
Epic Games exclusives don't bother nine out of 10 PC gamers in US

Epic Games Store is well on its way to becoming one of the leaders on the market as both the recently revealed revenue numbers and analysts' projections of consumer behaviour suggest. In fact, nine out of 10 US gamers didn't mind another launcher to access the exclusive content.

BlackIceJoe1596d ago

I guess the nine out of ten that say that work for Epic, because no gamer would honestly say that.

TK-661595d ago

We should actually point out that what the article is claiming and what Superdata study says do not 100% line up. The author (and Superdata) have had to make a small leap to connect this to EGS. Their question in the study was "would you be willing to download a launcher to play a game you're anticipating?" and 9 out of 10 answered yes. That does not mean 9 out of 10 gamers dont care about EGS exclusives.

You can dislike the idea of EGS buying timed exclusives and still purchase the game on that platform. I find it quite laughable that even Superdata couldn't distinguish between those two positions.

"What's more, it's exceeding expectations as it raked in $680 million in revenue . It is unclear what the profits were or whether it was profitable at all but since this is the first year where the platform aggressively wrestled with Steam, it's hard to call it shabby."

I mean considering that EGS is having to pay for games to make their way to the platform we can potentially call it shabby. It's been a year now and games have begun making their way to Steam. Hades (one of the EGS launch titles) has over 8000 reviews on Steam and currently 2500 players in-game currently. Thats a lot considering the game arrived on the client a year later.

Takwin1595d ago

I am a gamer and I have NO problem with Epic exclusives, Sony Exclusives, or Nintendo exclusives. I have no problem with all the launchers. I think a game like Tarkov having its own launcher is fine.

I support Epic when it benefits me. And I have claimed every one of the 73 free games over the last year, made a few purchases (not on Fortnite, actual games), and am glad Steam has real competition that GOG didn't offer with its size and uPlay and Origin didn't offer due to what they do.

So your statement is factually wrong. I have been gaming for almost 40 years, and I do not work for Epic, lol.

Aeery1595d ago (Edited 1595d ago )

"I support Epic when it benefits me."

And this is the problem with our society.


ps 9/10 ?! Out of 100 ? 1000 ? 1000000 ?

RazzerRedux1595d ago (Edited 1595d ago )

"And this is the problem with our society."

And so you only buy or support products and services when it is to the benefit of all mankind?

KaaF1595d ago

No, it just means 9/10 are not annoying loud dumb steam fanboys, you are just a loud minority.

MadLad1595d ago

I have multiple launchers. I don't use EPIC's because I don't like their tactics of buying out exclusives; specially on games like indies that used Kickstarter for funding.

I would like to see how this makes me a Steam fanboy.

KaaF1595d ago

@TheRealTedCruz Then don't use Steam either, it also bought indie exclusives when it was starting out but steam fanboys conveniently forget/ignore that. Watch this:


MadLad1595d ago

You haven't explained my fanboyism yet. Anyway, I started PC gaming in 2012. It is now 2020. You link me to a largely disliked video; of which I was aware of when it first released, because people in a rather small circle (according to its less than 700 views as of today) as this big gotcha moment but, again, you're defending what people find as an anti-consumer business practice in 2020, because it was done, seemingly on a smaller scale even, back when I was 12.

Insert me into that time period, I'd be saying the same thing for Steam; refusing to use the launcher until said practice ended. Instead we're here in 2020. EPIC is the only company I'm aware of using these practices, and doing so brazenly, and has promised to continue this through the coming years.

You didn't make much of a point here.

TK-661595d ago (Edited 1595d ago )


Or do whats right and just dont buy 3rd party games that are paid to be kept exclusives to one client over another? You don't have to boycott EVERYTHING on EGS because of paid exclusives. Just the games they pay for to show you don't support that practice. Was that too difficult for you? Or do we need you to link another channel with 2 subscribers?

ecchiless1595d ago (Edited 1595d ago )


do u have games made with unreal?

edit; are you only hating the store or anything epic related?

Orionsangel1595d ago

Exactly, there's too many gamers who are loyal to a single brand. Why? What do they get out of that?

MadLad1595d ago


Notice how I mentioned the practice used by the EPIC store. Not the engine. Not their games. The business practice used by the store.

There lies your answer.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1595d ago
Fluttershy771595d ago (Edited 1595d ago )

I think it bothers 9 out of 10 n4g gamers

Rude-ro1595d ago

It’s “nine out of 10”... because of reasons.
Surely removes any validity when the writing is as such about said topic... no?

