
Spencer: Xbox Game Pass isn't "burning money to gain customers"

Xbox Game Pass is a sustainable business venture, Xbox head Phil Spencer told Stevivor.

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Gazondaily1618d ago

“I know some people — I’ve seen it — some people say, ‘Oh, they’re just kind of burning money left and right in order to gain customers so they can trick you into raising the price later.’

“There’s no model like that, for us,” he said. “We feel good in the business that we’re running now. We’re definitely investing in it, but not investing in a way that’s unsustainable."

There you go. Straight from the horses mouth. Now let me guess...he's lying right?

Gazondaily1617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

LOL! Well I guess XGP is unsustainable and it will bankrupt Xbox /s

All that marketing might, all that push for this service and all that money spent on studios, only to throw it away because....I dont know, maybe for Xbox cares so much for gamers that its just practically giving games away lol.

Come on people. You really think Xbox haven't thought this through?

To me, the people saying its unsustainable is proof of just how incredible XGP is - that people think its too good to be true.

mikeslemonade1617d ago

The learned from Netflix. If you can get enough people paying the $5 a month then you make a lot of money.

gangsta_red1617d ago


That is correct, you make a lot more money off of monthly and yearly subscribers than one time purchases.

Prem8tuaProcrastin8a1617d ago

Reply to second comment! Lmao!!!

Imalwaysright1617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )


Netflix? Netflix has $20 billion in debt and is operating at a loss.

RazzerRedux1617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )


Difference is, Netflix needs to make money eventually from their subscribers. Game Pass doesn't really. The purpose of Game Pass isn't mean to be money making service. It adds value to the Xbox ecosystem and that's where the returns on investment come from.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1617d ago
1618d ago Replies(10)
crazyCoconuts1617d ago

He's just playing with semantics again. When he says "we're definitely investing in it", that means burning money to get customers now at introductory rates that go up later. Investing=spending more now to get returns later.
If they ever got as successful as PS, they'd probably either raise rates or add a tier for Day 1 releases, imo

DJStotty1617d ago


I know right!!! might be crazy but i am sure that is how ANY business works. Lower prices to attract consumers.

aconnellan1617d ago

How is that semantics? He literally said:

“Some people say ‘Oh, they’re just kind of burning money left and right in order to gain customers so they can trick you into raising the price later.’

“There’s no model like that, for us“

That’s possibly the clearest I’ve ever heard Phil say something

crazyCoconuts1617d ago

@aconnellan, if you look closely, he's saying he doesn't plan on tricking you. No denial of "burning money" to get customers, which he cleverly positions as "investing"

Rachel_Alucard1616d ago

They did the same thing with Xbox live before the 360 released. They give out 2 months free with any game that had Live enabled on it for free. Then they stopped doing that altogether and the only vouchers that they gave out were a small 48 hour ones.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1616d ago
LordJamar1617d ago

There are so many arm chair businessman who swear it’s not sustainable on this website they apparently know more then Microsoft themselves a business that’s been going before they were even born

crazyCoconuts1617d ago

Let me see if I can replay your logic: If company was founded before you were born, you do not know more than the "company", and are foolish to question them.

crazyCoconuts1617d ago

1st of all, MS has failed on plenty of endeavors - they're definitely not infallible. Secondly, speaking for myself personally, I don't think their "give it away" approach for now is a bad business move. They have cash to invest, it may be a sensible gamble - but I don't think they're profitable on this yet.

1617d ago
gangsta_red1617d ago


Sony has been doing it for a lot longer with PSvue and PSnow.

They must know that it works and can get away with it because MS will always be blamed.

God bless their hearts.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1617d ago
timotim1617d ago

Its too simple. They are running out of talking points when it comes to XGP so naturally they wont like this. Now its all about how much of a profit haha...how about we just celebrate a consumer friendly service that also benefits the devs/pubs and provides tons of value to gamers...why spin it to a negative?

1617d ago
timotim1617d ago

You're off topic. And who said that was suppose to be negative? I thought it was pretty funny actually. Not funny in a negative way, but funny in a funny way. The same way I was able to laugh at the Xbox fridge, I found that funny too.

TK-661617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )


"There’s no model like that, for us,”

Someone needs to make a meme of N4G sweating over the red button right now. XGP is burning money, or MS arent willing to take risks with their money. Which will they press?

Gazondaily1617d ago

Lol yeah.The narrative keeps changing. Its unsustainable or Sony did it first or...MS isnt competitive enough. Crazy!

