
Sony and Microsoft Are Reportedly Offering Refunds For Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is a buggy mess right now, especially on PS4 and Xbox One. This is leading to people asking for a refund on these consoles.

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ziggurcat1262d ago

As they should. This game turned out to be a disaster, and should have been pushed back another year.

Jin_Sakai1262d ago

I doubt no matter how long the delay it’s still going to run like crap on old consoles with netbook Jaguar CPUs. It’s should’ve been canceled and moved to next gen only.

RCslayer1262d ago

RIGHT, and give up the 150 million consoles between the XB1 and Ps4.....Thats how great business is made.

mikeslemonade1262d ago

They don’t deserve a refund. You’re dumb if you think the PS4 and Xbox can run this game. And then so you are gonna buy the game again once you get the PS5 or series X? ?? Nah you shouldn’t get the refund because of stupidity.

ziggurcat1262d ago

"You’re dumb if you think the PS4 and Xbox can run this game."

Maybe if CDPR hadn't been, you know, developing the game *for* PS4/Xbox One that might be true...

Redemption-641262d ago


You’re dumb if you think the PS4 and Xbox can run this game.

Yeah am sure there are no other big openings world games that have been released for both PS4, Xbox 1, which not only run better, but looked better as well...am sure there is none right?...oh wait

Also, this game was announced even before PS4 and Xbox 1 came out and has been in development for at least 5 years, CD project red literally developed the game for those systems and you are calling people stupid for them expecting a game developed for their system to run and play well, especially when the CEO of CD project red came out and told people the game run well

Sunny_D1262d ago


what a dumb assertion to make. You think every person who buys games can tell if a game that is AVAILABLE to purchase for their console is going to know it will run like shit? After all the platform holders, Sony and MS DID certify it for release in the first place.

mikeslemonade1262d ago (Edited 1262d ago )

1. There’s such things as updates
2. CDPR is already sending out the updates and working them
3. Look at some PS3 games like bayonetta and late gen 360/PS3 games that ran like crap
4. Batman Arkham city was crap initially on the PC

It’s the gamers fault for buying broken games before, thus telling the developer it’s okay to release a game not quite ready yet.

Critic4l_Strik31262d ago (Edited 1262d ago )



Good-Smurf1262d ago

RDR2 looks much better and runs better it's either their engine are crap or done zero optimization on consoles or both.
When your game needs a high end PC for recommended spec just to run them decently then it's a big red flag.
The crowd density is nowhere near the level of AC Unity yet it run worse.
The weak base hardware blame are not really fair.

Muzikguy1262d ago (Edited 1262d ago )

It most certainly should have been next gen only, I agree.

I don't believe giving out refunds to a game is a great way to make money. Sometimes you just need to make those tough decisions. I don't want the past generation hindering the new one

What? If it couldn't run the game it shouldn't be on the system. It's not anyone's fault for thinking it will be ok. People have faith in CDPR to deliver a good product.

My only issue the updates the game needs to run decent on "current gen" systems. What were they testing on? Also, if they had tested on these they'd have seen the bugs and should have delayed the game yet again

Army_of_Darkness1262d ago

Cd project red totally F&*ked up their reputation....
And I guess it's their Executives that are to blame for rushing this game out.

JEECE1262d ago

This. An extra year isn't going to make old processors any faster. They should have just cancelled the last gen versions.

Jin_Sakai1262d ago

“RIGHT, and give up the 150 million consoles between the XB1 and Ps4.....Thats how great business is made.“

Or release a game that runs like dog sh*t and disappoints 150 million people. Great business plan.

DivineHand1251261d ago

I don't agree that it was not possible on ps4 and xbox one. We have seen other devs do amazing things on these consoles with examples such as gta 5, red dead 2, Assassin's creed etc.

The main thing affecting this game is that it is poorly optimized. It might look like they are releasing this thing on everything, but if you really look at it. It's only 4 platforms. Pc, stadia, Xbox one and ps4. The ps5 and series x versions are not available as yet and it seems that both pc and consoles are just brute forcing the game to run in a playable state.

