
Limited Run Gets Brutally Honest As Xbox Misses Out On Two New Ports

"If we could count on selling 5,000+ of a title physically on Xbox, we could justify the ports without a digital stake, but we only sell those kinds of numbers on PlayStation and Switch. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Xbox gamers are digital first."

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gold_drake146d ago

"Physical game sales are not high enough on Xbox to offset our development costs, so we have no option but to skip Xbox on these titles."

this right here
xbox has built their fanbase to be only interested in shooters or forza.
im not surprised by that statement at all.

we've seen that happen with aalot of other games aswell, were the fans are just not on xbox, but on playstion and switch.

146d ago Replies(1)
darthv72146d ago

Say what...? If anything, it has less to do with shooters or Forza and more to do with game pass. Acclimating to digital downloads more so than physical media. Especially if the SS makes up the lions share of units sold.

Besides, this is LRG we are talking about. They are the Razor & Tie of the gaming world. If ya know, ya know. They are just glorifird reproductions of other companies work.

ModsDoBetter145d ago


Sony fanboys all use that tired argument "Shooters and Forza" whilst not actually looking into the variety of games available on the platform. Is Hi-Fi Rush a shooter, for example?

It's more to do with gamepass and less to do with genres.

TheEroica145d ago

You are correct Darth, don't let those downvotes get to you. The Sony defense force can be often be collectively sore...

DogJosha145d ago

I don't know about shooters and Forza, but this problem existed before gamepass when digital sales weren't a problem. The only time these types of games sold well on an Xbox platform was the 360 when Sony made the PS3 too difficult to program for. I do agree that gamepass adds extra harm, but the problem already existed.

S2Killinit145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

“Sony fanboys”? Its a developer.

Not to mention, many MS apologists dismiss comments about the effects of gamepass on quality of games and MS’s focus on gass. And now that the cat is out of the bag, all of a sudden “it’s gamepass, and that is ok”?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 145d ago
rlow1146d ago

Same old dumb statements from a fanboy. Xbox has much more than just shooters and Forza. Lol…….How original.

gold_drake145d ago

fanboy of .. what exactly? i didnt leave anyone out. ridiculous comment. lol

jwillj2k4145d ago

It’s about what’s advertised not actual games.

145d ago
rlow1145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

Your comment about Xbox only having certain type of games is old. We all know they have much more than just two types of games. But fanboys always fallback to it because it’s lazy.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 145d ago
UltimateOwnage145d ago

I'd say more like they have built their entire B- rated platform around GamePass. Can't blame people for taking advantage of the only thing worth buying an XBOX for, but GaaS has always been known to shape consequences in the industry. This is yet another.

just_looken145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

I like how there are still many users that think xbox is a tiny company that only has gamepass/halo and forza yet they are playing there games every day.

Microsoft could buy sony and absorb the cost in 2 years max right now xbox owns way more ips than alot of game companies.

That did not cover your high fi rush outerworlds mobile divisions tony hawk new games like fable or that arrowed? game.


Xbox has a ton of games out there on many platforms even the switch now.

The main reason physical is dieing is due to the overall money they make via digital along with the overall support a digital is getting a game at $70 on the respected platform be it spiderman 2 on the ps store or halo mcc on a xbox store will always make way more money that a disc version.

shinoff2183145d ago

Why you getting so defensive. Ms definitely helped usher in the digital age there's no doubt and you can't deny it. When you look at the consoles. Xbox players are more then likely the ones to be all and only digital. Where as Sony Nintendo still have alot of players who prefer physical. Sony and Nintendo aren't the ones who have beaten into their bases heads that digital, digital,cloud, digital is the way.

mkis007145d ago

You just started with xbox but then jumped to ms. Xbox is tiny compared to ms too.

notachance145d ago

xbox is tiny, it's MS that is huge

sorry but they're not popular outside NA/UK, it's to the point that buying PS or Nintendo instead of Xbox is common sense rather than taste. Especially if you like multiplayer, no one practically play on it.

just_looken145d ago

Where as Sony Nintendo still have alot of players who prefer physical.

