
Microsoft announces layoffs at gaming division

Microsoft is laying off hundreds of employees at Xbox, with 1900 jobs cut across Activision Blizzard, Xbox Game Studios, and ZeniMax Media.

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Vengeance1138134d ago

What's this? The Trillion dollar empire company isn't profitable?? *gasp*

darthv72134d ago

The ship is sinking... everyone into the life boats.

Eonjay134d ago (Edited 134d ago )

This actually pissed me off. I keep thinking of how Microsoft's PR was claiming that they had gotten the support form several workers unions... Everyone should have seen this coming. Also, people have a baby about Sony laying off 50 people. Those same people will now explain why laying off thousands of people is a good thing.

Vengeance1138134d ago

Also what's scary is this is on top of the 10 000 layoffs Microsoft announced in January 2023 as well as the additional layoffs they had in June 2023. The instability is palpable!

InUrFoxHole133d ago (Edited 133d ago )

Sure, let me help you out, bud. MS is a company. A companies sole purpose is to make $ in exchange for providing a service or goods. MS recently made a huge purchase. In that, they have to A: recoup the outgoing $ they just spent and B: Get rid of overlapping positions. Thats life. Sure it sucks and you hate to see it happen but move along and find another job

Rocketisleague133d ago

Wonder when Bethesda will get the cuts

Eonjay133d ago


Obviously the separations are a result of the acquisitions but I personally think this is being accelerated by AI.

Eonjay133d ago


What you described is not the purpose of a company, but rather a corporation. The point I was making is that Microsoft was saying this purchase would benefit all involved. People were claiming that the purchase is what the workers needed to create a better work environment. This was all BS.

TiredGamer133d ago


What is the purpose of a company or any other business?

northpaws133d ago


Microsoft has created a better workspace by making them work somewhere else. /s

Cacabunga133d ago

Start with their boss.. his ideas are broken

Eonjay133d ago


A corporation is a specific type of company. And within that you can actually have a non-profit corporation. What makes for profit corporations (and specifically traded for profit corps) unique is that they are companies who exist primarily to maximize the returns for investors. So when InUrFoxHole says this is characteristic of 'companies'.. I am just saying that his statement isn't technically accurate. It doesn't apply to ALL companies in other words.

InUrFoxHole133d ago

I hear ya man. But if you're MS you can't just blurt out... we're gonna make cuts. Again I know it's scrappy and I side with the workers but they had to know this was gonna happen. I can't remember the last purchase where 100% of the workers stayed.

dcbronco133d ago

Adults understand this is how acquisitions work. If n4g wasn't mostly children, and worse, fanboy children they'd understand this. When companies acquire another company thousands of jobs often get cut. Adults understand this. Microsoft even talked about creating a large team that could be used throughout the gaming division back when they acquired Bethesda. A team like that eliminates multiple positions from a new company. The people who lost their job will receive 6 months compensation and will most likely be in a new job 3 months in pocketing 3 months or more of pay. Learn how the world works kids. It is crashing down around you.

jznrpg132d ago

@Eonjay acquisition then downsizing is a product of greed.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 132d ago
sagapo133d ago

See how hilarious you would find it if you lost your job…

Sonic1881133d ago

I was laughing at Vengeance comment

sagapo133d ago

@Sonic: In that case I take my words back. Apologies.

notachance134d ago

the woe of day-1 subscription service, for every studio they own they have to either get a proportional number of new subscribers, increase the subscription fee, or just outright cutting jobs to offset additional hiring costs. At least with delayed library like PS Plus you can get release window profit from early buyers.

OptimusDK134d ago

Are you a gamer or shareholder

Charlieboy333134d ago

@Optimus If you think this cost cutting won't trickle down and affect the games they produce ( you know, the stuff you allegedly play as a NON-SHAREHOLDER ) then you are an idiot.

