
The Truth About Halo 3: ODST

From 6.3 ratings which PS3 fanboys are galavanting in from the likes of NowGamer to 9.0 ratings which Xbox 360 fanboys are praising from Eurogamer Portgual, ratings have been all across the board for HALO 3: ODST and while the ultimate judgment comes from you the gamer, it would be nice to get a clear idea of what you're getting into with HALO 3: ODST

There are enough reviews going around good and bad, so to be fair to those individuals who are interested in buying HALO 3: ODST let's make it simple. If you own an Xbox 360 and you are a fan of the franchise, by all means purchase this game. For casual gamers who are relatively new Xbox 360 owners looking for a new and cool FPS experience, buy HALO 3: ODST. HALO 3: ODST is clearly the best Xbox 360 exclusive in 2009 so far, however, depending on who you ask that might not be saying a whole lot.

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lociefer5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

i cant belive im saying this, but this article is really good and makes alot of sense, i for one was against odst for its high price for the single player, i have most of halo 3's maps so i dont need the multi cd, so if i wanted to play the single player i have to chill out a 60$ wich totally sux

gaffyh5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

The problem with the game is the price. If it was $40, it's easily a 9/10 game right? But at $60 it is definitely not a 9/10.

Simple as that.

edit: Also let me add to this the fact that the campaign in this is shorter than Heavenly Sword, and if Heavenly Sword was cut down for being short, despite being one of the most epic games this gen, ODST should be cut down for being short.

Panthers5359d ago

If you are just playing the single player, rent it. That would be my suggestion.

FamilyGuy5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

This game would be ideal for someone who never bought the map packs but love the online multi-player, a person interested in Halo but is new to the 360 and someone who just has to see how ODST turns out.

If you've bought all the map packs then it sucks that this one has 3 exclusive ones you won't be able to get anywhere else and if not for those I'd say rent it.

Rating wise, I think the human character models in this games are hideous yet I've only seen one review knock this game for it's graphics (you can easily guess which one). What's up with giving this game a free pass graphics wise? It's $60, it has "jaggies" galore and FFX, from last gen, has better looking faces.

Every review so far says it's great and they only really knock it for the pricing. So give it a 10 for gameplay but don't lie to everyone and pass it with an 8-9 in graphics.

Immortal Kaim5359d ago

Lucky ODST IS cheaper than a regular full priced game then, at least in Aus.

For my fellow Aussie gamers, BIGW have ODST for $68...better than RRP of $99 at EB ;)

IdleLeeSiuLung5359d ago

...and Heavenly Sword does not have multiplayer or any other game mode. All you get is one short single player campaign and for that Sony happily charged you almost $60 for almost 2 years. It is still $40+ on amazon.com today.

topdawg1225359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

@ gaffyh, I agree with you totally, it seems people are praising the 5 hour campaign without any negatives. HS got bashed for it and so should this, i'm sure it's a great game, but the price and what you actually get are the problem. It just doesn't justify a 9 type of score especially with everything basically rehashed. This seems like an 8 to me.
@idlesiulung, Heavenly Sword has one of the best stories, best motion capture, facial animations, and voice acting to date. It was a new ip and there was replay value. Bonus videos, unlockable cutscenes, artwork, and dozens of combos to unlock. It still got pegged harsh for having a 7 hour campaign. Thats bs and you know it

gaffyh5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

@1.5 - And yet the multiplayer in ODST is the same as Halo 3, Firefight is a worse version of Horde. And 99% of the people who buy ODST, will be those that bought Halo 3, which means there is not enough value here.

Also regarding Heavenly Sword, exactly, that game was $60 and was longer than ODST, and got low score because it was short (even though it was about 8-9 hours on a normal play through). In the same way ODST should get low scores, but this is what happens when fanboys review games, they give it a high score just because of the name.

The only reason you are paying the extra $20 is for the Halo: Reach beta.

DAVID BRENT5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

majority of sites have given this game pass on the graphics,hardly any review has spoken about them, personally i just dont understand,do i think theres more to this than meets the eye? definately,its a clear example that gamers and not fanboys should be given the task of reviewing games

Sarcasm5359d ago

The Truth about Halo ODST? YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH. The truth handles youuuuuu. And Beyonce's video is one of the greatests of all time!

kwicksandz5359d ago

Thanks Kaim! i was gonna go get it @ JB for 79 but big w trumps them by $10 that has to be almost cost price for a retail store bravo BIG W!

y0haN5359d ago

I've found it for £30 and from what I've seen, it's still not worth that much. I'll wait for it to hit 20 or less.

mastiffchild5359d ago

@Idle-You know that HS has been available as a Plt for nearly two years at £20 don't you? You couldn't find a UK store on the hig street where they'd ask more than £15 for HS and mostly it's 7 to 10 pounds. Also HS is STILL a lot better looking than ODST and contains huge cinematics, unequalled facial mocap and some of the best ever gaming animations so you're just being a bit OTT with the game and the price went down well before two years passed-more like a few months, IIRC.

