
IGN: Prototype Review

You are Alex Mercer. What exactly that means is initially unclear because this is a man who has lost his memory, but awoken in a morgue to a world in which he possesses untold power. A viral outbreak has claimed Manhattan, forcing the island into a military quarantine. The infected citizens are undergoing radical, monstrous changes -- none more drastic than Alex himself. This anti-hero finds himself with the ability to shape shift and absorb other beings. As the most powerful being on a closed island, the entire city is your playground. And it is a game world that feels unfinished.

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San Frandisco5478d ago

hmm... its from the XBOX 360 section in IGN so must mean that the 360 version is EPIC FAIL!

ape0075478d ago (Edited 5478d ago )

talking about systems before even thinking about the game itself

that's what I call an epic fail


sad thing is,you'll never wake up


I want you to know that if u put 360 and ps3 in one room,they will not fight each other,both will work to fullfil your gameing experince

silly,stupid and crazy,you fanboys really give a bad image about us gamers,every announcment,every reveal,the first thing that come to thier minds is "haha ps3 win" or "360 ftw",even multiplats titles,"oh look AA","better lighning" "WOOOOW LOOK faster loading"

hey hey hey,you give these little silly thing more consern than actually enjoying the game

FANBOYS ARE EVEN MUCH WORSE THAN WII CASUAL GAMERS,at least wii casual,just play thier application,have fun and go...while fanboys,everyday and every site,"OHHH LOOK SHARPER GFX,PS3 or 360 SUCKSSSS"


rucky5478d ago

Naw it's probably just Bloodmask posting every piece of review from 360 sections again to get more 360 page hits. That is unless the game gets a low score then he posts it from the ps3 section.

GiantEnemyCrab5478d ago (Edited 5478d ago )

Keep showing how PS3 fanboys are the worst thing to ever grace gaming!

Keep it up! We all need our daily laughs from the nutter house.

Funny is even your own fellow droid won't acknowledge you and can manage to spin even you're failures into something that is Xbox's fault.

@below: A fanboy is a fanboy but there is a special place in hell for PS3 fanboys. They are the worst in my opinion.

pwnsause5478d ago

its not because of that. it just sounds like bad development time.


the same thing applies to 360 fanboys as well.

lloyd_wonder5478d ago

Looks like Crab forgot to put his tampon on before taking this whole console stuff serious. He's leaking all over himself. lawl

Microsoft Xbox 3605478d ago (Edited 5478d ago )

You guys act as if 360 fanboys don't exist and act as if 360 fanboys aren't on the same level of fanboyism as San Frandisco. Really dumb hypocrites in here.

Stop making a big deal about fanboyism. It's human nature whether you like it or not. At the end of the day, its all fun and games. Don't take opinions so seriously next time.

But meanwhile back in sensitive fanboy N4G land, Prototype is a flop. LOL

thebudgetgamer5477d ago (Edited 5477d ago )

stuck in a room with nothing but the console you hate.

;) heaven for me. a room full of every console and arcade cabinet ever made. except the 5200. man i hate it so much.

ptotoy5477d ago

xbots, is this your best game this summer? might as well go for ghostbuster.. but go for the ps3 version that comes with the original movie in hi-def.. LMAO inFAMOUS >>>> prototype aka hulk ultimate destruction v2.0

Filet of Children5477d ago


If the worst insult you can give to Prototype is that it's like "Hulk Ultimate Destruction v2.0", then you really should play Ultimate Destruction. It effing rocked, haha.

...gonna get back to playing Prototype now.

Chubear5477d ago (Edited 5477d ago )

... PWNED! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, that's right EAT IT HATERS!! WoooooooooT!!!

I really don't give a toss about your nerdy insults of "fanboy this fanboy that" If you know me you'll know I utterly despise editorial review gaming sites. I think they're a cancer to the progression of the industry and I've long called for some sensible balance so these Aholes dont' hold so much power over developers and the community any more...

However, that being said, when something like this happens, it is sooooo frikgen SWEEEEEEET!

