
Helldivers 2 players want to see a large team mode added for a Major Order

Helldivers 2 players hope to see Arrowhead Game Studios add a large team-based mode to the game to defend Super Earth.

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Tedakin21d ago

I'd love that. A mode where you have like 12 Helldivers would be badass.


Helldivers 2 Dev Wants It To Be Available Worldwide, Restrictions Are From PlayStation & Not Steam

The lack of worldwide availability of Arrowhead Studios' Helldivers 2 on Steam is due to restrictions from PlayStation, not Valve.

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thorstein1d 5h ago

To be clear though, Steam does not restrict use of their platform in any country. So, to say that Sony delisted games in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and other similar regions is disingenuous. The taliban doesn't allow video games in Afghanistan.

There are many restrictions in many countries. Painting this as a false dichotomy of Sony or Valve ignores all other layers of what is going on.

Just be honest in your journalism about what countries are left out. Those countries should a) have internet access b) allow the game.

23h ago
H96h ago

There's literally almost 170 countries and mentioned 3, and Taliban banned PUBG only, do you seriously think that these countries that had games all this time, suddenly decided to ban games when Sony wanted to put PSN as a restriction

thorstein2h ago

You and 7 other people haven't seen the "list" of 170 countries that have been bandied about.

And why is it my problem that you haven't informed yourself about which countries are on that list?

H92h ago

@thorstein I have seen it, I see countries that haven't banned the game or any game and almost all of them have banned less games than USA did, your whole point is nonsense

thorstein1h ago(Edited 59m ago)

Learn to math:

There are 195 countries where Steam is available (195 countries in the world).

There are 73 countries where PSN is available.

Helldivers was delisted all the countries without PSN.

195-73=122 countries that could have possibly delisted Helldivers.

According to you, Helldivers is only available in (math: 195-170=) 25 countries. Article claims is 180 so 15 counties.

Now choice: do I believe Sony, Steam, Arrowhead who have stated clearly how many countries is available in: 73.

Or random internet guy (and lying journalists) that believe it's only available in 25 or 15..

Nah, I'll go with Sony, Valve, Arrowhead on that one.

H924m ago

@thorstein what a way to evade criticism what does that have to do with me saying that the countries you mentioned didn't ban the game and Taliban does allow gaming!

And btw you learn math because here's the full list

I have seen Sony cry babies in my life but you sir take the cake

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 24m ago
anast6h ago

Sony would be stupid to let valve run the show. They would be bad at business if they did that.

Amplitude3h ago

I pray for the day that Valve bans developers from forcing account linking and separate launchers for games on Steam. There's absolutely no reason for it, it often breaks Steam Deck games, it's privacy-invading, spams up your email inbox, and worst of all it's just extremely annoying.

Extermin8or3_13m ago

They will never do this because publishers will start their own stores up again instead and take the games off steam. Microsoft, EA, Sony, Ubisoft all so that and that means Bethesda game studios and Activision titles too. Steam would be dead in the water and just a store for indies.


Helldivers 2 CEO reveals who restricted the latest countries in the PSN controversy

The Arrowhead Game Studios CEO has shed some new light on the mass restrictions of Helldivers 2 in 180 countries.

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ocelot079h ago

Sony needs to learn pc players are noting like console players. If they don't like something about the way you handle a game they will do everything to derail the game. Review bomb on steam, pirate the game what ever.

Sony should just stick to releasing single player pc games. Or don't allow crossplay so no need for PSN linking on pc. Or just stop releasing games on pc.

Angyobangyo8h ago

One of the most childish takes on this situation.

MrNinosan8h ago

Because it's true?
Sony should skip out on PC, because their fans are the most toxic around, and nothing good will come out of it in the end.

shaenoide8h ago

You've never player League of Legend, or even CoD on PC ?

Skuletor7h ago


It only takes a few seconds browsing most N4G article's comment sections to see this place is full of toxic console players, the amount of PC masterace type comments pale in comparison. Hell, just make a vaguely negative comment about Playstation or Xbox and see how quick your comment gets downvoted, like this one probably will be.🤣

Shiore2u7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

They can't skip out, they need the money and have already invested a lot of time and effort into keeping it going. Their only other avenue through their own hardware hasn't been cutting it. Customers taking corporate shenanigans laying down may be common practice on their platform, that's not the case for this one. Options are king over here. They're just gonna have to learn the hard way like another they're familiar with did before them.

cough Microsoft cough

shadowhaxor7h ago

To the person who said PC fans are the most toxic out there. You have no clue about the PC gaming communities. Sure, some are toxic, but hell if it ain't the same on console. There are communities made for keeping players safe; why do you think there are so many modders who worked on stuff that helps PC games play games where developers failed? There are games released in a crappy form that PC modders rushed in to fix them. I could go on and on. But I feel it would be a wasted effort to do so.

