
Report: Cyberpunk 2077 Free DLC & Expansion Names Leak via Datamining

Looks like a bunch of Cyberpunk 2077 free DLCs are planned, and the names of these, as well as some of the upcoming expansions have surfaced via datamining.

DigitallyAfflicted1057d ago

Hopefully we will see next gen update first...

RosweeSon1056d ago

I would hope so but I’m doubting it at this point reckon they’ll launch most if not all of the dlc and then when launches the next generation upgrade they’ll have all this included as well. Could be ages at this rate 😏✌🏻

Snakeeater251057d ago

Ps5 update 30/12/2021
DLC plus ps5 update bugs patch 30/12/2022

neutralgamer19921057d ago

Those are most probably not finals dates when games don't have release dates they will day 12/30/2021

Snakeeater251057d ago

They never gave dates, it’s just what I think is going to happen since they don’t really give updates and focus more on the witcher 3. My guess is that only 10 or max 20 guys on still working on fixing cyberpunk

neutralgamer19921057d ago


Witcher 3 is being handled by an external developer. I think you maybe underestimating. Because CD project red invested a lot of money into this and they have future expansions planned they much rather fix this game right so in the future when they release expansions they got more support

I can see them announcing a next generation version later on this year around fall with release date for early 2022

ElvisHuxley1057d ago

The game had a massive budget and was massively (perhaps too much so) ambitious. Despite the smear campaign, its still managed 15 million sales. I don't know what you're smoking if you think they have 20 people working on this, lol.

CorndogBurglar1056d ago

What "smear campaign"? That insinuates that the game didn't get all the backlash it deserved. Which it definitely did deserve it all.

Hikoran1057d ago

I know they screwed us on one hand but just imagine being an actual dev on this, they probably feed off our faith in the studio. I had a blast playing (PS5) and can't wait for whatever comes next!

gold_drake1057d ago

ud think fixing the game would be a bigger priority ha.

ElvisHuxley1057d ago (Edited 1057d ago )

Nice. Love this game, glad I stopped listening to the astroturf hate campaign and gave it a shot (on PC). I hope they do something similar to Witcher 3 DLC, I'll buy day 1. I know this is heresy here (I expect to get a 10:1 downvote:upvote ratio for this comment, lol), and we're all supposed to destroy CDPR's reputation for this game, but I thought it was phenomenal. Doubled dipped for the PS5 too, so hopefully they are working on the next gen update as well. Be interesting to see where they go with the DLC, fingers crossed for more Panam, or a V/Takemura buddy cop story.

PectoralFlex1057d ago

Yeah, recently got it for cheap and it's damn good so far. Doesn't run perfectly on my PC, but a few of my parts are out of date anyway. Only wish there was more to do in the world than main missions and side jobs; hoping any DLC or future patches sneak in a few small improvements here and there.

TheOptimist1057d ago

I mean there isn't anything wrong in liking a mediocre product.

Many people like Fast & Furious or idk whatever Hollywood is peddling these days.

CorndogBurglar1056d ago

Hate campaign...

You played it on PC, and I'm assuming PS5. Playing it there was a HUGE improvement over last gen consoles. You know, the consoles the game was advertised for? The consoles they said the game ran fine on all the way up to launch?

There was no hate campaign. It was facts. A company doesn't get sued by their investors and have a game taken down from the PS store if its not bad.

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just_looken3d ago

"It’s incredibly difficult to figure out a way where New Game Plus could be done in a way that doesn’t completely break the way the game is constructed,"

Yet in 2020 i had this mode via a mod they are actually saying that your powers can screw up v's infection for those unaware pre the big update so it might not be a thing anymore but if you maxed out v with save editor your character would get sick see johnny all that but still would be in the first part.

Here is a very old vid of mine you can see how it can screw up the game

So they could do it if they did not spend years making a mess of everything then last minute toss a game out half done.


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