First off the switch has a extreme few amount of games on the actual storage drive they have been full digital in the grand scheme for 2yrs now. Then you say ps5 players like discs yet bestbuy/walmart/uk/austrailia are no longer going to carry disc based media. The mobile aka digital market dwarfs your tiny peasant sony base

You just started with xbox but then jumped to ms. Xbox is tiny compared to ms too.

Holy f this is why America is becoming a new version of mad max we can say sony playstation no issues all day long but saying xbox is owned/run by microsoft well we cant have that right its to scary cancel my ass right.

Well to bad microsoft its a trillion dollar corporation that buys games ip/companies i know your scared but its the truth they can buy up a country if they wanted too so i will continue to say Microsoft/xbox like i say sony/playstation get over it.

just_looken145d ago

hat buying PS or Nintendo instead of Xbox is common sense r

I would like to add reading a comment saying ms should buy xbox it just adds more on how scary the future is for humans.

I think usa should tell everyone water causes cancer unless you microwave it first then say that only microwaves with a certain sticker will work i 100% believe millions will buy the special microwavable water and microwave.

gold_drake145d ago

no one was talking about sony specifically, not sure why u put your fanboism on me haha.

shinoff2183145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

Just looken, you ain't looking hard enough.

First there's 100s of switch titles still being released yearly physically, same as ps5. It's mostly your aaa titles from the likes of a ea, ubisoft, Activision that this applies to and sometimes it's still not the case. Shit the last few sentences were referring to the physical games these days aren't a complete game. Take for instance star ocean 2 remake not complete but in the end the update was for a language pack. No biggie still complete in my eyes.

Sure those companies took are taking physical games away from their shelves and they are going to lose customers to boot. Especially best buy. Wal mart well some of us that's all you got around. Anyway back to physicals if you actually know and or look there's 100s of places online to buy these from. Just like depth stores being worried for 10 20 years about online shopping taking over well in he case of physical games that'll be where to go. Not hard. Shitty but not hard.

And finally, let's be real little buddy. I've, and I've seen other ps users critique Sony, so no ones saying Sony can do wrong.

Anyway the main point was lrg not making physical games for xboxbecause the base has been trained to not biy physaical. Lrg isnt wrong

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 145d ago
TheEroica145d ago

Wow, how's the weather in your reality? "Xbox gamers don't play anything but forza and shooters" 😢😂 Meanwhile the developer is referring to digital sales and likely Gamepass being the driving force behind lack of physical sales. Lol.

gold_drake145d ago

sorry, forgot starfield, ur right.

thesoftware730145d ago (Edited 145d ago )


What a terrible take you have on what was said.

Wow, it's like you decided to just come in, say some negative shit, and disregard any truth or logic.

Zeref145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

They literally told you the reason why. "Xbox gamers are mostly digital first"

And you concluded that Xbox gamers only play Shooters (which literally most people do, regardless of platform) and Forza... Like how??😂

And everyone agrees... The level of intelligence on this website needs to be studied 🤣

Notellin145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

"this right here
xbox has built their fanbase to be only interested in shooters or forza.
im not surprised by that statement at all."

I've come to expect these reactionary and anecdotal nonsense posts being at the top on N4G. The entire community is so biased and uneducated the comment section has become meaningless fanboy drivel.

Software_Lover145d ago

...... Reading is fundamental.

It has nothing to do with the type of game, but how the games are sold. They specifically said that because most Xbox gamers buy digital, they decided to skip.

KwietStorm_BLM145d ago

They literally told you the reason why there is no physical release. So which statement are you talking about with shooters and Forza?

Unknown_Gamer5794145d ago

I think it’s a confluence of a few different factors. Third place in sales means the smallest corner of the market to begin with. When that already smaller market also has less interest in a certain type of game, and less interest in physical games in general, that further reduces the potential niche.

