
Epic says Steam "can only be challenged through exclusives"

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney has defended the company’s "unpopular" strategy of signing PC exclusives for its digital storefront, claiming it’s "working" and is the only way to challenge Steam.

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killswitch801798d ago

Which is true. Even if someone makes a better Store front people will only buy games on Steam or from GOG only. Not saying Epic is a better storefront but if they ever did it could not compete with out exclusives.

GottaBjimmyb1798d ago

Same reason people stick with android/iOS to a lesser extent. They have all their purchased content and function on that platform, so using a new platform, in this case means you will have your content split between the two (in the epic/steam case) specifically all hour old content, which means people would be less inclined to use another platform or even give it a try, without it. Though it is a pretty crappy business policy, it is no different than any other market/product, so it is weird to see the outsized complaining.

1798d ago
harmny1798d ago

@TheGreek I don't defend epic. I don't like the blind rage it always get. They act like valve is a charity instead of a company that makes millions every minute.
Epic is competing. Whether you think its fair or not.
Exclusives work.
Free games work.
Unreal engine 4 is amazing and it has helped the industry a lot. Look at how many games you like use it.
The store sucks though

DaCajun1798d ago

First exclusives is not the only way to challenge Steam. What they are doing if they succeed and put steam out of business by buying up exclusives and games away from Steam and other PC digital storefronts is an anti-trust monopoly lawsuit waiting to happen. Plus they are not just challenging Steam they are also stealing business from other digital storefronts too. So Steam is not the only company losing sale to Epics monopoly tactics.

How about since the devs get more profit from the sale of the game on the Epic storefront they sell at a lower price than it would sale on the other storefronts and let people decide with their money instead of forcing us to buy from them and their unethical monopoly tactics.

They say they are both pro-dev and pro-consumer but they just care about what every business cares about in the end. the money and nothing else. Just like every other company out there except they go around saying they aren't which makes them just hypocrites. They are praised for having a lower 12% cut so why aren't the consumers seeing any benefit from it. I remember when Netflix was cheap and Hulu was free with commercial now you have to pay for Hulu with commercials. Companies all do the same thing, they bait you in with lower initial prices then when have a monopoly they start raising their prices until they are the same as their competitors or more.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1798d ago
Rude-ro1798d ago

The issue is the monopoly tactic behind epics word “exclusive”.

That does not truly define the situation.

Microsoft does the same thing.. and over time, mostly everyone caught on and since it is NOT a positive approach... they pulled back and now have nothing but the old AAA crutches.

Epic, make your exclusives that people want instead of paying other developers to not release their products on another service.
That is the very definition of monopolizing.

I see so many that pushed Sony for cross play and cross save, yes I realize it was just a Microsoft media tactic to benefit themselves, but.. as players celebrate the changes.. on consoles... pc is now going all exclusive with services and exclusive third party games.

So the title of this article should read “why epic thinks monopolizing games to be exclusive is ok.”

cemelc1798d ago (Edited 1798d ago )

"That is the very definition of monopolizing. "

Lol, youre terribly wrong about this, cos they are not in a position of power pushing people out of the bussiness, they are creating a place for them to compete.

Most people will blindly support steam, and put the most nonsensical drivel to defend a steam monopoly

Pc by definition is an open platform, infinite choices is okey for pc, thats kinda the point

Rude-ro1798d ago

I am very right.
How do you get the power to control?
Through monopolizing a market.

Monopolizing is more based on purchasing than just being dominate.
Paying to make third party products unique to a company in order to control where said products can be obtained in order to hurt competitors is what it all means.

spicelicka1798d ago (Edited 1798d ago )

"I see so many that pushed Sony for cross play and cross save, yes I realize it was just a Microsoft media tactic to benefit themselves"

Wtf are you talking about.

"Microsoft does the same thing.. and over time, mostly everyone caught on and since it is NOT a positive approach...

Epic, make your exclusives that people want instead of paying other developers to not release their products on another service.
That is the very definition of monopolizing. "

Are you referring to timed exclusives or third party exclusives? All companies do it. Forgetting the Sony deal with Bungie on destiny?

And what do you mean by monpolizing? Monopoly on video games? Monopoly on IP? Monopoly on distribution? Timed and third party exclusives are not good, but that's not monopolizing.

rainslacker1798d ago (Edited 1798d ago )

"That is the very definition of monopolizing."

No, it's not.

