Atom6661841d ago

Oh, this will do wonders for all of that goodwill you're seeking, Epic.

Nitrowolf21841d ago (Edited 1841d ago )

Wtf lol

I’m curious when it gets removed from steam if it’s player base will suddenly drop on pc in protest

Eonjay1841d ago

I cant with Store Wars.

darthv721841d ago

Why? It isnt like people who bought the game wont be able to still play it. It shouldnt matter where you got it, what matters is do people like playing it.

rainslacker1840d ago

The majority probably won't notice if they already brought the game.

UltraNova1840d ago

They will not remove the game for prior purchasers, only the listing.

Epic is aggressive as F*** and dead serious on taking Steam's crown.

ssmilloy361840d ago

good thing I got it for free on my ps four

1840d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1840d ago
PapaBop1841d ago (Edited 1841d ago )

While they're out there with these sort of vanity buys.. their development roadmap for bringing their store up to standard gets delayed..Epic's priorities are so backwards.

Here is a pretty damning comparison:

Christopher1841d ago

I highly doubt their priorities are backwards. Developing new features takes time and won't suddenly appear by throwing money everywhere, buying a new studio just takes money.

I'm not saying Epic is going to deliver on their promises, but this has no impact on their store improvements.

DaDrunkenJester1841d ago

They dont support much but you bet your ass that 1 of the small handful of things they do support is Micro transactions Haha

2pacalypsenow1840d ago (Edited 1840d ago )

Ps4 is the Steam of PC stores.

Switch is Epic store

jeki1840d ago

What does standard mean, to make it like Valve Corporation's store?

If they add a forum it will require 24/7 moderation or else it will quickly become like 8chan. Not only that, if they moderate and delete comments they'll have to deal with people screaming about their free speech. Why would anyone want to deal with that?

The same goes for user reviews. Valve had to put a review-bomb mechanism in place, image what Epic would have to do.

Steam Workshop? That's a walled-garden system that's anti-consumer so let's hope they don't implement something like that.

All they need is a shopping cart and a better interface.

PapaBop1840d ago (Edited 1840d ago )

@ jeki

They can live without forums but with all the money they are making and throwing around to try and take things away from Steam, it wouldn't hurt them to hire some moderators and create some new opportunities for fans to join Epic. Hell, they could easily get people who would do it for free if they wanted to.

Users Reviews, it's just a great feature all round and while it has problems, it wouldn't be difficult for a talented programmer to develop ways to detect the fake ones.

What about the rest of the features it's lacking then? Many of them are very situational but there a lot of user out there taking advantage of them.

sampsonon1840d ago

isn't competition a good thing for the consumer?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1840d ago
Christopher1841d ago (Edited 1841d ago )

Yeah, how dare they become more competitive by buying IPs! Anyone who buys out games to restrict them from platforms they otherwise would go to are scum! Right Sony and Microsoft!?

You guys need to calm it with the fervor. This is standard stuff we see every year. It's just because it's Epic that people are angry. Steam isn't your friend and people paying money to build stronger portfolios to combat Steam isn't wrong, it's how competition works.

Atom6661841d ago

I mean... I don't entirely disagree (except for your odd use of the word "fervor"), but where am I wrong?

They're getting major backlash (perhaps largely undeserved) and then announce they're buying a studio and popular IP (no issue there), with the caveat that they'll no longer sell that game on the store where it has sold millions already, and which objectively, is a better platform. In this competition you speak of, tell me how that last part nets them any goodwill?

Obviously they don't care about that, but they'd be smart to think about it imo. We'd all be smart not to fully drink Sweeney's kool aid, too.

Also, what games have been bought then taken off a preexisting store front? Seriously don't know what you're referencing there.

Ducky1841d ago

If the move to the Epic launcher turns Rocket League into an inferior product with the loss of steam workshop (without a better replacement) or loss of linux support, then that's not going to garner any good will.
Neither will it help Epic's battle against Steam if all they end up doing is highlighting how limited their platform is while pissing off RocketLeague's PC player base.

Christopher1841d ago (Edited 1840d ago )

***Also, what games have been bought then taken off a preexisting store front? Seriously don't know what you're referencing there.***

I don't know what you're talking about here either, as I didn't mention that. Current owners aren't losing the game. And the game isn't leaving a platform, so there's not an issue. And there are many reasons games can leave a storefront, from exclusive deals made elsewhere to the odd Prey issue where they 'ran out of digital keys'.