ODST is, because we all know it started life as just DLC, at a disadvantage and if you, like me, bought all the maps it doesn't with three more maps, one mode and a tiny SP merit a full retail price release. Had it been a $4o game I really don't think thee would have been much moaning but in people's heads they're paying $60 for something which, mostly, they already own nearly half of. A longer SP(say 10 to 12 hours)or sell it for less and I think ALL the reviews would have been very positive and we wouldn't hear so many dissenting voices.

Being cynical you could intimate that adding all the DLC maps cost MS nothing(as by now pretty much everyone who would have bought them has done so)and they just added them to ODST to bulk out the package because they know for $60 it's a bit light. The game will no doubt play realy well but it's just a little steep for the amount of new content we're getting and that's why the reviews are so up and down for a Halo game. Again I'd say that at $40 it would surely deserve 9/10s.

I_am_rushin5359d ago

The fact is that if this game was reviewed by someone who had never played Halo before. It would get a 7. All these sites criticize it, but it gets a free ride because it's "teh haloz".

acedoh5359d ago

I believe it is entirely dead on. Now for those who haven't played Halo and are prepared for one of the best FPS of the year they may have a let down. What is irresponsible by the gaming media is to let on like this is one of the best games. I think this can only go wrong for Halo and even some exclusive 360 owners. Those who want to prop up this game to umpteenth degree. We all know the letdown of GTA IV. This could be an even bigger letdown. Some of you use Heavenly Sword as an example. I think the same could be said of many of the low scores it received. I did not think the game was worth it. $60 for a game with only a 4 hour campaign is outrageous no matter how you try to defend it. Yes there is online but more should be expected. GTA IV was a letdown but it still took many hours to play thru the single player campaign. In a few short weeks I believe there will be many unhappy customers. This will only play into the hands of SONY.

zeeshan5359d ago

The picture says it all :)


GO TO THIS WEBSITE http://www.shopto.net/XBOX%... cheap prices fast delivery. i get my odst tomoro £29.85

RockmanII75359d ago

"Firefight is a worse version of Horde"

Oh well since you've played Firefight, might I ask what is wrong with it? It looks like a ton of fun, but I'm interested on how you think it could be improved.

rogimusprime5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

Horde mode in Gears 2 has matchmaking. Halo ODST doesn't. I was on the fence about buying this game until I read how COOL FIREFIGHT WAS....until i realized there was no matching.

If you have tons of friends on LIVE, no problem, but you will still have to call them up or invite them to your party for a decent firefight match unless you plan on going it alone. At least with HORDE mode you could MAKE friends by enduring 50 rounds carnage together at 3am.

I'm 27 and work 10 hour days.... I don't have time to wait for people to get online so I can play firefight.

I LOVE the halo franchise, I read every book out there. (good novels btw). But I'm not dropping 65$ (I live in LA and tax is crazy here) on a chance to play as sgt. Johnson and a Reach beta invite. After what M$ did with the GTA downloadable content schedule, I just can trust "EARLY 2010".

I will say the map packs are a good add, since I didn't buy any of the HALO 3 maps. For people who DID purchase them, I would imagine they are feeling cheated right now.

Don't get me wrong, I still can't wait to play ODST...I just don't want to pay for it.

Bereaver5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

Whoever is mentioning games like Heavenly Sword, please, GTFO! Because you have no clue what you're talking about!

Heavenly Sword isn't a sequel, all of it's design, graphics, models, and everything else were developed at FULL COST! They didn't get to cut corners and take models from another game.

BUT, while everyone is debating this and not knowing anything, we have ODST! ODST uses an engine that is atleast 2 years old.

How much money do you think it took to make Halo 3? A good chunk!
But how much money do you think it will take to make ODST?

Think about it! They even finished it back in March.

You're paying $60 for a game that was developed for almost nothing!


CAN YOU NOT SEE?!?!?!?!!


Do you know, I would say the same thing about Batman or Killzone or any other game which appears to have took a long time in development.

If they were able to make the game without much trouble and time, I wouldn't agree with a $60 price tag.

a_squirrel5359d ago

I want to know why Motorstorm 2 got low ratings, because it was 'not new' just improved...