That's paying a company to sell their products exclusively. It's not monopolization in any way, shape, or form. It happens frequently, across many industries and products, and it's not illegal, considered anti-consumer in a legal sense, and is a part of the free market system. A company is as free to sell their products where they want, for the reasons they want, so long as it doesn't fall into illegal territory such as price fixing, discrimination, or collusion to control a market.

Rude-ro1798d ago

😂 always. 😂

Go open up a business with a successful idea.. you will find out what monopoly means.

You are not even close.

You can go back and look at all the court cases against major companies like Microsoft to get a better understanding of what monopoly means. There are a lot of cases to pick apart for you to get a better understanding.

“Sony does it too” (really want that baby crying gif to go with this)
I’m sorry, how much of a stranglehold has Sony put on third party games?

Sony fought back against Microsofts huge stranglehold they put on games last gen and the beginning of this gen. That is not “monopolizing” the market.

You have to calculate what is it you provide to a market, how much you purchase to INCREASE your value to the market, how much you block the market from competitors. The monopoly equation. This helps businesses defend their products.

“With video games” thought or argument? < read a book.
If you created the worlds best shampoo.. you do realize there are many facets other than just your best shampoo to sell it right? It can be blocked by competitors according to where you sell it. Advertising can be choked out if your competitors have better national/global partnership with said advertisers.. on and on. So yes.. you can monopolize anything in many ways.
Those many ways exist because of past loop holes major companies had created to bypass the appearance.

Sony built a product for another company. That is what Sony did. Make things to sell. They did copy the vcr, the made the vhs. A competing product as an example.
Said deal did not go through, so Sony made a gaming alternative with roadmaps that improves game development of which saw developers leave the cartridge style builds for the new technology st the time offered in Sony’s version of a console.

Microsoft was not a gaming company, they bought up small developers to have ips to call their own, then with the 360 they made massive deals with activision and ea to either have some sort of exclusive content, timed exclusive content, or have a game be exclusive to just their console. From the major third party developers of the time.
Weighing Microsoft’s own output vs what they were buying began to lean towards monopolizing the market.
Their purchasing of software, Ie “commercial products” outweighed Microsoft’s own output with the intent to boost their own need while blocking the competition.
This is the very opening of said conversation in any monopoly case.

GottaBjimmyb1798d ago (Edited 1798d ago )

"Epic, make your exclusives that people want instead of paying other developers to not release their products on another service."

You do realize first and third party exclusives are games made by a developer for a platform holder for money. If Epic is paying developers for their content, why is is so upsetting for them to expect that content to benefit them? It isn't you guys are just Steam fanboys.

I am more interested in more developers having a choice of platform, with a choice between hosting/platform costs, and potential exclusivity deals that allow that developer to create games that otherwise they could not, or have devs survive in the event they make a great game, that doesn't sell well, or have to sell out to a publisher to create a second game which 90% of the time results in a worse game.

It is literally the difference in 30% of their profit being taken by Steam or 12%, IDK how any developer would choose to use Steam given that alone, not to mention the other incentives.

Walmart and Best Buy (and every company in the world) Very frequently require companies to sell exclusively to them, in order to carry their product. Lowe's and Home Depot each have certain brands of tools that ONLY they carry. Noone ever is concerned there, because only the people on this site are such idiots that they cannot understand simple business realities.

Wolffenblitz1798d ago

Lets stop calling this a competition. Because it's not.

Epic is paying to have the other runners removed from the race.

Simple as that.

rainslacker1798d ago (Edited 1798d ago )

I've owned several successful businesses in my life. What you're talking about isnt a monopoly any more than game stop and Amazon paying to sell a game exclusively, or get exclusive content to a game, or the console manufacturers doing the same thing.

Such methods can be used as a way to eventually form a monopoly by pushing out competition, but the act of buying exclusives, is certainly not the definition of a monopoly. It's the definition of competition, and it happens frequently, and across many industries.

I was Iowes a couple months ago, and they had a washer and dryer combo that was exclusive to lowes. Some special color or something. Lowes paid for that to potentially get customers in the store. Is lowes now trying to form a monopoly? The answer is no, and it's the exact same thing that epic is doing now. Maybe in a different way by offering larger returns on the back end, but the result is the same.

And before you say there are other options if people want a washer and dryer, there are other options for games as well

The funny thing is, valve paid to do similar things way back when they were first getting started, except instead of taking from other stores, they took from retail. So, for many at the time, they were pretty much denied access as broadband wasn't as ubiquitous as it is today. Steam is closer to a monopoly than epic is right now, but them paying for those games back in the day was a way to promote their store, the monopoly part came from building their store and not really having much competition.