Muzikguy1617d ago

Nobody is saying GP is bad because Sony didn't think of it first.

DJStotty1617d ago

Dont forget the fallback arguments of,

"xbox has no exclusive games lolz"

"xbox has no 1st party studios lolz"

yomfweeee1617d ago

Yes. Spencer lies all the time.

Do you realize how many promotions they have regarding Game pass?

Kelloggs products
Energy Drinks
Their own free trials, $1 trials, free pgradea to UGP.

They are giving it away like you've never seen.

I have had GP 6+ months already. I have it for the max of the next 36 months. I have paid $100 for 42+ months of UGP.

Automatic791617d ago


If people are debating the value Xbox GamePass brings. They have lost there mind. I wish I had this subscription when I was younger.

Kribwalker1617d ago

sega channel 😉 Being a nintendo household i never had it, but my neighbour across the street did and we spend rainy afternoons in trying all the games

gravedigger1617d ago

""Xbox Series X reveal had 45 million viewers.

Sony PS5 announcement 329K viewers.

Hilarious. "

MS doesn't own TGA so your comparison is FAIL, Automatic79. TGA announced viewer numbers for their own whole show, not for XSX specific. Cheers, spinner!

Atticus_finch1617d ago

MS has never lied before....SMH

Christopher1617d ago

The model is to sell the subscription as well as the typically higher-per-dollar-spent DLC. I have no clue how much they're making on DLC, but it must be enough.

Gazondaily1617d ago

I suspect that it's enough, it has to be.

StarLink1617d ago

Apocalypse Shadow should be eating some crow right about that.

 ‘Oh, they’re just kind of burning money left and right in order to gain customers so they can trick you into raising the price later.’ 

Thats has been his dream(Apocalypse Shadow) since its the same BS he has been spewing on every GamePass article he gets his hands on.

Guy thinks we shouldnt believe them but then thinks we should believe a biased nobody PS drone like him.

Gazondaily1617d ago

Lol. Even if they raised it by a couple of quid, it's still pretty great value. Right now people are saying its unsustainable because of the fact that the price is so low or that they are getting some crazy deals like XGP for £1 etc.

Obscure_Observer1617d ago


"There you go. Straight from the horses mouth. Now let me guess...he's lying right?"

Hater gonna hate. Let dem jealousy and negativity eat them alive.

That´s amazing news for Gamepass subs on both Xbox and PC. :)

1617d ago
nucky641617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

remember when the talking heads at Enron were telling anyone who would listen that there was nothing to worry about? remember when dick fuld told people his company didn't need a cash infusion? how did those two situations work out? hey, spencer may be telling the truth; but, if the real truth weren't good news for the company, do you really think he'd tell us? big business doesn't work that way.

Zeref1617d ago

Anyone with half a brain could figure that out, only fake concerned PS fanboys thought they're never making any money back.

GamePass pays for itself.

TheSaint1617d ago

Show us some actual verifiable figures and I'll believe it.

derek1617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

Yes he's lying, they absolutely will jack up the price eventually. Nothing's for free.

Gazondaily1617d ago

I don't think he's saying they will NEVER jack up the price. Just that their intention isnt to go in low for the purpose of jacking up the price later.

Tbh, the service is priced so low that people are questioning how sustainable it is. Doesnt that mean that as far as some consumers or gamers are concerned, the price can be raised?

grashopper1617d ago

I upgraded my XBL to Game Pass A few months back to until sometime in 2021 for $1.
I think that’s kind of exactly what they did.
So to answer the last question....kinda?
But hey. Good deal for gamers.

Gazondaily1617d ago

The initial deals and upgrades may entice people to the service (which they clearly have) but long term engagement is key to their plans I'm sure. I've got Ultimate now and I'm sure a fair few will end up getting it too.

1617d ago Replies(1)
LoveSpuds1617d ago

I am still waiting for the cloud to triple the power of my OG Xbox 1, I am still waiting for Hololense, I am still waiting for a performance increases from exclusive implementation of DirectX and Kinnect cannot be removed from XB1.
Every year throughout this whole generation he claimed it will be Xbox's best ever for games while nothing of consequence ever materialises, the guy can't even be up front about what is exclusive at his E3 events and what isnt. So to say people are out of line for not taking him at his word is a bit rich.

The other point I'd make is, Gamepass may be a good earner for MS, but it will ultimately be at the expense of games developers, no good can come from the devaluation of videogames.