Yeah right

IaMs125359d ago

I agree the price is the problem, It may as well get a 9 but the price is killing it. I mean Bungie went in as merely an expansion but came out with a whole lot more. Which is great but not enough to jack it up to $60. I do not consider this a full retail game but if its worth a 9 ill give it a 9.

RockmanII75358d ago

Yea, I see where your coming from. I have 67 friends with about 20 of them online at a time plus I already have a 'firefight team', if you will. I might be hostile because I love the Halo Franchise, the amount of games I've played shows that (5,656 games played, 42 of which are campaign).

BWS19825358d ago

This comment isn't aimed at HS's content or quality (because I loved it) but you have to remember that not all regions or countries had it as a Greatest Hits...It's STILL full release price here in the US at most places, and maybe it is elsewhere too. The Greatest Hits list varies by territory, just keep that in mind. :)

IdleLeeSiuLung5358d ago

The above is meant as a general statement not directly to the people below.


It might be 20 pounds in the UK, but it is still $40+ in the US. I got it on sale on black friday at amazon.com, but since has not seen it that low.

@gaffy 1.7
Yet, you get all of the map packs in the multiplayer + firefight + a campaign. I know of plenty of games that are far worse value, yet the vast majority will spend way more time in it than any other game. How is that for value?

I guess, if you have no interrest in the game in the first place then there is no value no matter how good or replayable the game is.

I think it was decent value, not because of the of the story, motion capture, facial animations and voice acting. It is the game play first and foremost.

To me, value is if the game is good enough for me to keep coming back. HS was not it! It had fairly poor and choppy game play. It's only redeeming quality is the production value. I guess if you value that over game play, it was an excellent game otherwise it was just but slightly above average.

morganfell5358d ago (Edited 5358d ago )

Heavenly Sword is epic. Crafted game making like that still eludes most developers. When I played through Heavenly Sword I had heard stories about the campaign so I timed it. I cut out breaks and even trips to the fridge. It took 11 hours and 33 minutes for me to beat Heavenly Sword. By comparison it took just over 10.5 to beat HALO 3.

Consider that Bioshock can be beaten in 11 hours and no one complained about that. It all depends on how much you explore either game but HS was not the short game some made it out to be.

Two games that year were targeted for a systematic attack. One was Heavenly Sword and the other was Uncharted. Uncharted is to date simply the best adventure game on any platform, period.

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Zedux5359d ago

you mean Eurogamer Portugal because the well spoken Italians i.e. Eurogamer Italia showed this DLC's true face i.e. 6/10!!!

Shadowolf5359d ago

Correct, Eurogamer Potugal exactly.

Berserk15359d ago


ZuperAmazingCooKie5359d ago

They'll lose their jobs otherwise. See Gerstmanngate scandal.

Anyway, we all know Halo 3 STD sucks regardless of what you want to think about reviews. It has a ahort campaign, sh1tty graphics, generic gameplay, old rehashed content, too expensive... yeah, whoever gave this piece of garbage a 9 was either paid or a fanboy. The only good thing about the game seems to be the recycled soundtrack and the brand. Who likes the Halo universe anyway? It's a story for children, morons.

Anyway, I've never really believed the scores that the press has given any halo game, but if comparisons serve for a more objective judgment, you can pretty much tell that ODST is the worst halo ever made of all that have come out. Considering the main titles in the Halo series range from mediocre to average, this new installment of the franchise is probably a crapfest.

Sir Ken_Kutaragi5359d ago

All that is missing is a Few Hateful PS3 Stories on this today and then it would feel like the old-days.

+ Will 'Halo 3:ODST' save the xBox 360???...Hmm...NOPE!!! ;-D

ambientFLIER5359d ago

1 full page of Halo...and no ps3 articles in sight...aah, that's the way it should be

DK_Kithuni_715359d ago

from Microsoft you should all be ashamed of yourself. Microsoft makes billions, you get screwed! You just keep playing the same sh!t over and over again.

You know where the good games are. Right? PS3 - "It Only Does Everything"

EpicGamerSwordsman5358d ago

Definately NOT Worth the 60$ & Not even close to being a GOTY Contender.

PostApocalyptic5358d ago

87.36% on gamerankings
85 on metacritic


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Omega45359d ago

The game was made in 14 months by a small group at Bungie, its good enough for what it is. If MS didnt overcharge for it, it would look even better of a deal than it already does. But after how well HaloWars, a console RTS did do you seriously believe MS wouldnt take this opportunity to make some serious £££, MS knows Halo sells HaloWars showed that.