BenRC011261d ago

Tlou 2 looked better than anything else, so its possible if you can be bothered

bouzebbal1261d ago

Hmmm... Or just use resources to optimize, and not try to over deliver at each event.
There are far more optimistic games, which are well optimized.
They wanted to make this cross gen and they gotta assume it.. Now they flopped big time

DJStotty1261d ago


"It’s the gamers fault for buying broken games before"

Surely you do not know a game is broken until you buy it right?

Mulando1261d ago

Well, it runs fine on the mid-gen refresh versions. So it might just be, that those a bit higher clocked jaguar cores get better along with the game logic. GPU wise they should have scaled them down even further.
But most of that seem to be just bugs what's holding back the performance.

Well I have fun with that game on my console (next gen). Still a great game and I did not find many bugs (besides of some performance issues). But a much bigger delay would have been good for the game to get rid of more problems.

ramtah1261d ago

They want them money in the pokkets!

Charal1261d ago

I agree with you.
But then we would discuss in enless articles on how current gen players would be forced to next gen, blah blah blah.

I think the situation is where it should be: the game is crap on base old gen consoles, maybe it will be fixed, maybe not.
Our choice to buy it not.

I hope it will make people that thinks that everything is possible with “sliders” to reconsider.

Binarycode1261d ago

I think this game is all gpu.

Benchmarks show just 30-40% if that.

Knightofelemia1261d ago


You do realize that you buy the game for PS4 or XB1 it upgrades to Series X and PS5 for free right you're dumb if you don't realize that you don't have to rebuy the game for PS5 or Series X. Says so right on the case of the physical copy and digital copy when you buy the game so again you don't need to rebuy the game for next gen.

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1261d ago

The game was announced years ago way before we even heard of PS5 and series X...no excuse period.

NotoriousWhiz1261d ago

I'm an n4g casual and even I know that mikes lemonade is a troll account. Come on guys.

4Sh0w1261d ago

Wow mikeslemonade pretty stupid comment, even for n4g.

From what Ive played so far Cyberpunk isnt really as good as hyped even without the bugs, in my opinion.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 1261d ago
Sciurus_vulgaris1262d ago

Cyberpunk 2077 didn’t belong on the PS4 and XB1. It was only released on last gen consoles because CD Projekt Red needed the revenue from those systems.

-Foxtrot1262d ago

Meaning...when they offer a PS5/Xbox Series X only copy, that will be the "real" version of the game

Neonridr1262d ago

which in turn held back development on a title that could have been so much better if it was built from the ground up for next gen / PCs.

Tapani1262d ago (Edited 1262d ago )

Exactly. They needed to fund the large project. The GaaS revenue is not enough, there's a good article about it at Gamesindustry.biz.

CD Projekt didn't handle the pressure at the top and it trickled down to the employees. The game needed another 9-12months in the oven, now they have a product they created for years and ended up far from the original vision due to hurrying it up for release. I suspect they needed to recognize the revenue for 2020 to keep the stock price high. Interestingly enough, this crashed their stock. It might be a good time to buy it... The stock, not the game. It was the shareholders' pressure which led to bad management decisions, which essentially led up to this mess.

In other words: Business as usual.

LucasRuinedChildhood1262d ago (Edited 1262d ago )


I don't think last gen held it back. It runs at 720p most of the time at sub 20fps on the base consoles so it doesn't seem like they let the PS4 or XB1 hold back their vision at all or really cared about those versions. Still, it shouldn't have been released on those systems.

Muzikguy1262d ago

I'm sure this was most likely the only reason. I don't have a PS5 yet but when I do get one I hope the "next gen update" is out

Btf_19911262d ago

*Wanted* the revenue, not *needed*. But I agree with you.

JeffGUNZ1261d ago

It's just asinine all around. This game was announced when PS3 was out in May of 2012. Ps4 released in 2013, November. When they announced it, it was advertised as next gen, meaning at that time, Xbox One and PS4. IDK what the hell happened over there for the last eight years.