All the 360 fanbase that just ragg and hate on PS3 exclusives no matter how insanely great these IPs look; All of them that look for developers to fail cause they do PS3 exclusives even though they can clearly see extremely high quality in these IPs but will willingly have some mediocre crap hyped to hell just cause it's not a PS3 exclusive; all them that love to see PS3 exclusive developers close down shop even though they worked their darnest to bring gamers great new gaming experiences all just because they had an exclusive on the PS3. This one is a WIN for PS3 exclusive developers and I'll take it and run!

We all could see INfamous was a much better quality gaming experience from the start but no-oooo, the 360 fanbase know if they can just BS loudly enough, you'll get anyone believing mediocre games are indeed AAA and vice-versa. For some reason the 360 fanbase have taken multiplat games to be their exclusives and thus they always look for multiplats, that don't push our gaming experiences, to out shine exclusives that clearly do.

I am so glad for Sucker Punch. So easily this great great game they toiled on could have been down the crapper and mediocre games would have been hailed as AAA over it. Thus, the PS3 fanbase could have been robbed, yet again, of sequels to a great new IP.

Today is a good day and I'm happy for INfamous & Sucker Punch on this one. EAT IT HATERS! WoooooooooT! lol!!!!!!!!

SaberEdge5477d ago

Look, inFamous isn't a failure you weirdo, it's a great game.

That said, your little tirade is pretty off the mark considering that so far Prototype is sitting at 93 on metacritic, while inFamous is at 85. And unless you can read the future and know for a fact that Prototype will go lower than inFamous I wouldn't be mouthing off about how much better your beloved PS3 exclusive is.

The way it is looking right now, I would say that they are both great games. Get the one that interests you more and just enjoy it.

AngryTypingGuy5477d ago

PS3 fanboys are definitely the worst and most petty.

Boty5477d ago

please don't tell me you have never seen a xbox 360 fanboy do the EXACT same thing as him.


Thats a good rating. I might just pick this game up.

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Forrest Gump5478d ago

Nice score,not better than inFamous but this was expected.

Blaze9295478d ago (Edited 5478d ago )

But I wonder if IGN really played this game or just wrote up a quick review to beat the embargo and get tons of hits for being one of the first top sites with a review; doesn't sound like the reviewer really gave a damn. 5.5 graphics...really? Other reviews are looking pretty sweet.

ah well, was never interested in the game anyway.

lokiroo4205478d ago

"If it weren't for some nice animations, this game wouldn't have anything going for it visually."


"You can do just about everything in well under 20 hours. I didn’t find myself compelled to play for a second time at all."

double ouch!

Lifendz5478d ago

Prototype you rent. And that's not a slight at 360 because the game isn't exclusive. The fact that my actions influence how the populace sees me sold me on infamous. In Prototype it seems you're just a walking wrecking ball. I'm sure the game is fun though. I plan on restarting my Gamefly account in a few weeks. It'll probably be one of the first games I play.

IzKyD13315478d ago

It's official, infamous>prototype

kws10655478d ago

What are those disagrees above?

Remember. Prototype is also available in PS3.

lokiroo4205478d ago


When you cant shoot down a ps3 exclusive, phantom disagree instead.

theEnemy5478d ago

I'm still buying this.

The story and gameplay looks interesting and worth playing IMO.


i want crackdown 2 more than any sandbox game in this world, even more than gta.

The Captain5478d ago (Edited 5478d ago )

I am playing this game on the PS3 and the graphics and attention to detail are amazing. It's not KZ 2 graphics, but still amazing considering how much action is going on. The fire, exposions and smoke look great as well. Tons of blood.

zoneofenders5478d ago (Edited 5477d ago )

i have already beat this game. 7.5 seems about right.
somewhat fun game but lacks polishing.
and disguise system is just stupid.

i have no idea how could anybody give it a score above 8.5

morganfell5477d ago

I want Agent more than any other sandbox game.

