
35MM Review | TechRaptor

TR's Lee Mehr - "Sergey Noskov's post-apocalyptic game packs several interesting elements within the frame, but the picture is out of focus."

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MadLad799d ago

Gave this a shot years ago on PC, but only got about an hour into it before I was just bored.

coolbeans799d ago

Sure. The game design certainly isn't helpful in that respect, but there's something about how dour everything feels that wanted me to see it through.


35MM Review - A Passionate Portrayal of a Possible Future – Chit Hot

35MM is a game that wants you to believe it. Lone developer Sergey Noskov shows you a world which we could very well be heading towards. And he wants you to know that once we get there, there is no going back.

MadLad801d ago

Played this years ago on PC for a while, but just couldn't get into it.
Still an impressive work for just one guy working on it.


35MM Review - A Beautifully Gloom Concept Shot Out Of Focus - PSU

From PSU: "35MM tries a lot of things but succeeds at only a few of those things. There’s a unique tale here, but you have to get past many limitations along the way."


35MM (NS) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "35MM is designed to tell a story and on that front it succeeds. Sergey Noskov has crafted interesting characters, a powerful melancholy mood, and a convincing sense of place. Regrettably, the gameplay elements that surround the narrative aren't up to par. Exploration and problem-solving are okay, but survival is underdeveloped and action is plain bad. This is a story-first type of game, for better or worse."

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