CaptainObvious8781617d ago

Because MS have never ever straight up lied before, have they, septic? Have they?

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 1616d ago
timotim1617d ago

So if you dont know what the figures are...how can you be certain that its lies???

ApocalypseShadow1617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

So when Sony posts actual numbers to back where PS Now is, you guys talk about their low number of subscribers. And ignore that they own half the service market over EA and Microsoft.

But when Microsoft provides nothing to verify what they are saying, we're supposed to believe them like the word "exclusive?"

As Multi Console said above. Sustainable and profitable are two different things. Curious how those in the thread completely ignore that portion of what he said.

Xbox 360 was sustainable as it was losing money on repairs. PS3 was sustainable as Sony took a hit on each console sold.

It still means you are losing MONEY. But cover it up with "were seeing amazing growth."

Phil could have been talking from going from 100 games to 200 games. Which would be that typical Phil misleading statements.

darthv721617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

Shadow, I think that report about sony having more than EA and MS was over a year ago. Those numbers are no longer accurate.

timotim1617d ago

Thats a weak argument Sir...this topic isn't about how many subscribers PS Now has vs XGP...this topic has nothing to do with PS Now at all in fact. You are bringing it up because you guys love to compare everything...higher equals better to you guys and thats all youre concerned with. This topic is about, is Microsoft burning money to get customers...Phil just said they are not plain and simple. Now you can choose to not believe him all you like, but why would I take the word of gamers invested in console wars over that of the HEAD of Xbox??? That makes absolutely no sense to me haha.

Sony is losing MONEY on PS Now...what is your point? How much money Xbox is making currently from XGP is here nor there...WE dont work for Microsoft...we are consumers that look for consumer friendly products and services to use in our lives...thats all that matters. I am not a subscriber to XGP because of how much money I think its making...I subscribe because like Netflix, its cheaper to me than going out and buying each title a play individually. Is Neflix cheapening the movies and TV shows being made today?

THC CELL1617d ago

No one stupid when it comes to adding how much people actually paying for the pass I've got 3 sat here from snatch fgs

ApocalypseShadow1617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

Darth, and Phil's "no numbers" is accurate?

Tim, as I said, Xbox 360 was sustainable too just like PS3. They we're losing money. All Phil said was that it was sustainable. Obviously, something else is keeping it from falling.

PS4 was profitable because it sold over cost to make. The game sales were profitable. Spider-Man as an example. PSVR is profitable because it was sold over the cost to make.

There's a difference between sustainable and profitable. Because we have seen things like Vita, Classic and Vue no longer sustainable. They weren't profitable. OG Xbox wasn't sustainable because of nvidia. Which is why MS jumped to 360.

timotim1617d ago

And like I said...as long as it continues to be sustainable (which it is at current), it makes no difference to me how much profit they are making. I'm not a Microsoft invested, I'm a consumer. I dont care how much money Netflix is making either as an example...but I'm a subscriber though. Let Microsoft worry about that. Its as if some of you want it to be burning money for some reason...

ApocalypseShadow1617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

Yeah Tim. And that's why the Wii U is still on the market. Must have been profitable./S

Oh wait. The Switch is on the market. Making the Wii U unsustainable to keep on the market.

You're saying to just enjoy it until it's gone. Or, changes the market and grooms gamers into thinking subscriptions and GaaS are necessary to game.

timotim1617d ago

Enjoy it till its gone? I didn't say that at all haha.

Provide proof that XGP is in danger of being shutdown...you cant. In fact Phil came out and said thats not the case at all...so what are we talking about here??? We dont know how profitable it is at the moment or will be in the future...and we certainly dont know more than Phil on the matter...in the end, all your doing is hoping/wishing that its not sustainable...nothing officially said here today backs up that wish...

TK-661617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

@Apocalypse Shadow

"you guys talk about their low number of subscribers. And ignore that they own half the service market over EA and Microsoft."

You're referencing the SuperData study, and incase you're unaware it was proven to be outdated in less than 6 months. Since that study you would need to look at the amount of promotions XGP has had, the launch of XGP Ultimate, the price drop for PS+, the announcement that XGP has millions of subscribers, and the announcement that PS+ only just broke a million. Considering all those factors, it's impossible PS+ has retained 50% of the market share.

This is what happens when you cling to outdated studies while not understanding the landscape of the market.

"Or, changes the market and grooms gamers into thinking subscriptions and GaaS are necessary to game."

