
Microsoft Deal to Buy Activision Blizzard Is Officially Blocked by UK's CMA

Microsoft's $68.7B deal to buy Activision Blizzard has been locked by the UK's CMA on competition concerns for the growing cloud market.

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SullysCigar398d ago (Edited 398d ago )

Ruh roh... But I heard it was a dead cert? Oh well, Microsoft could just use that money to continue to support the xbox brand before it bleeds out entirely, so this might buy them a little time.

Now we know their hardware made 30% less revenue than this time last year, God knows they could do with some money in the coffers. This might also explain why Nintendo suddenly tried to distance themselves from this fiasco the other day.


Eonjay398d ago Show
DarXyde398d ago

Honestly, I'm very surprised by this turn of events. I was very skeptical of the chances of success until recently and it seemed like a done deal.

Now, this. I hope the appeal fails and Kottick gets nailed to the damn wall.

I really do hope that Xbox gamers understand that if this deal fails with certainty (i.e., no remedies provided by Microsoft are adequate), they don't lose anything. It just means all of their games *might not* launch into game pass. ABK aren't skipping Xbox, don't worry. The real takeaway is that they won't skip PlayStation. If either of those things are deeply troubling to you, you're kind of awful. It pretty much translates into "I don't want ABK games on that other console" or "I don't want to pay for games". Possibly both.

darthv72398d ago

Well shit. They will appeal and make more concessions. MS is not letting this go.

shinoff2183398d ago (Edited 398d ago )

You know how many games and studios ms could make with 70 billion dollars. They've recently bought 5 decent studios, inxile, obsidian, etc and a big ass publishers with numerous ip s under them. That should've been plenty. Pump the fking games out now ms you have plenty.

Also see ya in September for starfield. Can't wait

Darth just seen your comment. I think your absolutely right.

S2Killinit397d ago

Im very happy with this decision. Its likely that the deal will still go through in a different and hopefully lesser shape but I hope they break this down as much as possible to prevent this sort of gobbling up of the industry. MS should pay dearly for pulling this crap. Still, I dont see this stopping MS, but a welcomed news nonetheless.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 397d ago
Flawlessmic398d ago

Wow thought this was a done deal tbh, as much as I thought the deal going through would've been bad gaming in the long run I was kinda looking forward to all those games coming to gp and not having to buy them.

I wonder if this will be enough to stop the deal though

Alexious398d ago

Reversing the CMA's ruling would be a miracle at this point. It almost never happens.

crazyCoconuts398d ago

Technically if MS pays a fair price to Activision to cover the lost direct sales, I have no doubt COD could still be put on GamePass. Should be about equal to the opportunity cost of them doing it if it were part of MS

DarXyde398d ago

Never say never.

I think some people are celebrating prematurely. Just to seal the deal, I would not discount Microsoft's willingness to accept any remedies provided by the CMA if it allows them to proceed even 80% as intended.

Hopefully, we can shut up about this (myself included). We clearly have no idea what we're talking about, so let's just take a wait and see approach. I think the Xbox gang was overly hopeful and everyone else just said there's no way... Then it was looking very likely and they took a victory lap. Now, we're starting to see the original skeptics being proven right, albeit for different-than-expected reasons.

We're clueless, mate. Just waiting to see now.

DarXyde398d ago


"Technically if MS pays a fair price to Activision to cover the lost direct sales, I have no doubt COD could still be put on GamePass. Should be about equal to the opportunity cost of them doing it if it were part of MS"

True, but I really doubt Microsoft is willing to put up that kind of money. I would also think that gives ABK perverse incentive to crank out more games, regardless of quality/reuse of assets. At that point, you're guaranteed revenue from Microsoft, so why go beyond minimal effort?

Rynxie397d ago

So, just because you want free games, you would let a clear monopoly go through? What a sad "I want everything free" generation we live in. Willing to screw others over for your own benefit, this also goes for politics.

dcbronco397d ago

Explain how Microsoft buying Activision hurts gaming?

Flawlessmic397d ago

@ rynxie

Read my post again, clearly said I was against it, if you check my previous comment history you will see that is also the case.