NeoGamer2321595d ago

On PC, you just need the store software to get the games and stores are free to download by anyone. So it doesn't matter whether it is Epic, Steam, Windows store, etc. You can still run the store and games on the same hardware.

On console you only have one store and that is the console vendor's store. It would be nice if console vendors would be more like PC!

CaptainCook1595d ago

I've spent £100s purchasing games on the Epic Store. It's only those biased fanboys who don't like competitions.

Seafort1594d ago (Edited 1594d ago )

Epic is not competition to anyone. They buy a game's exclusivity to only sell on their store. They are competing with themselves, no one else.

Epic doesn't like competition or they wouldn't tie down any game to only selling on their store and just compete for people's custom by lowering the prices or making a much better store than anyone else.

They didn't do that. They used their Fortnite money to buy off developers and publishers and didn't put any hard work to establish themselves at all.

It took years for Valve to build up their trusted reputation and develop their store to what it is today. Epic is just trying to skip all the hard work and buy notoriety for short term gain.

That is not a store that will last as eventually the money will run out and all they'll have is people on their store for the free stuff and will leave at a moments notice. I know many people that have just got the Epic launcher to get all the free games but not buy a single one. That bought community will collapse under it's own inadequacies and greed.

Watch this space.

1595d ago
Orionsangel1595d ago

Why not? Competition is a good thing. Why should Steam be the only game in town?

rainslacker1595d ago

I've seen quite a few gamers say it doesn't bother them.

Flewid6381595d ago

Control was amazing. It had game of the year nominations. How would staying away from it for this reason be the lesser gaming thing to do?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1594d ago
IcedOmega131595d ago

I've got too much money and too many titles on steam to switch now

RazzerRedux1595d ago

Why would you have to switch?

Double_O_Revan1595d ago

Because apparently you're only allowed to have 1 Launcher installed on your PC. You MUST choose!!

People are silly.

Unspoken1595d ago

Yeah that is odd people believe they have to get rid of the rest of their games library.

Teflon021595d ago

ppl don't get that people don't want 40 launchers on their PC. That separates all the games they own. But also ppl aren't even that against it. As the epic launcher always existed. BUT the problem is the practices. People don't like that they're playing to force you to use the launcher. I want steam achievements on the games I play. Games that I don't have on steam barely get played because I only make Steam auto open on launch as it's not necessary to boot your pc to 40 launchers. I had the Epic launcher before it was a store but I'm against it now because what they're doing. As is the same with others. People just like to pretend like they don't get it. It's a big inconvenience to the players.

RazzerRedux1595d ago


The "40 launchers" is just a huge exaggeration. If you don't want to use a launcher then just use Windows explorer. You can create a shortcut and launch it from wherever you want. I guess I'll never understand how that is some huge inconvenience. Either way, none of this requires you to "switch" entirely to Epic, which is what I was asking about.

If you want to stick to Steam for its features, achievements, or whatever then that is completely understandable. If you don't want to use Epic because of their "practices" fine......you do you.

"People just like to pretend like they don't get it."

lol.....get what? That you don't have to "switch"? There is nothing to get. You just don't have to.

"It's a big inconvenience to players like me."

Fixed. You speak only for yourself.

rainslacker1595d ago (Edited 1595d ago )

40 launchers? Maybe if you get a lot of porn games...in which case, they're probably back door trojan software, and not really launchers.

I mean, I could list the number of relevant launchers that most serious gamers would likely need to have on their hard drive on one hand. Steam, Origin and Uplay(although Origin is on Steam now isn't it?), Battle.Net(if you're into Blizzard games, and EGS. Maybe add some others if you're into a niche game or VR or something.

Seriously, how many launchers do people already have if one more is becoming too much?

I like a clean desk top probably more than the average person, but even at work, where I have all the big launchers for work purposes, I can keep them all neat and tidy in the corner of my screen. Since I only play one game at a time, it's never become a problem for me.

At home, the games I play regularly(which are few on PC), I just have a direct link to the game. I have more direct links to games on my desktop than I do store launchers.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1595d ago
yoshatabi1595d ago

It's just a launcher. Why does it matter so much?

Father__Merrin1595d ago

It's mainly Internet nerds whom this bothers. Great to see epic doing well with their latest figures, by Xmas 2020 EGS will be huge

tontontam01595d ago

yup the majority does not even know that there are people who hates epic and why they hate th epic store.

