
PlayStation 5 Two Years Later: Is it Everything We Hoped For?

The PlayStation 5 is two (2) years old, and the Podcast Beyond crew is back, this time going through each of the PS5’s biggest features and how well they’ve held up over the years. Does the PlayStation get a passing grade for what it promised us back during its release in 2020, or have certain things simply fizzled out over the years? Join Max Scoville, Brian Altano, Jada Griffin, and Josh Du as they talk about everything PS5 including the DualSense controller, Pulse 3D headset, and its high-speed SSD. We also look forward to 2023 and the amount of games releasing as a result of 2022’s delays. Next year is already looking out of control and we’re here for it! And finally, Brian tells us why he thinks now is the perfect time for Sony to announce a new PlayStation handheld. Could it compete with the likes of the Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck? Join us and find out! BEYOND!

masterfox571d ago (Edited 571d ago )

I'm happy with my PS5, the only gaming device is capable of delivering stunning and awesome moments , visually and gameplay wise with their exclusives no effing doubt, well at least for me, heck I even have a gaming PC but is nowhere near close the stunning moments the PS5 has delivered so far imo.

darthv72570d ago

I'm pretty happy with it too. I may not have every PS5 game for it but what i do have is choice. I love that it gives new life to older games as well. Being able to play key PS4 titles the way they were meant to be played at 60fps is a game changer.

Crows90570d ago

I wouldn't go so far as to say backwards compatibility is a game changer. Its a nice feature for sure...and expected since consoles have become more standard.

darthv72570d ago

I didnt say backwards compatibility is a game changer. I said playing at 60fps is a game changer because it literally is a game changer. Where games on the 4 would be 30-45+... the 5 transforms them into rock solid 60 which makes them feel more fluid and fresh. Because of being spoiled by 60fps, i tend not to use quality mode on ps5 games and only stick to performance mode.

I'd rather have better performance than better visuals with all the bells and whistles. Plus my 50y old eyes arent what they used to be so I cant really see a difference anyways but i can sure tell the difference between 30 and 60fps.

Outlawzz570d ago

how much did sony pay you fox ?

The only device ? Lol Good trolling attempt. Gave me a nice chuckle


When he said heck that did it for me lol.

GhostTurtle570d ago

"Well shucks, i even got a darn gamin PC....derp"
These PS shills in every article are ridiculous

Gamingsince1981570d ago (Edited 570d ago )

Besides PC which they mentioned what device have they missed, I cant think of one, its Def not the xbox or switch, how many other consoles are out ?

570d ago
VariantAEC564d ago

I've had a gaming PC since 2017.
PS5 is impressive and a much more capable gaming machine compared to my 2017 laptop. I mean don't get me wrong I'm still running FH5 maxed out at 1080p30 and if I'm feeling dangerous 1440p~30 (including RT which was added to in-game racing earlier in November), but Spider-Man Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart and GT7 aren't games with visuals that I've seen on PC. What's sad is PC fanboys treat 8k960 as if that's what really matters resolution and framerate don't make games look good. Unfortunately what they forget is that PCs are limited in the same way all consoles are once you buy the latest you need to wait for the next big leap to see tangible improvements and that is already making the assumption that PC devs are up to the task and so far they don't seem to be because I've not seen the same utter chaos on screen that is on display in Ratchet and Clank or Spider-Man or even Returnal and ultimately you have to remember that some of the above listed PlayStation games are playable on PS4 and still blow away anything that isn't a recent PS game release for PC. I mean name an exclusive racing game for PC that looks better than Driveclub or GT7.
Name a platformer for PC with the functional chaos of R&C (not just Rift Apart either). Name a arcade title as coherently sharp and impressive as Returnal for PC and where is that PC port of Returnal it feels like it was announced a year ago now?

Games load faster on PS5 compared to PCs and I have to assume that means new top end rigs with Gen 4 NVMe drives and PCI 4. My laptop is stuck in PCI Gen 3 territory meaning my laptop can only load content as fast or possibly about as fast as Xbox Series consoles.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 564d ago
570d ago Replies(1)
CorndogBurglar569d ago

I'm happy with the PS5. I'm not happy with the industry sticking to cross-gen for so long that it hinders the PS5 (and Series X) from getting truly next gen games.

MadLad569d ago

Do you get paid for every post, or?
What's the situation with you?

564d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 564d ago
571d ago Replies(4)
Terry_B571d ago

Its out since 2 years and there is no new Ridge Racer for it, not even a Tekken (yet)


Kurt Russell570d ago

Drool in my sleep dreaming of a current gen Ridge Racer and Wipeout games.

FinalFantasyFanatic569d ago

I wish we could have a new Ridge Racer, I want it so bad, but that franchise is dead, same with some other beloved franchise like Senran Kagura.

GoodGuy09571d ago (Edited 571d ago )

Just needs more actual exclusive games that can only be made on the ps5. Other than that, I love performance options and games running at a stable 60.


I may be part of the problem idk but I feel the same way. That's why I haven't bought the 5 yet still rocking my 4. Once they make some games I have to have on the 5 I'll go ahead.

andy85570d ago

I'm happy. It cost me 150 to upgrade after selling my PS4 Pro. More than worth it for the frame rate and loading time improvements. Games have been a little lacking but I've enjoyed several of the 'next gen' only games. Hopefully 2023 will see a lot more of them

Crows90570d ago

Yes. Loading times are much better now and more stable performances across games is another reason to upgrade.

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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Doesn't Have Any Trophies on PS5, PS4

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P_Bomb14h ago

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think From games usually do? Except Bloodborne. I’m actually ok with this. Means my OCD can rest while I try to remember the controls, lol!

toxic-inferno17m ago

I completely agree! I'm ashamed to admit I pride myself in getting all trophies for FromSoft games, but it does occasionally get in the way of enjoying myself (I'm looking at you, Proof of a Concord Kept from Dark Souls 3).

Goodguy0112h ago

It's fine. More about the content and gameplay which from are well known for.


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