
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Is Game of the Year at The Game Awards 2019; All Winners

Today the awards ceremony of The Game Awards was held at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, and the winners have been announced.

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TK-661640d ago (Edited 1640d ago )

Well deserved. Had a lot of heavy hitters to compete with for the award too. Gameplay is king for me, and I can't think of another on the list that does it quite as well as Sekiro.

Resi2 deserves some attention as well as I think that game has stellar level design and presentation.

Abriael1640d ago

It was such a pleasant surprise to see a Japanese game that takes no prisoners recognized, despite all the easy mode whining. It made me smile even if they robbed FFXIV for best ongoing game and Ace Combat 7 for... well... everything.

LOGICWINS1640d ago

Fire Emblem: Three Houses got the fan vote for GOTY.
Sekiro gets the official GOTY.
Japanese gaming will dominate once again!

UltraNova1639d ago

Definitely a worthy win for my personal 2019 best game, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

I'll be playing it tonight just to celebrate its GotY Award.

From Software, you've done it again.

bouzebbal1639d ago

Haven't played it but my goty so far is Days Gone. Bought it a week ago and I was expecting nothing.. it's awesome

mikeslemonade1640d ago

Fake souls won lol

RE2 deserves it more.

So the game that is worst than Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 won. Pathetic

BLizardXD1640d ago

"RE2 deserves it more."

no zombie Brad, no GOTY. plus Kendo is exclusive to Leon's playthrough.
plus no classic camera option. other than that yeah it's still my favorite game.

Vegamyster1640d ago

What? I enjoyed Sekiro more than both, the verticality and posture system was refreshing.

Abnor_Mal1640d ago

"So the game that is worst than Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 won."

Are you honestly saying that Bloodborne and Dark Souls3 are bad games? Sounds like you're saying Bloodborne and Dark Souls3 are bad games.

Tech51640d ago

RE2 has been around though for years.
Sekiro is a fresh 2019 game. that's what i think.

william_cade1639d ago

yeah a remake over a new IP...way to keep the bar hovering around mediocrity.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1639d ago
LucasRuinedChildhood1640d ago

When Death Stranding won Best Direction I was happy but then when Resi 2 didn't get GOTY I felt really bad for them.

It's so weird that Sekiro is the first new singleplayer IP that Activision has published in about a decade and they go straight to GOTY. Hopefully they'll learn something positive from this.

TK-661640d ago

Actuvision only handled the publishing from a distribution perspective. In JPN FromSoftware is the publisher. So this isnt really an Activision game.

Muzikguy1640d ago

Sekiro is a good game. I'm playing it now. Wow is it tough

1639d ago
Wasabi1639d ago (Edited 1639d ago )


***"Sekiro is a good game. I'm playing it now. Wow is it tough"***

Sekiro can be a pretty cheeky in places. Unlike other games in the Soulsbourne series where you can summon help for the more difficult bosses, in Sekiro you're all on your lonesome. You really have to learn the movement sets for each of the enemies in the game in order to progress - because of this it really is a case of the old cliche "Git Gud" lol.

How far through the game are you Muzik?

I'm sorry to report it doesn't get much easier (I found the final boss horrendously difficult) and a certain fiery demon later in the game can be very tricky until you get his moveset down, different players seem to find different bosses more/less challenging so your milage may vary, but the game is always enjoyable even when you're restarting after your 50th death in a row, simply because of the fantastic combat and traversal systems.