@Ducky Yeah, that's up to Epic to fail or succeed at.

Atom6661840d ago (Edited 1840d ago )

"Anyone who buys out games to restrict them from platforms they otherwise would go to are scum!"

So you're randomly talking about exclusivity in general or this Rocket league -no longer offered for sale on Steam after appearing on Epic store- situation?

Cause if it's the former...kind of a weak reach. I personally do think it's a scummy move when we see stuff like that too.

If the best example you actually have is Prey running out of keys, then, yeah, this is fairly different situation, is it not?

RizBiz1840d ago (Edited 1840d ago )

WTF are you on about? When did Sony ever buy a developer to take its games off of other platforms? Not even M$ took Minecraft off of other platforms. When you're worse than M$, there's something seriously wrong.

Christopher1840d ago (Edited 1840d ago )

***So you're randomly talking about exclusivity in general or this Rocket league -no longer offered for sale on Steam after appearing on Epic store- situation? ***

I said "platforms" which was supposed to be the point in that PC players aren't losing the game.

***If the best example you actually have is Prey running out of keys, then, yeah, this is fairly different situation, is it not?***

It's not the best, just the one I remember and you didn't ask for requirements on games not leaving a store. By the way, that was when the developers were bought out by Zenimax, the same people who own Bethesda. So, a company bought another, and suddenly there were no keys... At least in this case the game will still be available for purchase.

jeki1840d ago


Most of the people outraged about the Epic Store are outraged about a lot of things and spend hours and hours online screaming about it. Epic would be smart to not prioritize them.

RauLeCreuset1840d ago

The irony of brining up Sony is that Sony has been catching criticism this gen from a lot of you for continuing a competitive stance against embracing cross-play with competing home consoles that has been "standard stuff" for every market leader in the home console race. Epic and Psyonix both hopped aboard that train to pressure Sony to embrace cross-play. Psyonix cuts a deal to be bought out by Epic and the player choice narrative gets tossed, and we're reminded again that it's just business, these companies aren't our friends, it's competition, etc.

KillBill1840d ago

Name me some IPs that Microsoft and Sony bought that removed games already on another platform from being sold? Microsoft even bought Minecraft and released the game on PS after the purchase.

babadivad1840d ago

Microsoft bought Minecraft and it's available everywhere. Bought Ninja Theory and kept hell Blade on PS4. They also finished developing and released the game on Switch.

W34KN35S1840d ago

competition doesnt exist with exclusives , if netflix and hulu have a show or movie then they are competing. However , if one has exclusive rights to a show or movie then there is no competition. Competition when talking about stores comes down to features and functionality, competition when talking about stores involves choice and what Epic is doing is removing choice. No one would say anything if it wasnt exclusive because then there would actually be competition and everyone already knows that Steam has the better store period.

Reefskye1840d ago

No compatition works when you compete for customers they ain't compete ting for customers they forcing you to use their launcher, Sony and Microsoft made their own hardware and games this is expected. Pc is an open platform just because u can buy it on steam doesn't mean you can't buy it from other places. I suppose business giving each other benefits while the screw over their consumer is good competition no it's not.

Atom6661840d ago


Just gonna double down, eh?

I asked you to name a situation like this one, which is the subject at hand and apparently the basis for your sarcastic response to my comment about goodwill.

Specifically, I asked "what games have been bought then taken off a preexisting store front?"

Whether it's your best example or the only one you remember, the example you gave so far is weak. While I don't think this situation is completely unique, it's fair to say it's pretty rare. Not exactly "standard stuff" as you said.

But to my actual initial point, it's a short sighted move that won't help them in garnering the goodwill that they're in need of right now.

Split hairs if you want over Steam as a platform or Steam as just a storefront, but the truth is that Steam has quality of life services that make this more than just a "it's just another launcher, same platform" argument.

People who don't understand the difference between Steam and Epic's store from the consumer's perspective are being just as ignorant as Epic in my view.

In order to truly make a dent in this arena, Epic needs to not just attract PC gamers generally, they need to attract Steam gamers.

Offering less of an experience and utilizing these timed exclusive tactics isn't helping them accomplish that imo.

And I would also add that, just generally, some of us dislike when any company uses third party exclusivity and timed exclusivity as a competitive weapon. Shrugging it off and dismissing critics of it is your prerogative, but I'm not sure how that attitude is helpful to any of us, the actual consumers.