Dandizzle1798d ago

Epic's goal is to be the new steam but more controlling and foster a full blown PC game monopoly. The second they get the dominant market position prices will rise and the % of developers get will slowly shrink. I wouldn't be surprised if their end goal is to harm other game engines, give games who are made with unreal better % and other advantages, over time this would greatly harm other engines trying to compete. Which ultimately harms the indie game market.

Unspoken1798d ago

Nice narrative. No matter the store front you can play on any PC config. Steam has gone way of the indie and I welcome a new store bring games I want to play. In reality it's the total opposite of what you are saying.

spicelicka1798d ago

That's the most loose application of the word "monopolizing" ever, which is why no one else in the world is calling it that. There is clear competition and plenty of substitutes, they're temporary exclusive rights to a video game not exclusive rights to a Cancer cure.

UltraNova1798d ago

All I see here is hypocrisy, on PC gamers behalf. Why? Because PC is heralded as the temple of "open" and "free to do as you will" and "choice" and "no constraints" but they are mad and enraged and blindly defending a status quo, a platform with almost total PC gaming control, Steam when someone else [Epic] is trying to lessen their grip. How can they challenge such control other than offering something the controler doesn't have? Why aren't PC gamers directing their hate to the devs that happily take the money and play dump? They are as much to blame as Epic if not more because no one forced them to take the damn check! That's the very definition of hypocrisy.

Make up your damn minds.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1798d ago
jts18911798d ago

It's blatantly false. Pretty much every 'competitor' with Steam in the past has had the same problem. They don't offer anything that would make customers consider switching. They don't offer better features, service, or prices. In fact, they are usually much worse in pretty much every way.

Epic is following the same path. Their store is terrible, they have horrible security and customer service, and despite taking much less of a cut than Steam and promising better prices, games cost pretty much the same.

Saying the only way for them to compete is through exclusives when they aren't even trying to be competitive in any real way is ridiculous.

rainslacker1798d ago

EGS is more beneficial for devs than the customer. I think epic will improve. I understand people's concerns right now, but it's somewhat undermined because people were all over them before they ended up doing anything "wrong". Or rather, being a serious contender to steam is what many people think is a wrong thing to do.

EGS started off innocently enough...more a way to avoid mobile game space fees, then it grew.rather quickly, and I think it was maybe expanded prematurely. Itll.go through some.growing pains, but Epic isnt known for.resting in its laurels if it has its sites set on doing something.

CyrusRiffs1798d ago

"...and despite taking much less of a cut than Steam and promising better prices, games cost pretty much the same."

That's a draw for the developers, not the consumers. Steam takes advantage of it's position by charging too much to devs. There needs to be some competition so they can't essentially strong arm devs into handing over way more than they're due.

tontontam01798d ago (Edited 1798d ago )

Yeah that's true

GOG: no DRM games

Steamfanboys: that's cute but I want my games on one launcher. TRANSLATION: I'll never buy games on other launchers ever even if it is free.

roland821798d ago

I’ve never heard anyone say that. Most people like GOG because of the drm free and it at least has basic features like cloud saves and user reviews.

harmny1798d ago (Edited 1798d ago )

They "like" GOG. But they don't use it.
Truth is people don't like change. GOG is better but I have my friends and library on steam. So why would I buy from them? That's what they think.
Epic on the other hand doesn't let you choose. So if you want to play x game you have to install the EGS. 100% efficient

tontontam01797d ago

"I’ve never heard anyone say that."


TK-661798d ago

If the narrative you're pushing is true why was everyone years ago saying to buy The Witcher 3 through GoG? Because at launch I believe if you pre-ordered on GoG you got the Witcher 1 and 2 for free and everyone was saying to buy it there instead of Steam. Why have we not seen this outrage with Origin or Battle.net? We didn't even see this backlash to the Uplay launcher which has been trash ever since it launched.

I'm sure there are a very small number of people who want all their games on one client but trying to claim that is the primary narrative and that it's the only way to challenge Steam shows a complete lack of understanding about the PC market.

Seafort1798d ago

I bought Witcher 1, 2 and 3 on GoG because CD Projekt is the owner of GoG and CD Projekt RED. I gave 100% of the profits to the actual company that made those games.

I have also bought Cyberpunk 2077 on GoG as well for the same reason.