Either way Sekiro is an absolutely brilliant game, one of my favourites of 2019 and a deserved winner of GOTY.

on_line_forever1639d ago

Like Echo_ said don't let the game break you try to master the combat you will love and enjoy this game so much if you do that

Muzikguy1639d ago


The game is fun even though difficult. I have gotten frustrated but that's a given. Had to look a few things up and I hate doing that. I guess with these kinds of games that can be a given too. Already passed over a boss to come back to later. I'm not really that far, just got to the guy with the spear on the horse which made me go back and get the Shinobi Firecracker that I apparently missed. Keeping track of the merchants will be tough too. Especially when leaving the game and going back to it all the time between life and work. I played and platinumed Dark Souls 1, 2, and Bloodborne so I've gotten a little used to these kinds of games. The traversal is awesome. Grappling hook spots don't seem to be as prevalent as they could be, but it adds to the difficulty sure. With the Souls games the added benefit of help was great, and I had the games early so the community was there. I couldn't imagine playing those without it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1639d ago
ShockUltraslash1639d ago

Yeah Devil May Cry 5 got better combat than Sekiro.

UltraNova1639d ago

No, no way. Sekiro has the most accurate and fluid combat system ever made imho. I'm playing DmC 5 as we speak and its awesome, its good, really good but Sekiro beats it in the combat mechanics department.

ShockUltraslash1639d ago (Edited 1639d ago )

Sekiro dont even have a double jump.
Only one character?
With One weapon and no variety.
I can deal with Sekiro being GOTY overall but in terms of pure action DMCV is best this year.

FernDiggidy1639d ago

Gameplay is definitely king.

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theshredded1640d ago (Edited 1640d ago )

Ooof never expected this but finally from software gets a GOTY award on the grand stage. Well deserved! It's a shame Elden Ring wasn't there.

-Foxtrot1640d ago

I’m really glad but it’s a shame Resident Evil 2 didn’t get anything

LOGICWINS1640d ago

It sold a buttload, the fans were happy with it, and the devs got to feed their families....that’s all that matters at the end of the day.

Sophisticated_Chap1640d ago

"devs got to feed their families"

and.... they got to buy new cars, and buy new houses, and buy vacations to destinations around the world... Cut it out with the "feed their families" nonsense, as if they're struggling to stay alive or something. Nothing worse than bleeding hearts for people who make a great living, working in a great industry.

-Foxtrot1640d ago

Feee their families

Oh come on most of these guys at bigger studios get paid a lot more then the average worker and they get to do something they have an interest in

I’m not saying their loaded but it’s better than most in Walmart jobs or something

Brave_Losers_Unite1640d ago


Coming here just to complain?

Petebloodyonion1640d ago

Resident Evil had the same chance of winning GOTY as any Ubisoft, EA or Call of Duty games usually listed basically none.
It's like hoping that Stars wars or a marvel movie will win the Oscar for the movie of the year.

1640d ago
Gordoncordon1640d ago

wow, i heavely disagree with that.
resident evil 2 remake should've win.

1640d ago Replies(1)
AspiringProGenji1640d ago

I can hear the triggered easy mode beggar journalists already

Felix_Argyle_Catbro1640d ago

The awards are decided by player votes AND journalist/gaming sites.

LOGICWINS1640d ago

The journalists are the ones who voted for Sekiro.

LucasRuinedChildhood1640d ago

"Sekiro is our game of the year!!!" - Gaming Journalists
"I can hear the triggered easy mode beggar journalists already" - AspiringProGenji

Something ain't right here.

AspiringProGenji1640d ago

So what was all that whining and using disable gamers as excuse for?

Glad FromSoft stuck with their vision

1640d ago
william_cade1639d ago


To be honest they had too. Not only is the game objectively better than its competition that's not a remake, the journos couldn't ignore it without considerable backlash. Let's not pretend most game journos are honest or even genuine, they are more akin to snake oil sales-men/women.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1639d ago
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Before Miyazaki Retires, We Need To Get A Sekiro Sequel

A sequel to the studio's acclaimed title, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, would be the perfect swan song for long-time video game director Hidetaka Miyazaki.

H957d ago

Man you didn't have to do me like that with the title

LoveSpuds57d ago

I just don't see it happening given the success of Elden Ring. I think we'll be seeing a sequel to Elden Ring before anything else.