Christopher145d ago

*** xbox has built their fanbase to be only interested in shooters or forza. ***

Why are you attempting to add this to the argument of physical vs digital? Xbox plays plenty of games that aren't shooters or forza. Your argument is weak and ill-placed.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 145d ago
-Foxtrot146d ago

To be fair on them they did start to do Xbox releases, a very few but it seems like we now know why they never did

They listened to complaints, they tried and it failed.

shinoff2183146d ago

To boot I believe the Xbox titles they did do were of slightly bigger named games.

Profchaos145d ago

Exactly and from reading the article they make nothing on digital distribution so unless the people are there to buy a game physically and they get at least 5k sales they make a loss

italiangamer146d ago

Finally some honest to God words from a company, clear as day and no PR mumbo jumbo.

porkChop145d ago

It's certainly refreshing. Honesty and transparency should be much more prominent, and not just in the game industry.

ChasterMies146d ago

Between 50% to 75% of Xbox Series Sales are the digital only Series S. That means the install base of disc playing Xbox’s is at WiiU levels. I don’t know the breakdown of PS5 to PS5 digital but the greater number of PS5s probably makes up for the difference.

purple101146d ago (Edited 146d ago )

Probs the opposite I guess
75 disk and 25% digital

Maybe even less than 25%

--Onilink--145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

Unlikely given most games sold for Sony are digital (or people are buying the Physical PS5 but still buying digital games). Even for Nintendo the digital sales finally outpaced physical ones.

“Zooming in on PlayStation's physical/digital sales split (which looks at units sold rather than cash), just over two thirds (67 per cent) of software sales were digital in Q2 2023. This is a slight increase year-on-year, but down compared to Q1 2023.”


So no, not the opposite, they all significantly favor digital sales these days. My guess for the difference to Limited Run games is just how many game sales there are on Switch and PS compared to Xbox on account of the much larger install base

--Onilink--145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

Lol, why are people disagreeing? Those are literally the numbers taken from directly from Sony’s latest fiscal report.
The only question left is whether people are buying the physical edition console despite buying digital games (I actually do that, the disc drive is for movies, though even physical movies are also dropping in sales) or just getting the cheaper digital version.
I suppose it also depends on which SKU Sony produces more of, though I gotta imagine they also would want to favor digital sales to lock people to the PSN store.

But its pretty clear that even on PS about 2/3 of game sales are digital (and its no much different elsewhere)

Profchaos145d ago

Anecdotally I've only seen physical ps5 consoles in store in the last 12 months or so hasn't seen digital in stores since launch

purple101145d ago

@ onlink so 67% and 75% I said are quite close when you think about it

There must be a crossover I agree of people with disk still buying digital

So my estimate was pretty close anyway

Certainly didn’t warrant a comment saying I’m 8% off


Jeez it was only a guesstimate anyway

MrNinosan145d ago

It's not about the digital sales of games. In my store, we have sold around 95% PS5 Standard, and 5% Digital since the release 2020.

It's all about the possibility to use physicsl, playing your backlog PS4-games, or actually save in on the price by buying 2-3 physical games.

Here in Europe, Physical games are normally 10-20$ cheaper that digital, so buying a Standard PS5 and a few Physicsl games during the lifespan of 8 year, would have already saved you the few extra bucks you paid for Standard.

But yes, digital is selling more than physical.

I provably bought 300-400 digital PS5 games, and only 20-30 physical, but still, I needed Standard PS5 for those 20-30.

Very simple math that you seemed to fail.

--Onilink--145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

Its not 8%, its 67% DIGITAL games to 33% Physical, and that % actually represented a drop for digital, in previous quarters (and previous years) the gap between digital and physical has been even higher

So unless a huge amount of people are getting the physical PS5 but buy mostly or only digital games, or its the SKU that Sony produces more of despite such a preference for digital games, it would be quite weird for the Disc version of the PS5 to outsell that much the Digital one

Zeref145d ago


Get the f* outta here with your facts, logic and common sense

--Onilink--145d ago


You dont get to 3/4 or more of console sales being for the disc version just by giving out anecdotal data or guessing that people might occasionally buy a physical game. I’m not making up any numbers either, again, they are straight from Sony’s financial reports.

