar?) But magically, after they caught wind of The Callisto Protocol, with Glen at the helm, Dead Space remake was greenlit.

For those not counting, The Callisto Protocol call was announced in 2019, while Dead Space remake was announced in 2021. Long before TCP was announced?

badboyz0953d ago

100% that's the way EA operates

Extermin8or3_52d ago

You know how long it will have taken to make this game, this is some rediciulous logic.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 52d ago
Tacoboto54d ago

It was a solid game and we'll have to move on and accept it for what it is. Just because we're not getting a sequel (original or remake) doesn't mean there's no point anymore in what is a great, tense, well-paced single player experience. No one's taking Dead Space Remake away.

I just hope that the game isn't so technically stitched together on PC that driver updates render the game unplayable like what happened with me and my RTX 4070 last year, requiring a driver downgrade just months after the game came out. If you're a console player then you've got no worries.

TheProfessional53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

Yeah but it was a pointless remake since the original still looks pretty good. They should've done a sequel, something original or Dante's Inferno 2.

Way too many remakes now. Even resident evil 4 had already been remastered twice before the most recent one. No originality. Why not just hire the original team to make a new game instead?

Harkins172153d ago

For the hopes to get a new generation of people into the game. OG still looks good but it stopped selling long ago. So I get why they do remakes.

Knightofelemia54d ago

Most likely for EA to cash in on the remake craze that followed Capcom when they started remaking RE games. I am glad EA did it I enjoy the game. DS is one of my favorite franchises love the sci fi horror shit. What I don't like is EA not remaking DS2. So DS1 remake did not do well with the numbers so what. DS2 has a solid fanbase and is probably the best entry in the franchise depending on the fan. DS2 remake would have been a day one for me but I got a reminder on why I hate EA. Scrap the DS2 remake for a shitty Iron Man game.

chicken_in_the_corn53d ago

It's because the gaming community want remakes and remasters over new games.

mandf53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

Thank you for recognizing that. One group always complains over remasters or remakes.gamers want them and they sell. To the once’s that complain your console has no games to do again. If you did ,they would remake them.

Crows9053d ago

Or maybe we can tell most of these devs can't deliver good new IP for some reason.

isarai53d ago

When it's hard to find a modern game that isn't broken, incomplete and monetized to hell, remakes are a sure bet for having a complete experience as older games weren't plagued with those issues

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 53d ago
Fonsecap53d ago

I think that is for the best of the franchise o be left alone then to be turned into a game as a service or something like that, EA has the awful habit of trying to monetize everything.

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Dead Space Isaac Clarke: Every Cameo in Other Games

Isaac Clarke of Dead Space fame has appeared in many games, both as a playable character and an Easter Egg. Have you played them all?