Gtfo with this paranoia. If you wanted to make this argument you should've started when PS+ was revitalized and started giving games away. Strange how you fear monger when MS is successful at it, but not nearly 10 years ago when Sony began.

RangerWalk2671617d ago

Because people THC CELL want Microsoft to fail and they don't want to acknowledge their innovations. Sure, Don mattrick put the Xbox One in an impossible position right of the gate. So Phil Spencer has done one hell of a job getting the ship turned around. Unfortunately but was a little too late in this generation to close the gap. But the pieces are in place for a substantially better launch and platform/services this coming generation.

1617d ago
+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1617d ago
ReadyPlayer221617d ago

Halo Reach sold 2 million copies on PC the day it was released on MCC, even though it was on Game Pass. The figures are there, you choose to ignore them.

1617d ago
battlegrog1617d ago

Thats why options is profit! Everyone wins

Muzikguy1617d ago

He's talking lies. MS has been good at that over the years. No figures unless they're doctored somehow

Knushwood Butt1617d ago

I wonder what it's like working for Finance?

'You want how much?? But the previous budget was less than half of that!'.

moriarty18891617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

what else is he supposed to say? I cant see it doing much for the hardware brand but for people looking to sub on the cheap it seems to be working. How many of them will keep on it after they try it for a discount? It doesnt help the sales of big triple A games due to the fact they are basically free to play. Gears 5 has suffered that effect in terms of sales as well as the mp not being what it used to be with all the MT’s they threw in to make up for the lack of sales by it being free on gamespass. Basically it devalues the few big exclusives they have in that way and the devs are left with milking the fanbase after launch with dlc and mt’s.

phoenixwing1617d ago

This is the reason sony wont do day and date of release with psnow for their exclusives

darthv721617d ago

That could change if GP proves to be successful and popular. Sony has been following various trends that MS has laid the groundwork for. Ms get criticized for doing something first and then Sony does something similar and gets praised for it. So we can expect the same trend to happen when they too offer day one releases on PSNow or Now+

1617d ago Replies(5)
TK-661617d ago

So after subtly suggesting Phil was lying, you go on to lie about Gears 5's sales. This is some top tier projection.

timotim1617d ago

" It doesnt help the sales of big triple A games due to the fact they are basically free to play."

Halo Reach on PC sold around 2 million copies in just 2 days despite the fact that XGP is available on the platform...you guys love making up your own narrative.

ocelot071617d ago

If I only wanted Halo Rech and I didn't want to deal with the Windows 10 store like a lot of PC gamers. What is the better option for me? Pay a one time fee of £6.99 for Halo Reach? Or pay £4 a month for PC gamepass?

tontontam01617d ago

Gears 5 outsold Gears 4 because MS included those gamepass subscribers in the count.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1617d ago
Smokehouse1617d ago

They are burning money but not in a wasteful way. They are burning through money for sure. Can you imagine the dollar amount dumped into the new Xbox and all of these new studios? Burning money? That’s an understatement. I give credit for trying though. They are not bad investments.

RazzerRedux1617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

"They are not bad investments."

Well, that is the key point. Making investments isn't really "burning money". And Game Pass isn't about making money off the service. Game Pass is about building up the Xbox/Windows 10 ecosystem. That is why it is simply "sustainable". Doesn't mean it is lucrative. Doesn't need to be. The returns on investment comes from the ecosystem itself.

Smokehouse1617d ago

That’s why I said they are burning through money which they are. Regardless of how good the investments are it doesn’t mean they will pan out. They have zero return on their investments so far, gamepass, the acquisitions, the new Xbox everything. I have a hard time believing they don’t want to make money on gamepass. I have a hard time believing they don’t already. Even I bought gamepass ultimate and I barely play Xbox.

RazzerRedux1617d ago

"I have a hard time believing they don’t want to make money on gamepass. I have a hard time believing they don’t already."

I don't find it hard to believe at all considering that devs have to get paid for their games to be included. So those devs are already getting a cut of that $10 monthly fee. I'm obviously guessing, but I don't think that leaves a lot of room for any kind of substantial and meaningful profit. That's why Phil Spencer seems to be happy with simply "sustainable".

Smokehouse1617d ago

Right but that’s before all of these new studios start putting their games day one on gamepass. They already bought the studios, they don’t need to pay them to put the game on the service. It’s sustainable right now, I don’t think he would be happy with that long term. The thing is it’s an investment and it’s burning through money. It’s a good and worthy investment but there is no telling how it will turn out. “Sustainable Losses” isn’t a lasting business model.

