
Modern Warfare 3 is official, and it’s coming November 10

Activision has officially confirmed that this year’s Call of Duty title will indeed be Modern Warfare 3 and it’s set for release in November.

MIDGETonSTILTS17308d ago

It’s not from Infinity Ward…. That hasn’t been good for MW entries in the past.

RaidenBlack308d ago

Yea MWIII should've been the 2025's Infinity Ward title ... instead they're just rushing this one, releasing MWII & MWIII back 2 back.
The MW franchise revival injected new interest into CoD in 2019 and they're already busy milking it by 2023.

purple101308d ago

You are so right. And how they gonna make the campaign in that short time

As this was supposed to be a mw2 expansion before it became a full fledged release

just_looken308d ago

I do not care about who makes it the microctransaction and pay to win is the real issue.

When i go on MW2 on pc i get lost all the time its so hard to find the online menu and the single player is so hidden.

I click on the shortcut get a unskipable video add then 5 popup ads then that netflix bloated ui then spend 5min trying to find a mp mode then maybe load into a match to get owned by a wallet warrior and or no lifer sometimes have a good match.

we need more fps competition.

EazyC308d ago

Oh wow I didn't know this. So they handed the MW reins to another studio...

Regardless of what the "complete" MW package looked like, don't forget that Infinity Ward were the ones who made the campaign, which in my opinion were excellent. It was Raven Software and Sledgehammer that developed the tragic MP/Warzone post-launch offerings.

Chard307d ago

If Sledgehammer is doing the campaign without significant input from Infinity Ward then it'll be a hard pass from me

peppeaccardo307d ago

The next iteration of a franchise in which the real fun is for "grownups wannabe" on screaming, yelling, and throwing bestiality to youngsters during the time they take away from their school HomeWorks. Pass !

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 307d ago
Sonic1881308d ago

Keep milking it until it's a dead franchise Activision 😂 make that money

ClayRules2012308d ago

😂 right. Never letting it rest/breathe for it’s benefit.

Noskypeno308d ago

This might be a deal Microsoft regrets, because it might be getting that Disney treatment, with all their flops and oversaturation of the marvel movies that don't make as much as the old ones. 10 years ago it might have been a steal. Who know, it still could be even if COD struggles just because of how much they make from mobile gaming.

308d ago
Fonsecap308d ago

Unfortunately it will never be dead because people will continue to buy it. The last call of duty I bought was modern warfare for ps3...

Sonic1881308d ago (Edited 308d ago )

Unless a better casual/hardcore FPS ever comes out. Everyone is waiting for that new gem to release. It won't be Battlefield

Gardenia307d ago

Honestly if they remaster Black Ops1 and/or Black ops 2 I would definitely buy it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 307d ago
Muigi308d ago

Yawn but I’m still buying it lol.


Lol me too. I play CoD the first couple weeks non stop then I rarely touch it again til the next CoD comes out…

Lightning77308d ago

So you give them your 70$ just to stop playing after a few weeks? You realize they're laughing to the bank with your money right? You're falling for the trap you're giving them free money basically lol.

fr0sty308d ago (Edited 308d ago )

this is why they can crap out a new half-baked game each year that is the same game as last year with a couple new levels and people lap it up. You're basically paying $70 each year for DLC.

Lightning77307d ago

@Taco No I don't buy games to fill pockets that's not my soul reason to play games. Pointing out who you're money is going to. it's Bobby Kotick the greediest and. Most disgusting CEO out there. He grabs your money, gets richer, pumps out the same game rings and repeat.

If we're looking at solely only supporting suits or game directors, I'd rather Support someone like Sam Lake Alan Wake 2 seeing how we're just now getting Alan Wake 2 and it's been 13 years.

Muigi308d ago (Edited 308d ago )

@Lightning77 You realize we live in a capitalist world right? Everything you buy benefits some billionaire who is laughing to the bank. $70 is ok I spent more than that at the bar this weekend $8 for a beer is the real problem lol.


$70 is nothing to me really. Think about it for a second. Do you go out to eat? Do you go to the movies? If you do you’re probably spending roughly that same amount for something you won’t own after you’re done with your meal or movie. I own EVERY CoD game released in the states so if I only play them for 50 hours for example I’m getting my money’s worth. I can play them anytime I feel like it so it’s money well spent. Can you say the same about eatting out or going to a movie? Nope…

Profchaos308d ago

Exactly this I can spend 100 bucks going to the movies or taking the family out to eat spending 70 on myself isn't so bad in that context especially when I can afford it. If I was in a bad position of having to chose between paying the electricity bill or cod then yeah I wouldn't be gaming but I'm not I am fortunate to not be in that spot so a 70 dollar game doesn't phase me either

Lightning77308d ago

You can spend your money the way you want that's fine. But throwing money on a barely changing product is the issue. This is the reason why Madden never changes. They complain about Madden every year but still buy it. Like I said you can do what you want of course but it sounds like you're just gladly filling the pockets of Kotick on a IP that barely innovates.

Tacoboto307d ago

"it sounds like you're just gladly filling the pockets of Kotick on a IP that barely innovates."

So you only buy products that fill the pockets of CEOs you like?

Weird obsession you seem to have over how this guy spends his money. If he plays even 35 hours, that's only $2/hour...

Shane Kim308d ago

This series must be the biggest scam in video game history.

thesoftware730308d ago

Hmmm, scam how?

They just had arguments for over two years that no company can make a game that can compete with CoD...crazy huh.

banger88308d ago

*Star Citizen has entered the chat*

Northpoint308d ago

What I've learn from MW2 and previous COD is it's going to be buggy with limited maps at launch for the first 6-8
months so no more day one for me.

PunksOnN4G308d ago

mw2 had only 8 maps.... crazy man i would rather buy MAP PACKS Cuz then they had to work for ur 15$ now the free content is just Cut up maps from warzone LOL like wtf?

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purple10140d ago

The game is now broken and displays “dev error 5433” and won’t start a multiplayer match