Christopher134d ago

***Are you a gamer or shareholder ***

Ignorance of the industry will only lead us to where they want us, not where we want.

notachance134d ago

@optimus well I mean it’s simple enough.. additional studios means additional salaries to be paid, but because of day 1 gamepass the game purchases are severely impacted. You need to fill that gap in the normal product cycle somehow..

Einhander1972133d ago

People always have the option to not support Microsoft.

I didn't buy Starfield even though I was excited for it. I don't buy game pass even though it has games on it I want to play.

People do get to decide where the industry goes, that's why there aren't loot boxes in single player games and kinect got kicked to the curb.

133d ago
TiredGamer133d ago

To be fair, there are probably millions of MS stock shareholders.

Christopher133d ago

***that's why there aren't loot boxes in single player games and kinect got kicked to the curb. ***

But there are SP games with loot boxes...

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 133d ago
crazyCoconuts134d ago

Counter argument is that the textbook reason for acquisition is economies of scale. You can make more money by reducing overhead in redundant PR, HR, Legal, etc...
Will be interesting if we get visibility into what types of roles were impacted, that will be more telling I think. I'm not surprised there's post merger layoffs though...

dumahim134d ago

Eliminating redundancies

EvertonFC133d ago

Low paid workers no doubt.

crazyCoconuts133d ago

And now we're starting to get that visibility. Physical Xbox games appear to be on the chopping block... This is a big deal if true

darthv72133d ago (Edited 133d ago )

Physical games in general is going the way of the dodo. Im seeing less and less physical media in stores where they sold movies and music... games was next. Why have a division whose job it is to make something on a disc when discs are going away? PC havent had discs for over a decade... consoles and handhelds are heading the same direction and will take people with them, kicking and screaming, regardless.

I cant really recall when the last time i inserted a disc into any of my systems. I swapped out the lasers in my saturn, dreamcast, and gamecube for ODE. I have a modded og xbox with tons of games ripped to it, same with a PS2 modded with a hdd also with games ripped to it. I use the PS Portal to play 4/5 games and my steam deck to play PS1/NES/SNES/N64/NeoGeo/Genesi s/TG16 as well as Xcloud. Im practically all digital now anyway. Convenience is a hell of a drug, maybe even more addicting than collecting shelf candy was.

PS3 is prob the only one I still use discs for but that will change soon enough.

dumahim133d ago

Even if that so, why start shifting away from physical in the middle of a console generation?

crazyCoconuts133d ago

Beyond the actual impact to those that DO buy physical and happen to have an XSX, bigger deal is the perceived retail presence of the brand compared to it's competition. Xbox would be taking the L in every retail outlet in every country. Kinda a big deal if this is really happening. Obviously we don't know anything concrete yet though

darthv72133d ago

@dumahim... because, by the time the next one starts, people will already be acclimated to it. Sony was already doing their part little by little with the current trend of collector editions not including discs even though they may include steelbook cases. This is their way of saying it is inclusive to those with and without the optical drive on their PS5.

By making them disc neutral will make it easier for people to accept the inevitable change over to no more discs and they will be happy with all the other stuff those editions do come with as a trade off. It starts with the CE but then it will progress into the standard games as well. Getting cases with just a DL code instead of a disc. We already know Nintendo switch games like that.

FinalFantasyFanatic133d ago

Looking at stores in my own area, Xbox doesn't even have a section anywhere near as big as Nintendo or Playstation, it's almost non-existant. I wouldn't be surprised if they had been planning this for a while because that would explain the lack of presence in stores.

I cannot think of any Nintendo Switch case I've picked up that didn't have a physical disc/cartridge in it, that must be an incredibly small number of games, then again, I'm only buying their first party games and exclusives because I can't buy them anywhere else.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 133d ago
-Foxtrot133d ago

Gotta help pay that $375 million in compensation to Bobby Kotick when he left in late December somehow /s

1Victor133d ago (Edited 133d ago )

Time sure flies it’s 2027 already?
Edit: I guess in Microsoft eyes it’s better to cut them down in batches than 100,000+ on 2027 🤦🏿

darthv72133d ago

...but they ARE profitable. They also don't need X amount of overlapping employees. This is pretty standard stuff with mergers. The employees who are doing the same jobs as others already in the company are the first to go. I had it happen to myself several years ago. I went and got another job.