But im not complaining i got this game for £27 instead of £50, plus even though the game was full priced unlike most new 360 games this one was, for some strange reason, extremely easy to find cheap.

mrv3215359d ago

Is it really fair to give excuses? I mean I doesn't matter if it's made in 14 months or a small team at bunjie, the game costs $60 and you should judge the game itself.

The small team at bunjie do deserve praise but the game itself it was should be judged.

DAVID BRENT5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

for a expansion that is from all reviews ive read......5 hours long,3 new multiplayer maps,questionable A.I. and a 3 year old graphics engine all charged at $60!of course like the article says questions will be asked as to how and why some sites gave it a 9

Omega45359d ago

I do think the time it took to make and the team should be considered cause look at Too Human that game was knocked like crazy for being delayed for 10 years and if you completed GTAIV and saw the credits and the crazy amount of people involved its no surprise it was such a high quality game (even if it was repetitive).

As long as the game is fun graphics and so on shouldnt matter and 6 hours is pretty long for an expansion especially when compared to COD4's length

mrv3215359d ago

I personally think a game should hold up on it's own and the only thing that should be considered is it's price and the game instelf, no game should get sympathy treatment.

Halo 3:ODST is basically Halo 3 GOTY for twice the cost. 5 hours isn't very long for basically a singleplayer only game, Firefight as side.

After we remove the Halo 3 multiplayer(which most of us have) we are left with Firefight which has no lobby and a 5 hour singleplayer is that really worth $60?

DAVID BRENT5359d ago

multiplats were piss poor,now your saying graphics dont matter? for 5 hours at $60 graphics sure as hell do matter

Omega45359d ago

Im sorry but its completely unfair to say your just paying for the single player what about the people who HAVEN'T brought Halo 3 at all. To have the whole H3 multiplayer plus every map, plus firefight and a single player mode $60 is an absolute bargain, it seems that everyone assumes you need to have played Halo 3 to play ODST which is ridiculous and like i said unfair.

Rhythmattic5359d ago


What you described is me...

Just bought a Pro, and am playing ODST SP campaign at the moment. (yes, a friend knows someone at games store)

So far, Its, well, Average....

As I posted previously, it has bad Dialogue, average voice talent and a un-immersive story...

But, I wont let that destroy my hope... I believe MP is where its at...

So,if it lives up to the standard all 360 owners yell from the rooftops about, I've got a damn good deal.

If not, I'm sure I'll let you know. However, IMO.

mrv3215359d ago

I bought and own Halo 3 and let's say I own all the map packs, all I'm getting in ODST is a sub standard story, and firefight which doesn't evenhave a lobby system btw. Oh and three maps. Why should I pay $60 for 3 maps, firefight and a 6 hour story seems like a bit much if you ask me.

y0haN5359d ago

Lol Omega, who has a 360 and doesn't have Halo 3? I got it for £6..

It is too expensive. It made more sense as DLC to me. I don't think it looks to be worth the £30 I've found it for, so I'm holding out. Unless a friend tells me it is "fuken awsum." Of course.

Troll_Police5359d ago

To the people who didn't buy Halo 3 this is a great value. But to the people who have bought Halo 3 and the map packs this is a complete rip off.

dragon825359d ago

@2.4: Having not played the game I can in no way say if it got the score it deserves or not. However, if you really want this game to be judged on its merits alone then you have to judge it as if Halo 3 never existed. Judge it like its a stand alone game. Then You could say that the value has drastically increased right? I still agree about the graphics not being current standards though.

morganfell5358d ago

You can't judge the game as if HALO 3 never existed if you already own HALO 3.

Killzone 2 was attacked for not having co-op. Why? Because other games had co-op. Sorry, but HALO ODST doesn't deserve special treatment by pretending other games do not exist and it doesn't get a pass because Microsoft originally intended it as an add-on and suddenly decided to charge full price.

This just isn't about Microsoft trying to make more money. The biggest reason this game is being pimped as a full blown title is Microsoft is trying to create the perception they have a full blown title to throw at Sony. They don't.

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TrevorPhillips5359d ago

I'm really looking forward to the game. The manager at EB Games just called me and told me that there will be a midnight launch for this game tomorrow, so I will be going tomorrow and picking it up along with a Halo Reach beta code :)

I'll be enjoying this game until MW2 comes out.

Redgehammer5359d ago

I am looking forward to it as well.

darkequitus5359d ago

I am set for the rest of the year:

MW2 (360)

y0haN5359d ago

Same except I get the better version of MW2 on my PC :)

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spicelicka678d ago

*cream* specially at that music! we need odst 2!