However as I mentioned I thought it was a done deal at this point so figured no point crying about it started to see the positives.

I buy plenty of games mate on my ps5 and switch probably a lot more than you, my series x however is my gamepass machine I bought it for that specific reason so don't lump me in with that group.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 397d ago
neutralgamer1992398d ago

CMA just blocked this deal from happening in my opinion. Unlike ftc which is so political and our broken judiciary CMA won’t lose during the appeal process

This is such a huge issue now because we all thought CMA were on board. I guess this story needed more plot twists

shinoff2183398d ago


I salute you for being one of the well i guess Neutralist people here. I say that as a Sony troll.

dcbronco397d ago

I don't believe this was an honest process. There's no way they can look at years of Sony having a larger marketshare and look at all of the exclusivity deals Sony paid for during that time while having that much of a lead and determine that anything is hurting Sony economically. Especially since Microsoft hasn't said CoD would be exclusive. If nothing else it would seem Sony is guilty of years of anticompetitive practices and should be punished. Which is what it sounds like congress is looking into. This might still come back to really bite Sony in the ass badly.

outsider1624398d ago

No shit man ! I did not expect that!

Bathyj398d ago

I might finally join Twitter today

generic-user-name398d ago

It's delicious already and the West Coast isn't even awake yet.

execution17398d ago

😅 they're getting called clowns by a few of the ms fanboys. Shame I'm blocked by some of them so I can't see all their meltdowns

neutralgamer1992398d ago (Edited 398d ago )


Haha good times

Honestly, don’t understand how some of these so-called gamers are behaving on social media. It’s like they have no personal life. They are on social media so often. I wonder when they actually play the games for the company they’re defending. And like I said earlier, unlike FTC, CMA cannot be defeated that easily in the judicial process. Even FTC will most likely block this so MS will have to appeal in both regions and will certainly lose one

dumahim398d ago


"Honestly, don’t understand how some of these so-called gamers are behaving on social media."

You can't? I'm sure there are already death threats flying around, as is the way for certain gamers when they don't get their way.

FinalFantasyFanatic397d ago

Adults are just big kids, some of us more/less so than others, some of those people will probably be teenagers as well, or I theorize would want this deal moreso because they have less money.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 397d ago
Abracadabra398d ago

... and the soap opera will continue.

FlavorLav01398d ago (Edited 398d ago )

Who’d thunk it?….Sony gained a massive industry talent this year and former main studio of Xbox’s - Bungie for under the amount that Xbox and MS just lost on a failed attempt to buy gaming’s biggest IP and came up empty handed. You can’t write this stuff…. Phil’s gotta be on his way out, right?

SullysCigar397d ago

If this is indeed the end of this deal, it HAS to be the end of Phil. That's just how these things work. They will appeal the decision and who knows, maybe this time they'll cross the right palms with silver and keep their dream alive. If you were working for the CMA and the buck stopped with you, those Microsoft trillions would surely play on your mind somewhat... Let's just hope they remain true to their role and protect the industry rather than feathering their own nests going forwards.

Gamingsince1981397d ago

Meh I said the first day the news broke MS was trying to buy AKB not to get excited but they all said it was a done deal because it's just fine *insert just fine meme* , MS can't buy the world and its a good thing this failed, the only people that could be upset are the 2 companies involved because of all the money they are losing now and people that thought keeping previously multiplat games off other platforms was a good thing, the deal going through would only be bad.

1Victor397d ago

We all knew it was going to fail when Michael pacter predicted otherwise it doesn’t fail if he say it’s a game is pure genius and amazing expect a half done buggy 💩

notachance397d ago

Sony should do Playstation Showcase featuring in-depth gameplay preview for Starfield just for the lol

397d ago
+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 397d ago
sparky77398d ago

Huge plot twist it was blocked even without the Playstation issues.

Sounds like they will appeal but at this rate they should just move on, since without this deal I don't see how Xbox can recover from it's sales decline.

