
Why I stopped loving JRPGs

JRPGs used to be Erik Twice's favourite genre. He played and loved all the classics, from Final Fantasy to Chrono Trigger. But he no longer does. In this article, he explains his disappointment with the genre and what they can do to improve.

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naruga1905d ago (Edited 1905d ago )

...because they became crap over the time that s why.......back in late 80s 90s ..the guys who were making games (therefore JRPGs ) were talented people coming from Art academies, music academies (unrelated to games) or various other jobs that needed to have higher education and they were assuming multiple roles in the development of a game (they were artists ,directors and programmers simultaneously) ...now most of the developers come from specific "game developping "schools or game art schools with minimal higher education and games getting poorer and poorer (from many perspectives (art , writing , gameplay) ...for example Kojima , shinji mikami , Miyazaki , Sagakuchi were all unrelated to games but had higher level of education with University degrees , that s why managed to become legendary directors as their views in game making was catholic and not sterille ....in contrast game makers like Kamiya (he started the downfall of RE2) Jun takeuchi were second generation developers with minimal education in academic things except computer graphics ...that s why compeltely destroyed whole game IPs

.Jrpgs followed the pattern also , ending to be tons of them but not even one artisantly made like the old FFs or Suikoden etcetc...the same happened to most games genres

tontontam01905d ago (Edited 1905d ago )

That's top grade weaboo knowledge.

Kingthrash3601905d ago

All I gotta say is....persona 5

Also, articles like this is why I barely read gaming articles anymore. This simply exists for clicks.

Shinox1905d ago (Edited 1905d ago )

Of course you would have to say that, you don't have that "weeb" knowledge to even discuss about gaming let alone knowing about the current state of the Japanese gaming industry .. get in his level or stay a worthless ignorant filthy casual like the idiots who agree with you

DrumBeat1905d ago

I don't think I've played a true JRPG since the Lunar games on Sega CD. Goddamn, that was a long time ago.

meatnormous1905d ago

I played the lunar games as well. Eternal blue was amazing

ChrisW1905d ago

I stopped playing (or enjoying) them at about the time the Dreamcast died... Not that I didn't try...

As to why? It's pretty much the same reason why I no longer enjoy new Anime. They are so cliche, almost to the point of a trope, and the formula has almost never changed... And anything that was changed or new, wasn't enough to keep my interest from waning. Even Japanese dramas aren't anything new these days. In fact most of them are based on popular drama manga, which follow the same cliches.

IMO, the 90s was the end of the pinnacle for Japan when it comes to story telling...

mav8051905d ago

The Lunar games are two of my favorites. Love the characters, music and one of the best villains in all of gaming.

As far as the quality of current jrpgs, Persona 5 came out 2 years ago and is my favorite game of all time.

1905d ago Replies(2)
SegaSaturn6691905d ago

We see some great gems pop up. Bravely Default comes to mind. A lot can go wrong. I couldn't believe how bad ff4: The After Years was. Played like bad fanfiction.

The 10th Rider1905d ago

Yeah, I think most JRPG developersmoved to handhelds. Both Nintendo and Don't handhelds got some awesome JRPGs.

piroh1905d ago

Ni no kuni 2 and Dragon quest 11 are great too

The 10th Rider1905d ago

Ooph, Sony auto corrected to don't for me there. I must have hit a wrong key.


Yeah, now that the DS line and Sony handhelds are done for, we're starting to see a lot more great JRPGs back on home consoles again.

ShinRon1905d ago

undertale counts as a jrpg right? it was amazing

Kingthrash3601905d ago

I mean you had the answer inside of the question bro.....get you gaming knowledge up.

ShinRon1905d ago

i dont see how the answer is in the question... the game is the exact same style as a jrpg like dragon warrior or earthbound.

with the disagrees im guessing it not considered an rpg

capjacksparrow1905d ago

It's not a jrpg if it isn't Japanese. It may have jrpg style, but it can't be considered one. Man, I hated that game. Thought it was one of the most overrated things I've played.

SegaSaturn6691904d ago

I enjoyed the Undertale soundtrack more than the game itself. It was funny enough but the gameplay is stale and uninviting once you see the endings.