I will not legitimise Epic policy of buying out games to be exclusive on their store. I will wait for Steam release or get the Xbox game pass for pc like I have done for Epic "exclusive" Metro Exodus. I will do the same for Outer Worlds as well. Another so-called Epic "exclusive".

At this point in time Epic are creating an anti-Steam campaign and it has nothing to do with the 30/70 cut. They just want to bring Steam down.

thexmanone1798d ago

GOG 2.0 is in beta now, All your games in one place now. I sure like it.

harmny1798d ago

Are you in it? Is it good?

1798d ago
harmny1798d ago

Lol. I love GOG. I buy all my games there. I know what it is. But I didn't get into the beta

PapaBop1798d ago

Once upon a time maybe but nowadays, I think most of us have accepted that we need multiple launchers years ago. Sure some Steam diehards might be that stubborn but the rest of us accept that we just can't have everything through one unified program.

rainslacker1798d ago (Edited 1798d ago )

I think it's a loud minority that are upset about it. Maybe a larger minority than is typical in these cases of outrage, and I actually do understand and think it's a valid concern. I dont really agree with the vitriol that gets attached to it, or how a lot of the same people had these same problems before Epic did anything wrong, because they've been hounded before the exclusive games thing. The exclusives thing just gave them a more valid reason than, "it's not steam, so its evil".

I'd imagine the average PC gamer doesn't really care, or even understand. Ten thousand among a hundred plus million is not really that much in the grand scheme of things.

I also think epic will work to improve the store, and giving positive feedback on how to do that will go a lot further than a bunch of rampant hate over a business practice that they feel is needed to compete for the long term. If the EGS becomes popular enough, I doubt they'll bother paying for the exclusives, and instead rely on the larger cuts for devs, which may or may not make things exclusive, but may put pressure on valve.

As of right now, Epic is trying to capture the customer and devs. Valve doesn't have to concern itself for what little they may be losing through these deals. I would think with how pro- dev everyone is when industry pros talk about their working conditions, they be harassing steam to lower its cuts. But I guess their interests are selective...which isnt surprising.

JackBNimble1798d ago

There is dirty play at work here , buying out exclusives that had been advertised on steam . Even games that people had already preordered on steam were pulled and became exclusive on epic.
Shenmue 3 was not only promised and advertised on steam but backed with crowd funding for steam players. When many people who funded shenmue 3 wanted refunds because they were mislead , they were refused. Completely false advertising with shenmue 3 and anti-consumerism all around.

They want exclusives fine, then stop pulling advertised games and preorders of other platforms.

mkis0071798d ago (Edited 1798d ago )

Shenmue 3 was not promised a steam copy during the backing phase, only a pc copy. This false narrative needs to die or it looks bad for those who push it.

Seafort1798d ago (Edited 1798d ago )

@mkis007 The developers did promise a Steam key on the kickstarter. They were even sent a survey to see what version of the game they wanted. PS4 or Steam. So please stop with your BS.

I backed Phoenix Point and I was asked which version of the game I wanted. Steam or GoG. It is now an Epic Store exclusive and I got a refund because the developer lied and took part in false advertising.

JackBNimble1798d ago

You choose what platform when you fund the game, I believe to options were ps4 and steam .

rainslacker1798d ago

Options were ps4 and PC. Storefront wasn't stipulated. Follow ups after the end of the KS campaign stated steam, which makes sense given the time and EGS not existing.

Technically, they're still giving you a PC version, but I think it would be good to just have the steam version available for backers, but not for sale if this had to stay exclusive. I know that's possible to do...but not sure what's required to make it happen.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1798d ago
Hungryalpaca1798d ago

Do you enjoy making things up and upvoting yourself with fake accounts?

Wolffenblitz1798d ago

"Steamfanboys" hurts your argument and every argument against steam.

You forget we've had like 5 other launchers for years before Epic came along.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1797d ago
KeenBean3451798d ago

It's still not an excuse to have a barebones store with a terrible layout though

1798d ago Replies(3)
TK-661798d ago

But that's not what you're doing. No one has any issue with you creating your own launcher and releasing your own games exclusively on that client like most other large studios do. People take issue to you trying to buy up the market so that for a period of time we can only play it through that one client. It's not real competition because no one actually wants to use your client over steam when they're given a choice. Introduce features that Steam has and make us want to buy the games on your service.

Lets also just acknowledge that it's looking as though this exclusivity deal is designed to specifically exclude Steam because Metro: Exodus is available on the Windows 10 store and XGP on PC.