Christopher1840d ago


I don't need to provide an example for your made up metric. I provided one that came to mind, but that's all.

I didn't like the one year exclusive deal with Tomb Raider and Microsoft. Others thought it was fine. But that doesn't change that it was beneficial to Microsoft as a business.

I don't like Epic removing a game entirely from Steam. But that doesn't change that it is beneficial to Epic as a business.

***In order to truly make a dent in this arena, Epic needs to not just attract PC gamers generally, they need to attract Steam gamers. ***

They already have them with Fortnite. If you're anti-Epic and how they do business, then you're likely not their target audience. But most people on Steam don't care about Steam but access to games they want.


I respect your opinion on how you perceive this, it's not different than my own entirely, I just understand that regardless of what I would like, what they are doing is pretty standard business and works more often than not. It's worked for Amazon, Apple, Google, and Microsoft. It's why I would never be good as a business owner.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1840d ago
1840d ago Replies(2)
sampsonon1840d ago

so you expect a company that owns the game to give it to its competitor so people will go there instead of the site that the company owns? strange.

Atom6661840d ago

That would be the smart move right now for Epic, yeah. What MS has done with Mojang and Ninja Theory purchases was smart from both a sales perspective and a goodwill perspective. Strange you don't see that.

Teflon021840d ago

Minecraft released on PS4 and Switch after MS bought it... Also, it's not about buying it, it's about availability. If it's already on the Store, leave it. You're just taking away from the consumers. Epic is trying to look like the good guys but they're the same ones robbing Google of any profits from Fortnite on android because they don't wanna share profits. Yet using the platform. Epics scum, they're not about consumers at all. Fortnite would be how it is on android for everything if it wasn't the only open platform. They want you to allow non certified apps so you can play fortnite on android, which isn't safe for consumers phones. Which they don't care about. They have a garbage barebones store and spending money to force ppl to use the trash store etc. Glad they have yet to grab some exclusive game I've wanted because that franchise would be dead to me until they go to steam. I waited on Tomb Raider when they pulled the bs with Rise. I promised never to buy one on xbox nor pay full price for a tomb raider ever again because the dumb practice. These guys are even worse

ShadowWolf7121840d ago

Funny, I coulda swore all y'all said you'd be fine with Epic doing exclusives if they actually owned the IP, and yet here they are buying an IP and folks still mad.

Atom6661840d ago (Edited 1840d ago )

Who is "y'all" and who is mad?

NarutoFox1840d ago

And Steam will not counter epic

Teflon021840d ago

Prices and the library alone isn't really phased. If you're not a fortnite player, you'd have almost no reason to touch the trash that is the epic store

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1840d ago
1840d ago Replies(5)
Kabaneri1841d ago

Epic wants that Rocket Pass money.

YourSixStudios_YT1841d ago

I'm curious to know what Epic will do with Rocket League... Maybe we will see a spin off of Rocket Legue... or maybe a rocket league "cart racer" or something...

Casepb1841d ago

Battle Royale of course.

Wolffenblitz1840d ago

All cars will have crazy huge guns, capture the flag and M-M-M-MULTIKILLs

jagermaster6191840d ago

I bet they put the cars in fortnite........I hate fortnite so much!

Sono4211840d ago

I've been wanting a rocket league cart racer for a while honestly, I really hope this happens

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1840d ago
Blu3_Berry1841d ago

Well, it was fun playing rocket league Psyonix, too bad I won't be able to play any potential future games from you guys anymore.

ocelot071841d ago

"too bad I won't be able to play any potential future games from you guys anymore"

Why? Can't your pc handle the epic launcher???

KillZallthebeast1841d ago

I personally don't care about launcher brands, but I would like 1 universal one. I don't need 10 updating every time I turn on my pc.

Ddog451841d ago

What PC couldn't handle that epic barebones garbage? Just don't want to, don't agree with their tactics and refusal to upgrade a pathetic launcher so NO Thanks!!!!

Christopher1841d ago

***I personally don't care about launcher brands, but I would like 1 universal one. I don't need 10 updating every time I turn on my pc.***

I know it's a pain, but you don't want this. Without competition, you get less than you deserve. We need this competition to continue as consumers.

Wolffenblitz1840d ago


FOR THE LAST TIME MAN, It's not competition....