AmUnRa398d ago

They can apeal but the decision of the CMA is almost always followed.

tay8701398d ago

Yep. Not to mention they will would be battling for about 3 yrs, only to take the L again. I don't like any of ABKs games, but I'm glad MS wasn't able to buy whomever they want without being checked. Been a VERY bad last couple of weeks for MS. Their entire gaming division looks like it's on shaky grounds.

Father__Merrin398d ago

Xbox sales decline is because of people like you always hailing "best deal in gaming" when it actually was hurting Xbox.

Gamepass should be changed to a different format with a revolving state of 100 games or so mainly indies and older AAA titles. Day one releases should be day one releases like they always was.bie massive que for the next Forza etc

shinoff2183398d ago

Gamepass might not be better but ms might be in a better state if they stop all the day one releases. It's hurting them and their game sales. It's clear as day that's what's happening.

Rynxie397d ago

That's more MS fault. They were willing to take a lost to try and take a big share of the market from Sony.

TheCaptainKuchiki397d ago

The whole Game pass strategy was built on the assumption that they would be able to purchase a few powerful publishers to make the service very appealing. Bethesda was first.
People say that it's ABK that approached MS but I don't believe it.
It was calculated. They wanted to purchase big publishers since the beginning. Now that they got blocked, I see them modifying this strategy.

FinalFantasyFanatic397d ago

That kind of tactic might have worked for them before, but they shot themselves in the foot this time. Not only that, but the amount of money they would need to consistent blow to keep feeding games into gamepass must be phenomenal.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 397d ago
Gardenia398d ago

I'm not sure but did the EU already approve of the deal? And does the UK decision have effect on other countries? Anyone knows?

tbagmonster397d ago

ms is going on with the deal regardless so not sure why everyone here is celebrating

mkis007397d ago

Well if ms wants to pull all of its assets out of uk then thats their only remedy until the appeal works.

Sunny_D397d ago (Edited 397d ago )


What are you talking about? Are you referring to MS going forward with the deal despite the FTC from yesterday? Well today that has changed because what everyone once thought was a sure approval from the CMA is no longer the case. MS is definitely NOT going forward with the deal.

UltimateRacer397d ago

The EU haven’t made a final decision and we’re awaiting the CMAs findings/outcome. The UKs decision can have an effect on other country’s that haven’t already passed the deal like US/EU as the UKs findings may or may not also affect the EU/US market. Now I could be totally wrong so take what I’ve said with a pinch of salt or if you’re sceptical, a bag of salt.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 397d ago
DiRtY398d ago

MS already said they will keep going for it. It might take a little longer though.

TGGJustin398d ago

They can try but that answer was pretty clear. Let them waste more time just to get told no again though.

theindiearmy398d ago (Edited 398d ago )

At the end of the day, MS could probably just pull out of the UK market and the deal would still be worth it to them from a business standpoint. Then it's the CMA that looks to be the anti-consumerist by forcing a major player out of the market. Not saying I want that, but damn that would be a power move and kind of funny. Microsoft just goes, "Welp...see ya later then."

MrDead398d ago

I hope they fail and the Activision deal collapses because if so this is a massive win for gaming and gamers, actual consumer protections and anti-competitive practices being used for once!!! I never thought I'd see the day.

jznrpg398d ago (Edited 398d ago )

@ theindiearmy After the US the UK is their biggest market. They can’t just pull out of UK so easily

Extermin8or3_398d ago

@theindiearmy you think MS is going to withdraw all operations from the UK market.... apart from anything the USA government would be beyond pissed given the UK is there closest partner in terms of defence etc. Senior people in intelligence circuits have made remarks before that the USA is the bank and the uk is the brains- the uk is known to be a world leader in surveillance and intelligence gathering and you can bet there's a symbiotic relationship in those industries with MS and other tech companies. That's just one small sector, not to mention the money MS would lose. They bought 2-% of london stock exchange for a reason. No Microsoft isn't going to do any such thing.

staticall397d ago

I'm sorry, what? Microsoft should pull out of UK market because of Xbox? Are you crazy? You know how many billions they'll lose and how many breach of contract lawsuits they'll face? And keep in mind all the software sales, licenses, hardware, subscription money, offices they rent, staff, datacenters and so on. It would be much cheaper for Microsoft to shut down the Xbox branch altogether than to pull out of such a big market. They're a huge company, you don't go «Screw you guys, i'm going home» because some deal didn't go your way, it's bad for business.