Yui_Suzumiya1261d ago

But it began development nearly two years before PS4 / XB1 were even released.

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1261d ago

It was anounced years ago, way before we even knew anything about next gen..stop.

Aussiesummer1261d ago

So release it no matter what the cost, even the cost of hurting your own brand and losing stocks. Their arrogance bit them in the arse.
Cdpr are not the gamers friend, they're a company. End of.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1261d ago
1262d ago
esherwood1261d ago

Oh shut up, I’m playing with no problems on the Xbox like I’m sure a ton of other people are. Some people u will just never make happy. Man I’m glad I’m not in customer service

SmokinAces1261d ago

A "disaster" is a bit of an over exaggeration.

ziggurcat1261d ago

not based on what I've seen.

TakeTori1261d ago

It's a disaster on previous gen consoles. It's hard to run on PC's as well, but it's otherwise a fun game that's worth your time, so I wouldn't outright call it a disaster.

1261d ago
FPS_D3TH1261d ago

And should’ve ditched last gen entirely. Would’ve been a better game

Christopher1261d ago

Only major issue is the game crashing for me. Fix that and I'm fine. The glitches are minor and sometimes amusing, but not game breaking or altering.

SmokinAces1261d ago

"not based on what I've seen."

I mean don't get me wrong it has its share of problems for sure I've spoken to that very point in other comments but I don't know if I'd go so far as to call the launch a disaster. I'm on Pro so maybe that is helping as well, I know the base units are having a really rough go of it, hopefully they can get patches to fix things rolled out fast.

ziggurcat1261d ago

I'm sure the Pro fairs a little better, but the vanilla consoles are definitely suffering from some pretty bad performance issues.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1261d ago
RCslayer1262d ago

The amount of stupidity in here is amazing.

First, the game was announced for the PS4 and X1 even before the consoles hit the market so YEAH it was made for them, not systems 9 years after.
Second, why wouldn't they put the game on a 150 million user base.
Third, they are offering next-gen free upgrades because the current-gen game is garbage and they knew it, so to cover their asses and seem like a great dev they offer it for free.

Remember there were never any screenshots of current-gen running this, they knew the game was looking like a Ps3\360 game and was buggy as shit so they pulled a rug over our eyes and kept reviews under wraps to keep sales going up.

ecchiless1262d ago

im waiting for those law suits for misleading information about the game, the ai is bad(is not what they were preaching), game is sht on ps4/xbox one, but we know ppl gonna defend cdpr cause they cant do wrong.

Critic4l_Strik31262d ago

Im curious if it will go lawsuit far...

annoyedgamer1261d ago

Nobody ever sued ubisoft or EA for their bait and switches why should CDpr get sued for theirs?

DJStotty1261d ago (Edited 1261d ago )

Surely Activision would be getting sued on a yearly basis then right?

Like this year, the preach is "skill based matchmaking" which is not even a thing in Cold War.

What misleading information did they provide?

If it goes as far as lawsuits, just for a buggy game that will be fixed, then it will set a dangerous precedent for developers, will increase development time as no publisher will want a lawsuit, therefore no games will be released even with minor bugs.

Me, i will just wait for the updates and then buy it, no biggie.

If you do not like what you paid for, just like anything else, just request a refund, it is that simple.

Positivelypositive 1261d ago

It would have to be a class action suit. Also you would need to be one of the authors of the suit in order to get more than a 60 dollar payout which is what will be the likely agreed upon amount for the average person who joins the suit but is not one of the authors.

