
The Sony and Disney Partnership Is Strengthening With the Recent Predator Game Announcement

MP1st Writes - While I was surprised by the State of Play announcement of a new Predator game, one thing that really didn’t occur to me till much later is that the Predator (and Alien) license is effectively now owned by Disney given the House of Mouse’s acquisition of Fox. This is a rather interesting scenario as this will be the third licensed Disney property published by Sony, and developed by a third-party studio this generation.

Kribwalker1849d ago

I personally feel like it’s only a matter of time until Disney starts poking around buying sony. They want all of the marvel licenses together for the cinematic universe, and there has been so much talk of Disney getting back into gaming. It’s definitely plausible they could look to try to buy sony up

Nitrowolf21849d ago (Edited 1849d ago )

Idk about buying them, Sony has a long history of being their own company and all.

I mean they have the buying power of doing it, I just don’t think Sony will. Though with a change of their headquarters now being in California this honestly is up in the air.

I don’t think a lot of fans would really want that to happen, but at the end of the day that’d be a business decision. I know I personally wouldn’t be to fond of the idea as Disney could literally strip everything away from what makes Sony Sony.

I hope PlayStation, Nintendo, and Microsoft stick around for a long time

1848d ago
rainslacker1848d ago

They wouldn't actually buy them. They'd acquire shares, and they'd have to acquire enough to have a controlling interest. In order to accomplish this, they'd have to convince enough of the investors, and I assume the largest ones who hold the most controlling interest to sell. Japan also has some laws that can prevent foreign companies from acquiring japanese companies without pre-approval. It's not applicable to all business, but some with a market cap over a certain amount.

Starman691848d ago

I don't really see anything magic about Microsoft xbox

deadfrag1849d ago

Will never happen!Sony is a top Japanese brand worldwide that is actually a Japanese symbol to there government just by this reason i can assure you that Sony will never be brought by Disney.

KwietStorm_BLM1848d ago

Welp random person on internet assures us that something will never happen, so that's the end of that.

cell9891848d ago

if they bought FOX, they can buy Sony. Never say never in the world of business

KillZallthebeast1848d ago

Clearly you people have 0 understanding of japanese pride

Xx_Pistol_xX1848d ago

Just throwing that out there remember that PlayStation SIE is now based in America.

gangsta_red1848d ago

Tecent a Chinese company bought SNK and we also have some other Chinese companies that are buying into other Japanese tech companies.

Being a Japanese symbol has little to nothing to do when it comes to $$$

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1848d ago
1848d ago Replies(3)
excaliburps1848d ago

Not Sony, but maybe a video game brand. Imagine them buying Xbox or something. Kinda scary.

kneon1848d ago

I don't think so. they could buy a pure software company like EA or Ubisoft, but I wouldn't expect them to go for any hardware related business.

gangsta_red1848d ago

I can definitely see Disney picking up some major, MAJOR gaming company for sure.

They already have fox, marvel and star wars, they could definitely keep that ball rolling with a huge gaming company.

Won't be long before they personally get into the video gaming business, possibly a streaming game service like the others.

Nitrowolf21848d ago

They’re working on their own gaming division last atm, and I think with the purchase of FOX they also go their gaming studios.

I say it’s really unlikely they’ll buy any of the big three, not cause they can’t afford them but I would expect those guys not to do it. But that’s just coming from a consumer, for all we know the shareholders could dip for the cash offer

bluefox7551848d ago

Of course you do. Sony has been around for over 70 years, and they're doing great, why would they sell?

Kribwalker1848d ago

Fox was doing great and had been around for almost 40 years before they sold to disney. It’s not about how well a company is doing, it’s what disney wants under their umbrella. And disney wants all of their Marvel Rights, and rumours of them wanting to get back into game development, it makes sense

Nitrowolf21848d ago


I would disagree since, as a few have said Sony is pretty rooted as a Japanese company.

It be a huge shock if Disney bought them, I can see them buying their IPs back though.

Also got to remember, IIRC PlayStation is technically a separate entity now from Sony. Sony is still the company in charge, but if they were to ever sell PlayStation would have to be a separate sale also

Silly gameAr1848d ago

That's not plausible, and only you could even come up with something off the wall and random like that. If Disney wants to get into gaming, they'll probably buy a company that is purely about gaming, and don't have their own thing going on the side.

blacktiger1848d ago

almost impossible because Japan won't allow and even if Disney buy it, Disney may have to agree with Japan policy of owning top brand

ShadowWolf7121848d ago

They won't. Sony's a tech company and they have no use for anything outside their entertainment divisions. And Sony will NOT sell PlayStation, it's one of their pillars.

1848d ago
1848d ago
Ceaser98573611848d ago

'I personally feel like it’s only a matter of time until Disney starts poking around buying sony. They want all of the marvel licenses together for the cinematic universe, and there has been so much talk of Disney getting back into gaming. It’s definitely plausible they could look to try to buy sony up"

I find this BS .. Sony is doing very well and I don't see why would they want to sell out.. Even
Sony didn't let Spiderman Go.