Not to mention, even if Microsoft pulls out of UK, CMA will still keep blocking the deal. Because Activision-Blizzard will not pull out of UK. Or else they'll lose a lot of money and their price will drop significantly.

This will be a lose-lose situation. This will be a very shortsighted, irrational, stupid act, not a power move.

zeuanimals397d ago

Playground Games and Rare are both based in the UK too. What? Are they gonna have to move all of them to the states? The devs can't even play their own game in their home country? Lmao

theindiearmy397d ago

LOL at anyone thinking I meant all of Microsoft should pull out. Obviously I meant just leave the UK gaming market. Didn't think that had to be clarified, as that's the entire context of this debacle.

badz149397d ago


pull out from the 2nd biggest xbox market because of this? hahahahaha and then what??

ah...you xbox fanatics are HILLARIOUS!

DiRtY248d ago

I think I was right and you were wrong.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 248d ago
Thundercat77398d ago

They can try but the decision was already made and also, there is the FTC and the Europeans.

Huge plot twist.

Bathyj398d ago

It might take a little never at this rate.

DiRtY248d ago

Might happen in 3 weeks at this rate.

ravens52398d ago

Let it go. Hope Starfield is a hit and then get into grind mode and *come a little closer*... MAKE GAMES!! Take a chance and make an original IP, You guys need a new Xbox mascot. Seems master cheif isn't the face anymore, COD won't be either.

neutralgamer1992398d ago

MS can appeal but CMA will likely win. It’s hard to defeat CMA

Hofstaderman398d ago

As I’ve always said the CMA don’t play around.

SICKINDIVIDUAL398d ago (Edited 398d ago )

Bobby kotick: 'i'm in danger '.....🤣🤣
...lmao he's getting canned.

Extermin8or3_398d ago

MS there trying to make out the CMA simply don't understand the market the level of patronising crap they've come out with during this is ridiculous. The CMA assembles a panel of experts for each major case they investigate aswell as relies on loads of 2nd and 3rd party data and interviews with loads of people and are meticulous in their reports. If anything the one the unorthodox u-turn on gaming in MS's favour actually weakens MS's case.

DiRtY248d ago

I think I woke up and was right.

IamFrasierCrane398d ago

If only they put this much effort into making games smh

Sonic1881398d ago (Edited 398d ago )

Sure it will 😁

Microsoft Activision Blizzard appeal: what happens next?

- CMA has won vast majority of appeals
- Very high bar for appeal to be successful
- Will almost certainly push into 2024
- If appeal succeeds it goes BACK to CMA for final word LoL


Profchaos397d ago

They wouldn't back away publicly that would be a bad look it's still a emotional business something you've worked for has been blocked and you've wasted years you're going to be angry and pushing for a way forward.

I don't expect them to give up but it's fairly concrete once the CMA makes a decision

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 248d ago
jonny897398d ago

Microsoft is very desperate, they will not leave this deal.

SullysCigar398d ago

The trouble is, it will cost much time and money to fight. As it stands right now, they're already billions of dollars in the hole with ABK.

At some point, Microsoft may well run out of patience and tell the xbox division that if they want to buy publishers/developers/IPs then they'd better make some effing money and stand on their own two feet.

outsider1624398d ago

Ok so this deal is off. What happens to that 70billion dollars? They get it back or something?

SullysCigar398d ago

^ Well the money isn't spent, so presumably nothing changes. Xbox don't hold that money, Microsoft does. It might be repurposed for something unrelated to xbox.

If xbox want to use an amount of money that they haven't generated, they'll have to beg for it again, which will take time to process and build the proposal, so it's not happening any time soon. The only other way is to earn the money you spend on acquisitions, and as we've seen from the financial reports, they're hardly profitable and their hardware revenue is plummeting almost as quickly as PlayStations is rising.

crazyCoconuts398d ago

They have a deadline in the contract, if they don't finalize it by the deadline (June-ish?) MS pays Activision like 2B even if it gets rejected by regulators

Hofstaderman398d ago

I’m waiting for this day and it may be sooner than expected based on current insider disclosures.