Chances are these people will be fine and who knows... they may form a new company and get right back to making games, or cleaning toilets, or filing HR paperwork. It all depends on the job they performed before being laid off. Not all of those affected were game developers, many of which just worked for the company doing non developing stuff... keep that in mind.

fr0sty133d ago

Activision/Blizzard has 13,000 employees, Bethesda has approx 2300. So 15,300 total... They laid off 1,900. That's almost 12.5% of the total workforce of both Activision and Zenimax/Bethesda combined. More than 1 out of every 10 heads got cut...

darthv72133d ago

^^its over 22,000 employees across the totality of MS/ABK/ZB and losing another 1900 will still leave them with over 20k. And like I said, not all of them are game devs but other overlapping employees. It sux when it happens (I know personally) but it is what it is.

fr0sty133d ago (Edited 133d ago )

That's still nearly 1 out of every 10 heads (8.6%)... that isn't a small number. It's such a large number, that it is unlikely that they're all just janitors and office workers like you seem to be trying to imply.

Darkegg133d ago (Edited 133d ago )

The abuse goes on both ends. The answer is that Microsoft offers some tools but tradeoff is that whatever tools are available will reduce need for human labor. This deals with many lives so it’s based on the metric as well as implementation of those metrics, watching those who implement it, to portray an accurate ratio of labor and productivity.

I don’t like corporate greed but being on the workbench I have seen slackers too for whom I just want to work harder and self-initiate.

itsmebryan133d ago

I know. It's like having the number one selling console by a large margin and laying off people. "Clutching my pearls"

Zeref133d ago

What does profitability have to do with any of this? Out of all the layoffs happening recently. This was the one that was most expected. Layoffs almost always happen after a big acquisition. It's not because of finances. It's because there's a lot of overlap in the job positions.

I was hoping it wouldn't be too bad because they want to keep Activision Blizzard as a separate entity.

But I guess when it's a 70 billion dollar acquisition. There's inevitably going to be a lot more overlap than normal.

Sucks for those that were affected. Hope they land on their feet quickly.

Einhander1972133d ago

How many years do you think it would take to pay off 70 billion with the salaries of the people who lost their jobs?

And let's not even bring up the fact that Microsoft was getting all these games anyways, so these people lost their jobs for essentially no reason.

Zeref133d ago (Edited 133d ago )


The layoffs were gonna happen regardless. Have you seen industry news lately? Everyone is having layoffs. They Would it have been as bad as this? Who knows. But they were against unionization while Microsoft supports it and it turns out, None of the Union workers were affected. So I'm gonna say it would have been just as bad if not worse.

Activision Blizzard was on a downwards spiral. In the next few years we'll see if MS can turn it around for them.

RhinoGamer88133d ago

You can bet Phil and his boys are getting nice and fat bonuses this year.

FreeFallFrenzy133d ago

Yet it's considered the "most valuable" company in the world! 🙄

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 132d ago
shadowT134d ago

Blizzard president Mike Ybarra and Blizzard’s chief designer Allen Adham also departing, according a new report of Tom Warren.

RaidenBlack134d ago

The Blizzard's untitled survival game is also cancelled

Lightning77133d ago

Typical MS. 5 steps forward..... 100 steps back lol.

Hofstaderman134d ago (Edited 134d ago )

Ybarra was a plant all along to ease the acquisition.

zaanan133d ago

It’s entirely possible. Remember Nokia?

This raises the total Xbox layoffs since ACTI announcement to 11,900.