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The Big Phil Spencer IGN Live Interview: on the Health of Xbox, Handhelds, and More

IGN interviews Xbox boss Phil Spencer at IGN Live 2024.

gold_drake1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

at this point, its just so odd.

yes, this showcase was one of the better ones, but how in the hell do you close it out with the 600 money console and 2 others lol who signed off of this.

like the amount of bs coming from phil and the other one is just .. i cant.

also, did you notice that all of the xbox exclusives are on gamepass day one? like all of them haha how do they even make money off of them.

that being said, why are there always interviews after their shows haha. and the ign livestream was even sponsored by ps5 haha cant make this shit up.

truthBombs23h ago

"also, did you notice that all of the xbox exclusives are on gamepass day one? like all of them haha how do they even make money off of them."

By making them available at full price on other platforms like PS5 and PC (those who refuse to use anything else other than Steam)

gold_drake22h ago

isnt gamepass on pc too tho?

and some.of the games havent been confirmed for ps5 either xD the exclusive ones i mean.

Crows901h ago(Edited 1h ago)

@ Gold Drake

yes game passes on PC and it's actually very affordable since you don't actually have to pay any money.

With all the recent shenanigans by both platforms I'm convinced I do not need to buy another console. I just need to buy a powerful enough PC to run these games once and I'm all set for the next two or three generations. I wasn't sure with PlayStation but they pretty much made it pretty clear that they're going to release all of their games on PC eventually and maybe you have to wait a couple of years but with the number of games that you can get a high quality and the huge backlog people have including myself there's just no need to be so concerned about missing out.

blackblades17h ago

I've noticed they investing in games to be on gamepass making no money still trying gain new members and its not working. While ps investing in games from asia countries to bring to us.

gold_drake17h ago

yeh its quite odd. cause im sure people would have bought games like cod and indiana jones.

oh well.

StoneTitan16h ago

I mean its clear what they are doing. Right now Xbox still has quite some hardcore fans that you can actually sell an overpriced console to. That won't be possible in a few years, so that's what they will be doing for now.

fr0sty2h ago

Yeah, they both might buy the $600 box, but it won't change anything for Xbox as a whole.

4Sh0w16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

Why worry about the trillion dollar company, they obviously have a plan that they are comfortable with, let's say that plan fails (I don't think so but) OK so they cancel GP bc they lost lets say billions= M$ will be just fine. In the meantime we(GP members) benefit= I've been gaming 30+ yrs I've never played so many great games for so little money. Save me the conspiracy stories, Ive been gaming too long, gaming evolves but never dies, devs & new devs come & go, there will always be gamers, so there will always be too much money to be made WITH OR WITHOUT M$, Sony or Nintendo; So it's simply crazy to me how any consumer argues against a company offering easily the most consumer friendly *OPTION in the history of gaming.

Shane Kim15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Agree, I don't understand why people are worried about how MS or Sony are making money? Like is it your dads company or what? They don't give a damn about you and neither should you.

I must however say, to keep people subscribed to GP, a steady flow of new games must come at all times and it shows that MS games lack the quality that Sony puts out because their games are probably rushed out.

Another thing is that you don't own your games. So the day you cancel your subscription, bye bye games.

gold_drake15h ago(Edited 14h ago)

this is a forum where people post their opinions.

but im glad ur so zen u dont think about these things.

shinoff21833h ago

Some of us don't see it as consumer friendly as you. That's all.

purple1011h ago

thourghly agree, im a ps fan but still, i've always said, if you play loads of games, then gp is a good deal. its just for some who only play a couple a year, its not, so the option to buy physical should not go away, however good the deal is , for some.,

thesoftware73011m ago

Wow 4show,

That was an absolute spot on comment...I agree with it 1000 percent.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 11m ago
fr0sty2h ago


1. Hiking up the price of GP
2. Releasing the game on competing consoles
3. Hoping the investors don't notice

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 11m ago
Asterphoenix16h ago

Another episode of Spencer speaks. Think I lost count how many there are.

Hello_World13h ago

At least he does speak. Where is Herman Hulst?

-Foxtrot3h ago

Not making a dozen promises 24/7 only to contradict himself a couple of months later.

Hello_World3h ago

Sure... a dozen promises....he's doing so terrible...what will we ever do...

Or maybe you're still recovering from the showcase.