UltimateRacer397d ago

You know what’s going to happen with Xbox, they’ll put all there time and effort into this ABK nonsense even if that means this outcome running into 2024, Xbox console sales will continue to plummet except for a small boost from Starfield regardless of wether or not it launches as a buggy mess and then you’ll have little to no output from MS studios and anything that does release or shadow drop will be of poor quality/will sell poorly because of gamepass. Ultimately MS are in this position of desperation because they think they can money hat the industry, continue to make bad decisions and ultimately have incompetent leaders. What I can see happening in the not so distant future is MS becoming a 3rd party publisher and putting their games everywhere.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 397d ago

Well at this point it's already cost them upwards of $3 billion if the deal doesn't happen by June....I don't care how rich a company is nobody throws away billions of dollars without someone eventually stepping in.

Great news for gamers and this makes sense with regards to high level management at MS not being happy with profits....Phil thought he had it all figured out LMAO....go make games clown.

Hofstaderman398d ago

For all we know the higher ups at MS may have gotten wind of this before the news officially broke hence their reported stance on XBOX division.

RauLeCreuset397d ago

The thought of Xbox spending billions to tell the world Playstation has the better exclusives is hilarious.

darksky398d ago (Edited 398d ago )

If the regulations deem it to be monopolistic then they will block it and I hope they do. Buying out some of the biggest the ip's in the gaming market is simply a bad move from a consumer point of view since it blocks out a huge percentage of gamers.

tbagmonster397d ago

they are still going on with the deal and have other ways to buy up seperate chunks and avoid all this

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 397d ago
-Mika-398d ago (Edited 398d ago )

The CMA’s concerns are that Cloud gaming has tripled but MS accounts for 60-70% of Cloud gaming. Did they not think the reason for the growth in Cloud gaming was because of MS Investments in the last few years? Third party AAA games, touch controls on mobile and it being a subscription instead of buy2play has made Xbox the #1 cloud service in the UK. Why are they being punished for this? This is a really bad move from the CMA!

SullysCigar398d ago

What, by monopolising another market?

-Mika-398d ago

What monopoly? This deal wouldn’t give MS domination in the cloud market, because literally any cloud provider that wanted it could get access to MS games. What’s more likely to happen without this merger is that smaller companies are priced out of content, and MS signs exclusivity deals to squeeze anyone else out from competing. This is only going to hurt the cloud market.

Extermin8or3_398d ago

Post merger MS wouldn't have to provide anything but COD to other companies ABK have many other IP's and the deals were all about COD. Also the issue isn't the current players it's more the obstacle it would prevent to new entrants. Cloud infrastructure is really costly to even start and get off the ground. If some of the most popular IP's are able to be witheld from your service it's such an uphill battle as to be impossible to enter the gaming market.

porkChop398d ago

I don't think it's fair to say they've "monopolized" cloud when both Google and Amazon failed in that market. MS is clearly the most successful in cloud gaming but it's not their fault that other companies made terrible decisions. For example, I've never even seen an ad anywhere for Luna. Amazon basically sent that service out to die. Stadia had the advertising but it had no value proposition and required a sizable investment just to try out the service. How is MS responsible for that?

shinoff2183398d ago


I'm sure they know more then you about the subject. They had to of had their reasons. Hell here's a new one for you guys. Maybe Sony paid then and the cloud reason is just bs lol. Enjoy

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 398d ago
KyRo398d ago

New and emerging market? Like we haven't heard streaming being the future for decades. Just like mobile was supposed to be the end for consoles. No one is pissed at this decision except fanboys.

Thundercat77398d ago

Just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean you can call it a bad move.