1261d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1261d ago
Vegamyster1262d ago (Edited 1262d ago )

Announced and being in development are two different things, CDPR stated years ago the project didn't hit full development until after the last Witcher 3 DLC was done in 2016.

medman1262d ago

I have a ps5 and a series x, and even having said that I'm not buying Cyberpunk until the optimized ps5/series x version update is released.....I can wait. Always planned to. After all the delays, the late reveal of the console versions gameplay (ps5 series x) even though those versions were just the one x ps4 pro versions, the obvious troubles in development that came to light.....nope. Never had a chance of running well day one.

myfathersbastard1262d ago

I love CDPR for Witcher 3 which is my #2 favorite game of last gen. But yeah, that’s just facts. 100% agree. They knew what was up with the console versions, held reviews back, only allowing B roll from them to be used for PC reviews.
Pretty shady business. It’s a shame considering everything they’ve always said about not releasing games befor they should. Clearly the investors and business heads pushed this. I doubt the developers wanted to release a game knowing it was this broken.

Dee_911261d ago

they shouldn't have announced it so early
should have waited until last year to announce and release in 2021

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1261d ago
njitram20001262d ago (Edited 1262d ago )

Have any of CPR's games performed well on consoles when they were released? I remember all of them being tough on PCs on release and improving on both as patches were released. I play on PC with a RTX 2060 on High with DLSS and get 60+ fps which is better than I had expected.

annoyedgamer1261d ago

The Witcher 3 ran ok on the consoles, looked way better on PC as it should but my GTX 650 TI choked out on it and I had to go and get a 1060. Now here we are 4 years later and I need to upgrade again but cards are out of stock or costing and arm and a leg.

predex841261d ago

Sadly you are wrong. Watch DF analysis on the witcher 3 when it came out. 20-22 fps on PS4 and XO. A year later of course everything is much better, rock solid 30fps. I do hope CDPR can do this again with CP.

Seraphim1261d ago

I know Witcher 2 had it's issues when it launched on Xbox and they eventually fixed and made some changes to it. I really don't remember how The Witcher 3 was at launch. Checked my trophies and it looks like I started playing it 6 months after release. At that point it was completely fine when I played through it. Not sure if I was busy playing other games or if it's because there were issues so I was holding off.

JeffGUNZ1261d ago

You playing 1080 or 1440? I have rtx 2080 and getting solid 50-60 on ultra with RTX medium. Poorly optimized non the less all around.

njitram20001261d ago (Edited 1261d ago )

I play at 1440p. Should have mentioned that. But the RTX part is really badly optimised, yes.

JeffGUNZ1261d ago

Yeah man, I turn off RT and the FPS jumped up...but I don't wanna play this game with no RT lol.

SyntheticForm1262d ago

Good on Sony and Microsoft.

CDPR should be ashamed, deceiving people by NOT ALLOWING console footage to be shown because it would negatively affect sales. I'll never forget this, and neither should anyone else. CDPR's sterling reputation is gone.

They're as low as Bethesda in my book.

medman1262d ago

With all due respect, if you can't suss out that there may be a problem simply BECAUSE you've seen no console gameplay footage, that is a you problem. How was it not obvious this game would struggle on weak for 2013 console hardware?

If you're claiming you had no clue it would suffer on those consoles, you must be the type that bought the Microsoft bullspit of "the power of ten xbox one's in the cloud", and the type who believes it when Phil Spencer says that having next gen games being developed for the xbox one will have no effect on the quality of those games on series x. If you are this gullible, the fault lies within you.

Nyxus1262d ago

There are plenty of great looking games that run just fine on these systems. They developed and released the games for those consoles, people should be able to expect a game that runs well enough.

LucasRuinedChildhood1262d ago (Edited 1262d ago )

The Witcher 3 also had a bad framerate when it came out while Rockstar got RDR2 (a next gen looking game) running on the PS4/XB1 with more complex physics and simulations, no problem. Rockstar also got GTA 5 running on the PS3/360 with half a gig of RAM.

This game may be a bit much for last gen consoles but CDPR have been targeting those platforms for years. A developer like R* likely would have been able to optimize it to a playable state at 30fps with some frame drops, not spending most of its time at 15-25fps like Just Cause 3. Ultimately, people expect and trust great developers not to release bad products. No AAA game of this popularity has ever released in such a poor state.