Silly Mammo2h ago

Hello- This time last year MS had a good showcase and it was hailed as the thing that would turn Xbox around. A year later, Xbox console sales are dead, GP subscription growth is stagnant and MS exclusives are going multiplatform. Yeah everyone is shook by their showcase.

Hello_World2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

At the end of the day those metrics are only politics, possibly not all accurate, and have zero affect on how much we enjoy our consoles, with Phil saying Xbox now has more users than ever before in this IGN interview. Sony talking points that try to say "Sony sells more, must be the best" even though the platform is completely boring atm

Ill be enjoying playing all these games for a small subscription price...which Sony can't afford to replicate on PS plus...while you beg for a single game to release for 70$.

Crows901h ago

I don't know why there's so many Xbox fans out there convinced that somehow the games shown on this Xbox showcase is a jab towards PlayStation. The majority of games shown are coming to Playstation for sure and including Xboxes recently purchased first party those are probably also coming to Playstation at some point which is hilarious. Because this basically means that we are now convinced that if you do like console gaming the better option is to buy a PlayStation. It's inevitable that these games will come out on more platforms because they cannot make enough money off of Game pass to cover the costs of these games so they have to release it on more platforms. Right now it's a standard that they release it on PC so going for PC only is also a good option since both consoles will be releasing their games but if you are just a stickler for console gaming then PlayStation is probably the go to place because eventually all of the Xbox games will make their way to playstation. And this isn't cope since I don't have a dog in the fight.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1h ago
Profchaos14h ago

Great more lies to backtrack on in 12 months time

TwoPicklesGood14h ago

Sony needs To step up and communicate with us like Xbox does. Look at their recent showcase and look at ours…its a joke. You can knock xbox all you want but they have a plan while us ps5 owners are left playing 3rd party titles and left wondering whats coming from first party.

VersusDMC11h ago

I prefer 5 3rd party exclusives out this year on PS5 over only Hellblade 2 so far on Xbox.

fr0sty2h ago

5 rock solid games over one mediocre game that only lasts a few hours.

fr0sty2h ago

They're waiting for the Pro reveal. If they save all their heaviest hitters for that, everyone will want the Pro. They also forced Microsoft's hand by having them reveal all theirs first, and by the time the Pro reveal drops, MS will be out of the news cycle.

thesoftware7300m ago(Edited 0m ago)


Wow, killer strategy Sony!! Amazing, such a methodical plan!

It has nothing to do with their awful Gaas push, forcing studios to make games they didn't want too, only later to back track and cancel the biggest one(factions), then scale back the number of them being released, and start all over again. Then while all this is happening, fire the president (resigned my ass), and now have to presidents that are working on cleaning up the shit show.

Nah, that can't be it right, it's the master plan, that they have been plotting for years now.

ChasterMies2h ago

If Sony doesn’t speak up like Xbox, will Sony stop selling 5 PS5s for every 1 Xbox? These interviews only matter to enthusiasts who are already locked into ecosystems. They don’t affect sales. Same is true for the showcases. Normal people don’t take time out of their day to watch 45 minutes of game trailers.

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Phil Spencer Confirms More Xbox Games Will Come To Other Platforms

Phil Spencer confirms that more Xbox games will be available on new platforms during a new interview after Xbox Showcase.

Read Full Story >>
shadowT1d 16h ago

Starfield, Hellblade 2 and Halo...

Cacabunga1d 13h ago

Perfect Dark and Gears and the game with the girl and the huge croc

Eonjay1d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

That last article where everyone is having a baby over a showcase is ridiculous because the Xbox showcase was really a multiplat showcase...

MrBaskerville1d 11h ago (Edited 1d 11h ago )


I think people are just happy that they gave us something to be excited about. It being multiplatform stuff makes it even easier to rejoice as everyone gets to enjoy it. This show was really what Summerfest should have been, just with less of an xbox focus obviously.

These shows are fun to watch because we get to be excited about new games.

With that said, I imagine Perfect Dark, South of Midnight and perhaps state of decay 1-3 would be possible candidates for ps5. Doom might also be a given. They didn't really try to hammer home its exclusivity.

Eonjay1d 11h ago


Totally agree. I did enjoy SGF though unlike the majority. My personal taste is more eclectic than most. I found stuff at each show to enjoy.