-Mika-398d ago

The only good news out of this whole ordeal is that Phil might be fired for this acquisition failing. That usually how it goes at these big companies. We need new leadership at this point and Phil doesn't know what he doing.

dumahim398d ago

Yeah, I wonder if they'd go that route. Sounds like they're paying up $3B just for the deal not going through. Who knows what other costs are involved in this whole thing. That's a tough bill to soak up and no payoff in the end.

derek398d ago

@Mika, they are making this decision to protect what they see as a market in its infancy to allow other to come into it should they chose.

-Mika-398d ago

What others? Cloud gaming is an expensive industry to jump into. MS offered these people access to COD and their first party titles for 10 years, free of charge! They are not getting a better deal than that. Do you honestly think these small cloud companies can afford to put COD on their services?

rippermcrip398d ago

Yes, Microsoft accounting for 2/3 is exactly the issue. The deal would make them even more powerful in that area, preventing competition.

ChasterMies398d ago

From my perspective, Microsoft is no.1 in cloud gaming because cloud gaming sucks and xCloud is included with Game Pass ultimate, and Game Pass subscribers have to pay for Game Pass ultimate if they want to play games on-line. Imagine if Microsoft adds an even more expensive tier to play CoD. Imagine if World of Warcraft is cloud only. That’s what CMA is worried about.

CptDville398d ago

You are so naive, it’s kinda cute!

Chevalier397d ago

"I don't think it's fair to say they've "monopolized" cloud"

It's also not fair to cry crocodile tears about Playstation and Nintendo having better games that they should be allowed to buy a whole publisher. It's NOT Playstation or Nintendos fault they have better games now is it?

Maybe Xbox can take the $70 billion and I don't know MAKE new IPs?! Like how Playstation and Nintendo have done.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 397d ago
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Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica Remakes are reportedly in the works, not Resident Evil 1

Industry insider Dusk Golem reveals that there is no Resident Evil 1 Remake in the works. Instead, Capcom are reportedly in active development of Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica.

-Foxtrot1d 3h ago

RE Zero would be better to do first over RE1 because they can tie the story into RE1 more.

The original RE Remake was weird because Rebecca never mentioned anything about what happened in Zero and it felt so disjointed because Zero was developed during the Remake and they clearly didn't share any notes with one another.

Cacabunga2h ago

Wise decision. 2 of my favorites!

Knightofelemia1d ago

Give me Dino Crisis dammit Capcom

TGG_overlord6h ago

And all it took was +24 years + a phone call from me lol.

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Hi-Fi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks Was Working On 2 Games Before Studio Closure

Tango Gameworks, the developer behind rhythm-based action game Hi-Fi Rush, had been working on 2 games prior to studio closure.

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H97h ago

That's for people who said that Ninja Theory would not get closed because they are working on a new game

1Victor1h ago

Well Microsoft have to plug the holes somehow to appease their investors 🤷🏿

darthv721h ago

Tango was part of Bethesda, that was their call. Ninja is their own thing, and MS lets them do their own thing. MS may own Bethesda, but they let them make their own decisions.

porkChop1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

That is technically true. I do think Xbox can still come in and make those kinds of decisions if they want to though, but it's true that Bethesda has been running themselves. That's how we ended up with Redfall in the first place.

I wouldn't let Xbox off the hook though because they obviously would have known that Bethesda were shutting them down and let them do it. Xbox could have just moved Tango directly under Xbox Game Studios instead.

darthv721h ago

We can only assume as much since we dont fully know the conditions of their partnership. It may be that Bethesda agreed to the merger under the conditions that they still be allowed some autonomy like making decisions for game releases and studio management. Again, that's just a guess but when i see people try and convey that Ninja Theory is in the same boat as Tango... this is what comes to mind. NT is their own entity, under direct management of MS. Tango was not.


Metal: Hellsinger dev says he is against Game Pass after seeing how it affects sales

Founder of Metal: Hellsinger studio says he wasn't against Game Pass until their game launched on Microsoft's service, which affected game sales.

TheProfessional11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Why did PS copy gamepass if it's so terrible and unprofitable? PS Now was before gamepass but it was streaming trash that no one had any interest in.

And honestly the way the industry releases overpriced and broken games with day one season passes and dlc who wouldn't want to just pay for a subscription instead of $70 per game?