Gamist2dot01905d ago

Are Bloodborne and Nioh considered JRPG? Because I like them; story and game play especially BB.Then there's Dragon's Crown which I started but need to get back and finish it.

luckytrouble1905d ago

Not at all. JRPG specifically refers to turn based RPGs that were popularized by Japanese game developers in the 80s and 90s. They are focused on fantasy almost always, have a defined level up progression system (in a levels are more important than outright skill kind of way), and they usually abide by similar story telling tropes such as the final boss threatening the end of the world and stuff like that.

Bloodborne and Nioh are both great games, but they're more action games with RPG elements. In both the games, levels certainly help, but in the end skill can carry you without ever playing into the RPG elements if you're good enough. Even if the RPG elements were necessary, it would be more a J-ARPG or just ARPG. Silly desiginations generally, but neither would be a JRPG as they're classically defined.

Man_Among_Mice1905d ago


Actually JRPGs are literally just RPGs made in Japan. Nowhere in a description of what a JRPG is will you find that it needs to be turn based, just made in Japan. There's really no other distinction than that. Just because they all followed the same formula in the past doesn't mean that's what makes them a JRPG. If we followed your specific definition then Kingdom Hearts or FFXV wouldn't even be considered a JRPG when everyone would agree that they are. So yeah, Bloodborne and NIoh can easily be considerd JRPGs, even though they are more action oriented.

BlaqMagiq11905d ago (Edited 1905d ago )

Umm what? JRPG has NEVER been considered a genre. Ever. A JRPG has ALWAYS been a distinction of where an RPG comes from. And that is where? Japan. Action RPG is a genre. And guess what? Action RPGs can also be JRPGs. Just because it's not turn-based or a traditional level up system does not make it not a JRPG. I'm going against the grain? No I'm just speaking the truth. Stop twisting the idea of what a JRPG is to fit your argument.

BlaqMagiq11905d ago

Yes they are JRPGs. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If it's an RPG and made by a Japanese developer it is a JRPG. Plain and simple.

luckytrouble1905d ago

Imagine reading the article or what's actually meant by JRPG. But your against the grain method of opinion making is surely popular, so keep at it.

Chaos_Order1905d ago


JRPG is a genre. Genres are there to define the type of experience, its inspiration, and what you can expect, not the country where it was developed. With that logic, every restaurant within 100 miles of my town is an English restaurant. They serve ramen? Donburi? Udon? No, sorry, the restaurant is in England and the people who made it are English, therefore it is English food.
Even the term "role playing game" could relate to just about anything. I mean, in Super Mario I'm "playing the role" of Mario, so therefore it must be a role playing game. But it's not, because that term has gained connotations beyond the literal meanings of those words. The same goes for JRPG. Bloodborne would be best described as an ARPG or WRPG with some Japanese influences. Made by Japanese devs in Japan, not a JRPG.

BlaqMagiq11905d ago


"JRPG is a genre. Genres are there to define the type of experience, its inspiration, and what you can expect, not the country where it was developed. With that logic, every restaurant within 100 miles of my town is an English restaurant. They serve ramen? Donburi? Udon? No, sorry, the restaurant is in England and the people who made it are English, therefore it is English food."

Umm this makes literally no sense. If anything you just strengthened my point. Even if they served Japanese food, it would STILL be considered an English restaurant regardless. Having influences of something doesn't change what it really is.

"Even the term "role playing game" could relate to just about anything. I mean, in Super Mario I'm "playing the role" of Mario, so therefore it must be a role playing game. But it's not, because that term has gained connotations beyond the literal meanings of those words. The same goes for JRPG. Bloodborne would be best described as an ARPG or WRPG with some Japanese influences. Made by Japanese devs in Japan, not a JRPG."

And your comparison of Super Mario makes no sense either. In the Super Mario traditional games, they are considered PLATFORMERS, never once were they specified as an RPG. In Super Mario RPG it literally plays like a role-playing game and it's from Japan. It is considered a JRPG. The genre "role-playing game" was established a long time ago. Now you're trying to twist the meaning that was established just to fit your argument. Again influences does not stop a game from being JRPG. Bloodborne and Nioh are action RPGs that can still considered be JRPGs. Action RPG is a genre, JRPG is not. With your logic I guess Kingdom Hearts and FFXV aren't JRPGs anymore, but I guarantee most people will disagree with you on that one. Also with your logic, Child of Light is considered a JRPG when it's clearly not one. JRPG has NEVER been a genre. It's literally a distinction for where a RPG is made.

ginganinja1905d ago

Ask what a JRPG is and you'll get as many different definitions as you get answers. Which indicates there isn't a definitive answer.
I'm of the 'if it's an RPG made in Japan, then it's a JRPG' school of thought.
Though, as a term, I think it's becoming fairly redundant as gaming has evolved since it was first termed.