Rimeskeem1848d ago

Some things are priceless. I dont think money can buy PlayStation unless something drastic happens.

NarutoFox1848d ago

It'll probably happen when Microsoft leaves the game industry

DarXyde1848d ago

This kind of speculation informs me that you have, at best, a rudimentary understanding of corporate culture.

MajorLazer1848d ago

I really hope Disney stay the hell away 🤮

CorndogBurglar1848d ago

1. The only Marvel film license Sony has is Spider-Man. Marvel is already allowed to use Spidey in their MCU films through a deal they made. I'm not sure why Disney would want to spend unknown billions for that.

2. Fox was not doing very well. They didn't decide to sell their entertainment Division because they were making tons of money lol. Remember, Disney didn't just go to Fox and throw a bunch of money at them out of them blue. Fox made the announcement that they were selling and Disney made the best offer. Again, big corporate companies that are doing well and making a lot of money don't decide to sell like that.

Nacho_Z1848d ago

Bless you trying to comfort yourself.

1848d ago
+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 1848d ago
gangsta_red1848d ago

We definitely need the Predator in the MCU

Hardiman1848d ago

I don't want Predator in the MCU but I do want a good Predator movie. Less The Predator and more Predator. Maybe now we can eventually get an AvP based on the comics and it'll be interesting instead of being in Antarctica.

Nitrowolf21848d ago (Edited 1848d ago )

The only thing I’d want is wat they did in predator 2 and have another trophy room scene with some MCU relics in it.

It’d be a good nod, but otherwise keep them separate

Hardiman1848d ago

@Nitro I like how you're thinking! That would be a cool Easter egg but like you stated that's it, keep them separate.

I'd like to see Kindred, Big Game or Race War turned into films. Those are just three and there are so many more interesting stories that features the Yautja.

gangsta_red1848d ago

Yeah, I was kidding about the MCU. But after watching The Predator that is exactly how the movie felt.

I actually liked Robert Rodriguez's Predators. I just don't understand this obsession with having Predators fight each other with these last couple of movied.

Hardiman1847d ago (Edited 1847d ago )

@Gansta I figured your tongue was in your cheek but Robert's Predators was pretty incredible! My favorite after the original and tied with part 2 for me and Im a huge Predator mark. Predator was my first theater experience at 7 lol.

Predators was soooo much better than The Predator and I'm hopeful we can eventually get this series which is ripe with stories and lore back on track but some reason Fox couldn't seem to get it together.

We went to the theater to see The Predator and I was okay throughout most of it, even looked at my wife and smiled with excitement once but as soon as it was revealed the Predators took spines for our DNA I checked out. It only went down from there.

Your right about the feeling of it because Fox wanted a summer blockbuster but Predator isn't summer blockbuster, it's Sci Fi horror with action.

quent1848d ago

Would have loved a alien isolation like spin on this in a jungle

Nitrowolf21848d ago (Edited 1848d ago )

I’d love another AvP game. Both the classic and the new one were pretty fun multiplayer wise. The movies not so much, but at least the games were fun

I do hope Isloation gets the sequel it deserves

Hardiman1848d ago

Isolation is incredible and I too would love to see it get a quality sequel!

chiefJohn1171848d ago

I loved AVP. Never played isolation tho.

Thundercat771848d ago

After the huge success of Spider-Man, Disney will surely trust Sony with more licences.

ClayRules20121848d ago

For sure!

And that gets me so excited to see what they’ll be able to do next with other licenses.

rainslacker1848d ago

I'm OK with that so long as they don't dilute the appeal by doing too much. The Iron Man VR game is kind of interesting though. Not really the Iron Man game people were saying they wanted, but hopefully it will maybe be worthwhile.

kevinsheeks1848d ago

it would be nice if sony had the rights to star wars video games . . not for console exclusives but gosh I just want one good star wars game before I die and I don't feel like EA is the one to bring us a decent starwars game

Darkborn1848d ago

I feel you, I also think ubisoft would be a decent choice, or at least a better choice of the big 3 publishers.

Kaze241848d ago

Give the rights of star wars to sony? Hell no! There's plenty of other great companies that could make a star wars game without EA involvement, I would prefer if they went with someone else like Ubisoft as Darkborn said, I really liked AC: Odyssey, CD Projekt Red even tho they're currently busy, Capcom or even Bethesda.

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Sony highlights 11 more PS5 exclusives coming in the near future

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outsider16243h ago

All this is good and all. But im waiting from the main guys.

Gamerscore20773h ago

Same here, third party devs have been pushing out way more exclusives on PS5 than Sony.

It’s really looking like we might not see these new projects from these studios until next year or maybe (a big maybe) PS6.

Sony really needs a showcase dedicated to what’s only coming out the on PS5. They need to fall back a little on what’s coming out on the PC & now even the Switch. I know that’s more of a Lego project than a traditional Sony one, but still.