DasBunker5477d ago

everything under 20 hours? not even compells you to play a second time?

sounds like a rent to me...as i said ill get it used, there are far better games coming up to waste my time and money in this game right now

Venomish5477d ago

Hmmm maybe I should give this game a second chance.
the graphics really turned me off, they are extremely bad
the buildings are just rectangles with windows drawn onto them. Anyone saying the graphics are good need to have his eyes checked immediately.
graphics aside, if ign gives it 7.5, then it definitely deserve a second chance from me.

meepmoopmeep5477d ago

it's fun so far, but yeah, graphics are not that great. (city)

that aside, it's still pretty fun
hopefully this game will compel me to get Plat trophy like inFamous did


and i'm playing the PS3 version so it's obviously better than the 360 one that IGN reviewed

:) :)

DailyAddict5477d ago

I'm sort of curious why IGN pointed out that they only got the 360 version of the game and not PS3 and PC. The reason I'm curious is because IGN DOES NOT DO MORE THAN ONE REVIEW for a game and this is very apparent and has been for quite some time. They typically just play the 360 version, write one review and it gets published on both IGN PS3/360. I'm sure the devs have probably started noticing that most big multiplatform gaming networks like GameSpot and IGN only play one copy (which is always typically the 360 version, which is usually easy to tell given that most of the screenshots shown are always the 360 version) and just decided to not even send multiple copies since it was unnecessary anyway.

Tony P5477d ago

Ugh. And this was on my 'get' list.

I can't believe the sandbox itself sounds so half-assed. All signs point to great action but less than stellar use of the environment. What is a sandbox game without a smartly exploited environment? Just some action game. I can deal with bland visuals, but only if that sacrifice is made in favour of (surprise) a better sandbox. Not piling as many enemies as possible onto one screen. That's just annoying.

Sheesh. I guess the people comparing this to Hulk were right.

I still might give it a go in the slim hope that I'll like it more than the reviewer, but...I'm borrowing, not buying.

rockleex5477d ago

Your Avatar...

Triple ouch!! Lol.

vickers5005477d ago

"It's official, infamous>prototype"

Opinions are not official, but yes, you're right.

qface645477d ago

its a good score
but all they hype tried to make it sound like a 9 and up game

- Ghost of Sparta -5477d ago (Edited 5477d ago )

I was one of the people who constantly bashed Prototype for being a mutliplatform sandbox-style video game in my anticipation for Infamous but I've gotta say, this review is so full of sh*t I don't even know where to begin. Before I start, I'd like to make clear that I am among the biggest PS3 fanboys on N4G and I own Infamous, even got the platinum trophy.

1. Prototype, on PS3 at least, I can't speak for the version this guy reviewed which was the 360 version, performs flawlessly with nearly zero frame rate dips and AA whereas Infamous had it's fair share of slowdown and constant jaggies. 5.5 for graphics? Please kill yourself. The character models AND environments in Prototype all look better than those in Infamous. This is one of those rare cases where a multiplatform game looks better than a PS3 exclusive.

2. Polish. I must have died about 10+ times in Infamous due to glitches and bugs and freezing. It's obvious that Sucker Punch got tired of working on the game and decided to release it earlier than originally scheduled without making sure that the game was truly ready to go. Prototype's delay was a good thing as now I see that the game couldn't be anymore polished than it already is. Everything from the in-game menus to the way everything runs is flawless.

3. The only way you could possibly finish Prototype in 20 or less hours would be to rush through the game and skip the hidden goodies, which you get trophies for by collecting them all. There is so much to do in Prototype and the mission structure isn't as repetitive as Infamous.

4. Cole can climb buildings? Alex Mercer can run up and down buildings. Cole can blow up cars? Alex Mercer can blow them up OR toss them at people / tanks / choppers with his bare hands. In a showdown, Alex Mercer would DESTROY Cole McGrath.

If you and I share similar tastes in gaming, ignore this dumb f*cking review and pick up Prototype. Cannot believe the ridiculousness of this utterly misleading garbage.

LastDance5477d ago (Edited 5477d ago )

played prototype last night at work, ive seen better graphics on a ps2 game. Awful graphics just terrible; some of the textures are laughable. You kill the same looking citezen 1 gatrillion times. its more repetitive than Assassins creed and oblivions civs if that is possible.

