
UK Sales Charts: Saints Row Claims the Throne, Sells Best on PS5

Deep Silver's bonkers open world title sells just over half of its copies on PS5, with 55 per cent of boxed sales attributed to Sony's current-gen platform.

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Orchard637d ago (Edited 637d ago )

I’m surprised Saints Row managed to get #1 with how lackluster and broken it is.

Either the other games sold barely any units, or there’s going to be a lot of disappointed gamers playing SR.

EDIT: looks like this is physical sales only, so perhaps it’s not actually #1 if you include digital sales.

brewin637d ago

Did you actually play it or just going on what others say/have said? Its actually good, its totally 100% a Saints Row game and anyone who actually enjoys the Saints games will have a blast with it. Just dont play it on last gen consoles at least, ive heard that is not a good version. But Ive got it on Series X and its fantastic!

637d ago
Orchard637d ago

I have been playing it yeah - on PS5. It's not unplayable, but it just feels like a poor mans GTA5 to me with a less populated world etc. And it completely breaks when you turn on coop, so many bugs I've run into.

I'll probably revisit it in a few months after patches etc - saying it is terrible now doesn't mean it wont get better - I felt the same way about CP2077 at first and ended up loving it by the time the next gen patch came around.

senorfartcushion637d ago

Every successful AAA game is lacklustre in some way. Broken is a 50:50 but it is common.

Madden 23 is broken as hell and will take the spot from SR

brewin637d ago

Madden has been so Maddening for years now. I played some of the training to get a feel for the new passing mode, but it doesnt feel the same in the actual game. Played a couple of games and just wasnt feeling it. It does look pretty good though, the gameplay is just not there. Really miss NFL 2k and really the whole 2k Sports lineup. Even NFL Blitz is a better game than the newest Madden. What are they doing over there, my god.

I wish each console manufacturer still made their own sports lineup. NFL Gameday was actually pretty decent and better than Madden some years and Microsoft had a couple decent outings with NFL Fever. I just liked being able to choose and have them compete t0 be better. Now EA doesnt even really try it feels. Sad. NFL 2k forever!

Elda637d ago

6 hrs in & I haven't experienced any broken gameplay. I'm enjoying the gameplay on my PS5.

Lifexline637d ago

Most people don’t care about reviews the only people that do is the ones. That linger online.

But not surprising it sold better on ps5 there are more sold ps5 than Xbox. It would be surprising if Xbox sold more. So not sure why that’s a headline.

Mr_Luke637d ago

And if people liked it? Just saying...
You know, there's that "risk" too ^^'

Christopher637d ago (Edited 637d ago )

***lackluster and broken it is.***

I'll give it's lackluster to some, but it's definitely not broken on PS5. Zero issues with it so far and haven't had bad AI issues with enemies either (I kind of wish for some fights I did because it can be brutal sometimes because your AI companions go down fast under gunfire and you have to keep them up).

This isn't some award-winning game, but it's enjoyable. I say that with about 10 hours in.

Orchard636d ago (Edited 636d ago )

I'd say the singleplayer is mostly fine for me (also on PS5) - some AI glitches, or weird warping of AI, but mostly OK.

But it completely fell apart when I turned on coop. Tons of issues within a 60m game session - not being able to see each other, spawning and being unable to do anything other than move, one time it even overwrote my character with my friends character.

As I wrote above though, I will come back and revisit it after patches - I don't think it's unredeemable.

Christopher636d ago

Yeah, I admit ignorance with co-op. It's not why I play these games.

Hope they work that out for you soon.

Orchard636d ago

Yeah, I mean it's not unheard of for a games networked modes to be broken at launch :P so perhaps I'm being unfair on them.

I will revisit it though over time to be fair to it, same thing I did with CP2077 and I ended up loving it by the time they patched it for next gen.

GamingSinceForever636d ago

You buy the game and try it for yourself, but then turn around and say that you are surprised that others did the exact same. Smh!

Orchard636d ago

I got it heavily discounted via my bestbuy card rewards. I wouldn’t have sunk $60 into this based on the reviews, would’ve held off, Black Friday is right around the corner.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 636d ago
Crows90637d ago (Edited 637d ago )

Unfortunately tons of people out there that play video games don't actually watch any reviews or educate themselves.