PapaBop1798d ago

If that is the case, why would you come out and say you'd stop if Valve let developers get a better cut? He's half right here but that doesn't excuse their conduct so far this year.

SegaGamer1798d ago

The guy keeps flip flopping. He's making it up as he goes along.

nyu11798d ago (Edited 1798d ago )

um, because the whole point of these statements was the revenue cut...


come on guys...

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Summer Game Fest 2024 and games conference schedule: All conference dates, times and streams

A schedule for all of the currently announced game conferences in June 2024, including the Summer Game Fest 2024 date and times.

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Lightning7711h ago

For the first time in a long time I have a hard time feeling excited for these events. Maybe it's because of all these massive lay offs and closures there hasn't exactly been good news since the start of the year.

Maybe come next week I'll get a little more excited but I dunno I just can't get too excited right now

thorstein9h ago

Maybe it will be an indie showcase.

Cacabunga4h ago

Cancelling e3 and introducing some ridiculous events..
Times have changed.. to the worse

Lightning773h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Back then it was very exciting, great looking trailers, on stage live gameplay where yes things can and have went wrong but that's how we knew it was a real games being played instead of curated footage extra doctored up that didn't even represent the actual game half the time. Games would release 6 months to a year max not 3 years later.

I miss past E3's even the goofiness like Giant enemy crab or Riiiidge Raceeer. Xbox and Kinect glitching Nintendo's craziness. Again it was real, these days there so protective, clean, doctored sets, where nothing can absolutely go wrong. Too strict and professional with heavy PR babble with buzzwords that mean nothing. Being professional is not bad but when it's fake and corporate heavy where you're made to buy into the words rather than the game, that's how you know it's not real.

Now SFG is just sizzle reeling all the games at once. Plus past SGF events haven't been that great either. Maybe that's not Geoffs fault but the pubs and devs are simply never ready to show anything and have to wait. This gen we've been waiting and waiting for these games.

Plus lay offs as I Mentioned. I dunno Geoff needs to do what made E3 great back then, get funding support and do live stage gameplay he has the support and so why not? Pubs and devs need to do their own thing at the event again. No more doctored bull crap with PR diarrhea trying to sell the game show us with a controller in your hand instead of making empty promises.

Rant over.

Cacabunga3h ago(Edited 3h ago)


I will never forget the pre-e3 one year where Kojima was teasing MGS Rising.. and Peace Walker.

Such an incredible period where studios enjoyed what they were doing and teasing their work weeks before the event.

Nowadays is half baked games, cross gen titles, useless mid gen upgrades. There is no hype anymore.
Last great show I remember is the PS EXPERIENCE maybe 3 or 4 years ago in December

gleepot2h ago

Maybe it's because Keighley sucks and never puts on good showcases.

Lightning771h ago

They aren't geoffs games he's not makin it. Though you're half right, he has the stage and events and controls the pace, how the games are shown and presented. If I was him I would have devs have real gameplay with a stage like how E3 used to be.

No more of this curated pre done footage that we've had in the past 4 years.

Actually before that they've been doing that format for awhile. Cyber Punk being the biggest culprit of that format because you can easily deceive and lie to ppl.

Yeah Geoff is half to blame

isarai6h ago

Is it just me or is there little to no buzz or marketing leading up to this compared to previous SGF?

monkey6022h ago

Because they've been consistently boring for the last couple of years. Hard to get worked up for it now

bRuud833h ago

Where is Sony? Still no news about the next Playstation showcase.

VR23h ago

It'll be June sometimes no doubt, I'm guessing the Saturday 10th the day after Xbox showcase or maybe sometime the following week

Lightning771h ago

Hopefully early next week at this point they are signed to SGF so they'll be there.

I also said in another post it's rumored to be a State Of Play now. The only AAA's I can see being announced now is Ghost 2 and Bends New game.

I can't see Santa Monica's New IP or ND New IP being announced. I can see GG being there announcing leggo Horizon, Zero Dawn remake or remaster, maybe the LS horizon game.

Skuletor47m ago

After the way they rudely hurried people off the stage at The Game Awards, I won't bother watching any of the streams for this. I'll just checkout out a few game trailers on Youtube after they're uploaded there.


Boosteroid Plans On Adding More AAAA Titles Exclusively To The Service

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Relientk771d 18h ago

So they're adding Skull and Bones to their service? That doesn't seem exciting at all lol.


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