
Epic Games paid 9.49M Euros for Control exclusivity According To Digital Bros

Digital Bros, parent company of 505 Games, has disclosed that they received a payment of 9.49 million euro from Epic Games for Control.

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Blu3_Berry1725d ago

Jesus, if this is true then that is a LOT of money. You know what they say, money talks and bullshit walks.

VenomUK1725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

If true, that IS a lot and it's no wonder a company would take it as it can mitigate some of the development costs and the publishers figure they're not actually losing sales as the people who really want it will buy it from wherever.

It does give us an idea of the sort of money Epic is throwing around, I imagine for Borderlands 3 it was at least double that. Epic is willing to pay it because then it means the people who buy will likely buy again. And if you think about all the different exclusives Epic has got, big and small, that adds up to a lot of moolah - that's the power of the Fortnite golden goose.

1724d ago
Srhalo1725d ago

Rumor has it Microsoft paid 16 million for 6 months of Monster Hunter exclusivity on gamepass and they still have to pay royalties.

DaDrunkenJester1725d ago

That was based on Capcoms digital revenue or something right? People were speculating it was from DMCV, Monster Hunter, and possibly an RE2 reveal as well. but none of that is confirmed

RedDevils1724d ago

OT: Go to EPIC STORE NOW and get FREE Batman games for free all six of them.

Godmars2901724d ago

Free, aside from giving Epic access to you. Give a company a position to exploit you later down the line once a level of trust and loyalty has been established.

Cobra9511724d ago (Edited 1724d ago )

Godmars290, that's a good point. When something's free, you have to wonder where the catch is.

RedDevils1724d ago

Well I haven't spend a cent on them and I have almost 20+ games from them for free. Remember the catch is only if you gonna spend, however there will be none if you never intend to buy anything from their store.

rainslacker1724d ago

That seems excessive, especially since Epic is still paying the higher revenue cut. I mean, even a big AAA game with a lot of clout behind it probably wouldn't command that much on PC.

Godmars2901724d ago

Only this is BS talking through money.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1724d ago
KeenBean3451725d ago

This type of spending for games like Control is not financially stable long term.

crazyCoconuts1725d ago

Agreed. Just like the weekly free games and the XBGP $1 promotions...loss leaders to get us hooked. Great time to be gaming though, I'm playing tons of games and just paying peanuts. Enjoying it while it lasts

Cobra9511724d ago (Edited 1724d ago )

I think he means Epic forking out €9.49 million (and up) per exclusive. That's not sustainable for very long.

SegaGamer1725d ago

You're right, it's not, and Epic themselves have even admitted that. It's all for one thing, to bring people to their platform. What will be interesting to see is if people will stick around once the timed exclusives and free games dry up.

DaDrunkenJester1725d ago

The thing is... there is nothing in the Epic store to keep customers in their store. So they can buy up all the exclusives they want, but they won't retain anyone with their terrible store.

pleasuretokill1725d ago

Yup. They are going to BK themselves if they keep this up. One game they are going to overpay on and it's going to sell nothing...

eddvdm1725d ago

Their long term plan is to hook all those that are cheap enough to install their ****ware for free games and exclusives.

Unfortunately, they are the same ones that will be crying in 2 years when they see what they allowed to happen in PC gaming.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1724d ago
zoramax1725d ago

Understandable why so may devs are accepting these payments, thats crazy money especially for a game that wasn't expected to sell loads of copies.

1725d ago Replies(3)
Blu3_Berry1725d ago

I want to add further to this. This means Epic paid an equivalent of 250K copies if Control were sold on Steam. So if we put together that in order to make the same amount of money on the EGS, they would have to have sold 200K copies. That's only roughly 50K difference in copies being sold to make the same amount of money.

Honestly, the difference to be sold to make the same amount of money isn't that much different. What makes it enticing for big publishers to do this is the free fat paycheck they get upfront. The percentage difference isn't as much of a big deal to me in my opinion, least for bigger companies. Smaller indie developers I can understand however. I guarantee you if they did not get a paycheck from them up front they could care less about making the deal with Epic.

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