Any1 who thinks these graphics are GOOD must be playing a different game to the one i played :S

PrimordialSoupBase5477d ago

Huge lulz to whoever says this is a bad score. Get a grip. Or should I say, IGN stop overrating games and use your scale to help your readers rather than confuse the hell out of them.

chaosatom5477d ago (Edited 5477d ago )

Why are you guys disagreeing on graphics? Some say they are amazing, some say crap. It's like polar opposite.

dachiefsman5477d ago

wow game has nothing to do with infamous besides being a sandbox and yet people find it necessary to say which is better. /fail

both games are good...yes infamous has the edge but at least this game isn't a total bust.

Ldubbz5477d ago (Edited 5477d ago )

Thats one ringing endorsement Ghost. I seriously think I will go buy this based on your mini-review.

You just earned some serious points in my book for being honest.

Pika-pie5477d ago

Looks like I wont be jumping of the Infamous bandwagon just yet. Will probably still pick up this game in the future when its dirt cheap just because it looks cool

FamilyGuy5477d ago

You have thoroughly confused me. I thought this game was gonna be between alright and great 7-9 so i can somewhat believe what you wrote as well as IGN giving it's graphics such a low score that it doesnt make sense.

This is one of those weird situations when you're not sure who to trust but since i NEVER believe review magazines i'll take your word on it. I'll just download some HD, in-game trailers/preview ansd see for myself.

There was a dude on here yesterday who said he bought the guide and from his description the game sound huge, much more than 20hrs...

Megatron085477d ago

Wow I cant believe ghost said something nice about a non ps3 exclusive. This game most be really good.

This is the lowest score this game has gotten that I've seen

PS3 Informer 4/5
Gamepro 4.5/5
PSW 9/10
CheatCC 4.9/5

kevnb5477d ago (Edited 5477d ago )

his complaints dont make sense to me, too much chaos? how can a game have too much chaos? This reminds me of the gamespot ratchet & clank review, "too much variety".

Final_Rpg5477d ago

Why the hell did you have to say that ghost?! I was pretty certain that I wasn't going to buy this game because of this review. Then I come on N4G to see what the people think and what do I find. Someone that says the complete opposite of what this review led me to believe. Now I'm just left confused.

As a fan of Infamous, what the hell should I do? ...I'm still getting Ghostbusters though:p

andron5477d ago

It is a good score, but I think Activision knew it would be a bit disappointing.

I subscribe to PSM3 uk and, they made a point of saying that Activision wouldn't send them review code so they could review it before release. Not a good sign as many have pointed out.

I will probably still get this, but I will wait until it falls in price...

Venomish5477d ago

@ 1.21
"5.5 for graphics? Please kill yourself. The character models AND environments in Prototype all look better than those in Infamous."

no, you go kill yourself, are you blind or what exactly
i really want to meet you in person and compare the graphics with you, because there is no way prototype's graphics are even close to infamous.
buildings in infamous have texture, stuff to climb up on, details etc. in prototype it is a flat rectangular with windows drawn onto them.

chidori6665477d ago

infamous killa... yep nice try 360fans.

MegaMohsi5477d ago

You couldn't be more wrong, IGN usually reviews all 3 versions (notice how they say if there are graphical differences between the versions of the game), in some cases PS3 versions have scored less because of graphical inferiority or bugs. They even do head to head comparisons and recommend which one to buy, IGN is very thorough that's why they're so respected, not some lazy random game reviewing site.

t_tocs5477d ago

You guys are getting all up in arms over the review, but did you read the word under the review...it says good. Not bad, not ok...it says good. Last I checked, good was, well...good. So what it didn't receive the same score as infamous...I knew it wouldn't, but it didn't hamper my willingness to buy the game. If you wanted to play this at one time, go get it. a 7.5 isn't bad. There's been good games that have received the same score.

Or, wait for more scores. Only one, maybe 2 big name sites have given their reviews. a 7.5 for IGN and a 90 for GamePro. Wait for the others if you are still on the fence. They will be out throughout the day today.

gaffyh5477d ago

IGN usually give a game what I'd give a game, so this is quite low. Is it going to be another game like red faction guerilla, based on destruction only?

Maybe inFAMOUS did affect this score, inFAMOUS is made so well, almost every part of it is fantastic, the only aspect that needs some improvement is graphics and even those are better than 90% of the games available on consoles.