Chaos_Order1905d ago

That's a good point actually, not everyone will agree because everyone considers the term in their own way. In other mediums though it tends to be the opposite, for example in tabletop gaming the term "Euro game" was coined, and generally relates as games that include resource management, "cube pushing" and token trading. (It is rather difficult to define) The term was popularised with games like Puerto Rico and other games made by European developers, but since then more have joined the fray, so that "Euro game" does not mean "a game made by Europeans." Then you have dungeon crawlers that... Aren't set in a dungeon and games set in a dungeon that... Aren't considered dungeon crawlers. Then there are other terms like "Ameritrash" which can include games made by Americans but not always, and 18XX which includes 1829 and 1830 but also other railway building games. In my opinion a descriptive term does its job when you hear it and immediately know what to expect. A lot of people hate the term "walking simulator" as it sounds like a derogatory term, but personally I think it does its job. You hear "walking simulator" and immediately know what to expect. "Interactive storytelling adventure" could mean a whole bunch of things.

But that's just my take.

Shinox1905d ago (Edited 1905d ago )

That doesn'r need a definitions or an answer you idiots :
JRPG = Japanese - R O L E - Playing Games
get your head out of your asses and learn gaming for once you worthless ignorant filthy casuals

Godmars2901905d ago (Edited 1905d ago )

Because they've become too commercialized. Too focused on medieval/fantasy settings that feature J-pop themed loli characters.

Would love to see something futuristic/sci-fi w/non-human characters to interact with.

NecrumOddBoy1905d ago

Like FF XIII? Star Ocean? Phantasy Star?

Or more like The Outer Worlds and Cyberpunk 2077?

Godmars2901905d ago

"Like FF XIII"


And Star Ocean is more fantasy with sci-fi trimming where Phantasy Star hasn't been an RPG, and that "J"RPG so don't know why you even bothered with Western titles, since going online. Not that I'm trying to dis them.

Shinox1905d ago

Why mention XIII specifically .. yikes >_>

NapalmSanctuary1905d ago

I actually think FF needs to go back to its medieval fantasy roots. You are right about the cliches, though. Sakaguchi was always good at creating great characters that were easy to get invested in.

CorndogBurglar1905d ago

I would be okay with FF going back to its medieval roots. But at the same time I feel like FF should be i different setting each time. For example, it shouldn't always be medieval. Or any one type of setting.

But I must say, something that felt really weird to me is the setting of FF15. Just the modern timeline with cars and all that? It just seemed so.....un-FF.

NapalmSanctuary1905d ago

Yeah, FF15 was a weird one, for all the wrong reasons.

shinoff21831905d ago (Edited 1905d ago )

FF imo just needs to go back to old school with maybe just better graphics. FF15 didnt seem very FF at all

nitus101904d ago (Edited 1904d ago )

I take it you have not played Final Fantasy 4 onwards since they are not really medieval but a combination of Science Fantasy and Magic (medieval flavour if you want). After all, since when did a medieval game have things like air or even space ships?

Note: I have not played FF1 through 3 so I can't comment but I have played 4 through 13. I have FF15 but have not played it yet since I just recently got a 32" 4K monitor that supports HDR10 and even though I have a standard PS4 HDR10 is detected and works for certain games so I am replaying Horizon Zero Dawn.

BTW. A quick search for HDR PS4 supported games will show a pretty good list which does include FF15, HZD, and even "The Witcher 3".

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1904d ago
shinoff21831905d ago

Try cosmic star. I dont agree with your main point but Id love more sci fi jrpg settings.

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shinoff218332d ago

If only they didn't screw ps4 owners over with a physical release. I'd have ran through this in a heartbeat.

LG_Fox_Brazil32d ago

The first one I played, it was the one that made me fall in love with JRPGs and is still my favorite to this day. A masterpiece


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