Cacabunga2h ago

Yeah man, more than 3 years in and haven’t seen what PS5 can truly achieve.. 3 years into PS4 life i got a 4KTV to enjoy the PS4 power.
We want and we deserve other than cross gen and lego titles Sony

Father__Merrin6m ago

I agree there's no really megaton heavy hitter mid way through the gen

Chard2h ago

Don't forget Gen Design (formerly Team Ico)

Kurisu2h ago

Lost Soul Aside was announced 8 years ago now. 8!

lodossrage2h ago

Look how long ago Gran Blue Fantasy Relink was announced before it finally came out.


Xbox Games Summer Showcase 2024 start date, time, exciting leaks and how to watch

Here is the start date and time for the Xbox Games Summer Showcase 2024 with bundles of exciting leaks and how to watch.

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gold_drake1d 21h ago

10AM PT/1PM ET/6PM london time.
on June 9th.

this is so odd. we had ps before the summer fest and now xbox after.

lelo2play2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Summer Fest and the Sony show were both crap, let's hope Microsoft and Ubisoft shows are decent.

(the way this is going, I'm not asking for good/great shows, simply asking for decent shows...)

I miss E3.

RupeeHoarder1h ago

State of Play is a 30 minute sizzle reel. It is not meant to compete with the yearly Xbox showcase.

Daver34m ago

Diablo 4 expansion? Even if the game is bad.

Crows9030m ago

I'm definitely of the mind that d4 was complete crap at release...but the state of it right this moment is not complete crap. They've simplified a lot which actually helped their overtly stupid itemization.

End game content is still kind of stupid but at least progression and itemization is better.

Lightning771d 20h ago

The rumor is 30 games with a nearly 2 hour show. I hope so I, been saying they need to go balls to the wall with their showcase. That's according to Grubb again. Yeah a huge pinch of salt he's only been wrong or half right about some stuff.

There's also suppose to be a Wu Tang Clan game that's a kungfu action RPG featuring the legendary hip hop group New Yorks own Wu Tang Clan. You read right Wu Tang Clan kungfu action RPG.

Sounds weird, random and quirky but hey I'm down to see it.

romulus2319h ago

Bet the title has Shaolin in it.

purple10116h ago

State of decay 3 info is leaking on twitter!

Looks good. Personally don’t play horror/ zombie games, but I appreciate it’s a good game so that’s a win for Xbox fans.

Lord knows they need a win at the moment

ThinkThink13h ago

Appreciate the concern, but I think we'll be just fine. Hope you all enjoy tomorrow's show.

11h ago
Obscure_Observer1h ago

"The rumor is 30 games with a nearly 2 hour show. I hope so I, been saying they need to go balls to the wall with their showcase."

MS had the best showcases in the last few years.

This year, the bar is so low with those last showcases, that imo, MS and Ubisoft doesn´t even need to make much of an effort to beat them.

"That's according to Grubb again. Yeah a huge pinch of salt he's only been wrong or half right about some stuff."

Grubb was right about the last State of Play. Just a few days for the end of the month, he´d continued and insisted that it was going to happen. And he was right! Sony made a last minute announcement for whatever reason, but the guy was spot on.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
anast19h ago

This show is going to be painful.

Elda19h ago

Hopefully not knowing most games shown will be multiplats & some eventually multiplats.

anast19h ago

The presentation is going to be the painful part. There might be some good games though.

16h ago
15h agoReplies(1)
14h ago
13h ago
11h ago
ArmrdChaos7h ago

You can always make a drinking game out of it for every time they say the words "Made for a modern audience".

Crows9026m ago

I'd like to be able to watch it through to the end though...

Lfcultra3h ago

The amount of time you invest in hating a company who doesn't even know you exist is hilarious.

anast2h ago

I didn't know you existed and you seem worried about this post...

Lfcultra2h ago

Difference is anast, I don't spend my time obsessing about you. Worried lol.

anast1h ago

Obviously you do. The inane thing is that you think you don't and you really believe you don't but this interaction shows otherwise.

anast1h ago

This is fun. Some back and forth.

No, but those emojis sure seem like you might be.

Crows9027m ago

You'd think that every now and then even these dispassionate fools may do a good job...they've disappointed every single year since before release of Xbox one....that's a really long streak of disappointments...lol

anast20m ago

For sure. they have the money to put on a top tier show, but I'm afraid it will look like an event where super rich people are noticeably trying to be cheap. And they have this strange smile like they know they are trying o get over on people. It just makes for an awkward and tasteless showing.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 20m ago
Elda19h ago

I hope it's a good showing knowing most games that will be shown will be multiplats & XB timed exclusives that'll eventually become multi-plats.

Tacoboto16h ago

It is what it is at this point.

At least the good games will have a chance to be bought, take advantage of the superior DualSense, and *maybe* give those studios a better shot at survival.

They'll also have better shadows, and run with higher dynamic res on the PS5 Pro.

Lightning7713h ago(Edited 13h ago)

So if they're multiplat would you suddenly like Xbox games?

You never have before you've made that clear several times over.

Elda12h ago

I have an XBSX. I also own a PS5 & a Switch. What's your point??

Lightning7711h ago

My point is what I said. You don't like Xbox games, you've said it repeatedly. So would you suddenly like Xbox games if they were available on PS5.

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