You can't call it competition at all. It's like someone running a race buys out and removes the other runners from the race.

That is not competition.

Christopher1840d ago

***FOR THE LAST TIME MAN, It's not competition.... ***

Yeah, it is. Epic is competing directly with Valve. How you think that's not competition is beyond my understanding.

PapaBop1840d ago (Edited 1840d ago )

Maybe he's a Linux user?

Also what Epic are doing certainly falls under the definition of competition but we've yet to see any of the benefits this has brought to the console gaming market. So far they're just throwing around money taking away from Valve/Steam. This could be the start of the benefits by buying out developers like Psyonix but as of today, those benefits remain to be seen.

Christopher1840d ago

***You can't call it competition at all. It's like someone running a race buys out and removes the other runners from the race. ***

Just FYI, what seems to be the issue isn't that they are competing, it's the method that they are competing. The rules of business doesn't say you can't buy things to improve your ability to compete. Races have different rules than businesses.

I respect you don't like how they are competing, but it is competition, and it is, sadly, competition that Valve needs to have. Competition is why consoles have been prospering so much since last generation and hopefully will continue.

CDbiggen1840d ago


And that is how to answer a twattish question.

1840d ago
KillZallthebeast1840d ago

I get what Christopher is saying and he isn't wrong. However this is a different animal. This is competition sure, but if it was for our benefit name one game cheaper on their service thats more on steam. It's more of an agressive takeover preaching the good they're doing while actually doing nothing.

Christopher1839d ago

***Steam has WAY more features than any other launcher could DREAM OF, they keep adding and IMPROVING, they keep experimenting and creating actual gaming hardware, they have AWESOME sales all the time...WHY does Steam need competition???***

The only thing Steam has been competing with are consoles. The updates they make are years late to when they could have done them for the most part. Heck, even their mod tools were done just so they could try and monetize mods for games (how did that work out?).

With actual competition on the PC, the advancement goes much further.

Look at Sony last generation and their advancements and Microsoft this generation and their advancements.

You think they're doing a ton, but they're not. There's a ton more they could do. But it's become more like mobile app development than anything else, where people are fighting to do the same thing, just slightly better, but actually doing nothing innovative.

Anything Valve has done is to keep people on PC, not to advance PC at the level it can be. And in many instances it's to attempt to monetize more features, which have fallen through (though, some haven't).

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1839d ago
Xavi4K1841d ago

Are you going to sell your Pc or something??

For god sake its just another luncher that you have to download and click on its icon instead of steam icon 😂

Blu3_Berry1841d ago

No I am not going to sell my PC.

Reefskye1840d ago

You laugh but the point is you understand nothing it's not just another launcher. It's a shit launcher and with everything pc if you don't like one launcher u can buy it from another or somewhere like gog. You don't understand what your talking about so why don't you pipe down

gums0071841d ago ShowReplies(1)
FalconofLucis981841d ago ShowReplies(1)
boing11841d ago ShowReplies(2)
KwietStorm_BLM1840d ago

So what's your actual reasoning for not using Epic's launcher?

Blu3_Berry1840d ago

There are several reasons that I have explained about in my previous comments and countless others have the same thoughts. My main reason for not supporting Epic is because of their stupid timed-exclusivity deal practice. That is a terrible practice for us as consumers. They are literally taking choice and forcing us to use their inferior launcher just to bribe people over into using it. I absolutely hate that practice and all it does is push me further away from using Epic's launcher. I want them to compete on other levels with features such as the free game every two weeks, not holding games hostage from Steam. It's bullsh*t.

KwietStorm_BLM1840d ago

You as the consumer don't have to pay anything extra to play games on Epic, so it's not literally being held hostage. That's just a funny analogy. Improving the launcher takes time if you want actual tangible improvements. Game exclusivity is a stop gap, and it's not nearly as big a deal as net dwellers are making it. These same people were complaining about Steam getting lax, but now when someone else steps up, it's oh oh oh I'm taking my ball and going home. Saying you "won't be able to" play future games is a pure lie from the door. You're making that choice.