Cacabunga1d 9h ago


Come on man, yes it’s multi but as a PS5 and switch owner i enjoyed the show yesterday far more than i did with State of Play.
Most announcements came from nowhere to me, and MGS was a massive surprise to finally see some gameplay.
I’m excited to play some of the games on PS5 one day!

Like i said earlier credit where credit is due.

CobraKai1d 6h ago

That’s something i have to get used to. I have to see it more like when Ubisoft does their showcase vs Days of Play or Nintendo Direct.

I wished some of these games stayed exclusive. Make it seem like my Series X was a more worthwhile purchase. I use it more for backwards compatibility now so it’s not entirely bad.

fr0sty1d 2h ago

Where y'at Obscure? https://ibb.co/qWLK4Zp

You sure have been quiet lately! https://ibb.co/Xk7Y5qj

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1d 2h ago
MajorLazer1d 11h ago

Elder Scrolls 6 for PS5, please. Also I'd like the Forza franchise, I owned all four of the OG motorsport titles and FM4 is still one of, if not my favourite racing game ever.

VenomUK1d 1h ago

NO. This can’t be true. The Xbox influencers on X/Twitter & YouTube who got angry at Phil Spencer then forgave him, guaranteed no other Microsoft games would come to PS5.


ocelot0723h ago


I have seen that colteastwood on x. If you look ul embarrassment in the dictionary a picture of him as a example would be there.

I think people deservidly give obscure a bashing on here. But Colteastwood makes Obscure look like a PS5 cultist haha.

RaiderNation1d 11h ago

The two Ori games as well. I have a feeling those will get announced too.

RaidenBlack1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

Why forget Sunset Overdrive?
Also there are older titles like Dead Rising 3 and Ryse Son of Rome.

gigoran81d 9h ago

they can keep their starfield. yawn

RaidenBlack1d 1h ago

Single-player Bethesda games usually gets better over time with future patches and DLCs

just_looken23h ago

Why not xbox is the new sega a direction they should go towards.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 23h ago
italiangamer1d 16h ago

Satya Nadella wants that PlayStation's money, Phil Spinster now is as relevant as MySpace

purple1011d 15h ago

Phil Spencer (February 15th 2024):

"Looking forward so 4 games no promise beyond that, so if you're on those other platforms and you see these four games coming please don't take it as some signal that everything is coming, it's not."

Phill Spencer (June 9th 2024)

'Our commitment to our Xbox customers is you're going to get the opportunity to buy or subscribe to the game, we're going to support the game on other screens. And you are going to see more of our games on more platforms and we just see that as benefit that the franchises we're building and we see that from players and the players love to be able to play'

Jingsing1d 15h ago

I won't be buying any Xbox games anyway, Not going to subsidize their vision of changing gaming industry into streaming everything via a netflix subscription and they are the only choice. Remember when it comes to Microsoft "It's us or no one" You can't complain after they have taken over either.

Shane Kim1d 14h ago

Especially when they "give" it to Xbox users and expect playstation users to pay full price for it. Like second class citizens.

Ironmike1d 10h ago (Edited 1d 10h ago )

U won't be missed

Einhander19721d 2h ago


He will be missed, if he wasn't going to be missed Microsoft wouldn't be putting the games on PlayStation.

Make up your mind xbox guys, do you want to brag about Sea of Thieves success on PlayStation or do you want to cry about all your games going to PlayStation?

neomahi1d 13h ago

So, the benefit of having an Xbox is the option of a subscription service that's more like a buffet and not a deluxe plate. By staying loyal to Xbox means day 1 "free" games of your choice. Xbox is a service.

If rumors are true Xbox is going the 3DO route, Xbox is basically a PC. I mean, since PlayStation caved and started using off the shelf parts to "make it easier on developers", which is a croc as were how far into this console generation and the only devs to really support PS5, kind of, is Insomniac, San Diego, and Santa Monica and we've seen nothing from other devs. PS4 was supposed to be easier so PS5 would be even easier, right? But what've we really seen from Sony first party when it comes to PS5 games? Nothing, they're all still possible on PS4. Xbox? Same thing. Hi-Fi Rush was possible on at least Xbox One X (another lie from Xbox with No one gets left behind). Wow

MrBaskerville1d 11h ago

The original comment still stands, as long as they withold one or two series of games on xbox. Most could come but that still wouldn't mean that you could expect every game to arrive.

I suspect they want people to speculate, because then you don't know whether you should wait for a ps5 port or buy an xbox. Every game is Schroedingers exclusive.