StayHigh5477d ago

if you want a great game get Infamous for the Playstation 3..Prototype is a rental..

talltony5477d ago

Too many mixed reviews! the gameplay doesnt look that spectacular either. looks like another hulk game just like I thought.

GameGambits5477d ago

This is really bad if you ask me. I was expecting at 8-8.5 score from IGN honestly. However there has been 1 time I 100% disagreed with IGN in a review and that was Assassin's Creed which got a 7.5 from them as well. AC's story and look alone merited a solid 8/10. Of course a game like AC was only worth a rent and that's what I did with it and came away very pleased.

I believe at the end of the day Prototype may be in the same pitfall---it's just not worth 60 bucks, but very worth renting as the story and quick romp through it will leave you pleased.

I'm renting it unless more bad reviews come in or someone can varify if this games story is crap. :P

+ Show (39) more repliesLast reply 5477d ago
spunnups5478d ago

Harsh, or one of the few reviewers that sees the game for what it is? You decide. I'm still waiting to see what Gamespot and Game Informer say.

i got the ghey5477d ago

Wow, you guys clearly have no idea and let a single review over-ride your judgement from gameplay vids and so forth

META CRITIC GIVES THIS 93% BASED ON 5 REVIEWS, IGN had a deal with SuckerPunch for their early review and their launch page. And interestingly their the only site (out of 7 other sites) that has given the game below 8.5

check Metacritic: http://www.metacritic.com/g...

I totally agree with the above poster, if youre still on the fence becuase you arent stupid enough to take one review as law, then look around and see what others have to say.

You cant just say: "i was gonna buy it, now its a possible rent based on a numerical allocation"

zoneofenders5477d ago

i cant believe any sane people would give it a score above 8.5.

themyk5477d ago

yes your right i'm sure. because ign only one of the biggest game sites on the interweb is going to make a deal with sucker punch. hey sucker punch if you let us review your site first we'll give prototype a bad score.

give me a break dude. ign is gonna take that kind of chance.
you just sounded like the biggest fool with that statement.

i think it's much easier to agree with the obvious. and look at how infamous was judged. not only did ign give it great scores but so did all the rest of the big guys. and then some noname sites gave it 7's.

this is ign. you might not agree with their score but i doubt theres some kind of scandal.

kevnb5477d ago

the conspiracy theory has been brought up before, its usually from sony fanboys... I guess xbox fanboys are getting just as bad... But who knows or cares if reviews for video games are influenced? im sure the police will get right on it...

t_tocs5477d ago

You're waiting for Gamespot? I didn't think anyone believed what they said anymore...

StayHigh5477d ago

Does not matter for PS3 owners we can play both games..it seem 360 fanboys is mad because they cant play Infamous for the Playstation 3..lol..

Ju5477d ago

Haven't played it myself, but I was actually confused why it got those high scores. I mean the city environment just looks bland in all those videos, seams one reviewer had the guts to say so. Don't even bother, I have never planed on getting it either.

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pwnsause5478d ago

if IGN doesnt like it, then it sounds like overall, it might be a hate it or love it type of game. im just gonna rent.

Cheeseknight285478d ago

Decent score. Should be worth a rental at least.

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6 Fun Games Where You Actually Play As The Bad Guy

While the mainstream media always sees things turning in favor of the hero, here are 6 games that own being a bad guy.

Profchaos44d ago

Pretty much all of these games listed are based around a morality system you don't have to be bad and you don't have to be good.

It seems to have left out some real amazing games like red dead redemption 1/2,ass effect and true crime la/ny

Tacoboto44d ago

Armored Core VI?

Ok, I'm really missing something here. Just beat chapter 3 earlier this evening, unlocked A-rank Arena fights. I'm not seeing or sensing any branching paths or morality system and I've done every side mission and arena fight available to me up to that fight.

Is something big coming soon to branch the story?

banger8844d ago

No mention of Grand Theft Auto? Saints Row (original trilogy), Manhunt? Also The Suffering (depending on the ending you get).