A huge group of people don't even know what other games exist outside of the advertised AAA mainstream games

Redemption-64637d ago

It's not about educating themselves, as reviews are nothing but opinions. Also a lot of gamers seem to nitpick which reviews to listen to and which to ignore.

Flewid638637d ago

Aaah, gamers. Going from "try games for yourself & make your own decision" to "read reviews."


brewin637d ago (Edited 637d ago )

So youre one of those people that cant enjoy something that someone else said was not worth enjoying?! Cant make up your own mind about something and just have to march like a robot in sync with what your overlords say? I dont give a damn what someone else says, I judge things on how I feel about them. Thankfully I didnt listen to the negative reviews because there is an awesome Saints Row game I would have missed out on had I "educated myself" through the eyes of some writer I have never met and likely wouldnt like if I would have met. Great game, the reviewers that bag on it probably gave the latest walking simulator a 9/10.

gold_drake637d ago

"educate themselves"

get over yourself lol.

Army_of_Darkness636d ago


So if someone doesn't watch YouTube reviews before purchasing a game, they aren't educating themselves?? Lol! Dude, relax. It's a video game! For fun and entertainment, not educational purposes. Besides, they Could just be fans of the series that will buy the game regardless of good or bad reviews, like cod gamers.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 636d ago
brewin637d ago

Well people do eat McDonalds food everyday, so yeah I guess they do. I am deep into the game and I dont see how this is different from any other Saints Row game. Sure it doesnt have aliens and giant purple dildos to smack people around with, but its a fun game with a lot to like. It has the same general vibe of any Saints Row game though (well, before part 4 at least, which was barely an SR game).

The gang is pissed off at the man and decide to take over the city by blowing shit up and killing anyone in their way. It has better shooting mechanics and the driving is super tight. Gameplay is very fast, fun, and fluid. I have not experienced any crazy bugs on the Series X version. Runs great. IDK what all the fuss is about and why people are hating so much! Its Saints Row through and through.

shinoff2183637d ago

I have not played it or many of the older ones at that either.

What I see is people are just downing it so they can be mad at some type of wokeness. Thats all i seen before it released was that it was gonna be bad because of wokeness, now if its actually not they will still hate on it for being woke. Crazies

sourOG637d ago

Just because people bought it doesn’t mean they love it. I bought it, don’t love it lol. There is like one dude here that loves it.

senorfartcushion637d ago

Welcome to the AAA games industry. Shit wins.

AmUnRa637d ago

Ore people dont hang around gamingforums ore gamingsites that where telling the game is full of bugs and not a good game. They where loving SR games and bought it because they love the franchise. Not everyone is on forums and sites to look what is said about the game, cous they dont care about all of that.

Elda637d ago

What you may think is sh*t others may think it's gold.

Christopher637d ago

Almost as much as some people like talking about shit constantly.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 636d ago
DrDoomer637d ago

wow, people actually buy this crap full price?

skyrimer637d ago

Look at the other games, there are no other new releases in that list and mostly months old games, not surprising that a big release gets in there, no matter how bad and broken it is.

brewin637d ago

But its not bad and its not broken. Maybe PC and last gen consoles? My Series X version runs buttery smooth and looks great. No major bugs. Super fun gameplay. Good enough story about being screwed over by the man so becoming your own boss by taking over the city by force with ultra violence and massive criminal activity. Yep, its full on Saints Row and it is glorious, "reviewers" be damned.

skyrimer637d ago

Well at 63% in metacritic based on 60 reviews and 3.0 in nearly 600 user reviews, let's agree to disagree.

LoveSpuds637d ago

If its all the same to you Brewin, I'll ignore your opinion and hold on to my cash given the 3/10 user review score that you seem to want everyone to ignore.....'reviewers be damned' you state, before going on to expect us to listen to your 'review' instead.

porkChop637d ago

Just want to point out that user reviews on metacritic are literally worthless. How many games have we seen get review bombed for stupid reasons? How many games have gotten 10/10 reviews to combat review bombs? How many people leave fake reviews because they prefer a competing franchise? User reviews provide no real value when the person doesn't actually have to own the game.

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5 PlayStation Exclusive Games That Look Better Than Hellblade 2

The Nerd Stash: "Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 has some of the best graphics on Xbox, but there are PlayStation games that look even better."

