
'Cyberpunk 2077' Is a Mess On Every Level - Time

It's time to rethink gaming's pre-ordering culture.

elazz1267d ago (Edited 1267d ago )

It has been time to rethink pre orders quite some years ago. Especially with certain publishers. For cyberpunk the moment it was clear that reviewers weren't allowed to show their own footage before day 1 and that no console codes were provided cancelling a pre order would seem the right thing to do.

The games I pre order were God of War, Spider-Man, The Last of us 2, Ghosts of Tsushima...and all those game were polished like crazy on day 1. It's clear I can trust Sony to pre order Horizon 2, God of War ragnarok... Because of the track record. But technically it's not really necessary unless there is some physical limited collectors édition.

gamer78041267d ago

Preordering is always an unknown or a gamble in some capacity. Whether it’s taking a risk with cdpr or naughty dog or an indie dev.

SegaGamer1267d ago

Never used to be. Before the 360/PS3 generation, I could buy a game and never come across game breaking bugs, or any serious bugs at all really. The way games are released on day 1 these days are an absolute joke. Massive day 1 patches with future patches to come should never have been allowed to become the norm.

VersusDMC1267d ago

I only preorder way in advance to get a 30% or 20% discount. And to get digital preorder bonuses you can pre order the game the day before it comes out to get the bonuses...reviews will be in by then.

1266d ago
1267d ago
1nsomniac1267d ago

Yea I no longer pre order games at all. Haven’t done for a few years now. In fact this is the first generation where I haven’t pre-ordered a console either and that looks to have turned out a good decision as well.

1266d ago
anast1266d ago

Never preordered a game, though I almost did with The Last of Us Part II. I bought it three days after release instead.

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Sonyslave31267d ago (Edited 1267d ago )

I dont pre order games at all and another thing i going back to my ps3 days of buying gamez when they're dirt cheap.

O.o pay 60$ 9 months later it 29$ wtf.

CaptainHenry9161267d ago (Edited 1267d ago )

More like around 6 months later or less depending on the game and how unsuccessful the sales are will determine that.

VersusDMC1267d ago

Excluding Nintendo first party games.

Dude Dutch1267d ago

If everyone would wait till the game is dirt cheap then it would be at a big cost. In the end developers and publishers would not be willing to invest large budgets. It would cripple creativity. But on the flip side I agree that a game, big or small, should release when it is ready. Not when investors or big wigs want cash flowing in.

camel_toad1267d ago (Edited 1267d ago )

I feel bad for everyone who got screwed with the last gen versions because I'm loving the game and feel like a lot of people are missing out on a great experience. I also had normal expectations though. Witcher 3 was good but 1 and 2 were just ok with a lot to be desired. Too many people expected the 2nd coming of Christ from a team that has a small resume.

All of that aside though the absolutely deceptive crap they pulled by concealing the ps4 and Xbox versions is just inexcusable.

I really hope it was the higher ups and not the development team leaders that forced it into that situation.

RgR1267d ago (Edited 1267d ago )

When you don't get reviews on the console you own...you should always wait.
Who knows what performance would be like. Witcher 3 had massive drops in some areas.

Should've done more optimization before release but it's clear pc was their focus.

In my opinion witcher 3 was their worst game. The open world didn't sit to well with me. I preferred their more linear stories. Witcher 1 had so many hidden quests and secrets within the city...it was a great experience learning all the different ways to approach some quests as well as all the hidden dialogue and options. Witcher 2 dialed that back quite a bit but was still an impressive linear story with its own share of very meaningful side quests. Witcher 3 had a lot of filler...the main quest lines were great of course.

CDpr is a great developer. What happened with the base consoles is unfortunate but to be expected when transitioning to a new generation and focusing on so many graphic intensive features. It almost looks like ray tracing was heavily relied on for the look of the game. Obviously the base consoles don't get anywhere close to being able to output that level of fidelity.

They should've just not released on the base consoles and kept them only on the pro versions...but of course Sony and ms probably would not have liked that...or allowed it.

Nodoze1267d ago

Correction: cdpr WAS a great developer. They chose sell out cash instead of quality product. I am sure they will blame Covid, but this game has been in development for 8 YEARS. What they were doing with that time is anyone's guess. It is clear they were not spending it on developing a quality product.

RgR1267d ago


Correction. They are a great developer. Without the bugs it is a very enjoyable and good game. What they created is good. The bugs are retracting from what they did.

Unless of course you think all the game breaking bugs were intentional and put there on purpose.

Development doesn't matter. Many game spend a long time in development. They might have gone back to the drawing board several times. Besides what they do with their time in making their vision for the game a reality is not anyone elses business.
As a consumer it is on you if you decide to blindly buy a product without waiting for any review on performance analysis. They did not force anyone to buy their game. And aside from the base consoles most other platforms are playable and decent.

What they did with witcher 1, 2 and 3 proves that they're a great studio. So much happened to the company since the witcher 3 that likely caused development delays and restructuring.

And the argument of cash is stupid. They are offering refunds to all that were not satisfied. That's not selling out. That's owning up to the mistake of releasing it unfinished...which was likely due to covid, the most pathetic pandemic of all time , but nonetheless the most intrusive in people's lives and most likely intrusive in development especially during the optimization period for the game.

AndrewM1267d ago

You can enjoy it yourself that's fine, doesn't make it a good game, doesn't make it so cdpr didn't burn their reputation like paper to a flame.

Its so sad how much of a hollow shell the world is.

1267d ago Replies(1)
thorstein1267d ago

I am playing on PS5. Performance is fine. Crashing constantly and glitches are not.

These glitches are in every version. The good news for XboxOne and PS4 players is that they don't get to encounter them. The worst for me was the insta kill glitch and the bullet sponge enemies on Normal Difficulty glitch.

But a myriad of other problems that were just down due to lack of taking the time to get them right, which is what the employees were doing. The management had other ideas.

Aussiesummer1267d ago

We'll just forget that they practically promised the second coming. Don't make excuses for the company the bastards that turned.

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1267d ago Replies(2)
sourOG1267d ago

I’m not doing it anymore. The only reason I did it was for preorder bonuses but the preorders don’t even work most of the time on ps5. I had to download the PS4 version of mk11, start it up and delete it just to get my dlc working on the ps5 version. When devs become more familiar with the ps5 I might start preordering again. A Sony game I have no problem preordering.

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just_looken2d ago

"It’s incredibly difficult to figure out a way where New Game Plus could be done in a way that doesn’t completely break the way the game is constructed,"

Yet in 2020 i had this mode via a mod they are actually saying that your powers can screw up v's infection for those unaware pre the big update so it might not be a thing anymore but if you maxed out v with save editor your character would get sick see johnny all that but still would be in the first part.

Here is a very old vid of mine you can see how it can screw up the game

So they could do it if they did not spend years making a mess of everything then last minute toss a game out half done.


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