Eonjay1d 10h ago

The interpretation of his first comment is not to expect more than these 4 games. The interpretation of the second comment is not to expect any game to be exclusive to Xbox.

His communication is all over the place. The fact that we can't decipher what he means is what people are complaing about. He should simply say, games are coming to PlayStation but we don't have a set policy that applies to all titles. Sometimes less is more.

Crows901d 10h ago

Well seeing as most Xbox games aren't worth it then it's probably fine

ChasterMies1d 7h ago

You can go back further to last year’s Kinda Funny interview with Phil. Microsoft has been slowly getting the Xbox user base ready for this. It’s like the parable about putting a frog into a pot of water and slowly turning up the heat. We will be at boiling when Halo comes to PlayStation.

gold_drake1d 6h ago

thats what i mean when i say hes a big bullshitter, girl doesnt rly know what hes talking about.

Yang_kai21h ago

@purple lol that was a nice 720 doughnut, spin around for a month only to turn his back after the heat died down a bit

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 21h ago
-Foxtrot1d 15h ago

There’s this small part of me which wants to think that the reason for Sony being so calm lately, especially after Microsoft’s showcase, is because they know this themselves, and they could know more than what’s being said publicly.

neomahi1d 13h ago

But, Lego Horizon is on the Switch. Why is Nintendo the only comfortable one here. They're not even on PC

Extermin8or3_1d 12h ago

Stupid take. The Lego game has been made by a Lego studio with advice on the IP from guerilla games. So part of the negotiations/requirements to make it happen will clearly have been done kind of multiplatform release.

LucasRuinedChildhood1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

That Lego game definitely exists to get kids to want to buy the proper Horizon games on PS5/PS4 (plus the multiplayer game). It's basically a giant advertisement. And kids love the Switch.

gold_drake1d 6h ago

nintendo is comfortable because their first party games sell in the tens of millions.

Extermin8or3_1d 12h ago

They definitely know more than is being said.

italiangamer1d 11h ago

Sony gives them the PS5's development kit so they know exactly which studios are making games for their consoles, or at least they can make an estimate based on the number of kits requested.

People just loves to talk but in a couple of days this showcase will be already forgotten, and by the way 90% of the stuff shown is multiplatform.

just_looken22h ago

If they wanted xbox cash they would allow gamepass on PlayStation 5

Or just let microsoft buy sony as they could without any issues to there bottom line.

just_looken20h ago(Edited 20h ago)


Are you still in your pre 2010 bubble?

Microsoft is a trillion dollar company without playstation sony would have gone bankrupt years ago that is just facts.

Microsoft q1 2024 made 23.3 billion

sony all of last year without buying a entire company remember q1 2024 for mircosoft as in spring so sony all 12months made 85 billion.

Microsoft after buying various companies including acrtivison made 212 billion for 2023

Sony has not made any big purchases were Microsoft continues to do so in the ai space and gaming space even in the military.

So yes microsoft could easily buy sony and not bat a eye.

romulus2319h ago(Edited 19h ago)

Their bottom line is irrelevant a Japanese company like Sony is not going to sell out to an American one so you can go ahead and let that little dream die. Kind of ridiculous to make comment such as yours in an article about the fact more xbox games are coming to other consoles, so who is it that's really hurting for cash here? It's rhetorical you don't have to answer, everyone already knows the answer.

just_looken19h ago


Hurting for cash? blinder on maximum

There doing this to make more cash like the court leak that showed ms wanted gamepass on PlayStation to expand its customer base its all about making more cash.

Right now they are losing out on the full pie by having it on the playstation store but if they buy sony then ms get's 100% of the sale.

Also a japan company not being owned by america? LOL you really do not know what happened after the 40's do you

Or want happened to Toshiba recently

If they toss a bag of billions at sony japan they will accept it

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 19h ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 19h ago
truthBombs1d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

It seems the idea is to have other platforms(PS and PC) offset the cost of game pass.

Xbox users get the games on game pass while others pay full price.

Gamepass seems to be Xbox's idea of "exclusive".

These guys are so inconsistent with their messaging. It's difficult to know exactly what they want to do with their games. I've stopped caring. I just focus on the games.

Hofstaderman21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

This. When I saw day one on gamepass for every game I asked myself how will they make money? Answer: release on PS5 and get your sales from there and if lucky leople will sub on PC and XBOX. To ensure consistent subscriptions, space out the games. Either way MS has well and truly effed itself and Phil is a snake standing there pretending they all exclusives.

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