Demetrius57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

I'm not into souls games but it's good to see that this dev studio stick to what makes their titles unique, there's alot of souls copy n pasted games but they rarely get talked about cause they're looked at as copies and not original created ideas, the souls games are unique cause they offer they're own identity instead imitating I respect that

jznrpg57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

Or Bloodborne 2 preferably both but that’s a lot to ask if he plans on retiring sooner than later

Leeroyw57d ago

Bloodborne 2 or I'd simply love a 60fps remaster. I'd also love a bloodborne randomiser option.

toxic-inferno56d ago

I'm definitely holding out hope for a Bloodborne 60fps remaster still. Some extra features thrown in would be nice too.

With regards to a sequel, I'd actually rather From Software make another new IP with a different setting. That is what made Bloodborne so good - the fact that it took a proven formula and applied it to a completely new setting.

anast56d ago

The hype would be insane if they announced Bloodborne 2.

Inverno57d ago

What if they made a Sekiro/Bloodborne mix?

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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a Timeless Classic

With this feature, we will be taking a look at Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice all these years later and break down why it remains such a great time.

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Cacabunga60d ago

I regret i never played it, like many other great games!! Still on my radar, when i become retro gamer in a year or two with all this gaas crap happening around

Psychonaut8560d ago

Absolutely. Amazing art design, and didn’t have the Bloodborne problem so it runs at 60FPS on newer hardware, which is amazing given the reaction based gameplay

Cacabunga60d ago

Wait did it get a next gen patch??

Sciurus_vulgaris60d ago

This one title that never clicked with me. I enjoyed Dark Souls, Demon Souls and Bloodborne, but I never warmed up to Sekiro’s parry-focused combat. I honestly gave up on the game at about the half way point.

Armyofdarkness60d ago

Me too. But after the Stellar Blade demo and parrying like crazy I’m tempted to go back and play this again

Inverno60d ago

Took me a couple years too get into when I first bought it. I had gotten so used to Bloodborne that the gameplay was genuinely confusing me. Picked it up a third time and clicked. The game is souls stripped of all its RPG elements and left with nothing but it's combat. It's Souls at its pureness but I can see why the combat would turn people off. That's why I liked it so much tho, without the choice of weapons it's very focused on a specific style. I think a sequel with a small selection of weapons but each fleshed out would be the right step.

Sciurus_vulgaris60d ago

My problem with Sekiro was the combat, I didn’t find it as engaging as Bloodborne, DarkSouls due to the lack of RPG elements. I even found action games like Ninja Gaiden 1-2 and Ghost of Tsushima more engaging as well.


The 7 Best Souls-Like Games - Mastering the Challenge

The Souls-like genre remains popular, along with FromSoftware's classics there are many contenders. But which are the best Souls-like games?

toxic-inferno68d ago

Hmm... In my opinion, the 7 best are the 6 made by FromSoftware (DeS, DS1, DS2, DS3, BB and ER), then Lies of P. But each to their own.

kevco3368d ago

Still DS1? You don't feel it's been surpassed yet?

Demon's Souls has the remake of course, but DS1 has surely been outdated?

Smellsforfree68d ago

I think that the DS1 remake is better looking than DS2. The interior lighting matched with the low resolution textures in DS2 is very garish, IMO.

Besides graphics, what do you mean by DS1 being "outdated"? I'm someone who played through Elden Ring and just recently played through the DS series, and as far as gameplay went, there were all very similar.

Cacabunga68d ago

I haven’t played many but Bloodborne and NIOH1 are on top of my list.. had a blast with these 2

toxic-inferno68d ago

For world design and interconnectedness (that's a word, right?) DS1 is yet to be beaten.

anast36d ago

All great games beside DS2.

toxic-inferno36d ago

I would agree, but there are some things in DS2 that are great and incredibly memorable. It tries to do things differently, and there are some amazingly cinematic moments.

Of course, there's also poor level design (particularly the interconnectivity of the world), questionable combat choices and some of the worst boss runs since the early days of video games...

anast36d ago

True. I can't disagree the game has some moments.