Elda1262d ago

Your comment is just as absurd as CDPR releasing CP:2077 on consoles in the state that it's in.

SyntheticForm1262d ago (Edited 1262d ago )

"If you are this gullible, the fault lies within you."

Just stop.

I know that games run better on more powerful hardware and I knew that last gen hardware would be pushed, but that isn't the point. The point is that they knew exactly how lousy their own product was and they pushed it out anyway. To add to that sin, they did not allow reviewers to discuss or show footage of these versions. Further, they spoke on Twitter of how well the last gen versions ran. Obviously, they don't run well at all.

CDPR had to have known somewhere in mid-development that PS4 and Xbox one were not going to work, but they decided to go ahead and push these versions through anyway. What I think would have been the right thing to do was just say "Look, we know we announced this game for the PS4 and Xbox One consoles, but we've made the decision to pull the plug on these versions, as the user experience would be very poor, and we want players to have a viable experience at the very least." I think that would have been the ethical thing to do. Sure, people would have been disappointed, but they would have had a version of the game that was at least playable should they have a capable PC or wait for next gen.

CDPR has the onus to make a viable game on all the platforms they release it on. They didn't.

yeahokwhatever1261d ago

the problem is that better looking games on those consoles exist.

outsider16241261d ago

"With all due respect, if you can't suss out that there may be a problem simply BECAUSE you've seen no console gameplay footage, that is a you problem. How was it not obvious this game would struggle on weak for 2013 console hardware?"

With due respect, I'd say that is a load of rubbish. There are far more very good looking games that ran fine on PS4/Xboxone.
And this goes beyond to just bugs and glitches. Cyberpunk's stupid dumbass ai, the law system, the ai driving, the pathfinding. Where the hell is that "the most believable living breathing city".
GTAV, RDR2 had better ai than this.

You can play this on PC sure, with ultra high settings and get 60fps but you won't get better ai. This game wasn't ready period.

CorndogBurglar1261d ago (Edited 1261d ago )

Everyone knows older hardware will never look or run as smooth as new hardware. What people COULDN'T know is that it would look and run like complete garbage on the base consoles.

People have said it plenty already. Red Dead Redemption 2, Ghost of Tsushima, TLoU 2, hell...even Horizon Zero Dawn.....these are all incredible games that look beautiful and run wonderfully even base consoles.

So why on earth would anyone expect Cyberpunk to be in this bad of shape on base consoles? The only real red flag was not seeing any gameplay from base consoles before launch. That, and having reviewers only show PC footage.

Quit actingike everyone should be Nostradamus and should have been able to predict this. Thats nonsense. There's a gigantic difference between a last gen console game not looking as good as a PC or next gen console (we see this with literally every game that gets released on consoles and PC), and a game releasing in a barely playable state on last gen consoles.

DOMination-1261d ago

People may have preordered this game months ago so I think this comment is a little harsh

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1261d ago
esherwood1261d ago

Why because they made a great game... man gamers are some real idiots

1261d ago
mafiahajeri1261d ago

Perfect example of the brain washed bias people have towards this game, if it was any other dev it would be getting shit from everyone under the sun.

RangerWalk2671261d ago

CDPR is an amazing development group. Same goes for Bethesda. You're not seeing anyone else attempting to create RPG's to the scale that they are doing. Sure there'll be hiccups around launch. But they always sort it out.

esherwood1261d ago

I’m playing the game and it’s actually pretty amazing. The guys crying that they should have waited to release it why wouldn’t you just wait to buy it if you planned on throwing a hissy fit over a couple bugs we all know they’re going to fix? No one forced you to buy it at launch and if they waited to release it you’d be waiting to play anyway. I had nothing else to play for the holidays so I’m glad it got released. Also these guys have always been good about there consumer policies. The Witcher 3 we got an insane amount of content for free that other developers would have nickle and dimed us for so yeah I do think the deserve a little extra slack because they earned it. You retards are grabbing the pitchforks over a non issue and trying to hurt pretty much the only good AAA developer there is anymore. I don’t blame the other companies for getting over on us as much as they can after seeing how the good guys are treated now

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assassingamer361262d ago

It amazes me to see the stupidity on this site. These games were built from the ground up for the ps4 and xbox one. It has nothing to do with current gen "holding it back" even on my graphics card I couldnt get past 30 fps and that card cost me nearly a grand. Its poorly optimized that's it. Not hardware limitations.

