
Modern Warfare 3 campaign can be finished in 3-4 hours, it’s claimed

VGC writes: "The campaign was released on Thursday for players who’d pre-ordered the digital edition of the game, giving them access to the single-player portion a week ahead of the full release.

But now, following that release, players have reported that the campaign is clocking in at around 3 to 4 hours in length."

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crazyCoconuts220d ago

This is a big disappointment for me - I always play the campaigns and they're a big part of the justification for buying every year.
So altogether, campaign is virtually not there, MP is DLC-like with rehashed maps, and they'll continue the tradition of beating you over the head with battle pass ads until you buy them. Not sure I can stomach paying full price this time.

Nitrowolf2220d ago

COD campaigns have been 3-4 hours the last decade though. I've always had that as a issue, but how can it be a big disappointment for you being a big part every year if they've all been like that.

You are right though, this year is DLC. If MW2 didn't mess up as badly as it did and played like this, everyone would be calling it a DLC. All they did was just revert all the changes IW made, and remade all the maps, which have been rumored forever to be done.

crazyCoconuts220d ago

That's not true. They're usually around twice as long. Last 3 games from HLTB: 8, 5.5, 7
I just finished the last one a month ago getting ready for the next. It was a solid campaign.

Nitrowolf2220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

"They're usually around twice as long."

Multiple playthroughs online beg to differ. I myself have been finishing them on normal around that length. If you play Veteran, sure, but almost any game is longer when you play on the highest difficulty

MW2 was prob one of their longest, but outside of that they';ve been generally 3-5 hours

darthv72220d ago

....as someone who buys each year, then you shouldn't be disappointed. 3-4 hours seems to be the norm.

Also, isnt the selling point the multiplayer and zombie modes?

crazyCoconuts220d ago

It's not the norm. This isn't my opinion - it's a verifiable fact.
How have you concluded that 3-4 hours is the norm?

GamerRN220d ago

It's funny watching how people turn on COD now that Microsoft owns it ...

Gamingsince1981219d ago (Edited 219d ago )


Go back to any CoD article , it has been hated on (for good reason) for decades, it's weird how xbox fanboys now think it's getting hated on all of a sudden now MS bought it lmao.

Get a grip go read the old CoD articles, any of them, they have mostly people that don't like CoD in. Kinda odd you only notice the hate after the acquisition hmmmm 🤔

senorfartcushion219d ago (Edited 219d ago )

I think more people are angry at the fact that theyve done virtually nothing but create a game out of the Warzone Map. Same goes for the multiplayer. Nothing in this game outside of a few single play missions was actually "created."

The zombies is Warzone Map + recycled Zombies assets = mode.

The multiplayer is recycled maps + MW2 mechanics = mode

The single player (apart from a few maps) is single player objective + Warzone Map = mode

badz149219d ago


Wow talk about living under a rock for a decade!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 219d ago
darthv72220d ago

"verifiable fact"... people play at different paces. How long it takes YOU can be very different to how long it takes someone else. There are several full campaign videos on youtube that showcase the range of anywhere from 3-5 hours depending on the game. MW2, Black ops... and others. Could they be speed running? Perhaps but that still doesnt mean that the campaign is as long as you think it is because (as i said) everyone plays at their own pace.


crazyCoconuts220d ago

The howlongtobeat site settles it all. Mins, maxs, averages. Quantifiable, measurable, comparable.

senorfartcushion219d ago (Edited 219d ago )

I've already platinumed SpiderMan 2 so wanted to buy Cod, but I didn't; I've opted for Robocop Rogue City and Alan Wake 2. Enjoying them both, not disappointed at all.

darthv72219d ago

Just started robocop last night. I really dig it. It has some roughness they need to address but otherwise its pretty solid shooting.

senorfartcushion218d ago


It's basically as polished as the average AAA game nowadays anyway 😅 Cyberpunk was huge and controversial for bugs, I'd say Robocop was closer to something like Control in terms of quality. Visual bugs and pop in, whereas control launched with frame rate issues on ps4 and Xone.

It's all subjective isn't it. Control ended up winning a lot of goty awards regardless of the frame rate issues, so did Breath of the Wild.

CrimsonWing69219d ago (Edited 219d ago )

I YouTube’d MW2 playthroughs and I see playthroughs ranging from 4:11 to 5:37 hours long, so… isn’t this par for the course?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 218d ago
Neonridr220d ago

reminds me of Ghosts, that too was ridiculously short.

GoodGuy09220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

This campaign released only one year after the last so it shouldn't surprise you. Why Cod deserves to be on GP lol.

Ninver219d ago

Pay us now! for a half assed experience. Get ready for this sort of practice on game pass moving forward.

badz149219d ago

No wonder Sony is giving away the game for free with the bundle

219d ago
senorfartcushion218d ago

Now visit our store for event number 81 for the year! Buy this bogus costume for £20 in cod points!

Ninjamonkey82220d ago

Ngl just took me 12 hours on Veteran do yourself a favor and play the game the way the devs intended you.

crazyCoconuts220d ago

I bet it would take EVEN LONGER if you closed your eyes while playing. Problem Solved.

Ninjamonkey82220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

Wasn't a problem lol. Point was the game will be short for those that play easy mode (not that is an issue either. But common sense says easy mode is easy. I enjoyed the game.

CantThinkOfAUsername219d ago

It took you more because Veteran is BS.

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purple10140d ago

The game is now broken and displays “dev error 5433” and won’t start a multiplayer match