MadLad1595d ago

So we should follow the opinions of the uninformed. This would have no disastrous consequences in other aspects of day to day life.

Speaking of uninformed, as was pointed out by someone already, if you were to actually read about this poll, the question was presented as "would you download a launcher to play a game you were excited for". Doesn't take anything else into consideration.

MadLad1595d ago

Dude. You're not even a PC gamer. You come into the comments section of every article that promotes EPIC store in any way, purely because you know it's a salty conversation amongst PC gamers and like to run your mouth on the subject.

RazzerRedux1595d ago

No problems here. I'm enjoying getting the free games.

1595d ago Replies(1)
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Lightning7710h ago

For the first time in a long time I have a hard time feeling excited for these events. Maybe it's because of all these massive lay offs and closures there hasn't exactly been good news since the start of the year.

Maybe come next week I'll get a little more excited but I dunno I just can't get too excited right now

thorstein9h ago

Maybe it will be an indie showcase.

Cacabunga3h ago

Cancelling e3 and introducing some ridiculous events..
Times have changed.. to the worse

Lightning772h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Back then it was very exciting, great looking trailers, on stage live gameplay where yes things can and have went wrong but that's how we knew it was a real games being played instead of curated footage extra doctored up that didn't even represent the actual game half the time. Games would release 6 months to a year max not 3 years later.

I miss past E3's even the goofiness like Giant enemy crab or Riiiidge Raceeer. Xbox and Kinect glitching Nintendo's craziness. Again it was real, these days there so protective, clean, doctored sets, where nothing can absolutely go wrong. Too strict and professional with heavy PR babble with buzzwords that mean nothing. Being professional is not bad but when it's fake and corporate heavy where you're made to buy into the words rather than the game, that's how you know it's not real.

Now SFG is just sizzle reeling all the games at once. Plus past SGF events haven't been that great either. Maybe that's not Geoffs fault but the pubs and devs are simply never ready to show anything and have to wait. This gen we've been waiting and waiting for these games.

Plus lay offs as I Mentioned. I dunno Geoff needs to do what made E3 great back then, get funding support and do live stage gameplay he has the support and so why not? Pubs and devs need to do their own thing at the event again. No more doctored bull crap with PR diarrhea trying to sell the game show us with a controller in your hand instead of making empty promises.

Rant over.

Cacabunga2h ago(Edited 2h ago)


I will never forget the pre-e3 one year where Kojima was teasing MGS Rising.. and Peace Walker.

Such an incredible period where studios enjoyed what they were doing and teasing their work weeks before the event.

Nowadays is half baked games, cross gen titles, useless mid gen upgrades. There is no hype anymore.
Last great show I remember is the PS EXPERIENCE maybe 3 or 4 years ago in December

gleepot1h ago

Maybe it's because Keighley sucks and never puts on good showcases.

Lightning7751m ago

They aren't geoffs games he's not makin it. Though you're half right, he has the stage and events and controls the pace, how the games are shown and presented. If I was him I would have devs have real gameplay with a stage like how E3 used to be.

No more of this curated pre done footage that we've had in the past 4 years.

Actually before that they've been doing that format for awhile. Cyber Punk being the biggest culprit of that format because you can easily deceive and lie to ppl.

Yeah Geoff is half to blame

isarai5h ago

Is it just me or is there little to no buzz or marketing leading up to this compared to previous SGF?

monkey6021h ago

Because they've been consistently boring for the last couple of years. Hard to get worked up for it now

bRuud833h ago

Where is Sony? Still no news about the next Playstation showcase.

VR23h ago

It'll be June sometimes no doubt, I'm guessing the Saturday 10th the day after Xbox showcase or maybe sometime the following week

Lightning7740m ago

Hopefully early next week at this point they are signed to SGF so they'll be there.

I also said in another post it's rumored to be a State Of Play now. The only AAA's I can see being announced now is Ghost 2 and Bends New game.

I can't see Santa Monica's New IP or ND New IP being announced. I can see GG being there announcing leggo Horizon, Zero Dawn remake or remaster, maybe the LS horizon game.

Skuletor5m ago

After the way they rudely hurried people off the stage at The Game Awards, I won't bother watching any of the streams for this. I'll just checkout out a few game trailers on Youtube after they're uploaded there.


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