Om4ever1262d ago

Tons of ps4 games look soooo much better and with better framerate... People should stop finding excuses for this garbage

Elda1262d ago

Exactly!! FFVII:R, Ghost Of Tsushima, TLOU2,Spiderman:MM,AC:V & other games released this year look great on last-gen consoles. CDPR should be embarrassed putting a game out on gaming consoles in that state.

Dee_911261d ago

the ai and the t posing tells me its not exactly a hardware issue. also i believe the last gen versions are supposed to be upscaled, but for some reason they aren't upscaling. The game run much better than ps4 on a pc with hardware weaker than ps4.
check out the ai comparison videos on youtube. ps3 era games had better ai, this isn't simply hardware limitations... either way im hopeful by the time the current gen version release a lot of this will be fixed. i'll just wait until then.

JeffGUNZ1261d ago

IDK what his are, but I am running a RTX 2080, I7-8700K, 16 RAM and still getting 50-60 FPS max on high/ultra, RTX medium, at 1440p. The game is just poorly optimized. I should easily be locked at 60FPS with that setup. I'ts definitely playable and seems fine. If I turned of MSI Afterburner I wouldn't notice it was in the 50's compared to 60's. At times, it does dip to 40's for a second. Just not optimized. Def more stable after the next day driver update.

Critic4l_Strik31261d ago

Wow, just asked for someone's PC specs and get downvoted?? This is ridiculous...

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1261d ago

yep, this was always a PS4, Xone game was announced years ago.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1261d ago
Show all comments (153)

Cyberpunk 2077 Director On 95% Positive Steam Rating: "Never Thought I'd See It"

Cyberpunk 2077 has come a long way from being one of the worst games on the planet to being one of the best ones.

DustMan13d ago

I shelved it after a few hours in game at launch, glad I didn't refund it. One of the few games I've actually completed in the last year, and after finishing the campaigns I wanted to just jump back in from the start. They pulled a No Mans Sky and finished one of the best FPS in the last few years.


Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B25d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv7225d ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii25d ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast25d ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife24d ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit24d ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife24d ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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Source Code For The Witcher 3 & Cyberpunk 2077 Has Allegedly Been Compromised

Source code for CD Projekt's action role-playing games The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 have allegedly been compromised.

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just_looken38d ago

Well they are using unreal engine now thanks to there work culture and horrific job on making cyberpunk so for the future no impact.

But it will be interesting to see what mods will be made


just_looken36d ago

7 disagrees shows how many look at one dlc that had a rip off fight from ghost in the shell and goes wow what a goat team i love cdpr while ignoring that they only made 2 games that were good witcher 2/3 in 20yrs.

But its a new world we want a criminal that support's legal murder as president/support shoplifting love toxic work environments and have a mass casualty event every other day.

GhostMirror36d ago

I’ll admit I didn’t play it at launch, but Cyberpunk 2077 is a really good game now.

And who the hell knows what you’re even going on about in your second paragraph here.

EazyC37d ago

Wait a min...I swear to god CP2077's source code got leaked before. CDPR needs to stop using "password123" for all their accounts 😅

just_looken36d ago

Na its hundreds ex employees no doubt just getting there revenge.

Profchaos36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

This is the same leak the threat actors have been trying to sell the source code after cd project didn't pay the ransom.

They didn't manage to sell the source code to any company largely because it would be unethical for say EA to buy it so the threat actors failed to find a buyer.

After they failed to make any money they went through with their threat of simply giving it away.