I'm so tired of people who don't know what the heck they are talking about, running their mouths so they can act like something who does. Seriously, just stop. This has NOTHING to do with the PC community being toxic and more along the lines that they don't like being forced fed lies and crap. Unlike console players who have no choice.

Remember, Sony decided to release its games on the PC, and as such, it needs to pay attention to how the PC gaming world works.

ocelot077h ago

How is it? What I said is true. They did ok with the single player games God of war, Days Gone. Since there is no online components no need for PSN.

When it comes to online play. They obviously want people to link a psn profile. Why I don't know I don't understand. EA do it with their games, Ubisoft do it, Microsoft do it.

If Sony are not willing to scrap the PSN requirements then their is only a few options. Scrap crossplay (I'm in support of this), Scrap releasing pc games that has online MP, Stop releasing pc games.

I hope pc players flat out don't purchase anymore Sony games. Force Sony into doing 1 or the above 3.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 7h ago
theindiearmy8h ago

Sony a week ago with Helldivers 2: "We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable."

Now with Ghost of Tsushima: "We've thought it over...screw you all."

Hofstaderman7h ago

Haha pretty much. Just create a psn account. You had to do the same thing for Sea of Thieves too.

shadowhaxor7h ago

You can't just make a PSN account. Again. Seriously, stop talking nonsense. The issue with "JUST MAKE AN ACCOUNT" is Sony has spelled out in its TOS that people making accounts in regions that don't have PSN can be banned. It's not the same for an MS/Xbox account, as MS accounts are WORLDWIDE! PSN is also against the GDPR in some regions as it requires people to give up info it does not need. That's a violation. It was already proven that you can play Helldivers 2 without that info, so why require it now?

It's not just.. oh, make an account.

Aloymetal7h ago

''Or just stop releasing games on pc.''
Bingo!! It's not even worth it. Losing identity for some little extra cash. Not worth it in the end when the majority of their main games sell a lot better on the console compared to PC. Not a good look for the brand. They should stick to their roots just like Ninty.

5h ago
Skuletor7h ago

@ocelet It would have never been as big an issue if the requirement was enforced from the start. As others have pointed out before, Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Rockstar etc have all required account linking and/or third party launchers for Steam games too. Selling the games in territories where it was against Sony's ToS to make a PSN account and then later telling those users they can't play without it, the whole thing has just been really badly managed by Sony.

ocelot077h ago

I thought the Helldivers 2 thing was sorted? They no longer forcing people to link a psn account. I'm talking about the yet to be released games like ghost of tsushima.

I agree with what you said. They should of done it with Helldivers from the start 100% agree. But now that issues has been resolved. They need to start realising pc players are a different breed and quick.

Skuletor6h ago

Somewhat but the whole Helldivers 2 situation has put a giant spotlight on future PlayStation games on PC right now. Whether a PSN account is required for GoT on PC or not, their next port after that won't get anywhere near as much attention, if you need PSN or not.

H96h ago

Or actually listen to what people are saying and don't restrict people, you are talking about PC gamers not being sheep's like it's an insult

notachance6h ago

They should've made it optional with bonus incentive for people who did, like say cosmetics or free credit or something. People would eat that up no problem.

anast3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

I find it interesting that PC gamers will slavishly go along with only renting their games on Steam, buy the annual $1k graphics card, and then cry afoul about a PSN account. I get it, but it's interesting nonetheless.

Skuletor1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

I find it interesting that you (not all console players, you specifically) are making the claim that PC players (all? some? in general?) are buying $1k graphics cards every year, one of many ridiculous myths some console only players like to claim. Then there's the very real issue of Sony releasing a game in territories where it's against their terms of service to create a PSN account, then demanding all users to use an account going forward but that part doesn't fit your narrative, you're just like an activist journalist omitting facts to fit their agenda or just a misinformed person speaking about things they don't understand.
By the way, tell me more about physical copies of The Crew that people own and how people didn't just rent those.

Shiore2u1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Just ignore anast. He's always been threatened by PC, be it the foreign concept of choice or learning new things requiring the smallest effort. The last few years of watching his only personal possible method of gaming face potential market obsolesce has broken and reduced him to humiliation rituals. Never brand worship kids.

Skuletor1h ago


Then how am I going to share fun facts with them, like how Playstation's next Steam game, Ghost of Tsushima has a 2015 graphics card (GTX 960) as a minimum requirement on its Steam page? A graphics card which apparently cost $199 US Dollars at launch, no less.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1h ago
MetroidFREAK216h ago

Sony is ruining one of the best 'live service' games to be released in recent memory... I don't understand publishers man... not just Sony, but all of them. Always about money, never the consumer


Helldivers 2 Star Wars Mod Looks Pretty Insane

Star Wars is coming to Helldivers 2, unofficially that is, as a new mod revamps in-game models and sends players to a galaxy far, far, away.

thejigisup18h ago

To you. What makes them interesting?

repsahj17h ago

This is the reason they cancel the psn link.