Only biased PS fans would defend paying more to a corporation rather than an option that's cheaper for the consumer overall. If it's from an indie studio that needs the sales that's different but games published by larger companies are fine on a subscription model. Also any of these devs who complain did decide to put their games on gamepass in thr first place.

ocelot0710h ago

Ahhh yes the typical but but but Sony in a Microsoft article.

When did Sony copy Microsoft? I havent seen Sony's big day one titles such as God of war Ragnarok or GT7? Do you want to know why they are not on the service? Because people are still willing to PAY for the games. Sony has already admitted they lost millions putting Horizon Forbidden West and Ratchet & Clank on PS+ Extra.

"larger companies are fine on a subscription model" Oh really? So why is all the cod games yet to be on it? Where is elden ring? Resident Evil 4 Remake? Street Fighter 6? Boulders Gate 3? Alan Wake 2? Where are they of gamepass is great and big publishers are fine putting newer games on it?

I'll tell you where they are. They are currently still selling for their respected publisher's. You know actually making them money. That money they can use to fund the next project.

who wouldn't want to just pay for a subscription instead of $70 per game?

I'm one of the millions who much rather pay $70 so fully support the publisher. Why do we do this? Well for starters I rather just pay for it rather than keep renting it each month. If we all just kept renting years ago blockbuster would still be around. Secondly, I rather we have AAA titles in 10 years time to enjoy. Rather than play mobile quality crap from a subscription.

Tell me how this is a good thing for gaming going forward. The last time I subbed to Gamepass was October 2023. During that one month subscription I played the newly released Starfield, Forza and a few other titles. All for the cost of about $7. Since then Microsoft have not released anything I want to try out or put anything on GP I want to try. So they last made $7 from me 8 months ago.

In the last 3 months. I have bought Sea of Thieves on PS5 (earning MS more money on that than my 1 month subscription to gamepass). Resident Evil 4 for £20 and Diablo 4 for £25 (again earning MS more buying this than buying a sub). Tell me how it's best for gaming I pay $7 and play the latest and greatest for a month. Rather than just buying what I want even if it means waiting a few months and getting it cheaper than full price yet earning the publisher more than renting said games of a monthly sub.

darthv722h ago

...but didn't this game leave GP and then join PS+?

If a sub service is so bad, why get into another one right away?

Cacabunga2h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Finally devs waking up! More will follow .. reminds me of capcom during PS3,360 era almost going bankrupt they released extremely poor games because Xbox gave them paychecks not to release them on PS3 for as period. Sales were terrible and they went away from that.

Hofstaderman9h ago

Sony has never released new titles day one. They experimented with Forbidden West which was fairly new and quickly discovered that it cannabalized sales. XBOX gamepass was always an act of desperation to remain relevant and in their desperation they effectively dug their grave where today everybody is biding their time for their formerly exclusive titles. In a nutshell GamePass made XBOX not relevant.

Plague-Doctor272h ago

It wasn't desperation. Subscription Models had a very different outlook in 2017 and then with the gaming surge during COVID reaching critical mass seemed more and more possible.

Phil convinced Satya to chase a trend and it hasn't worked out

lellkay8h ago

Literally dev who put game on gamepass:
It's not good

TheProfessional: but but sony but sony

S2Killinit8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Sony didnt copy MS. MS copied Sony, then MS went on to make xbox a subscription device. Remember that part? Yeah.

MrNinosan7h ago

You're not too bright, right?

First of all, Sony didn't copy Microsoft regarding PS+ and GamePass, which you admit to early in your comment, but with some faults. PSNow was not only streaming.
The mentality at Xbox gamers, is to NOT buy games, because they are used to get it on GamePass, preferbly day 1 like with all Xbox Studios games.

This is not a thing at PS+ and never was.
Sure there was plenty day 1 games on PS+ like, Rocket League, Stray, Sea of Stars, Tchia, Operation Tango etc, but those didn't take away from gamers that it was more like a "bonus" than a "thing".