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PrinceOfAnger4d ago

Lol some sony fans now disagreeing with DF !?
They said :
Hellblade 2 is a defining moment in the evolution of real-time graphics".

(The Next Level in Real-Time Visuals)

Takes advantage of everything UE5 offers
- Final game 'lives up to the lofty expectations' of the 2019 reveal
- Character rendering sets new standards and nearly resembles movie sequences with actual actors
- Leverages Unreal's Meta Human 5 to bypass the uncanny valley feel
- DF were left guessing whether some cut-scenes were in-game or real life footage (photo mode shows they're all real time)


Right now nothing on PS looks better than HB2.

PrinceOfAnger4d ago

5 PlayStation Exclusive Games" also on PC..
so what Exclusive? No one here confesses and accepted the word "Console exclusive". they were making jokes about it!

PrinceOfAnger4d ago


Sony fans were making jokes first about the word " Console exclusive" here and on other sites.
Now they use the word by themselves.

P_Bomb4d ago

I write console exclusive all the time. I use it in Xbox’s favor too. Those are the games I generally go after over there.

MrDead3d ago

Now I understand who these articles are written for.

Just buy and support the game so MS doesn't shut down Ninja Theory.

S2Killinit2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

You cant really talk when xbox has all its games released elsewhere. Not a good look.

Cacabunga2d ago

HB2 on PS5 will look better than HB2..
And even with that i won’t buy it

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
PrinceOfAnger3d ago

This article says Bloodborne and Ghost of Tsushima has better graphics than Hellblade 2 i'm done! 🤣

VenomUK2d ago

Of course! But that doesn't make it invalid.

I haven't been playing too much recently except a bit of Dave the Diver (retro pixel art). But if this has the best graphics then I definitely want to see so will download it for my XSX and start the game. If I had more time I'd play through the first one first.

S2Killinit2d ago

DF can talk from its arse all it wants. I’m sure they are spending their advertising money wisely.

DivineHand1251d 22h ago

I was under the impression Microsoft didn't have any marketing for this game. I also don't need to be paid to say Hellblade 2 is the most photo realistic game on consoles ever made.

Nacho_Z2d ago

People are free to disagree with DF, it's debatable how impartial they are.

The article is a bit of a stretch though. Hellblade has an open goal graphically because it's using the latest tech on small areas with crap framerate so the fidelity is through the roof. It's not impressive to me personally but it's an achievement that shouldn't be denied.

S2Killinit2d ago

Yes. But then a picture can be extremely beautiful but you cant really play it. Hellblade must be beautiful but it has low frames, and its pretty much on rails so it does not really impress me personally.

Information Minister2d ago

I've been subscribed to DF's YouTube channel since before their videos were even narrated and I tell you no debate is necessary about how impartial they are.

DF has clearly had some level of proximity with Microsoft since the launch of the Xbox One X. They haven't exactly tried to hide either. Their coverage/damage control for Starfield was quite blatant.

So yes, people on all camps are free to disagree with DF's opinions.

That aside, this particular article is complete flamebait.

neutralgamer19922d ago (Edited 2d ago )

what good are graphics when rest of the game is a walking sim (coming from a pc fan) if it's only about graphics than any game can push the boundary but that's without much gameplay

to me gears of war 5 is more impressive because it had the graphics and gameplay to back it up, just like uncharted 2 back in the day. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is also up there.

SGT_Squirrel2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I don't understand people. Both the PS5 and Xbox one X are great machines. I own both and could care less which system has a game that is marginally better looking than the other. Yes, Hellblade 2 is the best-looking console game right now, but it isn't a huge leap over what the PS5 has. Since I am not tied to one company's console, I see things differently I guess.

Abear212d ago

Agreed, plus traditionally all PS exclusives are third person action and everything on Xbox is usually FPS.

Let’s talk gameplay people, you know, that thing that actually matters? I remember Gamepro would rate “Fun Factor” in their reviews—is the game actually fun to play?!

If this was the judging method, and not resolution and “bespoke tech” that digital foundry wants you to be obsessed with, than Dave the Diver is my GOTY so far (ps5)

itsmebryan2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Grasping at straws to make a positive Playstation story. Too bad they can't talk about AAA first party games. Because "PS5 has NO GAMES!!!" Why can't people just be honest. HB2 looks amazing.