“Move along, nothing to see here”

Hofstaderman133d ago

@zaanan Nokia is exactly a case where MS spent a substantial amount on an acquisition and then proceeded to pull the plug.

Gamingsince1981133d ago

Nah Mike Ybarra only just said in November they would have to drag him out to make him leave, he's in for the long haul...... now 3 months later he has left its fishy

Hofstaderman134d ago

Have to make that 70-80 Billion Dollars worth of acquisitions back. Why so surprised? The writing was always on the wall for everybody to read. Wonder how much of the restructuring is geared towards their third party publishing plans?

Aloymetal134d ago ShowReplies(4)
Hofstaderman133d ago

Take this with a grain of salt; according to Jez Corden Microsoft has also shut down departments dedicated to bringing Xbox games to physical retail ... which if you've seen the digital-only Xbox console leaks ... well, you can get an idea of where Microsoft is going here.

darthv72133d ago

Things are changing across the board for physical media... Its been declining for movies and music, games were next.

133d ago
Redgrave134d ago ShowReplies(2)
gold_drake134d ago (Edited 134d ago )

its absolutely horrific for those1900 people.

the 3 trillion dollar company "has to" fire so many people, and for what?. for a "sustainable cost structure"

thats almost 10% of their staff lol

Tacoboto133d ago

There is no justification for it. They have the money to afford literally anything in the world.

To cancel Blizzard's game six years in development is the twist of the knife when everyone's already down.

For smaller companies that are running with tight costs, layoffs are one thing. What Microsoft did today is a complete other and benefits the big wigs at the expense of everyone else.

Good on Mike Ybarra for leaving. Phil Spencer should follow his example and look at everything that's happened to the developers impacted by his decisions.

frostypants133d ago

Deep sixing an acquisition's game deep into development is the most MS move ever.

Tacoboto133d ago

They Fable Legends'd themselves again.

They're the WB-cancelling-finished-movies of the gaming industry.

porkChop133d ago

"To cancel Blizzard's game six years in development is the twist of the knife when everyone's already down."

I'm really surprised by that. Spencer doesn't usually cancel anything already in development. Even Redfall, even though the devs wanted them to cancel it. But then again, Redfall. Maybe that game's failure made them change their mind. With it being 6 years deep in dev though it doesn't make sense to cancel it. Pretty stupid decision.

dumahim133d ago

That's what happens when you buy a company that's in the same business as you. There's a lot of people doing the same job, so they're going to save money by getting rid of people that aren't needed anymore.

Profchaos133d ago

@dumahim Ive heard that before and worked in a job where they merged with another company let go of their newly acquired staff and expected me to take on a whole host of extra work but I was already at 110 percent capacity and not the only one the outcome was morale dropped to an all time low and good staff left in droves.

The Wood133d ago

I make you right Taco. What this hammers to me is that sustainability issues are due to weak hardware sales and weak gamespass concurrent subs. Something has to give. I definitely see them pivoting to becoming a 3rd party publisher.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 133d ago
MrDead133d ago

The results of industry consolidation, the only people that benefit are CEO's and shareholders... gamers and the workforce gets ****ed

I can see way more cuts in the short term too as parts of what where competing publishers in the industry merge, and lets not forget the introduction of AI, MS is set to be a big pusher of that.

porkChop133d ago

Yeah this is terrible. MS has the money and resources to support that staff. None of these large companies need to do any of these layoffs.

blackblades133d ago

People said this was going to happen after they acquire them but not this many. Makes you think that Sony is doing a better job with not acquiring but just partnering up with studios and funding the games.

darthv72133d ago

Oh it was happening with Sony too... Bungie, Media Molecule, insomniac... all of them lost people after being acquired by Sony. And it will happen again because its inevitable when you bring on another company that has people like you do. No need for multiples of the same job.

porkChop133d ago

Huh? Sony has not only laid off plenty of employees, they've also shut down 1 or 2 of the new studios they just bought.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 133d ago
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