Which is why I mentioned the possibility of the Disc version maybe being the SKU that was most produced if we want to reach the kind of ratio he was mentioning.

Though again, given how Sony would prefer to lock people into the PSN for all sales, how the Slim model is in a way also favoring a Digital version by making turning the disc drive into an accessory, how the general consumers typically favor the cheaper options (as seen with Xbox Series S)… its highly unlikely that the Disc to Digital ratio of PS5 console sales would be anywhere near what he was saying (75% or more to disc)

I’m also not saying that the console ratio is 67/33 to digital just because the game sales are like that, I’m saying that given just how much digital sales are favored even on PS, it is VERY unlikely to be 25/75 to disc, unless Sony just isnt producing enough Digital versions

THAT is the very simple math you seem to fail

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 145d ago
Concertoine145d ago

Considering how poorly the xbox one sold if they hit Wii U levels they’d probably be happy.

MrNinosan145d ago

Series X isn't even close to Wii U numbers.
We're talking 5-7 million Series X.

babadivad145d ago

I don't by physical for Xbox or Playstation. The last physical game I bought was SF5 because it was a ridiculous discount.

franwex145d ago

I mainly game on Xbox, along with my friends. Only one of us is mainly physical. It’s not me. So yes, what you stated compounded along with Xbox being predominantly digital, even if physical is an option equals very low sales.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 145d ago
Vits146d ago

Honestly, it's kind of funny because the usual issue with Limited Run or any of those other 'indie publishers' is that they typically produce so few copies that it's extremely hard to get one. So maybe reallocating those Xbox copies to the Switch and PS4/5 would be a good idea.

Amplitude144d ago (Edited 144d ago )

To be fair Limited Run haven't done that for years now. It's "you have 7 or more days to order this game, and we'll produce the exact number of units to ship". You've just gotta check the site every once in a while and you can get anything. Which is why it's kinda less fun now

Off topic rant:
I used to be on the site at 10am to try to quickly check out before the games sold out. I got the first 25-ish Switch ones and a bunch of collectors editions and started the PSVR and PS5 ones but they started releasing way too quick and i was literally spending two weeks pay on Limited Run Games every month lmfao. Then they changed it to the 7 day order window and idk it felt less special. The Jak 2 collectors edition selling out in 2 milliseconds also really killed my interest too. Sorry I'm just stoned and remembering that weird time when i got addicted to buying limited run games

Vits144d ago

That's is not being fair; it's a case of tunnel vision. Half the globe lacks direct access to games from Limited Run or other indie publishers, being compelled to purchase them through a middleman. Consequently, the supply of copies is consistently below what it needed to be.

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Slam and Roll Is a Bubble Bobble-Style Platformer on Steam Early Access

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New trailer of Phantom Blade Zero, giving a sneak peek to the latest development of the game, featuring never-shown-before footage depicting high-speed combat and multiple weapons, among other game play elements. Announcement of a World Tour Demo.

darthv725h ago

Looking better and better with each passing trailer.

Lightning775h ago

Very weird why Sony didn't end their State Of Play with this game. SGF was a big misfire but this game shined, day one, hyped can't wait. Still no release date but I'm ok with that it's real and I'll happily wait for this masterpiece.

Einhander197218m ago

Sony opened the show with Lego Horizon and closed the show with Phantom Blade 0.

Plus they had a sprinkle of console/not on xbox exclusives during the show.

KwietStorm_BLM1h ago

I didn't think there was any way the combat could look as cool in-game as it did in the reveal trailer. I'm just gonna shut up now. Take all my coins.

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Chocoburger3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

PlayStation blog post that details pre-order bonuses.

"Exclusive to PlayStation, players who buy the game on PS4 or PS5 will also receive bonus extended prologue animations with never-before-seen deleted scenes."