Abear212d ago

Woah there little fella, you are way lost in what is no longer reality, hope you left bread crumbs

Sonic18812d ago

Horizon is West definition looks better than Hellblade 2

VariantAEC18h ago

This comment doesn't even make sense and I agree with it.

purple1011d 23h ago

Digital foundry recently said ps5 ports are holding back Xbox

You can’t really take them as gospel anymore

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 18h ago
darthv724d ago

Okay, I've played all of those, and they looked good for their time. This game just takes realism to a whole other level. some would even say uncanny valley-esq at times.

Maybe that's why people are having a hard time with this game... its almost too real and makes them uneasy about it.

Bathyj2d ago

I doubt that's it. The game has woorde problems than that.

darksky2d ago

The game is a walking simulator with tech demo graphics. Nothing special at all.

Flewid6381d 1h ago

Next gen graphics are always special, even when the game is bad.

rlow13d ago

lol, really???? The title sounds so desperate. Those games are excellent but not in the same league.

ravens522d ago

..."not in the same league graphics wise*" Fixed it so you don't sound too crazy. Also not sure its in "another league" but I haven't seen it in person so 🤷🏽 idk.

ravens522d ago

All of those games on that list are literally objectively BETTER GAMES than Hellblade 2.

S2Killinit2d ago

I would say those games are on a much higher level because Hellblade is a game made to look great but its not on par when it comes to how it is linear with small playing areas and low frames. Anyone can do that, but is it a good game? No.

JackBNimble2d ago

If this is an argument, then yeah , this is desperation. Why do you sonyboys even care? The market always dictates, besides last I checked (as a ps5 owner) sony exclusives are few and far between, at least anything worth playing that is. And if I can play it on ps4 I'm not too then I'm not calling it exclusive.

Chevalier2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

You make it sound like Xbox has so much more games than Playstation, but, they have far fewer. Playstation has far more better 3rd party exclusives filling the gap too.

Chirping about Playstation when Xbox gets a game ever like 3 years worth talking about is idiotic. Would take the most recent FF, Gran Blue Relink and Stellar Blade over Xbox poor offerings any day of the week. Death Stranding 2 and Silent Hill look more interesting than HB2.

JackBNimble1d 21h ago

No, that's not what I'm saying. The point is this is such a petty non argument yet you sonyboys just take the bait and bitch regardless. Xbox is dying but you gotta keep claiming how great your corporate brand is.

Must be another zero news week

Chevalier1d 20h ago

Then why feed the fire then? Lol. Hellblade 2 is barely a game. The 1st one we literally had a ton of Xbox fans call it a walking simulator when it was timed exclusive to Playstation. Now people are reiterating similar sentiments about the 2nd game when it's much of the same with minimal 'gameplay' and Xbox fans are offended.

Ironically the very same idiots chirping said that all Playstation games were just 'cinematic' experiences as a slight and now we got guys like you with the oh whoa is me like it wasn't expected?! Lol. Seriously idiotic

MrDead3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

...now I remember why I hate gaming media, it's because 99.9% are like this article.

purple1013d ago

yeh, probably gonna have to wait for 'Death Stranding 2: On the beach', to get better environments and facial animation than this.

Yusi-D-Jordan2d ago

I honestly think Uncharted 4 was more visually impressive than Hellblade 2

purple1012d ago

Yeh there was a lot going on in uncharted
A lot of moving parts
Jumping from planes
You could say it was the more accomplished game. Hellblade looks like god of war, but without the sick fighting,

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Horizon Forbidden West Optimized for Low-End PC: NVIDIA RTX 4060/AMD RX 6600

We’ve already posted the optimization guide for Horizon Forbidden West, including one specifically for GeForce RTX 4060 laptop GPUs. This article will specifically target low-end PCs costing $600-$700 to build with entry-level components such as the Radeon RX 6600 and the Core i5-12400F.

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Horizon Forbidden West Optimized Settings for RTX 4060 Laptop GPU

Horizon Forbidden West is one of the more optimized PC ports to launch of late. We tested Forbidden West on one of the most popular mobile GPUs to find a balance between quality and performance.

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