
Helldivers 2 Dev Wants It To Be Available Worldwide, Restrictions Are From PlayStation & Not Steam

The lack of worldwide availability of Arrowhead Studios' Helldivers 2 on Steam is due to restrictions from PlayStation, not Valve.

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thorstein11d ago

To be clear though, Steam does not restrict use of their platform in any country. So, to say that Sony delisted games in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and other similar regions is disingenuous. The taliban doesn't allow video games in Afghanistan.

There are many restrictions in many countries. Painting this as a false dichotomy of Sony or Valve ignores all other layers of what is going on.

Just be honest in your journalism about what countries are left out. Those countries should a) have internet access b) allow the game.

10d ago
H910d ago

There's literally almost 170 countries and mentioned 3, and Taliban banned PUBG only, do you seriously think that these countries that had games all this time, suddenly decided to ban games when Sony wanted to put PSN as a restriction

thorstein10d ago

You and 7 other people haven't seen the "list" of 170 countries that have been bandied about.

And why is it my problem that you haven't informed yourself about which countries are on that list?

H910d ago

@thorstein I have seen it, I see countries that haven't banned the game or any game and almost all of them have banned less games than USA did, your whole point is nonsense

thorstein10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Learn to math:

There are 195 countries where Steam is available (195 countries in the world).

There are 73 countries where PSN is available.

Helldivers was delisted all the countries without PSN.

195-73=122 countries that could have possibly delisted Helldivers.

According to you, Helldivers is only available in (math: 195-170=) 25 countries. Article claims is 180 so 15 counties.

Now choice: do I believe Sony, Steam, Arrowhead who have stated clearly how many countries is available in: 73.

Or random internet guy (and lying journalists) that believe it's only available in 25 or 15..

Nah, I'll go with Sony, Valve, Arrowhead on that one.

H910d ago

@thorstein what a way to evade criticism what does that have to do with me saying that the countries you mentioned didn't ban the game and Taliban does allow gaming!

And btw you learn math because here's the full list

I have seen Sony cry babies in my life but you sir take the cake

thorstein9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

No you're right. Helldivers is only available in 1/3 of the countries where PSN is available.25 countries. Got it. And that source is a journalist. Not Sony, Arrowhead, nor Steam.

Thanks. I feel so much better now that my fellow Helldivers are not in the countries they say they're in because random internet guy says so.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Have you told Arrowhead yet, they don't seem to know that you can only buy their game in 25 countries.

No math and no critical thinking.

Yeah, I'm a crybaby for knowing math and realizing that the journalists just keep repeating the same thing from a reddit thread without thinking it through.

Wow, what a burn.

H99d ago

God what a sheep you are, so you would actually believe Sony a company that is doing the harm, rather than the actual static? You know what, you be you, hope Sony will acknowledge you one day and keep riping you off and stealing your money, if you are into Stockholm syndrome that much have you tried being a apple fan, they can milk you just as well!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 9d ago
anast10d ago

Sony would be stupid to let valve run the show. They would be bad at business if they did that.

Angyobangyo9d ago

Bad business, lol. Imagine calling Sony's most successful game on PC "bad business" thinking thinking all this drama was Valve's fault. Valve didn't delist the game, Sony did!

Amplitude10d ago

I pray for the day that Valve bans developers from forcing account linking and separate launchers for games on Steam. There's absolutely no reason for it, it often breaks Steam Deck games, it's privacy-invading, spams up your email inbox, and worst of all it's just extremely annoying.

Extermin8or3_10d ago

They will never do this because publishers will start their own stores up again instead and take the games off steam. Microsoft, EA, Sony, Ubisoft all so that and that means Bethesda game studios and Activision titles too. Steam would be dead in the water and just a store for indies.

Amplitude3d ago

Ok I pray for the day that Valve bans them and then the world government bans all other stores other than Steam

repsahj9d ago

If your prayers will come true. Steam will have fewer games and new competitions. XD


Helldivers 2 player shares positive Stratagem Operations ideas

Some Helldivers 2 missions have modifiers that make the game more difficult, but a Reddit user has suggested modifiers to make it more fun.

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Helldivers 2 studio hires new CEO, but Pilestedt isn’t going anywhere

Pilestedt writes: "Hey everyone,

Big update, I've decided to hire @ShamsJorjani as the new CEO of @ArrowheadGS ! We go way back and I wouldn't trust the business in any other hands than his. (...and he comes with an impressive resume and love for games)

But what about me and my involvement in @Helldivers2 ? Well, I'm glad you asked! I am taking the role of Chief Creative Officer, which means I will spend MORE time with the team and 100% of my focus on the games and community!"


Helldivers 2 players have discovered that the 500KG Bomb is not good

The current Helldivers 2 Major Order grants all players access to the 500KG Bomb and many are discovering its not a good Stratagem.

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Eonjay2d ago

When they last use bring it for free last weekend I felt really really overpowered. It's better than an Orbital Railgun if you are good at throwing. It can one-shot an entire smaller bug hole. I was getting 600+ kills easily on the harder difficulties.

Grilla14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Eagle airstrike will do the same with a wider radius and 3 uses vs 2 on the 500lg. The 500kg makes up for the smaller radius with height which is good for the Bile Titans.

Deathdeliverer1d ago

Needs a bigger AOE. It really feels like it does not have an AOE that is anywhere near how it looks.

repsahj16h ago

I agree. Same AOE as hellbomb and it will be great.

Grilla14h ago

That would be way overpowered but I agree the aoe is pretty small.

northpaws22h ago

Precision Strike is better. Much faster cooldown, and hit quite hard if you use it right.