
How The 'Borderlands' Pre-Order Guns Work

MTV Multiplayer: "Pre-ordering "Borderlands" at GameStop nets you 8 unique guns for use in the game. That's not really news, it's been on their site for weeks now. But I have been getting some questions from readers as to how, exactly, the guns will be integrated into the game experience and what their limitations are, so I reached out to Gearbox to find out.

If you pre-order the game, GameStop will give you a download code which basically unlocks the guns for use when you start up the game. The eight guns are spread out among the game's different weapon types, ranging from pistols to sniper rifles to shotguns and rocket launchers. The above screenshot is one such gun, the Vicious Thunder Sniper Rifle. When you start a new character, all of these guns will be accessible from your inventory right from the get-go, so there's no need to level up to use them.

According to Gearbox, each new character you create will have these guns, and there's no limit to who you give them to. So, theoretically, you could create a bunch of starter characters and dole out the weapons to friends that didn't pre-order the game. Or, and I'm just spit-balling here, you could sell them all at the start of the game for a wad of cash (presuming Gearbox didn't have the foresight to set the pre-order guns' value to zero)."

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bunbun7775357d ago

preordering --day whu whu whun.

Myst5357d ago

"So, theoretically, you could create a bunch of starter characters and dole out the weapons to friends that didn't pre-order the game."

That's probably what I would do if the guns were something special, though from the article they appear not to be something spectacular. I mean I know a lot of people hate the idea of pre-ordering at gamestop and getting that exclusive stuff. Well this way at least one person can pre-order and give out the guns. Although I won't urge people to pre-order I will say at least get the game :p.

Your friendly marketing N4G person.
(ヌリ) (Nuri)

P.S. The only reason I'm really doing this is so that games such as these won't get passed by. I have to have some people to play with online sometime :p.


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Chriswheeler22488d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87488d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight


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