Playstation gamers buy games, a lot of games and PS+ has been proving to be way better for business than GamePass, both by actually having more subscribers but also no eating up sales.

dveio7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

"Only biased PS fans would defend paying more to a corporation rather than an option that's cheaper for the consumer overall.“

How can you possibly come to this conclusion?

First, you pay for a subscription.

Then download games. But games will eventually leave the service. You will again need to buy them if you want to play them ever again. Or if you cancel your subscription. Right?

Eventhough this may NOT have an effect on every subscriber, this IS in fact the economical motiviation behind the service like GP.

If you are not already paying "double" this way, you pay at a 1.2 or maybe even at a 1.5 ratio eventually than opposed to simply buying the game in the first place.

As I said, this maybe doesn't apply to every subscriber. But this doesn't erase the fact of this business model existing. And possibly keep growing.

It's driving me nuts at times that especially the die hard Xboxers seem not to understand what they are actually cheering for foolishly.

The Wood6h ago

xbots always tryna group...

..they'll never understand or refuse to acknowledge why these two console brands are miles apart. Gamespass isn't the golden egg some would have you believe. Its hit its peak and is nowhere near the demanded target of subs by the purse holders

The Wood6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

xbots always tryna group...

..they'll never understand or refuse to acknowledge why these two console brands are miles apart. Gamespass isn't the golden egg some would have you believe. Its hit its peak and is nowhere near the demanded target of subs by the purse holders. on top of that it seems more devs on top of the devs that have shunned the service are not seeing the value of subs vs actual sales. Sell first, sub later works better than sub off the bat. MSGaming has a major sea change decision to make regarding COD. Do they release it dod and lose a high portion of up front revenue or either up the price of gp on the whole or create an even higher sub tier to cushion the blow or don't release it on gp at all and potentially damage the good will gesture reiterated not too long ago. The acquisition money wasn't free money....they'll have to pick their poison

anast4h ago

"Why did PS copy gamepass if it's so terrible and unprofitable?"

They didn't copy GP. They aren't dumb enough to put their exclusives day 1.

"Who wouldn't want to just pay for a subscription instead of $70 per game?"

People who don't like to rent things.

outsider16243h ago

It's funny when he says who wouldn't pay for a subscription instead of paying 70$. Well no shit...if MS keeps releasing average titles who wouldnt..🤣

Cockney1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

The reason is playstation didn't copy anybody and they don't release broken games, their games are still not day 1 and Ps players still buy games so ps+ is just an option for those that want a subscription service, the fact playstation doesn’t push it front and centre should tell you a lot.
On xbox gamepass IS front and centre with an option to buy games on the side, look how that is panning out for them!
Xbox fans are the only ones trumpeting this from the rooftops

shinoff218315m ago

Weren't we able to download ps3 on ps3 and ps4 on ps4 systems back then I really don't remember.

Truth is Ms still copied Sony and made a couple adjustments. One adjustment being day one games which clearly has been xboxs issue hence the ps5 releases, and they groomed the base to not buy games.

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Skuletor11h ago

I feel no sympathy for the guy, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that putting your game on gamepass would affect sales.

JEECE5h ago

Seriously, how is it that devs need one of their games to bomb in sales due to Gamepass for them to realize what so many people could easily predict? Like people joke about "armchair CEOs" on here, but at least with respect to the effect of Gamepass, we keep seeing that the armchair CEOs are actually smarter than the real heads of these indie studios.

dveio9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

The 'day-one' feature is the breaker or maker with GP, business-wise.

GP is no Netflix.

Because, from all the Marvel's Avengers to Sicarios, illustratively speaking, they all had their box office money. Before they had entered Netflix.

This concept shows you what Microsoft have actually put themselves into.

And what situation studios put themselves into if they go day-one into GP.

solideagle4h ago

GP/PS Extra day one is best suited for GAAS or free to play games

truthBombs9h ago

Why not sell your game the traditional way first? Then after about 6 months to a year put it on a sub service.

Day one on gamepass is a gamble. It works for some (Pal world) and not for others.

anast4h ago

It's the old psych. experiment. Set out some candy and tell the person they can have it all now, or if they wait, they can have double the amount. Most choose the first option, then complain when it doesn't work out for them.

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