ChasterMies44d ago

Trevor in GTA 6 is a sadist and psychopath who dabbles in cannibalism. Should be top of the list. These game “news” sites should hire people that know games.


Six Activision Games I’d Like to See Revived Under Microsoft

As the world reels from the shockwaves of the seismic news that Microsoft is acquiring the proverbial swamp of the video-game landscape, Activision Blizzard King, it only seems natural that our minds should now shift towards what the fallout will be for presumably years if not decades to come.

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MadLad867d ago

Another Prototype would be awesome.

As for Singularity, I don't necessarily need a sequel, I just want to see Raven be able to flex their creative muscle again; not just be relegated to assisting with CoD. A lot of the old guard is still with the company.

That's part of what I'm hoping to see come from this acquisition. Revive teams like Vicarious Visions and Ravem to actually allow them to work on their own new projects again.

Crows90867d ago

As great as that would be the deal wont finalize until end of fiscal year 2023. Until after that date MS wont really have a say as to where resources will be spent. So we wont realistically see anything until perhaps 2026 or later.

LWOGaming866d ago

I think that’s a point that so many people are missing. Things will not change this year or next year at all. Maybe some changes might be apparent in 2024 but 2025/2026 is a good estimate of when things will really start happening. And I don’t think we will see as big a set of changes as some are suggesting.

TallDarknWavy867d ago

Those teams having not worked on anything, the employees find jobs at other companies, they don't just remain unemployed till someone at the publisher decides to revive the team, they need to eat lol

That said, this list of games makes me unexcited for anything outside of CoD that Activision has to offer. All games are in stale genres, like Guitar Hero, Simpsons Hit and Run, these are long surpassed genres that are going to be difficult to revive.

gamer7804867d ago

I want to see new IPs. Not a bunch of forced renovations of old franchises.

Gamer75867d ago

Why not a combination of both

gamer7804867d ago

@gamer75 if it is a combination it has to have my seal of approval. Such as a new Warcraft game or a new Warcraft mmo, or an action game based off the night elves orcs and humans if it’s a new IP. I’ll let you know after I talk with Microsoft

King_Noctis867d ago

Man I’ve been waiting for Protoype since the last one. Protoype could seriously be MS’ answer to Infamous (freaking loved that game as well, hope Sony make a new one soon).

porkChop867d ago

I'd love to see Raven take another crack at Heretic and Hexen.

MadLad867d ago

That's one I see being tossed around a lot to bring back, even if not from Raven themselves.

Put so many hours into those games over the years.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 866d ago
Knightofelemia867d ago

I'd like to see Activision get the Transformers license again and continue the War and Fall of Cybertron games. the movie games were crap and the game that combined both movie and Fall and War of Cybertron sucked a new Prototype would also be good as well.

jaymacx867d ago

You deserve a 1000 likes haha 😂. It’s a shame High Moon didn’t get to continue making Transformers. If they got a decent budget i think most of us TF fans would be excited.

wolf581866d ago (Edited 866d ago )

Ms bought Activision and everybody dancing for what? For cod? Ms want to atleast earn some money Back from those 70 billion dollars.... The only thing they count on is more gamepass subscribers via Activision cod, diablo and over watch 2 1st Day free at gamepass. If they decide to make them exclusive to xbox they Will lose profit from ps4 and 5 sales. As For a New ip or an existing ip like over watch 3,diablo 5 or anything else like a New transformers Dont you think that developers need at least 3 years to Do something decent?
Anyway my opinion is that ms want to make videogaming Just a subscription a la netflix and that ps5 will beat xboxsx in sales like ps4 beat xbox and xbox one x..... All the money ms spending It Will defentily make more gamepass subscribers as for games we all must wait at least 3 more years... And thats why ps5 will get ahead in sales they have more AAA in the pipeline already plus lets see their answer for gamepass... P. S i Dont support subscriptions from neither company and i didnt buy switch plus for n64. If they give me the option to buy n64 games then yes i Will buy them but i am not paying for a rental.

867d ago
867d ago
rlow1867d ago (Edited 867d ago )

Re-imagining of River Raid and the original adventurer Pitfall. Oh Zork is also a great game.

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