Zenbaby3691840d ago

He won't be able to due to factors he has described. He has things he doesn't like about the platform. Just because these factors are choices he makes doesn't make them non-factors. They still add up to him not being able to play the game. Think of it as like not being able to eat pork because of religion or something. The competition is great, yes. However, who really wants to download another program with basically no features. I'm not one of those people who care about achievements, but a lot do. Also, I don't want to have epic, and steam, and origin, and uplay all open at once. But you know what? They all have a different friends list, and Steam has really good features. At some point enough is enough, I'm going to have so many freaking launchers up that my computer won't be able to run a game etc. etc. etc.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1839d ago
Sgt_Slaughter1841d ago

Money talks unfortunately.

Not exactly having optimistic feelings for the future of gaming at this rate.

Show all comments (169)

PSN Store "PlayStation Indies" Sale Kicks Off, Here Are the Discounted Games

Sony has launched the PSN Store "PlayStation Indies" sale this May 15, and this one is full of smaller titles at a discounted rate.


Hypercharge Unboxed Dev Saddened By Claims It'll Be 'Dead' Without Xbox Game Pass

One of the big Xbox releases heading our way in May 2024 is the long-awaited Hypercharge Unboxed, which is finally bringing its "first and third-person shooter action figure game" to Xbox consoles on Friday, May 31st.

Sadly, ahead of launch, the game's official Twitter (or "X") account has been highlighting the "trolls" who are claiming that because it's not launching on Game Pass, Hypercharge Unboxed is already set up for failure on Xbox.

helicoptergirl19h ago

It's horrible what people will say, but the truth might be harsh. There is a good chance it might not do well on Xbox if it's not on GamePass. There is a strong possibility that is the case. We'll see.

When it launches on Playstation in the future you can rest assured it will sell much better. The devs have confirmed it's coming to Playstation in the future.

"It is built in the Unreal Engine 4. The game was released on the Nintendo eShop on January 31, 2020 and on Steam on April 27, 2020. The development of Hypercharge: Unboxed for the Xbox platform was officially announced on July 16, 2022, with the developers also confirming future support for the PlayStation."

ZeekQuattro18h ago

I remember having this on my radar years ago for the Switch but never pulled the trigger on it. Crazy it's still not on PlayStation yet.

northpaws9h ago

And that's the problem of GamePass.

JEECE9h ago

Unfortunately once people are conditioned to expect to get something as part of a subscription they already pay for, they are unlikely to buy it a la carte. Some games, including this one, now look like "Gamepass Games" to a huge chunk of the Xbox audience. Maybe this game will buck that trend, and I wish them luck, but I'd imagine they'll have a rough go trying to sell this game on Xbox.

shinoff21838h ago

Hopefully their game not selling on Xbox doesn't stop them from bringing it to ps. I can't imagine why a developer would go Xbox first if their not on gamepass. Good luck to them though.

JEECE8h ago

Yeah I can't figure that out either. I mean I understand why you go there first if you get a Gamepass payday, but if you are just trying to sell copies it doesn't make sense. Fewer users overall, and a smaller percentage of those users are willing to buy indie games a la carte.

Jingsing6h ago

Yeah, I can't understand it either unless there is some deep routed fan-boyism from the developer, which isn't very clever if you are trying to make a living. Fatshark is a perfect example of a developer sending their games to die on Xbox and they kept doing it.

Jingsing6h ago

British guy saying Xbox is his dream console doesn't really sit right does it. 5 generations of PlayStation in the UK and you haven't figured out what console is going to make you the most money. That is the mistake you've made.


Epic Games Faces $1.2 Million Fine Over "Unfair Practices," Plans to Fight Back

Epic Games is facing a $1.2 million fine by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets over "unfair practices" in the Fortnite shop.

Sciurus_vulgaris1d 2h ago

It might be cheaper to simply pay the fine. Fighting said fine could cost millions due to court and lawyer fees. Fortnite generates well over a 100 million in each month, so Epic has plenty of cash.

franwex18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

But if they did pay it, then they are basically admitting that they did something they weren’t supposed to be doing. If they fight it, they may win and continue to have a sense of urgency for their micro transactions thus making more money long term.

Goodguy0110h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Meaning more suits to follow from others if they don't fight as well.

Not a fan of Epic nor fortnite and their micro transactions. But the game is heavily supported and is free to play, all store items are completely cosmetic.

16h ago
Furesis13h ago

I'd fight back too. These are kinda meaningless reasons to fine someone like really for THAT. It's like they just wanted to make money or something.

Sephiroushin3h ago

There is a law for something, but even if its stupid follow it because if you break it you pay for it; if they knew they cant place a “buy now” in NL then just dont do it!